Earl In Trouble: Bluestockings Defying Rogues 4

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Earl In Trouble: Bluestockings Defying Rogues 4 Page 9

by Brower, Dawn

  “Not at all,” he replied smoothly. He didn’t want to voice any concerns and worry her. Helena could be a tad judgmental at times. She had her reasons of course, but he did hope she’d be friendly with his wife. Natalia deserved at least one of his family members to not give her the cold shoulder. “My sister will adore you as much as I do.” Though he did hope she wouldn’t write too much about Lia in her gossip column. She didn’t think he was aware of her little business venture, but he’d been one of the reason’s her secret remained one. The most difficult thing he’d had to do was keep that information from Dash. Helena had written about the marquess often as the lady of whispers. Lucas had figured it was his sister’s way of gaining Dash’s attention, and it had. They had been happy for almost a decade now, and had three children—two boys and now a baby girl. He pressed his lips to the top of her head. “Are you cold?” The winter weather wasn’t as brutal as the first time they’d met. There wasn’t a snowstorm to impede their progress, but there was a definite chill in the air.

  “I’m warm enough.” She snuggled a little closer to him, but his attempt to change the topic of their conversation hadn’t worked. “Your parents hate me. What makes you so sure she’ll love me?”

  “Why are you not bothered at the prospect that she might not like you?” He lifted a brow. “I’d thought you would be more nervous than I am.”

  She shrugged lightly. “Your opinion is the only one that matters to me. I don’t need them to accept me. I’ve been ostracized my entire life. One more person on that long list doesn’t make much of a difference.”

  He hadn’t thought of it in those terms before. Not caring what a person thought took away their power. He’d have to strive to adopt her way of looking at the world. If he did he suspected he be far happier. “So you’re not worried at all?”

  “No,” she answered. “I’m happy. Nothing can take that away from me. Meeting you sister is for you more than me. If she likes me—that’s just icing on an already well decorated cake. There’s not much I’d want more than that.” She lifted her head and met his gaze. “How much longer until we arrive?”

  Her lips tilted upward into a wanton smile. Lucas had a feeling he knew why she’d asked, but he had to let her down. “Not long enough to do what you have in mind. Besides it’s rather cold outside. I’m not sure you would like to bear any extremity and freeze for a bit of passion.”

  She winked. “Well, it’s too bad that we don’t have time to find out.” She slid into his lap anyway and pressed her lips to his. The kiss deepened and went on long enough to heat his blood. Perhaps she was right—he wouldn’t have cared how cold it was. He wanted to make love to her and there wasn’t any time to do it properly.

  He pulled away from her and groaned. His breeches were tighter because of their love play and he desperately wanted to be in much more pleasant surroundings with his wife. “You’re a wanton minx.”

  “But you love me,” she said and pressed her lips to his cheek.

  He caressed her hair with his finger tips and kissed her quickly. “I do,” he agreed. “More than I could ever possible express. But making it through the Christmastide festivities is going to be even more difficult now. Was that what you had planned?” The sooner they could retire to their chambers for the night the better. They were supposed to be at Dashville for the entire Christmastide—maybe longer if everything went well. He had to believe Helena would welcome Natalia to the family. Even if the Lady of Whispers questioned his actions. The mysterious Lady X had mentioned his rushed marriage in her column. It was the only reason he was concerned considering Helena was Lady X.

  “Perhaps.” She nibbled on her lower lip. “Or it could be I just find you irresistible…”

  He didn’t have time to answer as the carriage pulled into the long drive toward the Dashville estate. The carriage came to a stop at the entrance and Lucas took a deep breath. It was time to face his sister and determine if she would welcome his wife or not. He really hated that he didn’t know for sure that she would. Lucas and Helena had a strange relationship considering the family they’d grown up in, but when it mattered they’d always supported each other. This time shouldn’t be any different…and maybe if he kept telling himself that he’d come to believe it.

  * * *

  Natalia had told a small lie to her husband. She was nervous about his sister liking her… She wanted to have someone in his family to like her, but even if Lady Dashville—Helena didn’t like her she’d be content. Lucas loved her and that would be enough. They’d make their own family…

  Dashville Abbey was gorgeous. It was an austere structure with three stories and large windows. Natalia couldn’t image living in such a large home. Lucas had a country manor of some sort, but she didn’t believe it could possibly be as large as this one. Could it?

  Lucas stepped out of the carriage and reached back to assist her out. She blew out a breath and allowed him to lead her inside. They were greeted immediately by the butler, and not long after by a gorgeous woman with hair as golden as Lucas’s. It must be his sister, and she certainly didn’t look like a woman with a one-month-old infant. How had she regained her figure so fast?

  “Lucas,” she greeted and hugged him quickly. “I’m so glad you could come.” She stepped back and then turned her attention to Natalia. “You must be Lucas’s Lia. It’s so nice to finally meet you.”

  Natalia swallowed hard. What did she do? Should she curtsey or something? “The pleasure is all mine, my lady.” She curtsied more out of habit or anything.

  “Don’t feel you must do that,” Lady Dashville said with a wave of her hand. “We don’t stand on ceremony here. This is a family affair after all.” She smiled warmly. Lady Dashville looped her arm around Natalia’s. “Please follow me to the sitting room. I’ve already ordered tea and refreshments. We can visit while your trunks are brought to your rooms. Then I’m sure you’ll wish to rest until the evening meal.”

  “Where’s Dash?” Lucas asked. “I thought he’d be here to greet us?”

  Natalia had been so nervous she hadn’t had time to think about Lord Dashville. Did he disapprove of Lucas marrying Natalia? Was that why he wasn’t around? She had to quit doubting herself. Lady Dashville had not given her any reason to think she disliked her.

  The sitting room was warm and inviting. The décor was a combination of rich burgundy and soft gold. Lady Dashville led her to a chaise and gestured for her to sit down. She turned to Lucas and answered his earlier question. “Oliver was checking on the children. He’ll join us shortly.”

  “Tell me something,” Lady Dashville turned her attention to Natalia. “When exactly did you two meet. I have a feeling there is a story there.”

  Lucas’s lips turned upward into a wide grin. “Lia and I met several years ago, but it’s not a tale worth revisiting. The ending is more to my liking, and I rather like to think of it as our true beginning.”

  Natalia met his gaze and lifted her own lips upward. “That’s a wonderful way of seeing things. I quite agree. Our life didn’t really begin until we found each other again.”

  Lady Dashville sighed. “It’s good to see my brother happy. He’s been quite…grumpy for a while now. It’s my pleasure to welcome you to the family.” She patted Natalia’s hand. “And don’t let our parent’s scare you away. They’re not the warmest of individuals.”

  Lucas’s bark of laugher echoed through the room. He wiped a tear from his eye and shook his head. “You do have a way of saying things sister dear. That is an understatement if I’ve ever heard one.”

  “What have I missed?” A tall man with dark brown hair and dark blue eyes entered the room and sat in a chair near Lady Dashville. “I could hear Darcy’s laughter down the hall. Tell me what was so humorous?”

  “It wasn’t much,” Lucas replied. “Helena’s description of our parents was lacking in true depth.”

  A maid came in after that pushing a cart filled with tea, lemon cakes, and other tiny pastries. Natal
ia’s stomach grumbled at the sight of the food. She hadn’t realized she was hungry until that moment. “Oh dear,” Lady Dashville said. “You must be starving. Please let me get you a plate.” She tuned to Lucas. “Be a dear and pour some tea for your wife.”

  Lucas came to his feet to do his sister’s bidding. Lady Dashville handed her a small plate containing one of each pastry and the lemon cake. “I wasn’t sure which you would like.”

  “This will do nicely,” Natalia answered. “Thank you, my lady.”

  “When I said we don’t stand on formality I meant it. Please call me Helena.” She turned toward Lord Dashville. “Ollie come say hello to Lucas’s wife.”

  Lord Dashville came to his feet and bowed. “It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Lady Darcy.”

  “Please” Natalia swallowed hard, then set her plate of pastries on the table near the chaise. She met Lord Dashville’s gaze and said, “Call me Lia.”

  Helena smiled. “Welcome to the family Lia.” She turned away and went into her husband’s arms. Lord Dashville leaned down and kissed her forehead.

  Lucas handed her a cup of tea. He sat down beside her and wiped a tear from the corner of her eye. Lord and Lady Dashville seemed to have forgotten they were in the room. They clearly loved each other and it was wonderful to behold. That kind of love—much like the love that Lord and Lady Seabrook had—Natalia had always craved it and she finally had it… Not just with Lucas, but with this part of his family. This was what it meant to be truly welcomed and loved.

  Her husband leaned over and whispered in her ear, “I told you she’d love you. How could she not? Anyone who truly loves me was bound to love you too.”

  “Admit it,” she teased. “You had your doubts too.”

  He sighed and then nodded. “It was more I prayed she’d see what I do. Helena is…well, my sister. I love her and would protect her with all I have, but she hasn’t always had the best life. You two do have that much in common. You’ll learn as much as you become more acquainted.”

  Natalia suspected that she had far more than a difficult life in common with his sister, but she’d discern the truth over time. “We have the rest of our lives to uncover each other’s secrets. In the meantime,” she leaned over to whisper in his hear, “Let’s find our chambers so we can finish what we started in the carriage.”

  He grinned. “Before you came into my life I was surrounded by insurmountable problems and more trouble than I thought I could handle.” He kissed her cheek and said, “But the real trouble is having a wanton for a wife. I find I rather like finding myself amidst that kind...”

  Luckily Lord and Lady Dashville seemed to have a similar thought as they did and disappeared well before Natalia and Lucas left the room. She giggled as he led her down the hall, up the stairs, and into their assigned bedchamber. Life was bliss and finally she had all the happiness she could ever desire.

  * * *

  Two months later…

  My dear readers…

  It was my pleasure to make the acquaintance of the new Countess of Darcy. One thing is certain—the earl is quite smitten with his blushing bride. I predict a happy future for them, even if, the new Lady Darcy has a questionable lineage. Anyone want to wager on when they’ll announce the arrival of an heir? I’ll begin by saying it’ll be a mere eight months after their union. If I could wink through the pages I would. Let’s just say I don’t make a bet I don’t intend to win and I’ll never tell how I uncover the information I present to you. But let me ask this—have I ever lied? Many felicitations to the newlyweds... I truly wish you nothing but happiness in your future.

  --Lady X

  Lucas set the scandal sheet down and grinned. Only his sister would announce his impending fatherhood before he had the chance to formally do so. He pressed his hand to Natalia’s belly and smiled. They would have a very happy life. He planned on doing his very best to ensure it…

  Excerpt: All the Ladies Love Coventry

  Bluestockings Defying Rogues 5

  A Prequel


  April 1794

  Charles Lindsay, the Earl of Coventry surveyed the building he was hoping to purchase. The structure was sound and would work splendidly for what he had in mind for it. The street it was located on was also ideal. A secret gentleman’s club would be well hidden in the neighborhood, and its residents wouldn’t question the constant comings and goings that would be involved. He had a lot of plans and this townhouse was only the beginning.

  “The owner is willing to part with it?” He turned toward the solicitor in charge of the sale. Charles didn’t want to seem too eager. It might give the solicitor a reason to raise the price. He wouldn’t pay a penny more than it was worth.

  “He is, my lord,” he answered. His salt and pepper hair was sprinkled around his ears and the back of his head, but the top was completely bald. The solicitor had beady eyes that made him appear untrustworthy. Not a good look on someone that should invoke that particular feeling. “Would you like to make an offer?”

  “No,” he answered. “It needs major renovations and I’m not sure it’ll work for what I have in mind.” That was a lie, but he didn’t want to make the man aware of his complete interest. “The entire bottom floor would need to be stripped and the walls rebuilt. Your employer is asking too much.”

  “I see…” The solicitor swallowed hard. Charles wished he could recall his name, but as it hadn’t been important to him he’d dismissed it upon hearing it. He fumbled with some parchments and then glanced up. “Is there anything that will convince you to purchase it.”

  Charles held back a grin. It wouldn’t work in his favor and he did want the property. He tapped his chin and tried to act as if he was considering his options. The truth was he knew exactly what his next move would be. That was the benefit of being several steps ahead of his opponent. He had a gift of seeing the larger picture and how all the pieces around him could fit together. This project of his was going to be big and he had to do everything right for it to work. “I might consider it if the owner will take off a thousand pounds from the selling price. I won’t pay a shilling more than that.”

  He shuffled his feet and then met Charles gaze. “That sounds reasonable, my lord. I’ll inform the owner that you’re willing to purchase it.”

  Charles lifted a brow. “Is that all?” He shrugged and headed to the exit. As far as he was concerned their business had been concluded. If the owner took the offer the solicitor could send him a missive about it. He had a good feeling though. Soon he’d have the building necessary to start his club.

  He hadn’t reached the exit before the solicitor called out to him. “Lord Coventry.”

  He turned toward him and said, “Yes?”

  “I have the authority to approve the sale within a certain amount. If you want the property it’s yours.”

  This time he did allow the smile to form on his face. The Coventry Club was now one step closer to becoming a reality. He couldn’t wait to tell his good friend the George, the Earl of Harrington about it. They could plan the development and reconstruction of the townhouse together.

  “Wonderful,” he told the solicitor. “I’ll let my solicitor know and you two can handle the details.” Charles nodded at him. “Thank you for your assistance.” With those words he did exit the building and headed home. He had an appointment later with George and they could make their final plans then.

  * * *

  Charles tapped his finger on his desk impatiently. Where the bloody hell was George? He was supposed to arrive several hours ago. He sighed and poured a glass of brandy from the decanter on his desk. They would have to discuss his plans for Coventry Club later. He sipped on his brandy and wondered what could have held his friend up. For the life of him he couldn’t discern a reason for George to stay away. His friend never missed an appointment. He was the most reliable man of Charles acquaintance.

  He set his glass down and peered at the deed to his new property. He’d
already sent out missives to start the repairs and renovations. In a matter of months, no more than a year, his dream would be a reality. A safe haven for men who had no place else, a den of iniquity for those that needed it, but mostly a place where loyalty would prevail more than anything else.

  The door to his study flew open and George stepped inside. His face lit up with a huge grin as he exclaimed, “I’m a father Charles.”

  He’d forgotten George’s wife was enceinte. That was a damn good reason for his friend to be late. Now that he realized why he felt like a right arse. Charles reached for a glass and poured two fingers of brandy into it, then handed it to his friend. He lifted his own glass and toasted, “To fatherhood.” He sipped his brandy, and then asked. “I must ask—an heir or a daughter?”

  “It’s a boy,” George answered. “The most perfect little bundle of joy I’ve ever held. We named him Jonas after my maternal great grandfather. It’ll make my mum happy.”

  Charles knew he should look for a wife and carry on his line, but the idea of tying himself to one woman for the rest of his life didn’t appeal to him. He hadn’t met a woman that inspired that kind of commitment. George had married his wife because of his father’s demands. The Duke of Southington was a difficult man to say no to. Charles didn’t envy his friend’s situation in that regard. “I’m sure she’ll be ecstatic to just have a grandchild to dote on. I hear women like that sort of thing.”

  “You’re probably correct in that assumption. Either way I’m grateful it’s a boy. The birth was hard on Sarah. I don’t think she could handle another pregnancy.” He sighed. “Jonas is a blessing for us both. My father will finally leave us alone about carrying on the family line.”


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