by Claudy Conn
It was so good I screamed out his name.
He shouted, “Mine! Hear me, Bennie...mine!”
He had claimed me, first with the marking, and now...yes, I was his. I had imprinted on him before he had marked me. Had he imprinted on me? Was that what this all meant? But did he love me? Did I love him?
I pushed my rump backward and into him. I couldn’t get enough of his hard thrusts. It was so damn good, then there I was again, at the top of that special mountain and blasting off with shakes that rocked us both!
He climaxed as well, and when our noise had subsided, he pulled me into his arms and kissed my face, my eyes—my nose, then lightly brushed my lips.
Neither of us wanted to talk, so we just lay there for a few moments, digesting the frenzy and pleasure we had just experienced together.
His hand was on my breast and he said in a low guttural voice, “I love your tits, and like you, they are more than a handful of trouble.” He pulled on my nipples and I squirmed. He chuckled, and whispered, “What do you need now, baby, what do you need?”
“To have your fucking cock inside me again,” I said, shocking myself.
“Your wish, my lady...” he said, and positioned me on my back. He rubbed his cock at my opening. “Is my command.” He thrust in deep, and my muscles grabbed and squeezed his dick so tightly, he groaned out my name. “ are made for me. Every inch of you is made for me,” he said as he rammed that perfect dick into me and moved it so that my clit sent me into jerky movements, and damn, if I didn’t explode completely and wildly, meeting his thrusts head on.
He didn’t stop, and my insides clenched around his cock and held on tight as we moved. He just kept riding me. All at once, I couldn’t believe it, but I was going off again, and this time, he climaxed with me.
It was some time later, as he cradled me in his arms, when he said, “I knew you were going to live up to your name, Trouble.”
I laughed. “Me? What about you?”
“A good match,” he said, and sighed.
“You marked me, Jace,” I said, because now I wanted more than I did before.
“Yes, are you angry with me?”
“I’m not angry, but...I want an explanation.”
“I think my playboy days are over, baby,” he said, and sighed. “I’m pretty sure I imprinted on you as well. I know you are mine, do you know it?”
“I’m good with that if I can mark you as well, because, Jace, I imprinted on you...I think, almost as soon as you kissed me that first time in the Jag.”
He growled and kissed me long and passionately, “Do it, Trouble. Mark me now. Tell me I’m yours. I want to be.”
It wasn’t an I love you, but it would do for a starter.
I pushed him onto his back and climbed on board. His dick danced when I took it and positioned it where I wanted it. When I came down on him, he was deep inside, and my canines were where his neck met his shoulder and I was biting deep. Oh yeah, marking would do for now.
He called out my name, “Bennie, oh, baby, my own Trouble!”
“Mine,” I answered.
~ Ten ~
“I HAVE TO GET BACK to Clara. I should be with her when she finally gets the portal open,” I told Jace as he stood near the bathroom door watching me dress after my shower. He was still naked, and damn, ready for anything. It was hard not to stare. It was even more difficult to keep my thighs from clenching.
“I’ll drive you,” he said on a low note.
“No, you said you need to go and have a conversation with Sophie. I can just transport home,” I said, and pulled on and tied my sneakers with a flick of my wrist.
He took a step to me. I took a step to him. His hands were on my ass, lifting me as he pressed against me. “I am coming with you when that portal opens.”
“You have enough to do here,” I said.
“I am coming with you. If I’m not there in thirty minutes, just say my name, baby. We are linked. It is part of the bonding that comes with imprinting. No matter where or how far away, we can communicate.”
I smiled. “Jace, go easy on Sophie.”
“What?” he said, surprised. “I would think you would want the book thrown at her.”
“No, I don’t. She is totally infatuated with you right now. She wasn’t thinking straight.”
“She broke my rules. She disobeyed a direct order. At the very least, she knew you were the guest of a woman I love like a mother. She needs to be punished,” he said sternly.
“Jace, when the heart is involved, rules fall away, lines get blurred. Give her a break. You can accomplish more with understanding and kindness.” I saw that he was still quite rigid. I sighed and added, “Look, it is your business, but, chances are, if you explain matters as they are, and tell her she has a world of wolves out there to choose from, she won’t be quite as bitter as she is right now. If you and I are going to be...whatever we are—it would be nice not to have her totally resenting me. Time will change everything, but she needs to hold up her head...imagine how she must feel right now.”
He crushed me in his arms. “How did I survive all these years before you walked into my life?”
“Good question,” I teased, and we both laughed. I kissed him then, long and passionately, and pulled away because we could so easily get carried away.
“Later, big guy,” I said, and vanished in my mist of blue.
* * * * *
I stepped out of my transport cloud into the kitchen and found Clara baking cookies. “Oh, yum!” Oh, the aroma was tantalizing, and as I grabbed a handful of cookie dough and chomped down, I mumbled with a full mouth, “Yes, just what I needed.”
“Disgusting child,” Clara said. “Have you no patience? I have a batch just ready to come out of the oven. Don’t eat the dough!”
I laughed and said, “I guess all this baking means the portal isn’t ready yet?” I eyed her up and down. She was still young and lovely Clara. I asked, “No more grandmother in black?”
She laughed. “ I am myself...for Nathan.”
I smiled and said, “I love cookies. Some please.”
She smiled. “You are good to have around. You eat everything I make with such gusto. I’m glad because I had to keep busy. I made enough dough to feed cookies to a small army.” She eyed me, and I saw her gaze land on the mark on my neck. I heal like very quickly, but as there was still a crescent shaped mark there, I knew from her raised brow what would come next, and it did. “Ah, he marked you, and I am assuming he has your mark as well. Excellent. Are you imprinted as well? No, don’t answer, I can sense that you are. After watching the two of you together, it dawned on me that it was meant. You must tell your mother immediately.”
“No, not yet. Let’s wait ’til we get Nathan home, and your life gets back to normal,” I said, because I had been wondering just how I was going to tell my mother...and father.
“Our lives, Nathan and mine, have never, thankfully, ever been normal. Who wants la dee da days? Not when you live forever.” She snickered. “Very well, I agree that the decision to tell your parents is yours, but don’t wait too long. Just imagine how you would feel if you were the mother and your daughter had taken such a huge step. You would want to know. You would want to meet the would...”
“I get it.” I shook my head. “Let’s get the portal done. Let’s get our next adventure over with, and I’ll muster up the courage and take the plunge.”
She brought out a tray of cookies from the oven, and I went to the fridge and poured myself some milk in anticipation. I am a cookie freak. I can eat an entire box of chocolate chips in twenty minutes!
“Halloooo?” a desperate sounding Boney called. I laughed, no, he sounded so silly that it wasn’t a laugh, I actually snorted, put down my glass of milk and hurried to my bedroom on the third floor.
“Hi, what’s up?” I asked as I stroked the skull of my familiar.
“All alone up here,” he complained petulantly. “I want to be whe
re the action is, and I am coming with you when you enter the portal.”
“Are you sure that is wise, Boney. I don’t want you to be snatched away from me in a different dimension,” I said, worried about this.
“I won’t be. Spell me invisible and attached, like you did that day you took me to school,” he said.
I laughed, and realized that Jace in my life had somehow lightened the darkness inside of me. I was always ready to have a good time, but I was also aware that something dark and powerful wanted out. Now, laughing was so easy, and that darkness, in control. “Okay then, so be it.” I picked him up and took him downstairs.
“Spell me invisible and attached. I go where you go,” he said again.
“I will, as soon as the portal is ready,” I told him.
“Where is he...your wolf?” Boney asked again on a petulant note. “I hope he is not going to be...a problem.”
“Oh, Boney, you don’t have to be jealous. You hold a place no other can hold. You are my Bone-Apart, my familiar.” I looked into his hallow eyes and actually saw the orb glint red.
“Very well,” Boney said quietly. “I might accept his presence as long as he, too, acknowledges my place with you.”
“He will. He understands,” I said, but it occurred to me that I was going to have to put Boney in another room when Jace and I made love. I swished this concern away, deciding to think about it another time.
The cookies were still really warm and I gobbled half a dozen up in a matter of minutes, downed the rest of my glass of milk, and looked around for more food.
I found some deli turkey and slapped it on a roll, slathered it with mayo and down it went. All that lovemaking had made me ravenous.
I heard a car coming up the gravel driveway and hurried to the window.
A silver Jag, and inside was my wolf.
I pulled the door open wide and rushed out, feeling more pleasure than I had ever thought possible, and realized it had been torturous being separated from him.
“Jace!” I called. Here was my big and strong mountain of a man. Oh, but I loved everything about him...his dark blond hair falling across his forehead. His golden eyes presently filled with me...with me.
He rushed at me. I rushed at him and flung myself up and at him. I had my legs wrapped around his middle and his lips took mine wildly, passionately, as though we had been apart for days!
At my back, Clara called out, “Something is happening! Hurry.”
Jace set me down and took my hand. I ran with him and straight to Boney, picking him up as we followed Clara up the first flight of stairs to her suite of rooms.
Her bed reposed against one wall, but that was all I could see of the main room because it was filled with a gigantic black hole! The portal was making popping sounds, sizzling with colorful sparks of energy, and crackling enough to be heard a mile away. It was so loud that I put one hand to my ear, as my other hand held Boney. I spelled him then and he vanished from sight, but I could feel him floating at my shoulder. He was safely attached.
“It’s ready...totally ready,” Clara shouted above the racket. “It is quite alive and willing to take us where we want to go. Hold hands...” She took mine and I took Jaces’ and we stepped inside the black and cavernous mouth of the inter-dimensional portal. Within a moment of stepping inside, we felt gust like wind slap us from side to side, and it didn’t take long for those gale like winds to tear the three of us apart!
~ Eleven ~
THE JOURNEY WAS NOT LIKE transporting. A portal is a living thing and it feeds on the energy of those using it.
It threw us from side to side. It bumped us, and it had suction cups that slurped at us. Finally, when we were thrown out, it was like being spit out of its mouth. Gross, I know, but no other way to describe it.
We had been separated inside the portal, and thus, thrown apart on landing. I lost my balance, bumped into something hard, tripped and fell. I rolled along a hard flooring, and felt poor Boney rolling right along with me.
“Ouch, ooh, Bennie, get it together!” Bone-Apart said. “Bennie!”
“Trying!” I complained right back at him.
The next thing I knew, Jace was there. He picked me up and set me on my feet. “Are you okay, baby?”
I nodded and he kissed me. “When you got pulled away, I was near frantic.”
I snuggled my face into his hard chest.
Like Jace, Clara had landed upright. Seems I am the only clumsy paranormal here. She called out, “Everyone okay?” And hurried toward us.
We both nodded. I had a good look around while Clara returned to the mouth of the portal, and I heard her working her wizardry.
Jace had my hand in his and we stood in place, scanning the chamber we had arrived within.
From what I could see, we were in a large medieval styled room. The walls that weren’t filled with bookshelves, were made of stone and ornamented with various landscape paintings. A panoramic window overlooked a garden full with exotic blooms. Two sofas of dark leather faced each other with a coffee table in-between, and various chairs were scattered throughout.
Clara was spewing another language, which sounded like the Gaelic she had been teaching me. She waved her hand in a circular fashion at the mouth of the portal, and the next thing we knew, the portal was gone.
“Our way home just vanished,” I pointed out.
“Nope,” she said, one finger up. “I instructed it to stay hidden and ready. It will respond to only me.”
“Okie doke,” I said. “Now what?”
“We find Nathan,” she said, and started for the door.
We followed her, but slammed into her back when she stopped short. “I can hear them...they are coming.”
We stood silent and waited. I wasn’t sure what we were supposed to do—attack my great-grandfather? That seemed kinda tricky.
The library door opened wide and Clara’s mate, Nathan, followed by Taggard, stomped inside, angrily yelling at one another.
Nathan was saying, “It is time, Taggard, to keep your promise! End the enchantment...allow me to find my way home to my wife.”
“No need,” Clara said, and ran into her husband’s arms.
I saw my great-grandfather produce an unusual looking wand, and as he raised it, I gave my wrist a twist and turned him into blue ice.
“Neat trick,” Jace said, and tweaked my nose.
“It isn’t a very nice thing to do to my great-grandfather...before we have even been introduced, but I didn’t seem to have a choice,” I said, and sighed.
“Well done,” Clara said. “You are ready now to move on to step seven in your training.”
Her husband kissed her forehead and then her lips.
“Isn’t that beautiful,” I said, and sighed.
“Clara, you can do that later. Take Nathan’s hand...and let’s roll,” Jace said. “Before he de-ices.”
“Let’s roll. Oh, that sounds so sexy, Jace, say it again,” I told him.
He grinned. I snuggled my shoulder into him.
Nathan, however, held his wife’s waist and took a moment to say, “Sweetheart...let me just look at you. I have missed you beyond the telling.”
We watched. I felt like a voyeur, but it was so sweet, like a Hallmark movie.
Clara choked out his name.
He crushed her to him and said, “I knew you would find a way to come to me. My life, finally, I have my life...sweetheart, I have missed you.”
“Come on...Jace is right. It is time to get into the portal,” Clara told him. “Before he breaks out, because he will.”
“I can’t,” Nathan said. “He has me trapped in an enchantment. It pulls me back every single time I leave. I have created portal after portal, and always, I get pulled back.”
“Damn!” Clara exclaimed, and turned on Taggard. “How could you? We were friends. You know what it is to be separated from your mate. How could you!”
He was frozen solid and, of course, couldn’t respond.
nbsp; I studied the statue of blue ice, then the blue ice started to vibrate and we knew he was breaking out. Uh-oh.
We all stood there and stared at him. He was my great-grandfather and I had frozen him stiff. That wasn’t going to be a great introduction when he thawed.
And then my great-grandmother walked gracefully into the room. I recognized her from Boney’s orb.
“Oh my, what have you done to my Taggard?”
I stared at her and said, “It was my fault, I did it. I’m your great-granddaughter, Benita Wey, and I had no choice.”
She was my great-grandmother, and she opened her arms wide and exclaimed, “ dear child.”
I went to her and she hugged me. It was like going home.
For no reason that I can fathom, I burst into tears.
* * * * *
“Clara,” my great-grandmother said, and held her arm out invitingly. Clara joined us in the hug.
“Sally, my dear friend, it is so good to see you,” Clara said with feeling.
Sally laughed. “I know, you thought me dead. Apparently I was. However, Taggard being Taggard, could not accept that. He persuaded Nathan to go back in time and snatch me out before I was murdered. He also gave me the elixir of immortality. I have no memory of the incident that caused my death, as it didn’t happen, you see. They brought me here to Andromedia and we created this lovely home,” Sally said solemnly. “I apologize, Clara. I have been trying to make Taggard release Nathan and allow him to go home, to you, but Taggard can be so stubborn.”
“Can I?” said my great-grandfather, stepping away from the ice he had just broken through. “Do you fault me, beloved?”
“Taggard...this is our great-granddaughter, Benita.”
I waited as he looked at me, his green eyes—like mine, like my father’s—were twinkling. I didn’t see evil in their depts. I saw stubborn. He said, “My very talented great-granddaughter who got the drop on me. Hallo, Benita.”
“Bennie,” I corrected.
“Now remove the enchantment and allow Nathan to return to his home with his wife,” Sally said forcefully.