by Janice Jones
“Ma, are Francine and Tameeka home? I want them to meet Lindsay,” Shaun asked.
“Francine and the baby are in the back bedroom, but I haven’t seen that fast-tailed Tameeka since early this morning. You’re going to have to talk to her, Shaun, ’cause I don’t want no more babies brought in this house. That heifer think she grown,” his mother said.
At that moment, Patricia looked at me and frowned as if I somehow left a bad taste in her mouth. I quickly looked away and continued to play with the baby, pretending not to notice. However, I was now sure I was not just paranoid. Shaun’s mother didn’t like me.
“We’ll talk about it later, Ma,” Shaun replied, then yelled for his other sister. “Francine, can you come out here a minute?” His sister appeared a few seconds later carrying a little bundle wrapped in a bath towel. “Francine, I want you to meet my new girlfriend, Lindsay. Please call her Nay-Nay. Lindsay, this is my sister, Francine and her son, Daiquan.”
Shaun’s sister looked like a younger version of his mom. She was petite in height—about two inches shorter than me—and had the same long, jet black ponytail as her mom. But Francine’s eyes were brown instead of green.
“Hi, Nay-Nay,” his sister answered quickly. She then started talking to Shaun before I had a chance to reply. “Shaun, can I talk to you in my room for a minute?” Without another word, Francine made haste to turn and exit toward her bedroom. She was visibly annoyed.
“Lindsay, please excuse me while I talk to my sister. Have a seat and make yourself comfortable. I’ll be right back.” Shaun followed his sister.
I walked over, sat on the chair and put the baby in my lap. Shaun asked me to make myself comfortable and I sat there wondering how that was going to be possible when his mother was sitting there hating me like I stole her favorite piece of jewelry. Patricia kept looking at me like she wanted me to disappear, or even worse; like she thought I was going to purposely do something to harm her grandson.
While I played with the baby I heard approaching voices on the front porch. My senses went on automatic alert, and my heart jumped right into my throat. I just knew it was Rhonda coming to visit her son. And here I sat holding him as if I gave birth to the child.
Before anyone had the opportunity to enter, Patricia got up from the couch, snatched the baby out of my arms, and yanked the door open. I guess she knew it was Rhonda too, and she didn’t want any part of her coming in and catching me holding her baby.
“Tameeka, where has your fast tail been all day?” Patricia yelled through the screen. “Get your stupid self in this house and off my front porch talking to that nappy headed boy.”
When Tameeka stomped into the house, I found she didn’t look like anyone in Shaun’s family I had met so far. She was tall like Shaun, but that is where the similarities ended. She was a shade or two darker than I. She wore her hair swept up into some wild looking ponytail in a variety of about five different colors. Unlike her mother and sister, Tameeka’s hair was chemically straightened, not naturally straight like theirs and not as long. While she wasn’t as pretty as they were, she wasn’t unattractive.
As she came in and slammed the door behind her, Tameeka started yelling back at Patricia. “Dang, Ma! Why do you always gotta make a scene and embarrass me in front of my friends? You don’t do that mess to Francine when Daiquan’s daddy comes around here.” Tameeka pointed her finger in Patricia’s face and Sha’Ron began wailing, probably responding to the tension between mother and daughter.
“Wench, I know you best lower your voice and quit wagging that bony finger in my face before I knock your black tail back through that door!” Patricia sat the howling baby on the floor, then got in Tameeka’s face like she was going to hit her. Before anything could go down, Shaun was making his way to the living room.
“What is going on? Why are y’all screaming like lunatics out here?” Shaun said as he ran down the short hallway. He then stepped between his mother and sister. “Y’all act like you don’t hear my son hollering or that we have company right here in the living room.” He leaned over to pick up his crying child.
“Forget that, Shaun!” his mother yelled as she tried to get around him. “Under no circumstances does this wench get away with screaming and pointing her finger in my face like I’m some child. I’ll kick her black behind all over this house. I don’t give a hoot who’s here. That goes for you, your girlfriend, or Jesus Christ. Ain’t no child of mine gon’ ever disrespect me inside of my own house. This heifer here ain’t but fifteen years old. She won’t run around here acting like she grown.” Then she directed her rampage at Tameeka. “And you better not bring your dumb butt up in here pregnant. I ain’t putting up with this no more, do you understand me?”
Tameeka didn’t even bother responding to her mother. She stormed from the living room and headed to what I guessed was the basement, mumbling inaudibly under her breath. During the whole scene, I sat there not knowing whether I should get up and leave or what. But I was positively clear about one thing: how relieved I was that it was Tameeka at the front door and not Shaun’s baby’s mama. In my mind, the blow-up between his mother and his sister was mild compared to what might have unfolded if his ex had shown up.
Shaun sat the baby on the couch and looked at me for the first time since returning to the living room; his embarrassment evident. He ran his hand across his beautiful face, then bent down in front of my chair, grabbing my hands in his. “Lindsay, I’m so sorry you had to witness that ugly scene. Please accept my apology on behalf of them both. Here, sweetie.” Shaun reached into his front pants pocket. “Take my keys and wait for me in the car. Turn on the CD player, and I promise I’ll be out in less than five minutes.”
I got up from my seat and headed toward the front door. I turned long enough to say good-bye to Shaun’s mother. “Goodnight, Ms. Taylor. It was nice meeting you.”
“Goodnight, Nay-Nay,” was all she said. She then rolled her eyes, went to pick up Sha’Ron and left the room.
I left the house and sat in the car for no more than three or four minutes before Shaun came out and got behind the wheel. He took a few moments to collect himself before pulling out of the driveway, backing the car out slowly and driving me home. He was obviously still upset, so I tried to break the uncomfortable silence between us.
“Shaun, don’t worry about what happened back there. Mothers and daughters have disagreements all the time. I’m sure they will work things out.”
Shaun reached over and kissed the back of my hand, then gave me one of his prize winning smiles. “I’m not worried about my mother or my sister. They’ll be fine, just like you said. I just hate you had to witness them acting so silly. Some first impression, huh?”
Since he mentioned first impressions, I decided then would be a good time to talk to him about his mother’s attitude toward me. Shaun had this crazy idea earlier that his whole family would like me instantly, but when I thought about it, none of them seemed too friendly toward me. I felt like they really resented me being his new girlfriend.
“Shaun, it was definitely not what I expected. The whole time I was there I got the feeling your mom couldn’t stand me. I’m not sure, but I think it’s because she didn’t want me taking Rhonda’s place. Francine didn’t seem too pleased to meet me either. Tameeka didn’t really get a chance to give her opinion one way or the other.”
“Don’t worry about Francine, Lindsay. I know for a fact her attitude had nothing to do with you. She was upset with Daiquan’s dad. She took me in the back room to explain that she needed money for the baby because his deadbeat daddy wasn’t responding to any of her phone calls or pages. My mother was probably just stressed and in a bad mood because of the stunts my little sister has been pulling lately. Don’t sweat it, baby. It was the timing, that’s all. Nothing personal,” he said, trying to reassure me.
I was not totally convinced. The explanation about his sister was believable, but his mom definitely made me feel like it was me she had a proble
m with in addition to her daughter. As a matter of fact, I believe she yelled at Tameeka the way she did because she was so disturbed by me. I didn’t discuss it any further with Shaun because I didn’t want to upset him any more than he already was. We rode the rest of the way to my house not talking, just listening to Kenny G.
When we arrived, Shaun came around and opened my door as usual and walked me to my front door. I looked at my Timex and saw that I was five minutes earlier than my curfew.
“Well, Ms. Lindsay, I hope you still want to be my lady after all you witnessed at my house today. If not, please at least consider going out with me again so I can make it up to you.” Shaun’s face wore a cute little puppy dog expression. I knew he was kidding, but I played along.
“Well, I’ll have to do some serious thinking on the subject, Mr. Taylor. I’ll call you as soon as I get home from school tomorrow to let you know my decision.” I then broke into the silliest grin.
“What do you mean you will call me when you get home? I don’t think that will be necessary. I will be waiting right outside the school just as I have since we met. That will be an everyday thing, Lindsay. My woman doesn’t have to walk anywhere anymore, so get used to seeing me everyday after school.”
Alrighty. He made it one hundred percent official. We are a bona fide couple. I didn’t have to bother putting on my game front any longer. I could just be open with my wonderful new man. Shaun made his commitment to me, and now it was time for me to let him know how wonderful I felt about it.
“I love it when you call me your woman and I look forward to seeing you everyday.” Then I did something I have never done before. I initiated our goodnight kiss. I usually wait for the guy to make the first move, and it usually takes place after knowing him a lot longer. But with Shaun, I felt bolder and more grown up. So I just went for it. The kiss lasted a little while, and I was more aroused than I had ever been in my entire life. I didn’t even realize that my body had the ability to react in such a way.
When we finally parted I used my index finger and thumb to seductively clean my lip gloss from Shaun’s chin before unlocking my front door and stepping inside. I turned around, said good-bye to him and told him I would see him tomorrow after school.
I closed the door with him still standing on my front porch, leaned against it and let my body revel in the tingly sensations. When I finally went to my bedroom, I knew as sure as my name was Lindsay Renee Westbrook that I was totally in love with Shaun Robert Taylor.
Chapter Six
August 1993
Shaun and I have been seeing each other constantly and consistently for four months. Things have been going wonderfully. Or should I say the relationship has been going wonderfully. We have had some things come up against us, some of them easier to deal with than others.
In the beginning of our relationship, my grades slipped a little bit, and Mama was none too pleased with my report card. She told me if she didn’t see some immediate improvement, I would have to discontinue my relationship with Shaun. She also said I would not be allowed to take the road test for my driver’s license until my eighteenth birthday. This was back in April.
She used the straight up big guns on me. I knew I had to get my stuff together quick. Not being able to see Shaun was the equivalent of not being allowed to eat. Not getting my driver’s license was only a little less severe. So I put together a game plan that would allow me to continue to see my man and help me bring my grades back to normal.
First I went to each of my teachers individually and asked if they would issue me a progress report that showed how I did in class at the end of each week. Then I started staying up late at night doing extra credit work and studying. That way I didn’t have to lessen the time I spent with Shaun each day. There were a few occasions when I fell asleep while we were on our dates, but Shaun understood because he knew the plan.
Today my grades are even better than before, and I received my license the Friday before Mother’s Day. That was one bridge we crossed successfully.
Bridge number two came back in June, on the evening Shyanne attended her boyfriend’s Senior Prom with him. That day started out badly. The night before the prom, after Shaun and I hung out, I dropped him off at home so I could keep his car overnight. I initially told Shaun that Shyanne and I needed him to drive us around to run some last minute errands for her prom date if he didn’t mind. That’s when he offered to let me keep the car to do what needed to be done. He said he could find another way to work, but I had to be sure to pick him up when he got off that evening.
When I woke up the morning of the prom and began getting ready for school, I ran into Mama in the hallway while she was getting ready for work. I noticed she looked angry, and I wondered what I had done. “Good morning, Mama.”
“Good morning to you, Ms. Lindsay Renee Westbrook.” Oh snap! I must be in some serious trouble. “Why is Shaun’s car parked in my driveway? I know he didn’t spend the night here last night. I know you aren’t that crazy, girl,” she yelled at me.
Well, if that’s what had her so upset, I had nothing to worry about. “No, Mama. I kept Shaun’s car last night so I would be able to help Shyanne get ready for her prom date tonight,” I replied, not stopping to think for a moment she would have a problem with that.
“Oh, so how many times have you driven Mr. Shaun’s car alone?”
My mother had been getting on my case about being so serious with Shaun. She thought I was too young to be tied down to one guy. As a matter of fact, she even tried to get me to go out with her co-worker’s son. I couldn’t believe my mama was actually trying to hook me up. There was no way I would go out with anyone other than my boo. Even though we had not said the words to each other, I loved him, and I knew he loved me back.
“This is the first time, Mama. Why are you making such a big issue over this? I do have a driver’s license.” I had begun to get a little attitude of my own. I simply wasn’t feeling her frustration.
“Nay-Nay, you are sixteen! Not eighteen, not twenty-one and not twenty-five. You are sixteen and sixteen-year-old girls should not be driving their boyfriend’s car. Sixteen-year-olds should not even have boyfriends who own their own cars. Their boyfriend should still drive their parents’ car.” She spoke loudly as she put one hand on her hip and let her finger go to wagging with the other.
“When I said you could go out with Shaun in the beginning, I figured the two of you would go out a couple of times and discover you didn’t have much in common because of your age difference. But this whole thing has gotten way out of control. You are spending entirely too much time together, and frankly, I don’t think it’s healthy for a girl your age to be so involved with just one boy. Or should I say one man.”
I couldn’t believe she was giving me that speech again. I had explained to her that my seeing Shaun should give her no cause for worry. I assured her we were not sexually intimate, and I let her know that he was in no way leading me into any trouble. I neglected to inform her that I had skipped Bible Study on a few occasions to spend time with him, but I didn’t think she needed to know all of my business.
But that day I had had enough. I let her know we were serious, and she had no reason to have a problem with it. “Mama, why is the time I spend with Shaun such a big deal? I have never stayed out past curfew. He has never been disrespectful to you or to me. My grades are better, and Shaun wouldn’t have it any other way.” I paused to see if my words were having any effect on her. After noticing they didn’t, I became angry.
“Shaun is my one and only, Mama, which means we are going to spend time together. I am sixteen, not fourteen, or twelve or ten.” I knew I was being flip by mocking her, but I couldn’t help myself. I thought she was being ridiculous.
“Don’t get smart with me. I’m not in the mood to play with you. I will slap you with the permission and strength God gave me.” Her tone was deadly calm. “I don’t care what you say; sixteen is too young to settle down with one boy. You just began to
date, and you are far too inexperienced to think you are ready to make a commitment.”
“Listen, Mama, I’m sure your negative feelings are a result of what you went through in your relationship with daddy. What you fail to realize is everybody is not daddy. Why should Shaun and I have to pay for the mistakes the two of you made?” I knew I was hitting below the belt, but I had to get my point across. With or without her consent, I was going to continue to see Shaun.
“What I am saying to you has nothing to do with me and your sorry daddy. What I am talking about is life and men in general. Nothing teaches you about life better than experience; bad experiences are the best teachers in the world. Learning from someone else’s experience is far better than having to endure the heartache yourself.” Mama was on her soapbox now.
“Now, Ms. Thang, I am not going to stop you from seeing that boy yet. You are right; at this point I don’t really have a good reason to do so. But I want you to hear me and hear me good. You are still just a sixteen-year-old child. My child. I won’t sit idly by and let anyone hurt you intentionally or unintentionally. So when I feel this thing with Shaun has gone too far, I’ll put a stop to it, and there is nothing you can do about it. As long as you live under my roof, you will do exactly as I say. That is all I have to say right now because I’m late for work and you’re late for school.” Mama finished and started toward her bedroom.
“Oh! I’m sorry. There’s one more thing,” she said as she turned around. “Do not park Shaun’s or anybody else’s car at my house until you are at least eighteen. You are not old enough to be responsible, and I refuse to take responsibility for any damages that may occur.” She then left without giving me a chance to rebut.