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Give Me The Weekend

Page 19

by Parker, Weston

  “Let’s see the rest of the place.” I might not know much about saunas or even all that much about pregnancy, but I was pretty sure a sauna was something to avoid. That’s if I really am pregnant.

  Just like that, my nerves skyrocketed again. Taydom must have felt me shiver because he gave me a strange look. “You okay?”

  “I’m fine. It’s just a little chilly in here.” It wasn’t. It was the perfect temperature actually, but whatever.

  Taydom arched an eyebrow at me. “Are you sure you’re not feverish?”

  “I’ll be fine.” I plastered a wide smile on my face and dragged him with me in the direction of the corridor to our left. “I thought you were giving me a tour.”

  “I am, but promise me you’ll tell me if you need to sit down or something.” I could hear his concern in the sudden gravelly timber of his voice, but I waved it off.

  “I will, but I’m fine. Let’s go.” I was surprised to find that the rest of his home was just as tastefully and warmly decorated. Every one of his bedrooms was fully furnished, beds made up as if he was expecting company to arrive at any given moment.

  Four of the bedrooms had en suite bathrooms, leaving just one without its own. The master bedroom was about the size of my entire cottage and had a four-poster bed that could sleep a whole family.

  By the time we were done with the tour, I was just as in love with his house as with my own. We ended in his kitchen, which I had seen before on the day I came to ask for his help with the cabinets, and he sat me down while he went to the fridge.

  “What do you think?” he asked as he cracked it open. “Also, would you like a drink? I’ve got an excellent bottle of wine that I opened last night.”

  “I probably shouldn’t have alcohol.” I waved a hand when he frowned at me. “I took some medicine earlier and I’m not sure if having alcohol with it is a good idea.”

  “Right. Of course. Water okay? I think I’ve got some juice if you’d prefer that.”

  “Water’s fine.” I took a deep breath to calm my galloping heart, then nodded my thanks when he handed over an ice-cold glass of water to me. “So, uh, I wanted to talk to you about Illinois. Are you still planning on leaving tomorrow?”

  He nodded. For a second, I saw a flash of nervousness in his eyes. “My pilot will be ready at eleven.”

  “If your offer is still on the table, I’d like to go with you. I’ve cleared it with everyone at school and I’ve been given the go ahead.”

  He blinked several times. Then his lips spread into a wide smile and he crossed the space between us in a few long strides before taking me in his arms. “The offer is definitely still on the table. I’d love for you to come with me.”

  “Great, then it’s settled.” I hugged him back and burrowed my face into his chest. “I’d better go get packed, but I’ll see you in the morning.”

  “Yeah, sure.” He held on to me for a minute longer before letting me go. “I’ll see you in the morning, Elsie. Thank you for agreeing to come. You have no idea how much it means to me.”

  Chapter 30


  “When you said your pilot would be ready for us at eleven, I didn’t think you literally meant you had your own jet.” Elsie stared at the plane in front of us with a slack jaw, green eyes wide as she looked up at me.

  I grinned and raised a shoulder. “Impressed? Have you flown private before? If you haven’t, you’ll soon understand why I bought a jet over another property.”

  “Oh, the choices you’ve had to make,” she teased as she shot me a wink. “To answer your question, I haven’t flown private. I haven’t flown commercial, either.”

  “What?” My brows pulled together. “Are you saying this will be your first flight?”

  “Yes,” she said, sliding her hand into mine. “I guess I should thank you for bringing me with you. I’m sure I’m about to be spoiled for all future flights.”

  “You’ll just have to keep flying with me.” I hadn’t planned to say that, but the words came out anyway. They were true, though.

  Despite the lingering guilt over unintentionally dragging her into something that could make her feel used, I was excited about this trip. Finding out that she’d never flown before was a bonus I hadn’t expected.

  Then again, I also hadn’t expected to feel this way about getting to be the person she experienced a first with. I was feeling strangely proud. Proud, excited, and way too satisfied with myself.

  It meant something to me to be the person responsible for exposing her to her first flight and to be the person who got to take it with her. Although on the other hand, I had learned that everything meant something when it was with her.

  At some point during this week, I was hoping to find the right time to tell her. Our relationship had evolved over the last couple of months and I couldn’t deny it anymore. I wanted her to know that I cared about her, and frankly, I needed to make sure that she knew I wasn’t fucking anybody else. Hopefully, she would agree to do the same thing.

  Stop fucking around about it, a snide voice chided at the back of my mind. You want to ask her to be exclusive with you. Just do it.

  It was one I knew well and one that came from the part of my brain that was firmly and unashamedly honest with me. No matter how I tried to justify or reason certain things away, that part of me always cut through the bullshit. Just like it was doing now.

  I wasn’t sleeping with anybody else and I didn’t want to. Considering that Elsie pretty much only ever left the property to go to class or to see Beth, I didn’t think she was seeing anybody else either. Essentially, things would remain the same between us if we agreed to exclusivity. There would simply be more clarity.

  That same snide voice inside snorted, but Elsie’s laughter made me ignore it. She had her head tipped back as she shook it.

  “I can’t always and only fly with you. Why would you want that anyway? We’re friends. We’re not commandeer-your-plane friends.”

  “Why not?” I smirked as we walked toward the short staircase attached to the door. “Consider the plane yours to commandeer.”

  “In that case, can we change our flight path from Illinois to Spain?” she asked jokingly. “I’ve always wanted to see Malaga.”

  “Malaga, huh? Not Barcelona or Madrid?”

  “Malaga,” she insisted. “Not that I would mind seeing the other two either, but I really do want to go to Malaga someday.”

  I made a mental note of it but didn’t say anything. Offering to take her to Spain once we were done in Illinois seemed like it could be a touch over the top. “I’m sure you will see it someday then.”

  “Yeah, me too.” There was some emotion in her soft voice that I didn’t recognize, but I was assuming it had something to do with her mother.

  Earlier this morning, she had told me that she’d really been missing her while she hadn’t been feeling well. It made sense, but the context in which she’d said it bothered me a little bit. It was almost like she’d said it to have a blanket excuse for getting emotional.

  In the time I’d known her, she hadn’t come across as very emotional at all, but there were certain subtle differences in her now. I’d noticed it last night, and it was still very much present this morning.

  Whatever was going on with her, if there was something more than missing her mother, I was sure she would tell me when she was ready. In the meantime, I would just make sure I gave her whatever support I could.

  “Are you kidding me?” she exclaimed as she reached the top of the stairs and peered into the cabin. Her head snapped to the side so she could look at me over her shoulder. “This is really yours?”

  “It’s really mine,” I said as I climbed up the last step and stood beside her. “Impressed now?”

  “You fucking know that I am. Anyone would be.” Awe and disbelief dripped from her voice as her gaze tracked across the interior of the jet.

  “Yeah, I guess you’re right. It’s a nice plane.”

  “You call
that nice?” She pointed and then waved her hand around. “You call that nice? You have actual couches in here. And a TV. And a bar.”

  “There’s also a full bathroom and a bedroom in the back.”

  Her smile became wider than I’d ever seen it and her lips parted. “I ask again, are you fucking kidding me?”

  “Nope,” I said cheerfully and slung my arm around her shoulders. “Let me show you.”

  The tour of the plane only took a few minutes. Ground staff for the airstrip had loaded in our luggage from my car, and just as I was leading Elsie to the bar, the pilot opened the cockpit door.

  James had flown me around since I’d bought this unnecessarily ostentatious yet absolutely awesome toy last year. He had salt and pepper hair and a cap beneath his arm. “I’ve completed all the pre-flight checks, Mr. Gaines. If you’re ready, I’ll close the door and we can be off.”

  “We’re ready. Thanks, James.”

  He nodded firmly and went ahead with sealing the door before disappearing into the cockpit. Elsie walked past the bar and tipped her head as she surveyed the seats. “Where do you want to sit?”

  “We can’t use the couches during takeoff and landing. Choose any of those seats.” I pointed at the eight luxurious armchairs toward the front. “Also, we’ll have to serve ourselves once we’re in the air. There’s a hostess on board, but she’ll mostly be up at the front with James.”

  “I’m sure we can manage that.” She nudged me with her elbow. “If you have any trouble getting your own drink, just ask me. I’ve been serving myself for years.”

  I rolled my eyes at her. “Smartass. Just choose a damn seat.”

  She walked up and down a few times before choosing a window seat in the row nearest to the couches. I took a seat beside her and buckled in.

  Annie, the hostess and James’s wife, came by to check on us, and a few minutes later, we were on our way.

  To Illinois.

  Where I would be introducing a girl who wasn’t really my girlfriend to my parents.

  Who thought she was, in fact, my girlfriend.

  More than that, they thought she was the first girlfriend I was ever bringing home to meet them.

  Fuck my life.

  Elsie grabbed my hand when the wheels started rolling, her spine rigid as she closed her eyes. “I’ve heard this part is scary, but I didn’t realize it would feel this strange. Please distract me. Tell me anything. Better yet, tell me what I’m in for when we get to your parents’ place.”

  I chuckled but I also turned my palm over so it would be against hers and then stroked my thumb soothingly over her knuckles. “They’re really old school. Conservative to a certain extent and obsessed with manners, but they’re good people.”

  “Well, at least my mother taught me good manners,” she mused as she gave me a smile. “At least I have that counting in my favor.”

  “As long as you use those manners she taught you, you’ll be fine. I promise.” I lifted our joined hands and pressed a kiss to the back of hers. “They’re going to love you.”

  “We’ll see.” She took control of our hands then, kissed my knuckles, and turned in her seat to watch as we made our ascent. “Now that we’re actually in the air, this feels a lot less scary.”

  “Good.” I smiled as I leaned over her and pointed to a few things I thought might interest her.

  The plane leveled out eventually and she beamed at me. “I made it through my first takeoff without screaming or peeing myself.”

  “Was that a possibility?”

  She laughed. “I don’t know. Maybe. I’m sure it’s happened before.”

  “Probably.” I shrugged. “For the record, thank you for not peeing on my leather seats.”

  “It was my pleasure.” She grinned, but then I saw something that looked a hell of a lot like heat enter her eyes. “Speaking of which, what do we do now that we’re in the air?”

  “Whatever we want,” I said, curious to know what she had in mind. “What would you like to do?”

  She wiped the grin off her face and gave me a very exaggerated innocent look. Wide eyes, eyelashes batting, the works.

  “Well, this is my first flight and I would like to remember it.” She tilted her head slightly, gaze caught on mine as she batted those long lashes again. “I also think I might need to practice my manners before we get there.”


  “Yes.” She let go of my hand, then held hers out to me. “May I please have your belt? I’ve thought of a wonderful way to make memories of my first flight, but you’re wearing far too many clothes, and I’d love to help you out of them.”

  Fuck yes. It took me no time at all to get on board with this plan.

  I arched a brow and reached down to undo the metal buckle. “That’s so incredibly kind of you. Would you like my pants as well?”

  “Oh, yes.” More eyelash batting, but this time, she licked her lips as well. “If it’s not too much trouble, could I ask you to accompany me to the bedroom? I would hate to scandalize the poor hostess should she walk in at the wrong time.”

  “I don’t give a fuck about scandalizing her. I’ll just tell them not to come in here, but if you want to go to the bedroom, we’ll go there.”

  She pursed her lips as she glanced around the cabin. “Could you really make sure they don’t come in?”

  “Yes,” I said without hesitation. I was already getting hard, loving everything about this. If she wanted to go hide away in the bedroom, that was fine by me, but I got the feeling she wanted to get down on her knees right here. I definitely wasn’t about to complain about that.

  Hitting a button on the console between our seats, I barked the order into the intercom for us not to be disturbed and looked up again to find Elsie staring at me.

  “Is it done? That easy?”

  “That easy,” I said, my voice already getting rougher in anticipation. “You wanted my belt and my pants. Is there anything else I can give you?”

  She nodded and beckoned at me to come closer. When I did, she brought her mouth to my ear and her lips brushed against my skin as she spoke. “You can give me your come and at least two orgasms.”

  I groaned. “I think you just blew my mind.”

  It was the greatest understatement that had ever been made, but fuck, I couldn’t think straight. Not with my brain anyway.

  I didn’t know what had gotten into her since she hadn’t talked dirty to me before, but fuck if I didn’t like it. As with everything else about her, I liked it a whole fucking lot.

  Chapter 31


  Hormones and lust were funny things. One minute, I had been completely captivated by watching as the buildings below us grew smaller, and the next, I was so turned on I could barely think.

  All it had taken was one trigger—just the one word pleasure—and I needed Taydom more than I’d ever needed anyone. My clit ached so badly it was all I could do not to reach beneath my dress to touch myself, and he hadn’t done a single thing yet. Yet the overwhelming, all-encompassing need I felt prevented me from wondering or worrying about how strange it was that I’d gone from zero to ten thousand in less than two minutes.

  My breathing grew heavier when I felt the muscles in Taydom’s arms work as he reached for his belt again. He hadn’t pulled away from me, but I could feel his movements. After placing the belt in my hands, he stood up from his seat and undid his pants, smirking as they dropped to his feet.

  “I can give you everything you just asked for, but I think you forgot about something.” His thumbs hooked into the elastic of his underwear. “But I’ll give it to you anyway.”

  I had never just stared at him quite so openly, but I couldn’t help myself. He lifted the waistband away from his body before slowly pushing his boxer briefs down.

  When his erection sprang free, I released a low moan. “Fuck. I want you in my mouth.”

  His nostrils flared with surprise, but thankfully, he didn’t ask me why I was suddenly acting w
ith such complete abandon. It was a good thing he didn’t ask because I honestly had no idea where any of this was coming from.

  Taydom looked down at me with barely disguised need and desperation in his eyes. His breathing was labored. He was staring at me like I was about to hand him some kind of award.

  “Sit down,” I said. My voice was soft, but he obviously heard me.

  As he sat down, I slid out of my chair and dropped to my knees in front of him. He spread his legs to make space and I wasted no time.

  It was like I was beside myself with need, being driven by it like it was an insatiable beast who insisted on having what it wanted right the fuck now.

  Leaning forward, I licked his tip into my mouth and swirled my tongue around his head. He groaned and his hips thrust up like he couldn’t help himself either. At least I wasn’t alone in this insanity.

  I worked him into my mouth slowly and used my hands to help me reach for the parts of him I couldn’t fit in. His cock hit the back of my throat and his hands were suddenly in my hair. Not guiding or pushing, just holding me in position, fingers massaging my scalp.

  I licked and sucked and moved my hand in conjunction with my mouth until he was moaning incomprehensible words. “Christ, baby. I’m too close. Stop, please stop.”

  I didn’t listen to him. There was no way I was moving my lips off of him. I wanted to feel every drop of his come in my mouth and shooting down my throat.

  What is wrong with me right now?

  One final lick along the underside of his cock and he was groaning again before shooting his thick, hot come down my throat. Strangely, I didn’t think I’d ever tasted anything better.

  I’m even thinking like a pornstar now?

  I still had no idea why, but I was also starting to wonder why I couldn’t always be this free. At least when being intimate. I was enjoying the hell out of it and I had a feeling I was about to enjoy it even more.

  “Holy shit,” he grunted eventually. “That was fucking amazing. Come here.”


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