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Red Hot

Page 21

by K. A. Merikan

  “Don’t get any stupid ideas,” said one of the policemen, whose stern face finally emerged from the shadows. It was Martinez, one of the first officers Red Jack had ever encountered after joining the Coffin Nails crew, and he knew he was fucked in the worst possible way.

  “My friend’s been in an accident, officer. Just helping out,” Red Jack said, but panic was squeezing his stomach like a tightening fist, even more so when Martinez’s gaze trailed down his cut, over the club patches.

  “With your pants down?”

  Loki stepped closer, with the blood still visible on his face. “He’s telling the truth, see?” he asked, careful not to lower his hands.

  The other policeman, a rookie Red Jack didn’t recognize, shrugged. “We’ll have someone take a look at you at the station.”

  All of Red Jack’s muscles turned into stone, and for once, he didn’t even have a cocky answer. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he muttered in the end.

  Martinez chuckled, directing his flashlight straight at Red Jack’s face. “Oh, really? This is a public road, we got a call from a lady who walked her dog around here.”

  Loki stepped in front of Red Jack. “We are really sorry. It won’t happen again.” He opened his mouth but nothing came out, even as he gently reached toward Martinez, who inched closer.

  Red Jack’s skin became gooseflesh. He needed a cigarette so bad it hurt. At least he didn’t have an illegal gun on him. But that would be the least of his problems once word got out about what he’d done here. He could possibly try to sweet talk the rookie into letting them go, but he knew Martinez enough by now to know the man wouldn’t take the bait.

  “There was no one here,” Red Jack said, “It wasn’t our idea to... expose ourselves to some old lady. We didn’t even hear no dog.”

  “It’s still a public place, so this classifies as lewd conduct. I’m afraid you two are gonna spend the night at the station,” said Martinez while his colleague spoke to someone on the radio.

  Red Jack’s stomach plummeted when he heard the Coffin Nails MC mentioned.

  Chapter 23

  The sound of the bars locking behind them was more welcome than Loki could have imagined. He’d had occasional run-ins with the police before, but they were never like this. Sometimes, he’d played the pretty boy card, but never with more than one policeman, and besides, Jack wouldn’t be impressed.

  In the police car, Jack had been pale as a sheet, and Loki didn’t know why until the grilling started. Clearly, the force held a grudge against Jack, but whether it was personal or just based on him being a member of the motorcycle club, Loki wasn’t sure. What shocked him most wasn’t the way the two policemen mocked Jack, it was that Jack didn’t try to defend himself. He didn’t openly oppose stupid ginger jokes nor comments about the compromising position they had been caught in. Quiet as a mouse didn’t suit Jack, and it was uncomfortable to see him that way.

  And now, in the small cell at the police station, he faced away from Loki, his shoulders stiff, head bowed. The tension spread to Loki, gripping his throat and rendering him mute. He swallowed repeatedly and backed away to the bars.

  “I’m sorry,” was the first thing he said to Jack since their intimate moment had been so brutally brought to an end.

  “It’s fine.” Jack put his palms against the wall. Fine was the last thing he looked like.

  Loki squeezed his jaw hard and slowly approached Jack. For some reason, seeing him so powerless made Loki stiff. He wasn’t usually forgiving to a man’s weaknesses, but this? It was hard to watch. Not because it was awkward, but because he didn’t want Jack to feel like shit. “Maybe I really shouldn’t have had that tattoo done without asking you first...”

  Those words turned Red Jack’s head. With no one else in the cell, they were free to talk. “It’s staying where it is.”

  Loki exhaled and dragged his fingers down his face, stepping close enough to sense Jack’s body heat. “What happens now? Are you on parole, or something?”

  “No. But I’m a fucking Coffin Nail. They always try to squeeze us for any bullshit. We’re probably gonna be out soon. But what if those fucking pigs talk to my brothers about what happened?” Jack punched the wall so hard Loki flinched. His knuckles left a red mark on the wall.

  Loki took Jack’s hand and looked at the torn skin. His heart was beating so fast he could feel it in his temples. “Can I do something?”

  “No, it’s my fault I couldn’t keep my dick in my pants. Fucking fuck!” Jack’s cheeks were slowly turning the color of his hair.

  “You couldn’t know...” Loki pulled Jack to the tiny sink and turned on the water. He put Jack’s hand under the faucet and cleaned the flesh Jack had rubbed raw with one punch. Why was he so on the edge if it was Jack who had more to lose? And since when was Jack so eager to take the blame? When they first met, Jack had been very quick to blame Loki for tempting him into things that a true straight bro shouldn’t be doing, and yet now, he was ready to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders.

  Jack finally looked into Loki’s eyes. “I’m losing my head because of you.” And despite the way he worded that sentence, it felt more like a confession than an attempt to lay the blame on Loki.

  Loki froze, staring up at Jack. His head throbbed with the need to do... something, but he kept it all inside, until he felt hot wetness trail down his lips.

  “Hey, what is it?” Jack quickly cupped his face. “Do you feel okay? Should I call a cop?” But all Loki needed was feeling those big, calloused fingers on his skin. He covered Jack’s hands and tilted back his head to stop more blood from trickling down his face.

  “You like me?”

  Jack sighed, as if what he was about to say was bad news. “I like you a lot. Everything is different with you around.”

  Loki wheezed and kissed Jack’s wet, cold knuckles. There it was, a declaration he’d always wanted to hear. So why did it feel so bitter, even with the warmth of joy spreading through his chest? “I like you, too.”

  Jack frowned, but nudged Loki’s nose with his fingers. “Last time, you said you love me?”

  Loki pulled up his shirt and wiped away the blood with the hem. Jack had been frozen with fear on the way here, but now he seemed composed, ready to take danger head on. For Loki, this kind of behavior was so alien in a boyfriend that he didn’t know what to say.

  Instead, he smiled. “I do.”

  Jack swallowed, his eyes wide and soft. “I never thought it could be like this with a guy…”

  Loki exhaled and stepped close, resting his cheek on Jack’s arm. “Me neither,” he whispered.

  Jack gently petted Loki’s head. “I can be myself with you in a way I never know how to with girls.”

  Loki chuckled and slid his hands around Jack’s waist, eager to just melt into his firm muscle. “You treat me so well.”

  “Do I?” Jack shook his head with a lost expression. “I’m sorry I hit you.”

  Loki shrugged, breathing in the leathery scent of Jack’s cut. “You’re so different than my other boyfriends. You take responsibility.”

  “I bet that Richard guy was responsible. He had a career, and all that,” Jack mumbled.

  “Nah, he was a fucking douchebag. He just wanted other people to think he was all that.” Loki frowned and nuzzled Jack’s arm. “Everything was always my fault, including his problems at work.”

  “You said it yourself, I’m not a good guy. I bet you wouldn’t be behind bars now if it wasn’t for me.”

  “I would stay here, if it meant you wouldn’t have to worry about the police. I can see you’re worried,” Loki whispered, squeezing Jack’s hand, which was oddly cold.

  Jack rubbed his forehead and his frown deepened. “I just keep thinking about your illness, and that you could have died in that car, and the last thing between us would’ve been ‘fuck you’. And now your nose is bleeding again, and I need you out of here, not stressing out over this. Fuck.”

  Loki b
it into his bottom lip, blinking away the wetness that suddenly flooded his eyes. He’d wanted a connection such as this his entire life, yet now it felt bittersweet. He’d broken into Jack’s life, got what he wanted, but what would happen to Jack when Loki died? He hadn’t thought of that. Before, his thinking only went as far as having someone love and pamper him on his death bed. The fate of that person - irrelevant. He wasn’t even sure what he had hoped for when he decided to make the redhaired douchebag fall for him, and now it seemed like such a selfish thing to do.

  “I’m fine.”

  Jack wiped the tears off Loki’s cheeks. “You’re not fine. I’ll call Sam to come and get you out of here. You’re ill. He’ll take you to our house, and you can pay him back with my money. You just go lie down, and they’ll probably let me out in the morning. It’s like a free hotel, right? Fuckin’ couchsurfing with the cops.” He let out a laugh, but his face was tense.

  Loki hugged him tight, overwhelmed by the need to be close. Our house, Jack had said. Loki had no idea when it had happened, but Jack had unlocked something that Loki didn’t know he had, a tenderness he never before wanted to express. And now, he was more worried about Jack than he was about himself. “Wouldn’t it be better if I stayed here?”

  “In no world are you staying locked up here for the night alone.” Jack shook his head and walked over to the bars. He banged on them before Loki could get a word in.

  Loki gasped and touched Jack’s back. “What about you? They were fucking cunts to you.”

  “Guess that’s what I get for being a fag.” Jack took a deep breath and put his head against one of the bars.

  Loki exhaled, stunned by Jack’s honesty. “I mean... you’re clearly bisexual... and even if, they still have no right,” said Loki, even though he knew that nothing in the world worked like it should in theory. He knew that all too well.

  “I’ve had worse from cops. I’ll be all right. I just wish… we’d waited to get home.”

  Loki couldn’t argue with that. He gently squeezed Jack’s fingers but stepped away when he heard footsteps approaching.

  It was a different policeman this time, but just like the others he let his eyes linger on the patches at the front of Jack’s vest.

  “What is it?”

  “I’m allowed a call, right? Still waitin’.”

  The policeman glared at Red Jack, but pulled out the keys to the cell. “Make it quick.”

  Chapter 24

  Loki did get released, and the hours since Sam had come for him were dragging in the lonely cell, but at least Red Jack knew Loki was safe and recovering. Everything else was a blur now. Sam not meeting Red Jack’s gaze, stupid comments from the police, being seen as a fag, Loki getting a headache and real bad nausea…

  When keys rattled against the door down the corridor, Red Jack stiffened and sat down on the bench in the cell, trying to look relaxed, but he was listening to every single step, assessing the weight and age of the officer coming his way. He swallowed as the brisk, energetic footsteps came closer, culminating in him seeing the slim feet on the other side of the bars.

  “The lewd conduct charge doesn’t really surprise me, but a guy? And I thought I knew you so well, Jack. You’ll fuck anything that moves, won’t you?”

  Red Jack smirked and looked up at the tan face of Deputy Paxton. She was wearing jeans and a bomber jacket, her hair gathered into a slightly greasy ponytail. She’d obviously been called over in the middle of the night because of him.

  Red Jack shrugged, trying to keep up appearances as they crumbled around him. “A mouth’s a mouth, you know? I was a bit drunk. I’d probably even do you when I’m drunk. Okay, I’d probably drink a few more,” he added, purposefully gliding his gaze over her legs.

  Paxton sighed and leaned against the bars, watching him from behind her thick eyelashes. “Jack, you know I reviewed the recording, right? I’m not here to let you make yourself look like an idiot.”

  Red Jack stiffened, his neck swelling around his throat as if his own body wanted to strangle him. A recording? When? This was exactly what he never needed. Paxton seeing him suck dick. He couldn’t bear the humiliation, so he looked ahead at the wall with a half smile that even to him felt a bit tight and fake. What exactly had been recorded? The very end? Jack on his knees, sucking cum out of Loki’s ass? It was only by sheer will that he kept his hands from shaking.

  Paxton sighed. “You know, I always thought you’re a selfish prick, so I’m really surprised you helped that boy get out early. It kinda explains why you hate women so much.”

  Red Jack bristled. “I don’t hate women,” he hissed without looking at her. He did hate Paxton’s guts though. Always up in his face just ‘cause she had a fucking badge. The clusterfuck with her sister had happened three years ago, and it wasn’t his fault that the bitch got hooked on biker dick. Then again, his cock was kind of amazing, so it was partially his fault.

  “Right,” she said in that mocking voice he’d love to just strangle out of her.

  “And I didn’t help him. He has cancer, I don’t.”

  “And he didn’t go home alone.”

  “His car was in a fuckin’ accident, so someone had to take him.” Red Jack finally looked into her eyes, trying to will her away.

  “Are you hungry?” she asked out of the blue, completely throwing Red Jack off guard.

  He frowned. “No.” What the fuck was this bullshit about?

  She shrugged and pulled out a paper bag from her jacket. She opened it and bit into a fresh-looking croissant. “Just thought I’d share. You must be hungry after helping out your boyfriend on the hood of his car. So attentive. He’s lucky to have you.”

  Boyfriend. Any appetite Red Jack could have had was gone, replaced by nausea. It was different to say that word to Loki, and different to have fucking Paxton spit it in his face. “It was a one time thing.” He balled his fingers into fists, helpless against the fucking video. Was it even legal to film him? Then again, even if it wasn’t, everyone would see Red Jack of the Coffin Nails give head. Paxton would make sure of that.

  Paxton chewed on her croissant and spoke with her mouth full, “I’m not all that against your kind of people. On the force, you get used to a lot of things. If you were the guy working at the corner store, no one would bother getting any incriminating evidence, but you’re one of the reasons so many of our kids get into drugs. I can’t just let this out of my grasp.” Yeah, ‘cause that’s why she wanted to deep fry his ass in hate.

  “What? You’re gonna post it on YouTube with a note that drugs make people do gay shit?” He laughed, but sweat beaded on his neck. There needed to be a way out of this.

  Paxton continued eating. “No, I’m gonna ask you nicely to answer some of my questions about the Coffin Nails.”

  Red Jack took a deep breath. “Okay, okay. Borg tells Candy he loves her brownies, but he really likes the vanilla cupcakes better. There. It’s out of the bag now.”

  “Hilarious. It won’t be when your friends find out about your boyfriend. You think they’ll want you as their brother then? Or maybe you want me to show you the video to see if it’s worth it?”

  Red Jack got up and cracked his knuckles. His head was spinning out of control. “You know shit about the club.” But deep under his skin, his heart began a ferocious thumping. He was trapped not only in this cell. He was trapped on that tape, trapped in his body, and trapped with his unexpected affection for Loki. When did that last one even start?

  “Exactly. That’s why I want us to be friends. I really won’t bite when you’re nice to me.” Paxton smiled and pushed the rest of the croissant into her mouth. Red Jack couldn’t even go with a fucking donut joke now.

  He could tell her fucking Loki was a one time thing, but the guys in the club wouldn’t believe that. Everyone knew Loki had been staying with Red Jack for weeks now. How long was it exactly anyway? How long did Loki have left? And even if Red Jack managed to sway the guys, tell them he was on speed and just needed
a hole to fuck, they’d push for him to kick Loki out. Otherwise them living together would look suspicious. And he couldn’t leave Loki now, that’s why he needed to make use of all the resources he had.

  Red Jack leaned against the bars, close enough to touch Paxton through them. “How nice do you want me to be?” he asked in a rasp that always had girls’ panties drenched.

  “You don’t do anything for me. And for the record, I don’t like my cocks freckled,” she said casually. “Don’t bother with that. All I want from you is a confession.”

  “I confess… to being a sexy stud.” Red Jack shrugged.

  “And I like to fuck gay asses, because I’m gay,” mocked Paxton.

  Before he could think straight, Red Jack spat at her and reached through the bars, trying to grab her jacket without success. “I’m not a fucking fag!”

  “If you don’t want your friends at the Coffin Nails to think so, you will answer all my questions. Both about the guys you work with here and the other chapters,” said Paxton, frowning at Red Jack’s hand, which was uselessly grabbing at air in front of her.

  “Fuck you!” His heart was beating so fast it felt like he was about to have a stroke. She had to be bluffing. She had to.

  Paxton sighed. “I know this is a lot to take in, so I’ll give you twenty-four hours to have a think about it.”

  “You’re a fucking cunt!” Red Jack hit the bars with his arms, desperate not to fall apart in front of her. All his nightmares were coming to life. Meanwhile, she was looking straight at him, her dark eyes calm as always, as if he were a gorilla having a fit in its cage. Dangerous, but manageable when you had a gun on you.

  “Okay, let’s make it forty-eight hours. It’s not like you’re gonna turn straight any time soon, right?” She patted the wall with a half smile.

  That fucking stung. Red Jack turned his back on her and crossed his arms, trying to cool off. How did he get into this position? For ages, he’d managed the occasional flings with hungry gay mouths. No questions asked, no problems. Loki was supposed to be a temporary thing, and now all Red Jack could think of was how to make what they had last longer.


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