The Enforcer

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The Enforcer Page 4

by Shanna Bell

  Bullshit. He didn’t look at her that often.




  Hector sent him a glare. “You know her. Hell, you could have picked her yourself when you had the chance, but you didn’t because she’s too innocent. Parts of me are so dark they are beyond repair. What kind of life would I be able to give her and a kid?” He wasn’t marriage material. Mary was the light to his darkness, the sunshine to his eclipse. She was everything good that he wasn’t.

  Gio narrowed his eyes. “First of all, I didn’t pick Mary because once I’d seen Jazzy, there was no going back for me. And secondly, I was thinking what you could give her was security, protection, a family of her own; things Mary craves. But I can see that you’re going to be a stubborn bastard about this.”

  Yes, he was.

  Gio got up. “I’ve asked your assistant to email Mary a copy of your men’s resumes. I take it you’re okay with that?”

  “Sure,” he gritted out.

  “Good. See you tonight. At eight.”

  The smug bastard didn’t even let Hector have the illusion that he wouldn’t be there when Mary would announce her choice.

  Fuck my life.

  Now he had hours to look forward to the moment she would show Gio the picture of some good-looking prick. A guy he had handpicked with Achilles, his second-in-command. Somehow it didn’t seem fair. As if the universe was giving him a big fucking middle finger.

  “Oh, one more thing,” Gio said. “I was informed that Zoe’s uncle was called by Child Protective Services today. He’s her last living relative. It’s the same uncle that—allegedly—hurt Britney as a child. The guy likes his liquor. And his cigs, using kids to put them out on. But I’m sure there’s nothing you can do about that.”

  Gio dropped a file on the corner of the bench and walked away.

  Part of him knew Gio was baiting him, setting him up. He knew his friend better than anyone. No way in hell would Giovanni Detta allow Zoe to fall in the hands of an asshole who took his rage out on a defenseless kid.

  So, Hector didn’t need to step up. Not his woman. Not his child. Not his problem. Gio would take care of it. He didn’t need to get involved.

  He was just going to peek into the file. No harm ever came from peeking.


  By the time Hector had put down the damning file on the uncle, dinnertime had passed. The bastard uncle had never been charged because there hadn’t been any solid evidence, but everything about him reeked. Britney had never pressed charges. Whether it was out of fear or because she didn’t want to open up old wounds, he didn’t know. The troubled girl had taken her little sister and moved to another town to get away from her uncle. There was a report about a neighbor calling the authorities, but it had been only rumors, and nothing came of it.

  If he’d had any doubts about Mary going through with her ‘marry a man in a few days mission’ before, he didn’t anymore. And honestly, he was proud of her for stepping up.

  He took a shower and changed into his usual gear; cargo pants, a black T-shirt, and biker boots. He was just about to leave when Achilles strolled in. A few men trickled in after him.

  Achilles dropped his duffel bag next to Hector’s bench. “So, Mary’s looking for a husband, huh?”

  “Is there anything you don’t fucking know?”

  “Yeah, the combination to your safe.”

  “Fuck you.”

  “So, want me to call you a realtor?”

  “What would I need a realtor for?”

  His friend gave an exasperated sigh. “To buy a house, of course. You live in a dump.” He glanced at the steel stairs that led upstairs, not looking impressed.

  “I wouldn’t call a state of the art loft a dump.”

  “It’s a big, empty, soulless space. Saying it’s ‘sparse’ is overstating it. All you have in there is a bed and a fridge. Though, I’m not sure why. You’re worth billions.”

  “Not billions. That’s Gio.” He had given Gio start-up money from the get-go and, in return, he’d received shares in Detta Enterprises. By the time he had finished three tours, his share was worth millions. So that had worked out pretty well. Not that he particularly cared for the money. He was a simple man.

  “Whatever. Millions then. Either way, you have more than enough to provide for your own family. If there’s anything I’ve learned from my sisters, it’s that women like a house to nest in. It’s like their castle. So, want me to get you a realtor?”

  He flipped his friend off on his way out. Damn nosy bastard. With Achilles’ laugh still resonating in the back of his mind, he went over to Detta Tower.

  He made his way up to the executive floor where he passed Gio’s PA. “Hi, Gale.”

  “Good evening, Hector. Mary should be here any minute.”

  He scowled when he saw her lips quirk. “I’m just here to return a file to Gio.”

  “Oh.” She extended a hand to him. “You can give it to me, if you want.”

  “Nah, it’s confidential.” He ignored her and went into Gio’s office.

  Gio gave him a knowing smirk from behind his desk. Hector kindly gave him the finger.

  Mary appeared at eight o’clock sharp, looking as pretty as a button in her denim skirt and green sandals. Her arms were decorated in silver bracelets and her long, curly hair had a few thin braids in it. She’d painted her toes a hot pink. He liked that about her. She was all about color; happy, bouncy, and warm, like the sun.

  She dropped onto the couch across from Gio, a determined gleam in her baby blues. “I’ve made my choice.”

  He’d bet it was Walker. The fucker was the prettiest of his men. Something the guys always gave him shit over. The ex-black-ops had been on many missions, had broken quite a few bones, but for some reason, his pretty face had been spared. Women always made a fool of themselves over him. Maybe he could send him to Zambia. Planes went missing in Africa all the time.

  Gio nodded. “Enlighten us, Mary.”

  She took a breath and then turned to him. “I choose Hector.”

  He blinked. Surely, he’d heard that wrong, which was ironic, considering his hearing was something he prided himself on.

  “Ah.” Gio, the fucker, didn’t sound surprised at all. “Well, that’s a done deal then.”

  Hector scowled. “There’s no fucking deal. Are you crazy? Pick someone else. Anyone else. I’m not the one for you.”

  She cocked her head. “Why is that?”

  What kind of question was that? Instead of yelling, he tried to be reasonable. Mary was fragile, and he didn’t want to scare her. “For starters, I have PTSD.”

  “So? I’m annoyingly chipper in the morning.”

  He narrowed his eyes, not sure if she was making fun of him. “I’m an ugly motherfucker,” he stated.

  She gave him a onceover. “I disagree, but if that’s the way you want to play this… I’m pretty. If the Beauty and the Beast could make it, why can’t we?”

  “I don’t want a wife.”

  “Neither do I,” she said with that musical, and yes, annoyingly chipper voice of her.

  “Fuck,” Gio said.

  She turned to his friend. “You promised me I could choose any of Hector’s men, but apparently, he doesn’t want to marry me, and I can’t force him. So, Gio, are you going back on your word? I have to know now because I’m running out of time.”

  Hector knew Gio considered his word his bond, as any man should. He also knew his friend wouldn’t ask him to honor the promise that he had made. It was just that neither of them had thought of excluding him, since they never expected her to choose him. Clearly, she didn’t know the implications of her choice.

  “I’m Hispanic,” he tried once more.

  “I can see that. What’s your point?”

  “Pretty little, white, rich girls don’t usually go for Hispanic guys covered in tattoos and scars.”

  “That’s racist.”

  He supposed it was,
though he’d never considered it that way.

  “Also, I’m not rich. Nor am I little.” She seemed insulted by that.

  “You are compared to me,” he said, just to raise her hackles.

  She snorted. It was cute, really. Like a kitten trying to be intimidating, but failing miserably.

  “Everyone is, compared to your hulking presence.”

  Good point. “You didn’t comment on me telling you’re pretty.”

  Her cheeks flushed. How was it that she could be all Mama bear when it came to a child, but she turned shy when he complimented her?

  “Could we please get back to my initial point.”

  “Sure. Your initial point of marrying some stranger, so you can become guardian of your godchild.”

  “Not a ‘stranger.’ I said I choose you. I’m sure we can come to some kind of an arrangement.”

  Apparently, in her warped mind, he was Prince fucking Charming. Little did she know that he really was the Big Bad Wolf.

  “Not going to happen.”

  “Why not?” Then, as if something just occurred to her. “Are you… do you have a girlfriend?”

  All it took was a nod. Then she would stop pestering him about this ridiculous idea of hers. For some reason, he didn’t.

  “I don’t do girlfriends. I have fuck buddies.” And if you weren’t off limits, you’d be one of them.

  “There’s no reason to use such language.”

  Such language? “Your Ivy League is kicking in again. It doesn’t really resonate with my hood, don’t you think? Yet another reason why we’re a bad fit.” When she straightened her spine, he couldn’t help but smirk.

  To his surprise, she walked up to him. Her chin raised, eyes blazing, as she got in his face.

  “Now you listen to me, Hector Diaz,” she said, as she poked him in the chest. “Zoe’s at protective services right now; scared and alone. That little girl’s life has come crashing down around her. Tomorrow will be an even worse day because she has to attend her sister’s funeral. Then she’ll have to go back with the CPS lady to a house full of strangers, yet again. Leaving her at that place, while she cried after me, nearly wrecked me. I made a promise to Britney that should something happen to her, I’d take care of Zoe. I intend to keep that promise. You think we are a bad fit? Fine. I won’t bother you again. Just don’t stand in my way.” Another poke to his chest. “Since you refuse to help me out, I’ll reconsider the other options Gio has so kindly offered to me. Maybe one of your men will like a pretty little white girl, as you’ve put it.”

  They were standing nose-to-nose and for the life of him, he couldn’t look away.

  Gio cleared his throat and the strange hold Mary had on him disappeared. For a minute there, he’d forgotten about Gio’s presence.

  “I’m a man of my word, Mary.” Gio put a hand on her shoulder, and Hector immediately tensed up. He didn’t like seeing another man touching her. Fuck, he was in so much trouble. “By the end of the week, you’ll be married. Hector might have declined, but that doesn’t mean his men will. Any sane men wouldn’t,” he said pointedly. “Since Hector knows his men the best, I’m sure he’ll have no problem helping you pick one.” His eyes held a challenge.

  Help the woman he’d been lusting after get hitched to another man?

  “No problem at all,” he snapped.

  Sounds like a fucking picnic.



  The next morning, after Britney’s funeral, and a detour to Japan Town, Mary strode into Diaz Security headquarters. Hector’s private security firm was on the outskirts of town. It basically was a big square building at the end of a dirt road. Behind it, lots and lots of acres of green.

  She got a few curious looks when she entered the building, holding up two bags.

  “Can I help you?” A cute-looking pixie girl looked at her from behind the reception desk.

  “Hi, I’m Mary. I’m here to see Hector.”

  The girl’s eye widened. “Ah, so you’re Mary. The Mary? The Mary I sent all those files to yesterday.”

  A blush crept up her cheeks. “Yep, that’s me. ‘How to Tinder a ring on my finger in a few days’ Mary.”

  A chuckle followed. “I’m Jessica, but everyone calls me Jess. I’m the office manager slash receptionist slash secretary here. If you need anything, just give me a call.”

  Mary decided she liked the girl. She held up a bag. “Would you like—”

  A gasp. “Is that from Yasukochi’s?”

  “Yep.” She’d figured she only got one chance to make a good first impression.

  “Please tell me it’s their coffee crunch cake.”

  Mary cocked her brow in a ‘what do you think’ gesture.

  Jess snatched one of the bags in the blink of an eye. “Oh, and you have bagels in here as well. I think I love you.”

  And that’s how you make friends for life.

  If only a certain grouchy wolf would be so easy to capture.

  “The big boss is in his office, most likely brooding.”

  “He does like to brood, doesn’t he?”

  “Uh-huh. His office is at the end of the hall. Once you’ve passed the boxing ring and treadmills, it’s on your left.”

  Inside, it was a mostly open space, with a gym in the back. On one side, there were desks, lined up with computers. There was a busy, but pleasant vibe in the room that she just wanted to soak up.

  Britney’s funeral had been a sad happening. Not only because she had died so young, but also because only a handful of people had attended. One of which, of course, was Zoe with Mrs. Wilson. The second Zoe had spotted her, her tiny legs had taken off to hug her. There was nothing like it; holding a child in your arm, taking in her innocent scent, looking into her trusting eyes. How could she not do everything in her power to keep her safe?

  There were men working out everywhere. She was glad to spot a familiar face in the boxing ring; Achilles.

  When he saw her, he jumped out of the ring and walked up to her, a smile on his face.

  “Hi there, beautiful. What you got there?”

  “I got you guys bagels and cake.”

  “Is that from Yasukochi’s?” He sounded hopeful.

  And who wouldn’t be? It was only San Fran’s best baker. “Yes, it is. Here you go.”

  It was as if a silent alarm had gone off, because suddenly, she was surrounded by big, brawny men.

  “Hola, bonita, I’m Cortez—”

  “Afternoon, ma’am, I’m Beau. Can I have—”

  Achilles pushed a few of the guys away. “Like bees to honey,” he muttered.

  “There’s another one at the reception,” Mary whispered. “I used it to pay my entrance fee.”

  Achilles chuckled. He was so much more approachable than Hector. Also, he was hot, in a big, blond, Viking-like way. She could see why Tommie was into him.

  She went into Hector’s office, where she came face to face with Mr. Frowny Face.

  “Hi. I brought you lunch, but I’m afraid Jess and your men confiscated it.” She plopped down on the seat in front of his desk.

  Hector dropped the file he was reading. “They’re like locusts. Never bring food into the compound, unless you’re prepared to give it up.”

  “Duly noted.”

  “You seem more… chipper today,” he remarked.

  “I am.” She leaned closer to him. “I learned from the CPS lady that Zoe’s uncle has opted out of being her guardian. Last night, while he was working in his garage, an accident happened. Get this. A car dropped on top of him, paralyzing him from the waist down.”

  “Really?” Hector said, sounding only moderately interested.

  “Yup. It’s unsure if he’s ever going to walk again, though the predictions are bleak.”

  “I’m glad it worked out that way.”

  “I know it’s not nice to wish bad stuff to happen to people, but I’m kind of glad it happened. Of course, this doesn’t mean the judge will automatically a
ppoint me as Zoe’s guardian, but knowing that she won’t fall in the hands of that monster, I’ll sleep better at night.”

  Also, with him out of the picture, it increases your chances with Zoe.

  That’s a horrible thing to think!

  Doesn’t make it any less true.

  She internally rolled her eyes at the opportunistic part of her brain.

  Even with Zoe’s uncle out of the equation, she still had a lot of ground to cover to be an eligible candidate. She had to look trustworthy and stable. Changing her marital status was an imperative step into the right direction.

  It was time for Act Two.

  She took out the stack of papers from her bag. “I’ve been going over the files of your men all night. Thanks, by the way, for wanting to help me out with making the right choice.” She pointed at a cute-looking guy. “What about this one? I think he would make beautiful babies.”

  Hector stiffened. “Why in the fuck would that matter? You’re only looking for a marriage of convenience, right?”

  She shrugged, a finger trailing her bottom lip. “I don’t know. A girl has needs, you know. And he is kind of hot and, well, who knows what might happen if—”

  “He hates children.”

  “He does? That seems kind of harsh.”

  “Yeah, it’s a tough world filled with assholes.” There was a snarl in his voice now.


  He scowled. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Nothing. Just, aha, as in I understand.”

  “And what is it that you think you understand?”

  It was getting increasingly difficult to keep a straight face. “That he can’t be the right guy for me. I need a man who likes children, or, in the least, is comfortable around them.”

  “That’s what I thought.” He sounded much calmer this time.

  She pointed at another file. “What about him, Beau Walker?”

  Hector’s eye twitched. “Walker likes ’em big and beautiful.”

  “What?” The way he came up with excuses baffled her.

  He drew a silhouette with his hands. “Curvy. He likes his women curvy. Like most men, he likes something to hold on to in bed.”


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