Undeniable: Haven Falls (Book 5)

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Undeniable: Haven Falls (Book 5) Page 1

by Sheridan Anne

  © 2019 Sheridan Anne.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental.

  All Rights Reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever.

  Cover Design by: Sheridan Anne

  Photograph: Tankish 276

  Editing and Formatting by: Sheridan Anne

  Proofreading By: Jessie Lynn


  Nothing could prepare us for the secrets we were about to uncover or the dangers that would come out to haunt us.

  Our lives are very quickly spiraling out of control and we’re struggling to keep breathing.

  Rivers is gone and we don’t know when he’s coming back, Tully’s heart has been shredded into tiny pieces, and Noah’s doing his best to appear the fearless leader, but I can feel that he’s broken inside.

  Seeing my father laying helpless in a hospital bed put some things into perspective, and it’s about damn time our pack stands tall once again. We’ve been torn apart from the inside out. Trust has been broken, secrets exposed, and heartbreaking lies unravelled.

  But not anymore. I won’t stand for this. Our pack won’t stand for this. We will make it right, vowing to take down anyone who dares stand in our way.

  These are our lives are we’re claiming them back.

  That is until the unthinkable happens.

  WARNING: The Haven Falls Series is a Young Adult / New Adult Romance filled with LOL moments, teenage angst, and of course, all the swoon worthy moments I know you’re all dying for. This series is recommended for mature readers due to cursing and sexual content. If this offends you, then steer clear of this bad boy romance!

  For everyone else, dive in and have fun!



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Author Biography

  Other Series by Sheridan Anne

  Chapter 1

  Noah looks down at his junk and I swear, I’ve never seen him look so sick.

  Never in a million years did I think we’d be here about to do this. I mean, lying in a tattoo parlor amongst a bunch of needles isn’t exactly something new for Noah, but the fact that the needle he’s been staring at for the last ten minutes isn’t going to be used for a tattoo is kind of putting him on edge, and rightfully so.

  I don’t know how we got here. Actually…I know exactly how we got here and it has a little something to do with Noah losing a bet that I never dreamed he’d lose. What I’m not wrapping my head around is the fact that he’s actually going through with this. He’s a man of his word, but where his junk is involved? I figured he’d be on his knees, begging me to go easy on him or to at least give him another shot at the bet.

  But nope, he’s laying here in front of some woman, with his dick hanging out, waiting for her to pierce a metal bar right through it.

  Shit. I feel sick for him. I don’t think I can watch this.

  The woman, Tiny, who’s covered head to toe in tatts is the woman whom Noah has come to for all his tattoos. They’ve spent many, many hours together and he insists that if he’s going to trust anyone to do this; then it’s going to be her.

  Tiny laughed when she saw Noah walk through the door and asked what he was getting tattooed as though spontaneous visits weren’t something new for him. When he explained that he was here for a very different reason, she hardly batted an eyelash and stated that she knew he’d start on the piercings sooner or later. Though, she was surprised that he was starting with his dick. After all, most guys don’t quite jump in the deep end like that; they tend to start with a nipple piercing.

  Not my Noah, if he’s going to do something, he’s going to go all out. Go big or go home, right?

  Tiny turns around to face him and I watch with a smirk as Noah carefully studies her gloved hands. She has a marker and he seems to relax just a smidge as she steps towards him and gets her first real look at what she’s working with.

  Tiny nods and looks a little longer than necessary as she appreciates what Noah’s got going on. “Damn,” she says, giving me a congratulatory grin. “Good job, girl.”

  I can’t help but puff my chest out, extremely proud of my achievements and decide not to call her out on appreciating my boyfriend’s body for far too long. I mean, totally unprofessional but I have a feeling that was something I should have expected considering what we’re here for. Besides, if it wasn’t for her, this masterpiece of a body would look very different. I guess I kind of owe her.

  Tiny steps right up beside Noah and all the unprofessional shit goes right out the window. As she stares down at him, she pulls on her serious face. She’s here to do a job and now that her fun is over, she can get on with business. She uncaps the marker and puts a small dot on either side of his tip to use as a guide before stepping away to prepare the needle.

  Noah’s eyes flash nervously to me and I laugh at how ghostly he appears. “It’s not too late to admit that you’re a pussy and back out.”

  Noah scoffs as he props one hand behind his head, acting hard. “I ain’t no pussy,” he tells me, but the way his eyes nervously flick back to Tiny suggests otherwise. “Besides, I’m not stupid enough to back out and give you something to hold over me. This is happening.”

  I laugh to myself as Tiny turns back around with the needle, ready to get this done. “Wait,” Noah panics. “Isn’t there still a hundred steps before…that?”

  “Nope,” she says. “I could use a clamp, but that’s going to be uncomfortable and take longer. If I do it freehand, you’ll be done in less than thirty seconds.”

  “Shit,” he sighs. “You better fucking do this right. If my dick falls off, I’m coming after you.”

  Tiny steps up beside Noah once again and I find myself stepping into his other side, taking his hand and hoping that somehow calms my nerves. “Have I ever done you wrong?” Tiny scoffs with confidence.

  Noah doesn’t respond and turns his head away as Tiny gets comfortable. She places the things she needs down on a sterile pad before taking hold of his junk.

  I can’t look away. It’s like watching a horror movie. You can’t look away even though you know you should.

  Tiny brings the needle up and double checks her marking before murmuring to Noah. “Alright, you’ll feel a small pinch. Deep breath in three, two-”

  “No,” Noah calls out. “Don’t fucking count. Just do it.”

  The needle pierces through and I gape at the sight before me. Noah’s hand squeezes mine and I fear for the little bones throughout my hand. “Oh, fuck,” he grunts before a long, pained groan pulls from deep within him.

  “Nearly done,” Tiny tells him as she threads through the bar and works on attaching the ends.

  Noah shakes his head as she finishes up and I tear my eyes away to take him in. “How’re you feeling? Do you need some water?”

  “I think my life just flashed before my eyes,” he tells me, dropping his head to the table and staring up at the ceiling. “That sucked; like really fucking sucked.”

  “At least it’s all done,” I tell him
. “We can get out of here and you never have to think about it again.”

  “Not quite,” he tells me, a smirk spreading over his face. “You’re up next.”

  “Ummm…what?” I laugh. “Not sure if you’ve realized, but I come equipped with a different set of tools, and besides, you’re the one who lost the bet, not me.”

  “Yeah, that’s the last time I challenge you to ‘Minute to Win It’ by the way. That had to be rigged. You must practice that shit day in and day out.”

  I grin to myself. I’d found a YouTube video of ridiculous party game ideas and was laughing when Noah peered over my shoulder and suggested he could whip my ass in every single game. I don’t mean to toot my own horn but I absolutely smashed him every damn time. Hell, Aria even judged to make sure neither of us were cheating.

  I was stoked and shocked to realize just how good I was at sitting on a towel and scooting up the hallway without using my hands and making a pyramid out of soda cans using only my shoulder and chin. I mean, I fucking rocked. I thought for sure Noah was going to have me on the tissue box challenge, but apparently, I can pull those bastards out of that box like a fucking machine.

  “What are you waiting for, Spitfire?” Noah says, sitting up with a groan as Tiny finishes with his aftercare. “Sit your ass down. I think we’ll do your tongue.”

  I blanch at him. “Are you fucking kidding me? No way. I won that bet fair and square. I’m not getting anything pierced.”

  “The hell you aren’t,” he challenges. "I just had my dick pierced. Do you really think you’re in a position to argue about this?”

  “Uh, yeah,” I laugh before glancing down at his new shiny dick. “Besides, wouldn’t you worry that we’d…uh, get stuck together?”

  Tiny snickers as Noah requires a moment or two to understand what the hell I’m talking about. Watching him finally get it is like seeing that moment in a cartoon when the light bulb above the character’s head finally comes to life.

  Noah grins wide and shakes his head. “Trust you to think about that shit,” he tells me before turning to Tiny with curious eyes. He indicates between the two of us. “How long before we can get nasty?”

  Tiny rolls her eyes and laughs as she cleans up her station. “I’m not exactly going to suggest doing it right now, but you’re good to go whenever. Just use a condom until it completely heals to avoid infection and make sure you clean it well and stick to all the aftercare instructions. I don’t want a repeat of what happened with your first tattoo.”

  “Yeah, I learned that lesson real fucking fast,” he cringes while sucking in a sharp breath. He turns back to me. “Come on, babe. Don’t tell me you’re a pussy and can’t handle what you dish out.”

  “You know I’m not a pussy,” I remind him. “But I’m not getting my tongue pierced. I’ll get a tattoo though.”

  Noah raises a surprised brow. “Really?” he questions. “You’ve never said anything about wanting a tattoo.”

  I nod. “I know because I wasn’t ready to do anything about it and I’ve always worried about the pain. Besides, when would I have had the time to go and get it done? The past seven months have been hit after hit, and it’s not like Dad would have allowed me to do it…but now that I’m eighteen…”

  “You’re serious?” Noah questions excitedly as though a tattooed chick turns him on.

  “Dead serious.” I pull out my phone and scroll through my gallery until I find the screenshot I’d taken of the angel wing tattoo. I hand him my phone and watch anxiously as he takes it in, looking over the angel wing that would take up a good portion of my right rib cage and the beautiful blues and purples that blend throughout it, looking as though the ink is dripping off the wings. It’s stunning and if Tiny could do something like that, I’d be a happy camper.

  “Fuck, that’s hot,” Noah grins, handing my phone to Tiny to look at.

  I can’t help but feel proud. I’ve loved this tattoo ever since I first saw it. The wing will be a metaphor for rising above which seems like the slogan of my life right now. Everything is trying to bring me down but no matter what, I continue to rise above it all.

  The wing is so artistic that if I didn’t have the picture on my phone, there’s no way I would been able to describe it to her, but when Tiny hands the phone back to me with a smile and says, “I can work with this,” I’ve never been happier.

  “Really?” I ask, suddenly feeling excited about the possibility of getting it done. I mean, this is going to look incredible during summer in my bikini.

  “Sure thing,” she tells me, walking over to her schedule and opening it to today’s date. “I have a client due to come in soon for a tattoo laser removal, but if you’re really serious, I can work on a design while you guys grab lunch and you can meet me back here in…let’s see, maybe two hours. This would take maybe two sessions though.”

  I look to Noah. “You sure about this?” he asks. “It’s not the same as getting a piercing. It’s permanent.”

  “Yeah,” I tell him with a wide grin. “I’m sure.”

  “Alright,” he says, glancing back at Tiny. “I guess we’ll meet you back here in a few hours.”

  She beams excitedly, instantly grabbing her sketchbook and walking out to the front of the shop with us in tow. She opens the door for us while reminding Noah to take it easy and before we’ve even walked away, she’s already sitting down at the front desk, getting started on my design.

  Noah takes my hand and leads me down the street towards my car with a bit of a limp that has me smothering a grin. “You know,” he says, digging into his pocket and pulling out my car keys before handing them to me. “I think you should drive.”

  I take the keys and laugh. “Yeah, that might be a good idea,” I tell him, unlocking the car for us to drop down into. “I can’t believe you went through with that! I thought for sure you were going to pussy out, though, I can’t say I’m disappointed. Tully says being with someone with a piercing is-”

  “The fuck?” Noah shrieks in a tone I never imagined could come out of a guy like him. I slam my mouth shut. That really wasn’t meant to come out. “Who the fuck has she been with that has a piercing?”

  I shake my head, focusing every little piece of me on the road as I pull out of my parking space. “No one, just something she read in a magazine.”

  “Spitfire, you know one of the good things about being able to read you like a map is that I can tell when you’re lying,” he says. “Now, you have three seconds to spill it before I take it up with her, and trust me, the way she’s been hating on me lately, it’s not going to be pretty.”

  “Shit. Can you just pretend I didn’t say anything?” I beg. “Pretty, pretty please?”

  “Not a snowball’s chance in hell.” He looks across at me. “It’s Rivers, isn’t it?”

  I squish my lips together as hard as I can, desperately trying not to say anything, only in doing that, I completely give it away.

  Noah howls with laughter. “Are you fucking kidding? We have matching dicks?”

  A grin rips across my face, splitting it in two. “Yeah,” I laugh. “I guess you do.”

  “Shit,” he says, shaking his head. “How could you let this happen?”

  I somehow manage to get my laughter under control and not wet my pants before pulling up outside my favorite salad bar, despite Noah’s objections that ‘you don’t make friends with salad.’ Though, he’s being a smartass; he absolutely loves salad no matter how much he denies it. I mean, you don’t get a body like his from eating shit all the time.

  We go in and order before walking down to the park with our food to sit down. The park is practically empty as the sun is shining bright and most people have probably gone down to the beach. To be honest, I’m kind of pleased as Noah can’t go anywhere without someone coming and chatting to him, so having an empty park is great, especially considering that Noah has snapped at anyone who has tried talking to him lately.

  It’s only been a few days since his mom thr
ew him out. Having her do that tore him to shreds. He knew she’d be upset when she discovered that he worked for Anton, but he never dreamed she’d take it that far.

  He’s hurt and he’s doing a great job of hiding it by taking his anger out on Anton. He wants to take him down. We all do, but it’s not going to be easy and he knows it. A guy like Anton doesn’t get taken down. The cops have tried countless times and he always manages to cover himself. He’s like some kind of criminal mastermind, just like my mom.

  Finding out that she was the leader of a prostitution ring; my God, I never expected that in a million years. I mean, from what little I could gather about Rivers’ personal life, I always assumed the woman who raised him was going to be no good, but a prostitution ring? It’s been weeks and I’m still trying to wrap my head around it.

  Noah takes his water bottle off the park bench and discreetly looks around before gently placing the cold bottle between his legs and pulling me out of my head. “What the hell are you doing?” I chuckle as I watch him trying to ice his dick.

  “It burns,” he groans before taking a bite out of his Caesar wrap and focusing on the children playing in the park, though, I know he’s looking that way but I don’t think he actually sees them. Something tells me he’s trapped inside his head which has been happening a lot lately.

  I reach over and take his hand. “You ok?” I murmur, hating that his heart is hurting at the moment.

  “Yeah,” he sighs. “I’m just thinking of ways I can get mom to forgive me.”

  “She said she needed you to make amends for everything you’ve done while working for Anton.”

  “I know,” he says. “But it’s not that easy. It’s not like I can go and un-steal a car and give it back to the guy. That thing is probably in tiny little pieces and long gone. How am I supposed to make amends for that?”

  “I don’t know, but I’m sure you’ll figure out a way. You could always volunteer for the community. I’m sure your mom would appreciate that.”


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