Bear-ly Human (Bear Claw Security Book 4)

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Bear-ly Human (Bear Claw Security Book 4) Page 9

by Terry Bolryder

  “Thank you.” Her eyes were a vibrant blue in the sunlight.

  He put up a hand to cup her face, loving the feel of her soft skin.

  “Hercules,” she said tentatively.


  “Where would you want to stay, if you could…”

  “No question,” he said. “Near Bear Claw Security. I love it there.” He let out a pent-up breath. “Do you think you could ever live out there?”

  She nodded. “I think so. Why? You thinking future?”

  He nodded. “I can’t help it with you.”

  She put a hand over his, and they just stayed like that for a moment, letting the breeze move them over the lake, out to the middle where it was quiet and there was no one around them. No one who could get to them.

  “If I kiss you here, no one will see us,” he said.

  She nodded, tilting her face up to his. This was so different than when they’d been in the service. They had all the time in the world and all the peace and quiet. He stroked her hair back with one thumb and then took her mouth with his, just holding their lips together for a warm moment.

  The cool breeze around them contrasted the soft warmth of the kiss, the feel of their bodies so close together, the gentle contact through which every feeling could be communicated.

  I love you, he tried to tell her. I impossibly love you.

  Chapter 11

  Her hand came up to bury itself in his hair, yanking slightly in a way that stimulated him.

  I want you, she seemed to reply.

  He looked around them and saw no one in sight, so he put a towel beneath them and lowered her into the dinghy with him so they were side by side, rocking with small waves, hidden from he world.

  Just how he liked it.

  He brushed her hair aside again, and she smiled. If only the guys at Bear Claw could see him now, they’d tease the life out of him. But the joke would be on them, because he’d never been so happy.

  He knew he shouldn’t, but the more he did what he knew he shouldn’t, the happier he seemed to be.

  He cupped her breast, almost bared by the bikini, and she arched back. He gently pushed aside the fabric and took her nipple in his mouth, suckling it. She was as sweet as he remembered, and her legs entwined around his, holding him tight. His hand covered her wet nipple as his mouth moved to the other, gently biting and licking that one as well, until he could tell she was building to a silent frenzy.

  Only the rapid breaths from her full lips gave her away, and he covered her lips in a kiss to still even that as his hand dipped down between them at the juncture of her legs. He brought a finger up lazily to play at her apex, and she squirmed and let out a little squeak against his mouth. But then she pressed closer to him, asking for more. She didn’t even have to say anything.

  His hand moved under the material, and he sucked in a breath as he felt her. Already hot and wet for him. He dipped inside for a second and then ran it over her tight little button, letting her writhe and bite down on his lower lip.

  Then he swirled over her again, tighter this time, harder, and she pressed her hips against his, sandwiching his hand between them. But he didn’t let up. His finger slowly fell into a rhythm. Over and out. Over and out. She rocked against him, her breathing growing more frantic as her lips pressed against his, as her tongue fought his for dominance, and little growls of impatience emanated from her.

  He bit down on her lower lip just enough to make her squirm and bite back, and then his hand picked up the pace while his other hand ran over her shoulder, her back, her breasts, her waist, and then cradled her head as he kissed her.

  And then, with a long, hard stroke of his finger, she came in his arms, gasping his name, screaming quietly as if she had to let it out but couldn’t because they were more or less out in the open. He kissed her again, taking in every one of her words of pleasure, enjoying the feel of his own name on her lips, written against his with each movement.

  As she came, her hips thrust into him, letting him know exactly what she wanted. But he hadn’t brought protection, and besides, he didn’t want to test their luck with someone coming, so he simply replaced her bikini and gathered her against him, cradling her with his body so she didn’t have to feel the hard floor of the dinghy.

  Her hand wandered down over his abs and then his trunks, but he shook his head and stopped it by putting his hand over her own. “Not now.”

  “What about you?” she asked, looking up into his eyes.

  He gazed at her eyes and then at the blue sky they matched and just sighed. “I got everything I wanted,” he said simply. “Just rock with me now.”

  She didn’t seem to have a problem with that and simply lay next to him and watched the clouds roll across the sky.

  They stayed there for a long moment.

  But as the clouds covered the sun and the sky began to get darker, an uneasy feeling wound through him. He looked down at Hera, peaceful with her afterglow and content to be with him, and was glad to see she didn’t seem to be sharing his tension.

  But at the same time, with the gentle rocking of the boat and the way the light waned, something bothered him. He put an arm up under his head and wondered if he was simply tired.

  “You want to take a quick nap?” she asked, putting a hand on his chest and stroking gently.

  He nodded. The trip had been taking a toll on him, and he hadn’t slept well the night before. A nap with the woman he loved, here where they were safe from the whole world, sounded perfect. “Will the boat be okay?” he asked.

  “Sure,” she said. “We won’t hit the shore, I think. If we do, no big deal.” She gave him a pleasant smile, and he wished he could just be as normal as her.

  “Okay,” he said, putting an arm around her. “Then I’ll rest for a moment.”

  He closed his eyes to the blue sky overhead and drifted off quickly to the soft murmuring of her voice. Words he couldn’t make out if he wanted to.

  And then the blue sky disappeared. Something stabbed his arm and light flashed, and then there was darkness all around him. He didn’t know where he was. He thrashed violently and felt hands on his arms, pulling him down. Shouting. People calling him a monster.

  He fought back. He wasn’t a monster. He was a person. He didn’t understand. He wanted out.

  He roared and saw a creature he didn’t recognize in the glass in front of him. Saw people running.

  Then another jab in his arm and everything black. He jerked and felt the bottom of his world drop out from under him.

  A loud splash and then cold water everywhere, drowning him. He thrashed and then felt arms on him.

  “Hercules. Hercules, wake up! Wake up!” He opened his eyes and pushed himself back. Then he realized they were on the shore, and Hera was sobbing. The boat was capsized nearby.

  She put a hand over her face. “Why won’t you tell me what’s happening?” she asked brokenly. “Why do you keep having nightmares? Why can’t you tell me?”

  He looked up at her, breathing heavily, realizing with horror that he could have hurt her when he overturned the boat.

  He heard the whir of motors and realized her family was coming toward them.

  He looked blearily at Hera’s dad, staring wide-eyed and leading the charge. As they came close, Hercules pushed to his knees and put an arm round Hera protectively. He still felt out of it but had to make sure she was safe.

  No, they were here at her home. She was safe.

  But not with him.

  He looked at her dad, who came to a stop in front of them, putting his hands over his knees as he wheezed, trying to breathe.

  “We were just going to come see how you two were doing, and then we saw the boat go over. At first we thought you were just having fun, but then we saw Valerie dragging you to shore…”

  Hercules saw the disapproval in Rob’s eyes as he watched Herc hold on to Hera.

  He slowly let go of her, pushing her toward her father. She was still looking at him wi
th shocked eyes. He didn’t want her to look at him like that. Not with pity either.

  He stood slowly, feeling an ache in his body he always connected to the tension of reliving those awful years in that basement.

  “You okay?” Dean asked, stepping forward to lend a hand, but Hercules pushed him away.

  Dean wasn’t offended, just gave him room to walk. Hercules looked at Hera again, who wanted to wait for him. He waved her ahead. “Go in with Rob,” he said.

  She looked hurt but nodded and let her dad put an arm around her to lead her back to the golf carts.

  Hercules still felt overwhelmed by what had happened, what it meant. He saw Bentley and Adam come over the crest of the hill, smirking, and felt the urge to go after them.

  He felt Dean’s hands on his shoulders, pulling him back. “You guys head back. I’m going to make sure this one’s okay.”

  May looked worried, but Dean waved her off, and Hercules was slightly grateful for the man’s interference, even if he was humiliated by what had happened.

  Everyone had seen him put Hera in danger. Everyone had seen her drag him, flailing, onto the beach.

  Everyone had seen a piece of his past, whether they knew what it was or not.

  It was humiliating, but nothing compared to the sting of knowing something could have happened to Hera.

  “Are you okay?” Dean said, sitting down on the grass next to him, gesturing for him to join.

  Hercules plopped down heavily. “Fine.”

  Dean looked over. He had blue-green eyes that were deep and mysterious. Hercules didn’t know whether or not to trust him. Still, he seemed to be the only one on his side. “Listen, it’s okay. You just freaked out.”

  Hercules shrugged.

  “There’s no way you’re a banker,” Dean said. “The rest of the people here are in La-la Land. But my best guess is you know Valerie from when she served in the army, right?”

  Hercules raised an eyebrow at him. How had he guessed?

  Dean just laughed. “It’s obvious to anyone with eyes that you aren’t some Wall Street type.” He gestured to the lake. “So what was all that about?”

  “Why don’t you tell me about you first, instead?” Hercules asked.

  “Me?” Dean asked. “I’m just a friend of Rob’s. Met him through a shared acquaintance.”

  Herc narrowed his eyes. “Right.”

  “Anyway, what happened there looked like PTSD. I don’t think you need to judge yourself.”

  “What the fuck do you know about it?” Herc said bitterly. “And yeah, it’s PTSD. That’s not what bothers me. It’s that it could have hurt Hera.”


  Ugh. “Valerie.”

  “That’s what she was called in the army, eh?” Dean asked.

  Herc nodded. “Don’t say anything.”

  Dean raised his hands. “I wanted to come see the estate, but I’m fully on your team. Unlike the other douchebags, I can see when a woman is taken.”

  Herc was reassured by that. “Thanks.”

  “But I don’t think you’re giving Valerie enough credit. I mean, from what I hear, she’s great with the family business, really sharp with investments, kind to employees. Strong.”

  Hercules narrowed his eyes jealously. “Watch it.”

  “I’m just saying,” Dean said. “So what’s your actual name, John?”

  “You’ll laugh,” Herc said.

  “I won’t.” Dean promised.

  Herc sighed. He had a feeling he could trust the man. He reminded him of his friends from the army and his friends back at Bear Claw. “My name from the army is Hercules.”

  Dean put a hand over his middle and let out a belly laugh. He eyed Hercules’s hair. “That makes so much sense.” Then he grew serious. “And before the army?”

  Hercules just shrugged.

  “Touchy subject?”

  “You have no idea.” Hercules stood and stretched. “Thanks, I feel better now. I’d better go check on Hera.”

  “Bentley?” Dean asked. “I think she can handle herself against him.”

  Hercules shook his head. “She shouldn’t have to. I’m here to protect her.”

  “Ah. I see,” Dean said.

  Hercules raised an eyebrow. If Dean was assuming anything, he didn’t let on about it. “All right, we better get back. Before her dad convinces her that a man that capsizes her boat is no good for her.”

  “I don’t think her dad could convince her of anything when it comes to you,” Dean said. “I’ve seen how she looks at you.”

  Hercules gave the man one last, long stare. “Sometimes I think you’re hiding something.”

  Dean just shrugged. “Sometimes we all are.”

  And that would be the end of that, Herc figured. “All right,” he said. “Where’s the golf cart?”

  They looked around to see no one had left one, and Dean barked out a laugh. “You up for a jog?”

  Hercules sighed. “I guess so.” And then he followed the mysterious man back to the house, dreading the interaction that was coming with Hera.

  Chapter 12

  Hera paced in front of her dad’s office, not wanting to go in. She’d showered and gotten changed after getting back to the house. She could sense from Hercules’s face that he wasn’t going to want to talk immediately after this. As much as she’d wanted to.

  It was a like a storm she’d seen coming but couldn’t prevent. Just moments after they’d made love, after he’d given her generous, mind-blowing pleasure, as usual, she’d seen the beginning of the storm clouds and hadn’t known what to do. She’d seen him go to sleep in the boat next to her, restless.

  And then the nightmares had taken over.

  She couldn’t remember it happening like that when they were together before. Then again, they only had short periods together during trips. Or maybe the war had kept him busy enough with other torturous things there was no room for whatever had been tormenting him today.

  He’d grabbed his arm like he’d been stabbed, but it didn’t seem like anything war related. And he’d thrashed, capsizing the boat, and might have even drowned if she hadn’t had the foresight to just get him to shore even if she couldn’t wake him up.

  She ran a hand through her still-drying hair as her dad opened the office door to her.

  “Come in,” he said.

  She walked in, and he pushed a chair in front of his desk for her and then walked around and sat behind it.

  “You want to tell me what the hell just went on?” he asked angrily.

  “I’m a grown woman,” she shot back. “More than grown at this point. I’ve served my country in ways you couldn’t even imagine, even if I could tell you about them. I’ve helped you at your company. I’ve never abandoned you and Mom. But you need to stop thinking you have the right to take that tone with me. Like I’m some kind of… child.”

  “You’re my child,” he said, putting his hands on the desk.

  She sat forward. “I’m in my thirties now, Dad. You need to let go.”

  “What happened out there? I don’t care how old you are. That man nearly drowned you.”

  “That man is my fiancé. And it’s none of your business what he’s going through.”

  “What the hell does banking do to a person that could make him like that?” Her dad shook his head. “That was terrifying, Val. And what if we hadn’t been there?”

  “He didn’t hurt me,” she said. “He woke up. We were just in a shallow lake.”

  “He has PTSD, doesn’t he?” Rob asked, folding his arms. “What if he has nightmares at night? What if he hurts you?” He narrowed his eyes. “He’s not a banker at all, is he? He’s someone from the military, right?”

  She lowered her eyes. As much as she wanted the moral high ground at the moment, she was humiliated for being caught in her lie.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” he asked, looking tired and aged as he slumped back in his chair. “Why would you lie?”

  She shrugged.
“I guess I should tell you the full lie, then, right?” She didn’t care anymore. She was tired of lying. “He’s not my fiancé either. He’s just a friend from the military that I begged to come out and help me so I didn’t have to end up with someone you hooked me up with!”

  Her dad narrowed his eyes. “Are you just telling me this so I won’t look further into him?”

  “He’s none of your business. Don’t you get that?” she asked. “Why won’t you just leave it alone? We had a rough afternoon. We should be together. Instead, I’m here answering you like I owe you something.”

  “You do owe me something,” her father snapped. “You owe me and your mother an explanation.”

  They sat there, heaving at each other, and then she let out a long breath. Her heart was still pounding from what had happened with Hercules and from telling her father everything. And what the fallout from that would be.

  But her dad had drawn conclusions from Hercules’s freakout, and she didn’t want him pressing into things he shouldn’t, things Hercules didn’t even want to tell her.

  It was better to just give up the lie and let her dad think it was related to the military.

  “The men I’ve brought would make fine mates,” he muttered, slumping lower in his chair like even he didn’t believe it.

  “Even Bentley?”

  He grimaced, then gave her a rueful smile. “No. I’m sorry about that one. But what about Dean? He seems nice.”

  “I guess I should correct something,” she said. “Just between you and me. Since you’re going to be prying anyhow. Hercules may be a friend from my time in the army, but I’m also in love with him. And while he only came here to be my bodyguard, I’m hoping to propose to him. He’s my mate, Father.”

  Her dad stared at her, aghast. “So you brought him here to trick him into marrying you?”

  “No,” she said, standing and looking down at him for emphasis. “I would never trick him. I brought him here for a second chance. We were involved before.”

  “And we never knew about that either,” he grumbled. Then he stood to face her. “So you were involved before, and you think he’s your mate, and he left you? That doesn’t sound like a mate to me.”


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