Guardian Domination

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Guardian Domination Page 12

by Breanna Hayse

  “Thanks for deciding to join us,” he said, “Next time I tell you ten minutes, I expect to see you in ten minutes.”

  “Oh, chill out,” I sassed, avoiding his reach.

  “That’s one,” he said, pointing his finger at me.

  Gayle grunted. “You would never let me get away with that.”

  “You aren’t my little girl,” Jace answered back.

  “I’m not a little girl, Jace Jordon,” I spouted.

  “You will always be my little girl, Short Stuff. Especially when you pout. Wipe that look off your face or I might have to kiss you.”

  My jaw fell open in surprise and Mark laughed. “Wow, you finally found a way to silence her. Okay, you guys, the reason I wanted to have this talk is to let you know that, after I was severely reprimanded by my young charge for being a dickhead, I wanted to set something straight.” He turned to Gayle, got down on his right knee, and opened a box to show a stunning antique diamond ring given to him by his grandmother.

  She threw her hands in front of her mouth. “This will be the first, and last time I will kneel before you, my princess. Will you please marry me?”

  “Yes. YES!” she screamed, throwing her arms around his neck and then shaking when he placed the ring on her hand.

  Jace was grinning as he hugged her tightly. “Welcome to the family, Gayle. Now you will have an official big brother and little sister to drive you crazy.”

  “Big bother, you mean,” I teased, hugging her tightly. They accepted Jace’s offer to have the ceremony and reception on the estate and insisted that he stand in place of her father.

  Mark snickered, remarking how appropriate that was, given the condition of her backside. In celebration, Jace offered to take us all out for dinner at Le Jardin.

  My life was suddenly inundated with distractions. With Mark and Gayle focusing on the wedding, and Jace being buried in recording contracts, I found that I could easily disappear for hours without being noticed. Even better, disappear with a guy I had met while horseback riding and who had asked me to the beach for a picnic by means of his jet ski.

  Erik was my age and absolutely adorable with shaggy blond hair and blue eyes. Most importantly, he liked me. I know my guardians too well, and anticipated that I would have received a solid ‘no’ had I asked permission to go on this date. Besides, neither had told me directly that I could not date, and I was nineteen now.

  I scurried over the locked gate and down the steps. Despite Jace’s trepidation about the sea stairs, they were sturdy, railed on both sides and the tide was low and quiet. Erik zoomed to where I waited, banked the ski and took out a plastic covered basket. The perfect first date ended in a wonderful, passionate kiss. It felt so different than the affectionate, brief kisses I received from Jace, making me wonder how I would feel if it was his mouth pressed against mine, and if it was his tongue probing so insistently.

  Erik and I had two more “picnics” on the beach, each one as fun as the first. As much as I enjoyed the attention, I also felt that occasional flash of guilt as I glanced up at the sea deck. Everything went smoothly, until our fourth date. Erik and I were making out on a rock in the cove when I heard “CELESTE!”

  “Oh shit, I’m busted,” I told Erik. “I gotta go. I’ll talk to you later, 'kay?” I made it carefully up the stairs and, not seeing anyone as I peeked over to the deck, I climbed over the fence.

  I froze mid-step as Jace stood before me, arms crossed, and watching every move. He pointed to the house and I entered without a word, hearing him close the French doors behind us. I knew that I was seriously busted on multiple accounts, but still plopped on the couch, arms crossed and scowled at him.

  “Well?” he asked, sitting down.

  “Deep subject,” I hissed, trying to push down my fear.

  “Now is not the time to sass me, Little Girl. Who was that boy?”

  “Just a guy I met horseback riding. He’s no one.”

  “Glad to know you make out with no one,” Jace said sarcastically with a hint of jealousy in his tone. “And your reason for disobeying me regarding those stairs?”

  “I had to get down there somehow, didn’t I? I couldn’t exactly go to the public entrance and climb over the sea wall.”

  “You’re already in enough trouble, Miss. Watch your mouth,” Jace’s voice was taking on that tone.

  “There is nothing to watch. You just don’t like my answers,” I answered back.

  “Over my knee, now!” he ordered.

  “No!” I yelled, not moving.

  “You have ‘til the count of three…”

  “Get a fuckin’ life!” I yelled, determined not to let him intimidate me today.

  He reached over and grabbed my earlobe, reminding me of how debilitating that simple move was. He had me pinned over his left knee with his right leg tightened over both of mine, peeling my sundress up and my panties down. I was screaming and fighting him for all I was worth. I knew I didn’t stand a chance, but, damn it, I was going to give it all I had!

  He trapped my hands behind my back with his left hand before he crashed his right down hard across my bottom. I yelled louder, calling him every name I could think of, swearing up a storm and telling him how unfair and mean he was.

  The spanking, needless to say, did not stop. In fact, it grew more intense. I never realized how much he edited his spanks when it came to me. I was receiving full-force by now and it hurt more than I ever remembered! He spanked and spanked. I fought and fought. It was a battle of the wills, one that I had no hope of winning. I finally stopped kicking and yelling, tears coming out in exhausted spurts. It was then he stopped.

  “Keep your panties down and go stand in that corner. Hold your skirt up so I can see that bottom. No rubbing. Hands behind your back and nose to the wall,” he commanded.

  The arrival of the new maid added to my mortification, and I tried to disappear in the corner as she hummed while dusting and vacuuming the carpets. I was still standing there when Mark and Gayle came home from picking out invitations.

  Mark did his familiar whistle when he saw my bottom, and Gayle said “ow” in sympathy. Jace approached them to let them know what had happened. Mark was totally unsympathetic while Gayle tried to defend me before being quickly silenced by both Mark and Jace. I still stood there while they had dinner together. My legs were tired and I had to pee, so I raised my hand. Gayle came over.

  “I need to go to the bathroom,” I sniffed. She asked Jace’s permission and, once done, I was sent back to the corner. After another thirty minutes, totaling nearly two hours corner time, Jace called me back to the couch.

  Without warning, I was pressed once again over his lap and, in the sight of both Mark and Gayle, receiving a second spanking of the same intensity as earlier. And, like before, I fought, squirmed, yelled, called him names, and bit him. I was not released until all the defiance was spanked out of me and then returned to my corner, bottom exposed, for yet another hour.

  Just when I thought this terrible day was finally over, I found myself across his knee a third time for another severe spanking, but this time I didn’t have to strength to fight or the energy to open my mouth to him. He had literally spanked the sass right out of me and I was sent immediately to bed without dinner, hugs or cuddles. It was after midnight when Gayle came in carrying a PB&J and glass of milk, quietly closing the door with her finger to her lips.

  “Shhh, it’s me. I brought you something to eat. It will help you sleep,” she whispered.

  “Thanks. Won’t you get in trouble for this?” I whispered back.

  “Only if I’m caught. You know, that was a pretty awful thing you did to Jace. You need to watch what you say.” She stroked my face.

  “I know. Sometimes this monster takes over and I can’t shut her up,” I admitted sadly.

  “I was the same way for a long time. I just learned that you can never take back mean things that are said.”

  “He’s really hurt, isn’t he?”

p; “Nah, Jace’s made of tougher stuff than that. And I’m sure he’s been expecting the challenge to come sooner or later. All of us do it.”


  “His subs. You’re one of us now, Kiddo. In training.” She grinned. I don’t know why, but that made me feel good. “You’re lucky; you’ll never have to deal with the extent of humiliation that some of us do. He’s too attached to you.”

  “What would a sub do if she were in my shoes?” I asked.

  Gayle considered the question. “I guess that depends on the sub and her relationship with her Dom. I could tell you what I would do. I would march my little backside straight to Jace and apologize with every ounce of humility I had in me. I would also ask his permission to introduce him to this young man and accept whatever answer he gave me without an argument.”

  “But what if he says no to me seeing Erik again?”

  “Then he says no, and you accept it. You disobeyed his orders about the stairs, you don’t want to also disobey him about this boy. You will lose more than your sitting privileges. You will lose his trust. Nothing is worth that. Besides, I think Jace had a visit from the little green monster when he caught you kissing the guy. He’s very possessive of you,” she said seriously. “I gotta go before Mark notices I’m gone. They're downstairs recording. Sleep well and think about what I said.” With a quick kiss on the cheek, she scurried out of the room.

  I took a deep breath. She was right. I got out of bed and cleaned myself up, waiting for the sound of voices downstairs. Ever so carefully, I walked down and stopped when all three of them looked over at me from the living room.

  I gathered my courage and went to Jace, fell on my knees and begged his forgiveness with my hands in his lap, eyes locked on his. I cried as I apologized, told him I was being mean and acting like a spoiled brat, and that I deserved so much more than the spanking I received. Jace stayed silent, taking it all in, his beautiful blue eyes never leaving my face.

  Mark whispered to Gayle “Did you go talk to her?” She bit her lip and nodded, and Mark mouthed “Thank you.”

  Jace tapped his finger against his cheek, looking down at me. Instead of bringing me up to him, he slid on the floor next to me and wrapped his arm around me, cradling me on his lap like a baby. “You don’t have to kneel at my feet, Sweetheart. I forgive you. And you are forbidden to see that boy again, understand?”

  “Yes, Sir. May I text him and let him know?”

  “No, I will text him and let him know. And you will have a job to do to make up for the stair incident.”

  “Yes Sir, anything,” I felt hopeful; he had forgiven me!

  “You will research a contractor to rebuild those stairs and make it as safe as possible. I don’t want to take any risk in losing you. That should distract you from any trouble for a while.”

  “Oh, thank you, Jace. Thank you so much. I love you!” I clung to him, once again desiring to feel his lips on mine. Nor did I desire that he change, noting that the sterner he was with me, the more loved I felt. Maybe Gayle was right. Perhaps I was becoming a sub after all. And if that was what Jace needed to notice me as a woman, then I would find a way to give it to him.

  Chapter Twelve

  Truth or Dare

  It was early June and, after a beautiful wedding, Jace sent Mark and Gayle on a two-week cruise to Alaska as a wedding gift. Other than a couple of trips over Jace’s knee to reinforce the need to curb my tongue, I kept myself out of trouble and alleviated my boredom with horseback riding and ice skating.

  I was hanging out with some of the girls from the rink when I was approached by Jeannie, who believed that her father’s wealth and position in the community earned her entitlement. I had no patience for people like her, but I had promised Jace I would try very hard to get along with the more difficult individuals I ran across.

  “You live in that big mansion on the cliff, don’t you? The one with the private beach?” she asked. I nodded, wondering where this was going. She continued, “A bunch of us were thinking it would be fun to have a sleepover or something. It would be cool to have it near the beach. Do you think Mr. Jordon would let us?”

  “I don’t know, he’s kind of funny about things like that.”

  “Have you ever asked him?” she challenged. I shook my head and she tilted hers. “I can understand if you’re embarrassed about your place or something; I hear he had bought it as a foreclosure and only fixed up the outside…” she began.

  “Shut up, Jeannie,” Denise intervened. “I’ve seen her place and it’s better than yours any day. I was there last year with my mom when they were redesigning the upstairs. But you know, Celeste, a sleepover would be fun. It could give us time to choreograph the number we have to do.”

  She had a point. Plus, this would provide an opportunity to give Jeannie something to stew over. Jace was such a hermit that it made a little town like Carmel gossip like crazy. It bothered me because some people believed him to be ‘mentally maladjusted’ and stayed far away. They didn’t know the incredibly wonderful, loving man who I lived with.

  “Alright, I’ll ask him. But it would have to be a night either he or Mark was home so weekend nights are probably out,” I said firmly. I didn’t like the look I saw in Jeannie’s eyes, but the other six girls seemed excited.

  When Jace picked me up, I reluctantly asked about having the party, praying he would say no. Of course, Jace always knows how to keep me on my toes. He not only said yes, but offered to BBQ and buy whatever I wanted. Damn! Hasn’t the man learned yet that I hate entertaining as much as he does?

  I informed him smugly that, except for cooking, we were not to see his face or try to embarrass me with his awful jokes. I also had to admit to myself that I didn’t want those girls drooling over him. He was handsome and strong—and mine.

  The party was set for next Friday. With Mark being gone on his honeymoon, Jace did not book any gigs. Everything went smoothly, with Jeannie silently scowling the majority of the time. We had the rare luxury of ocean access to our own private beach and the new sea stairs with the safety cage and a large floating deck in the inlet provided a unique camping experience. At around 2:00 am, Jace said his goodnights and left us.

  Jeannie grabbed my arm. “Is he a deep sleeper? He’s not going to come down here, is he?” she asked, noticing he hadn’t told us to keep it down.

  “He couldn’t hear anything all the way in his room. Why?” I answered back.

  She grinned evilly. “Good, let’s play truth or dare.”

  I didn’t like the sound of this and I questioned her intent. The other girls were up to it, though, so I went along. We used a coke bottle to pick who would be asked. Jeannie started, landing on Denise, who picked truth.

  “Are you crushing on any boy? And you have to tell us his name.”

  Denise blushed every color red and admitted to liking David, the college guy at the rink. Everyone started laughing at her. David was this chubby, goofy looking guy who liked to L.A.R.P. Poor Denise looked like she wanted to crawl into a hole. It was her turn to spin. She got Sabrina, who picked 'dare'.

  “I dare you to make out with that pillow for two minutes.”

  That was innocent enough, and Sabrina laughed along with the rest of us.

  The game went on for about ten minutes before it landed on me. Steph asked how much money Jace had. I blushed and told them. Jeannie’s mouth hung open. It wasn’t like it hadn’t been publically announced or anything, come on. Jeannie was pissed. She got Lilly, but looked at me.

  “What was the worse punishment you ever got, when and for what?”

  This was getting too close to home. I know she had seen Jace wallop me on the backside at least once, and it’s really hard to hide the occasional bruise on the upper thigh when wearing a skating skirt. Lilly admitted that her mother washed her mouth out with soap for swearing and then grounded her only two months ago. She looked so embarrassed as Jeannie commented about her being treated like a baby instead of a high school senior.

  “Lay off, Jeannie,” I said. “Maybe if your parents did that to you, you would be a nicer person.”

  “How about you? What does Mr. Guardian do to you when you fuck up?” she said nastily.

  I glared at her. “Both Jace and Mark have taught me better manners than what you are showing. Now either shut up and finish playing the game, or let’s go to sleep,” I growled. She knew! Jeannie spun again and there was no way I would pick truth when it landed on me.

  “I dare you to take Jace’s car down to the market and buy everyone Twinkies.”

  “Come on, Jean, that sucks. She doesn’t have a license,” Sabrina said, looking at me.

  Gretchen stepped in, “You want her to break the law. That’s not cool. You know she’s on probation. Pick something else.”

  “Chicken?” she asked me. “Then you have to answer a Truth. What does The Guardian do to you? Come on, say it.”

  “I’ll be right back,” I snarled, getting up and climbing the sea stairs to the house. I took Jace’s keys off the foyer table and my heart pounded as I started the Lexus and headed out the drive. I made it down to the market, bought the Twinkies and returned to the house.

  Unfortunately, as my luck would have it, I scratched the passenger side of the car along the gate as I drove in. By then, everyone had enough of Jeannie’s game and we went down to the beach to eat Twinkies and walk along the edge of the surf.

  Jace woke us to a pancake breakfast the next morning. I wasn’t very hungry as the combination of the sugary Twinkies, plus the guilt, took over. I had a hard time making eye contact with him as well, and could not wait for the party to end. The girls who had not driven themselves were picked up by their parents by noon, with Jace cordially inviting them in, offering them a drink and playing the perfect host.

  Even Dr. Parker was impressed as he commented on the sea stairs and Jace’s foresight to avoid an accident. Jeannie just smoldered, and looked nauseous as Jace and Dr. Parker shook hands like old friends.


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