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Page 20

by Daniel Schinhofen

  “Like I thought,” Sean said. “Ven, have Fiona come to the front, please. I’m going to take Andrea upstairs.”

  “Yes, sir,” the Fairy said before shooting into the back.

  Sean bent at the knees and picked Andrea up in a princess carry. “Sir, stop, you shouldn’t—” Andrea began to protest.

  “Shh,” Sean interrupted her. “It’s easiest to get you up the stairs this way.” Carrying the maid, who clung to him, Sean got her up to her bedroom where Chastity was laying down. “Both of you are to stay here until you’re recovered. Understood?”

  “Yes, sir,” they said in unison while Sean laid Andrea on her bed.

  Making his way back to the front shop room, Sean shook his head. At least that’s taken care of. I won’t feel like a fucking creep now when giving them energy.

  “How are they?” Fiona asked as he entered the room.

  “Wobbly, but they both were smiling,” Sean admitted.

  “They should both be past that phase now,” Fiona said, touching his cheek. “Hopefully, you’ll stop feeling so awkward about them now.”

  “That’s my hope.”

  “What did the messenger want?” Fiona asked, changing the topic.

  “It’s part of my deal with Silvertouch, regarding the pipes. I need to finish Shaping a few things for her. The first piece was what was delivered.” Pulling the box from under the counter, Sean opened it, passing it to her.

  Fiona looked at the contents, pulling out the portrait and the note. “May I?”

  “What’s mine is yours,” Sean said.

  With a bright smile, Fiona unrolled the note and read it. Passing it to Sean, she took a long look at the portrait before picking up the statue. Taking the note, Sean read it over.

  “A gift for Lord Sharpeyes? She thinks big, I’ll give her that,” Sean muttered. Picking up the portrait, he looked at the cold-eyed image that seemed to hold the viewer in contempt. “Pleasant guy.”

  “He’s a minor noble, but still connected by blood to House Greenlimb,” Fiona said as her hands caressed the statue. “None of them are overflowing with care or concern.”

  “Wanted to handle it, did you?”

  “I’ll better be able to capture his essence, having dealt with his ilk before,” Fiona replied.

  “Fair enough,” Sean nodded. “Go ahead and go back to the others. I’ll hang out here until Chastity comes back down, or we break for sparring.”

  “As you wish, dear.”

  Fiona gave him a warm smile as she headed into the back. Left alone again, Sean looked around the shop. A good portion of their stock had been purchased today, which meant that some of what they were working on now would need to be brought out. Sean was glad Fiona had handled the deal with MacLenn, otherwise he might have over promised the delivery date, and they’d be short for their own business.

  Taking a chunk of wood from under the counter, Sean began to Shape more hair clips as he waited. Should get a chair here so Chastity can sit if there are no active customers to serve.

  Sean soon had a collection of mostly assembled hair clips that just needed some copper to finish the clasps. The door opened and the small bell attached to it jingled, alerting him to someone in the shop. “How can I help— oh, hi Maridis. How did the day go?”

  “I sold everything, sir.” Maridis said, setting a pouch on the counter. “Here’s the coin. I told everyone I’ll be there every Tenday, and that today was just to let people know the shop was open for business.”

  “No problems?”

  “No sir, though a number of customers expressed their hesitance to come to the shop,” Maridis told him. “It’s well established at this point that the clips are being Shaped. Most people are shocked that a Shaper would take the time to make something for those of lower means.”

  “Ahh. Well, that just means you’ll have business on Tenday, then. Did Fiona already pay you?”

  “Yes, sir. Thank you again for the job. It means so much to me,” Maridis sniffled, holding back tears.

  “You’re welcome. I hope you’re able to pay the Bond price soon,” Sean told her.

  “Thank you. Good eve, sir.” Dabbing at her eyes, Maridis left the shop.

  “Sir, Fiona wishes to tell you that they are heading for the yard to spar. I’m off to inform the others,” Ven said from behind Sean.

  “I’ll lock up and be right there,” Sean replied.

  Sean locked the door and took down the open sign. Heading to the back room, he rolled his shoulders, ready to get some practice in. Sounds from the stairs brought his attention to Chastity.

  “Where’s Andrea?”

  “She is getting things ready for dinner, sir.”

  “We’ll have to get her practice in earlier, then,” Sean muttered. “Okay, let’s go get you started on self-defense. Myna will be teaching you to start with.”

  “I’m ready to learn, sir.”

  “You can call me Sean,” he told her. “No need to call me sir.”

  “I… I’ll try, Sean.”

  “That’ll work.”

  As he walked into the yard, Sean’s hand slapped out to the right, knocking away a small wooden blade that came his way from Ryann. Time seemed to slow as he twisted, pushing Chastity behind him as his left arm came up and took the hammer blow from the other side, where Ida tried to ambush him. Stepping fully out into the yard, he triggered Mage Sight, concentrating to limit it to just one eye, overlaying normal sight and Mage Sight. Two shapes— one black and white, the other green and white— were approaching him from across the yard, but he couldn’t see either of them with normal vision. Ducking down, he picked up two small rocks and flung them at Fiona and Myna’s shapes, then sprang to his feet and darted into the open.

  Spinning on the women, Sean pulled Dark Cutter and Shaped it into a wooden blade. “That was fucking dirty. Well done.”

  “And yet we didn’t win or even hit you,” Fiona said, rubbing at her arm where the rock had hit.

  “Sean, were you using Mage Sight the whole time?” Myna asked, still Camouflaged.

  “I’m running Mage Sight in my left eye only,” Sean said. He could just make out the open-mouthed stares from the others. “And these are more secrets to be kept,” he told them. “Now, are we going to do this normally?”

  Myna reappeared, having been moving and watching him track her. “Does that strain you?”

  Sean took stock of his energy consumption when she asked. “It isn’t as bad as normal Mage Sight or looking into an object. I might be able to hold this and Camo at the same time.”

  “Something to work on while sparring,” Myna said. “Chastity, come over here. I’ll be showing you the basics of standing today.”

  “We’ll need to pull Andrea out earlier in the day for her to train,” Fiona said. “I’ll spar with Ryann if you want to train with Ida again, dear.”

  “Sounds good,” Sean agreed. “Okay, Ida. That attack was good, but you tried to overswing at me which is why you didn’t get anything but my arm.” Shaping his sword into a hammer, he smiled.

  ~ * ~ * ~

  They were all tired when they made their way up the stairs that evening. Sean had been surprised by how eager Chastity was to learn, even with Myna’s harsh corrections. Ryann had managed to strike Fiona a couple of times during the session, but instead of being elated, she had just asked to go again, focused on improving. Ida had been soaking up everything Sean could teach her, while he had been working through what Darragh had given him.

  As they took their seats in the dining room, Andrea came out with a pitcher of water and a bottle of wine, before she returned to the kitchen. By the time everyone had a drink in front of them, Andrea was back with a large pot. The smell of the stew reached them, making a couple of them drool. Andrea set the pot on the table and returned a moment later with butter and a loaf of bread.

  “That’s everything,” she told Sean as she took her own seat.

  Sean realized the table had been expanded to s
eat ten, along with chairs to match, but it wouldn’t be able to expand again without the room being larger. Serving himself some of the stew and a slice of buttered bread, Sean waited for the others to all take their helping before he began to eat.

  The beef barley stew had just the right amount of pepper to make the dish warm the mouth. The compliments brought a smile to Andrea, who was glad her first dinner had been well received by all of them. Sean used his chunk of bread to sop up the last of the juice from his bowl.

  “That was a very good meal, Andrea,” Sean said, sitting back in his chair with a contented sigh.

  “Thank you, sir. I’ll be doing something a bit more involved tomorrow.”

  “Speaking of tomorrow,” Fiona cut in, “I’ll be having you in the yard for sparring around midday.”

  “Yes, Fiona.”

  “Are we going to the Oaken Glen tonight?” Ida asked.

  “Yeah, in a few minutes,” Sean nodded.

  “I’m going to grab a few things, then. I’ll be right back,” Ida said, getting up from the table. “Thank you for the delicious meal, Andrea.”

  “Are you going to come with us tonight, Myna?” Sean asked.

  Myna’s ears twitched, “If you wish me to, I will gladly do so, Master.”

  “Going to keep calling me that, wife?”

  “Yes. It makes me happy, though I will call you husband as well,” Myna giggled happily.

  “Silly kitty,” Sean chuckled as he got to his feet.

  A couple of gasps followed his nickname for her, but Myna shook her head. “He is allowed to, but only people who are married to him may call me that.”

  Ryann got to her feet, “I’ll accompany you, as well.”

  “You can stay, if you want,” Sean said. “Since Myna’s going, it does cover the protection side of things.”

  “I’d rather go with you. Otherwise, they’ll wonder why I’m absent,” Ryann said, but didn’t meet his eyes when she said it.

  Missing her evasive meaning, Sean got to his feet just as Ida came back into the room. “Alright, looks like we’re ready.”

  Walking down the street, Ryann stayed a few steps ahead of them. Ida held out the small bag she’d collected to Sean. Puzzled, he took it.

  “Fiona heard about the maids asking for hair clips. There are a dozen plain ones in there. You should sell them to the maids.”

  “It’ll engender more goodwill on your behalf from the staff,” Myna added, “which is always a good thing.”

  Sean shrugged, “Okay, if you all think it’s a good idea.”

  “Since you’ll be there a lot, having them friendly toward you makes sense,” Myna said.

  “I want to make each of you a bronze hair clip to showcase them,” Sean said. “I’ll work on those tomorrow. Maybe I can talk some silver out of Silvertouch. That would be good for you and Fiona,” Sean smiled, giving Myna’s hand a squeeze.

  “Will you Shape it how I wish?” Myna asked with a twinkle in her eye.

  “Of course.”

  Conversation fell off as they got to the square. A steady stream of people were coming and going from the inn. Entering the establishment, Sean led Myna toward the smith’s table. Ida had gone in just before them, heading for the apprentice table, while Ryann stepped aside to let them through and then trailed them.

  “A Moonbound? And on his arm, no less? I told you he had no self-respect,” Carver said sotto voce. Sean could clearly hear it, and from the way Myna’s hand tightened on his, she could too.

  “Ignore the idiots,” Sean murmured.

  “If that is your wish, husband,” Myna replied.

  “Husband,” Carver laughed, his voice carrying. “Gods, he married the beast?!”

  “Come now, Carver,” Denmur chuckled. “We are not the sort to mock the affairs of those beneath us.”

  Gertihs, Stoneeyes, and Watercaller looked uncomfortable, while the others at the table chuckled along with Denmur and Carver. Sean felt his teeth grind as he led Myna past them. Myna’s ears were twitching, but she kept her face as impassive as possible.

  “Sean, Myna, it’s good to see you both, even if other folks here don’t know how to behave,” Joseph said as he moved over so Sean and Myna could sit together.

  Sean introduced Myna to the others who hadn’t met her yet. Silvertouch looked shocked at Myna being presented as Sean’s wife, but she did her best to take it in stride.

  “What can I get for you?” the maid asked, making her way to the table.

  Everyone ordered and the maid left, her usual flirtiness subdued this time. Avery chuckled, “Guess she doesn’t like married men, after all.”

  Myna glanced at the maid. “No. She’s still interested, she just doesn’t know how to handle me.”

  Everyone looked at Myna with raised brows, but Myna just smiled. “Wait, you’ll see.” Deftly taking the small bag of clips from Sean, Myna set them out on the table. The smiths all asked to give them a look over, and she slid a few to those who asked. “Sam, is yours still working well for you?”

  “Yes, Myna. It’s been helping more than I thought it would, actually.”

  “Your drinks,” the maid said, her eyes darting to the dozen clips on the table while she served the drinks. Setting Sean’s down last, the maid gave him a tentative smile. “Are those for sale, sir?”

  “He brought those especially to sell to you and the other maids,” Myna answered her.

  Smile blooming, the maid glanced between the two of them. “I see. Let me tell the others, I know everyone will want one.”

  As she hurried away, Joseph chuckled. “She’s eager.”

  “It’s not over yet,” Myna said with a grin.

  The maids, all nine on duty, came to the table as a group, causing everyone in the inn to turn and look toward them. “Sir, there are another three maids who aren’t on duty tonight,” the normal maid addressed Sean.

  “I had him bring a dozen for a reason,” Myna said, pulling the maids’ attentions to her. “His other wife and I talked, and because of your exemplary service when we stayed here and your ongoing efforts to make him feel at home, we’ll be selling these at a discounted price to you.”

  “Oh, that’s very kind,” the normal maid said with a hesitant smile.

  “Are you all willing to buy one?” Myna asked.

  “Of course,” the maids all agreed.

  “I’ll buy the extras for the girls who aren’t here tonight,” the first maid said.

  “What’s your name?” Myna asked as she began to collect money and hand clips out.

  “Lilliana, most call me Lilly,” Lilly said.

  “I don’t see Tabitha, Lilly. Is she one of the maids absent tonight?”

  “Yes, it’s her day off,” Lilly answered.

  “Your day off is when?”

  “Tenday,” Lilly said as she gathered the four clips she purchased.

  “You’ll be seeing Master every day, then. Please keep a close eye on him for me,” Myna smiled.

  Lilly’s smile faltered, then grew, “Of course.”

  Sean was about to say something when Myna squeezed his thigh. “It’ll make us happier knowing that a friendly helper is nearby.” Motioning her closer, Myna took one of the clips from Lilly, and deftly got it positioned in the girl’s hair. “There you go.”

  “Thank you,” Lilly said before she left, tucking the extra clips into her apron. The other maids had already left to resume their duties.

  “See?” Myna giggled. “Now she won’t treat him any differently.”

  “I think she even forgot you’re a Moonbound,” Avery laughed.

  “I’m one of Sean’s wives,” Myna said. “It doesn’t matter what others say or think about me.”

  A bout of laughter erupted from the Shaper’s table, followed by someone yelling angrily and a maid apologizing. Carver was soaked from the navel down, his mug on the floor. It appeared to have tipped off the edge of the table when the maid had set it down.

  “You stupid sow,
” Carver snarled. “Do you know how much this outfit cost!?”

  Allonen the bartender was at the table in a flash. “I’m dreadfully sorry, sir. If you will let us know the cleaning cost, I’ll make sure it is covered.”

  “That is the least you can do,” Carver huffed. “You should give this one a few lashes for being clumsy, as well.”

  “I shall make your request known to the mistress, sir,” Allonen said in the same calm tone. “Would you like a cloth for now?”


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