Undeniable: Haven Falls (Book 5)

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Undeniable: Haven Falls (Book 5) Page 6

by Sheridan Anne

  Noah leans into me, pressing his lips to my neck. “You were the sexiest ‘Oompa Loompa’ I’ve ever seen,” he tells me, inhaling deeply and sending chills all over my skin.

  “Damn straight I was,” I laugh, turning in his arms as the heat from within begins spreading.

  Noah lifts me and places me down on the sink. “Is your old man going to be a while?” he asks as I spread my legs, inviting him in, and just as I knew he would, he wastes no time stepping in closer, his body pressed right up against mine.

  “Uh-huh.” I search out his lips and melt into him as he devours me. His hands roam over my body before finding the hem of my shirt and pulling it up over my head.

  My body screams for him. We haven’t had sex over the last few days because of his new piercing, but something tells me he’s had enough of waiting. I’ve been craving him since he got that piercing and have grown more and more desperate to test it out, and I can’t wait any longer.

  We lose our clothes and a moan slips out of me as he grips my ass and lifts me off the sink. With two quick strides, he walks into the shower and reaches around me to turn on the taps. The cold water rushes down over us and I gasp as I arch my body away, desperate for some sort of relief from the cold water.

  Noah smothers my gasp with his lips and suddenly I couldn’t give a shit about the cold water, even when he presses me up against the cool tiles and anyones normal reaction would be to scream out.

  He hardens beneath me and the anticipation is nearly too much. I reach down between us and my hand runs over his length. He flinched at my touch before a deep, guttural groan comes tearing up this throat. I smile against his lip while being gentle not to hurt him, though, from the way he seems to be urging me on, I’d dare say he’s just fine.

  My hand moves back and forth as my other hooks around his neck, keeping myself up while he gets busy working my body. He slides two, thick fingers deep inside me and my head instantly falls back against the tiles.

  Noah’s lips trail along the sensitive skin of my neck, relentless in his sensual assault on my body as his other hand firmly grips my ass.

  In. out. In. out.

  “Yes,” I groan low before his thumb finds my clit and begins rubbing slow, teasing circles, driving me insane with need. My nails dig into his back. “More,” I gasp, begging with everything that I have. “I need more.”

  Noah’s lips pull up into a devilish smirk against my skin before he dives down and sucks my nipple into his mouth, teasing it with the tip of his tongue. “I thought you’d never fucking ask.”

  He adjusts his hold on me and I want to cry out as his fingers pull out from within me, but in the next second, he lines his impressive length up with my entrance and then finally presses into me until there’s nowhere left to go.

  He slowly draws himself back out, both of us groaning with the feel of his piercing rubbing against my walls. This is insane. It’s incredible, purely intoxicating, and like nothing I’ve ever felt before. He pushes me to my limits faster and harder than I’ve ever had it until I’m screaming out his name.

  Noah groans as he reaches his climax and buries his face into my neck. My nails carve into his back and I hold on with everything I have as I clench down around him. Stars appear in my vision and I’m left completely spent, unable to hold myself up as I sag against the cold tiles and struggle to catch my breath.

  Chapter 6

  “Oh, no, no, no, no, no,” I mutter to myself as I stand in the open fridge. This is not a fun game. I stare at the line of water bottles in front of me before glancing at the piece of paper that’s been tapped to the top shelf.

  The note reads, ‘Hello, I want to play a game...’ Insert picture of the creepy dude from all the ‘Saw’ movies. ‘Three of these bottles have been filled with water, three with laxatives. Take your pick.’ New line. “BAHAHAHAHA…Let the games begin.’

  I shake my head to myself. That little turd. I need to keep Noah off YouTube. I always say it must have sucked growing up with Noah, though I always assumed Tully was just as bad. If this is the kind of shit he’s been doing to her all this time then Tully is a lot stronger than I could have ever imagined. I mean, damn.

  I couldn’t handle this every day; and knowing that Noah is probably hiding out somewhere watching me and laughing is only making it worse. So, I do what anyone else would do; I go thirsty and mix up all the bottles, waiting for him to come and grab a bottle that he believes is safe. He was right; let the games begin. Two can play at this game and one thing’s for sure– I don’t like to lose.

  I close the fridge door and step back with a grin. Checkmate, motherfucker.

  Walking into the living room, I find Noah stepping through the front door after washing his car. He’s been racing a lot at Maxen’s new track, testing it out even though it’s already been tested. I guess he just can’t help himself but seeing as though the rest of the place is still coming together, it’s basically a muddy swamp, especially after that torrential rain we had the other week. So naturally, every time Noah returns from that place, his car is covered from top to bottom in mud. It’s kind of gross but he loves any excuse to wash his car.

  For the first time in what feels like all of my senior year, it seems to have been a very peaceful week. Well just about. After mine and Tully’s debut performance in ‘Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory’ on Monday night, we’ve somehow managed to stay out of trouble, even Noah has too. Though it’s only Thursday afternoon so I guess there’s still time for all hell to break loose.

  Noah walks towards me with a mischievous sparkle in his green eyes. “Did you get that drink?” he questions, trying to keep a straight face.

  “Nah, I got distracted,” I tell him, dropping down onto the couch. “Why don’t you grab them?”

  His eyes slice towards me and despite his lips remaining in a tight, straight line, he somehow appears to be laughing at me. It must be the way his eyes light up with twinkling excitement. “Sure,” he says striding past me before turning away so I can’t see his face, only from the angle I’m sitting, I see the way the apples of his cheeks rise into two perfectly firm bulges.

  Tully was right, he certainly is a D-bag, but a D-bag that just happens to make my heart race every time he walks through the door. Don’t even get me started on how it feels when he looks my way and touches me. My God…

  I listen as the fridge door opens before the distinct sound of Noah smothering a laugh comes sailing through to the living room. The fridge closes and then he’s back, dropping down beside me and handing me a bottle that I have no doubt he just chose very carefully.

  I fiddle with the bottle cap, twisting it between my fingers and pretending to be distracted as I watch out of the corner of my eye as Noah opens his water bottle with way too much confidence. He brings it to his lips and takes a long, needed drink.

  With that, I tighten the lid of my water bottle and drop it into his lap. “Nice try,” I tell him as a wicked grin slowly begins to spread across my face. I lean over and kiss his cheek before whispering in his ear. “I mixed up the bottles.”

  Noah’s eyes bulge out of his head as he whips around to face me. “You didn’t?”

  I laugh as I push up off the couch. “I guess we’ll have to wait and see.”

  Noah’s head drops to the back of the couch. “Shit. This is not good.”

  I lean forward onto his knees and give him a big, beaming smile. “You’re going to have to try harder than that, Noah Cage. I’m not as easily fooled as your sister. Now, get your ass up. We need to head to the store so you can buy me an untampered water bottle. Though, maybe you should stay here, you know, just in case you need to make friends with the toilet.”

  Noah rolls his eyes. “It’s fine, I didn’t drink enough to be affected by it. Besides, there’s still a chance I got a good bottle,” he laughs as he gets up from the couch. “But we better replace all of them. I can only imagine what your dad would do if he came home and accidentally drank one of those.”

  “Oh, my God,” I laugh. “He’d tear you into little pieces and feed them to the neighbor's cat. I can see it now, we’re going to end up on the news.”

  “That’s fine, as long as you say something nice at my funeral.”

  I roll my eyes and drag Noah into the kitchen before handing him the bottles from within the fridge. We get busy pouring them down the sink and before I know it, we’re dropping down into his car and peeling out of the drive.

  Noah’s phone rings out and he ignores it seeing as though it’s just Tully. She only just left my place twenty minutes ago. The call dies down as Noah pulls into the gas station and a second later, my phone starts up.

  Shit, for her to call right after like that, it must be important. I grab my phone from the center console and hit accept as Noah brings the car to a stop. “Yes?” I say, waiting to hear the reason behind this mystery call.

  “Where the fuck is Noah?” she demands, yelling hysterically down the line.

  I sit a little straighter as my eyes shoot across to him. “He’s right here,” I tell her, putting it on speaker. “Why? What’s going on?”

  “You want to fucking know what’s going on?” she yells as my eyes remain locked on Noah’s. “My stupid fucking brother started working for Anton Fucking Mathers and managed to piss the bastard off. I just got home to find the fucker waiting for me. At our fucking doorstep, Noah. Where we sleep. Where our family lives. He slammed me into the fucking wall demanding to know where you were. You brought this shit to our home. How the fuck could you? What if Ari was with me? What if that had been mom?”

  Noah’s fingers curls around the steering wheel, his knuckles instantly turning white with anger as he listens to his twin sister.

  “Alright, alright,” I say, trying my hardest to calm her. “Are you ok? Did he hurt you?”

  “Hurt me? He slammed me into a fucking wall, Henley,” she seethes. “He put his hands on me and physically threw me into the wall. I’m fucking lucky my head didn’t crack open.”

  “Shit, Tully. We’re on our way.”

  “No, don’t come over here,” she says. “He’s waiting for you.”

  Noah slams his foot down on the gas, sending me flying back into my seat. “He’s still fucking there?” he demands, pulling out into traffic as the back of his car fishtails around while other motorists honk and curse him out.

  “Not him personally,” she explains as Noah races down the road. “He left his fucking muscle behind. Anton took off straight away while a guy in a black, hunk of shit is sitting outside our place. I don’t know what to do. I’ve locked and dead bolted the door, but I don’t think he’d bat an eyelash at smashing a window to get in here. What if mom and dad come home?”

  “I’ll handle it,” Noah tells her, flying around the corner and making me scramble for something to hold on to. “Get the fuck out of there. Go out the back, jump the fence and run.”

  “If dad sees this guy, you know he’s going to try and do something about it.”

  “I told you I’d fucking handle it,” Noah snaps down the line. “Now get the hell out of there.”

  “Where am I supposed to go? Henley’s place?”

  “No. If he’s looking for me, that’s the next place he’ll go,” he says, sending chills down my spine. “Find Aiden and stay there until I come and get you.”

  “Ok,” she murmurs in a panic before the line goes dead.

  I throw my phone down and slam my hand against the dash, desperately trying to hold still as Noah flies down the road, faster than I’ve ever seen him drive before. “What are you going to do?” I ask, feeling that same panic that’s pulsing through Tully’s veins right now.

  “I’m going to fucking kill him,” he says, not taking his eyes off the road for even a second. “He put his hands on my fucking sister.”

  “Just…think about this, Noah. Think about who you’re dealing with. This is going to start a war that we can’t possibly win.”

  “No, you fucking think about it. Anton just left his muscle behind. This is the only fucking time I’m ever going to get him alone. I’m doing this with or without you, Henley. So, what’s it going to be? Are you with me or not?”

  “Shit,” I say as he speeds back past my place, taking the quickest route towards his. “Of course, I’m fucking with you.”

  We get two streets away from my place when a big, black SUV appears in the opposite direction. “Fuck,” Noah roars before careening into the center of the road and blocking all traffic.

  The black SUV screeches to a halt and I gape as I recognize Anton behind the wheel. Noah was right, the fucker was coming to my place. Fear grips me. If Noah hadn’t been there and I was alone with Ari at home…

  I’m more on board than ever. This has become so much more than getting Noah out of a tricky situation and putting the fucker down, it’s become a matter of protecting what’s mine and I’ll stop at nothing to make that happen.

  Noah’s out of the Camaro and racing towards the SUV within a matter of seconds. Hell, he didn’t even cut the engine.

  I chase after him as Anton pushes his door wide, but Noah is already there, grabbing the guy in an incredible show of strength and slamming him into the side of the SUV. Noah doesn’t give him a chance before he rears back and clocks him right in the face. “How dare you touch my sister,” Noah spits, pulling back and getting him with an uppercut right under his ribs.

  Anton gasps for breath before grabbing Noah and ripping him off him. “You watch who the fuck you’re talking to, boy,” Anton warns, stepping forward with his greasy, black hair, too tight suit, and gold rings and chains which were probably bought with dirty money.

  “I’m not your ‘boy’,” Noah growls, stepping back into him, not afraid to go for round two.

  Anton reaches for Noah’s top and within the blink of an eye, he spins them around and tosses Noah into the side of the SUV, instantly reversing their roles. Anton gets up in Noah’s face and it’s clear he’s trying to be somewhat intimidating, but I’m not sure that shit can work on Noah. It might have when he was an eleven year old boy, but not anymore.

  “You’re what I say you are until I’m done with you,” Anton says slowly. “I fucking own you.”

  Noah grins and it’s clear that his ‘don’t give a shit’ attitude is putting Anton off. He’s not used to his errand boy being non-compliant and he clearly doesn’t like it. Noah leans even closer. “You see, that’s where you’re wrong,” Noah murmurs in a tone that sends chills down my spine. “I don’t work for you anymore. You owned me because you paid for my sister’s treatment, but that’s not true, is it?” he slams his hands into Anton’s chest, sending him back a step. “You took advantage of a scared little kid and now that kid is all grown up and is going to put you down for the shit you put him through.” Noah hits him again. “You destroyed me. You took away my innocence and made me do unspeakable things with the belief that you’d given my sister a longer life, but not anymore, Anton. You better watch your fucking back.”

  Anton reaches behind his back and my eyes bulge as I see the gun poking out of the waistband of his suit pants.

  I run as fast as my feet can take me. “GUN!” I scream, bolting towards him.

  It all happens in slow motion. Anton’s fingers curl around the gun as he pulls it from the confines of his pants. His head whips in my direction just as Noah’s does, eyes going wide as he comprehends what I said.

  Terror grips me and despite the gun in the man’s hand, I don’t dare stop. Not where Noah is concerned.

  Anton’s takes me in and a strange recognition flashes there, but it’s gone before I can work it out. Right now, that’s the last thing on my mind.

  Noah’s head swings back to Anton, his eyes panicked as he takes in the gun.

  My feet continue slapping against the road, desperately forcing myself forward until I’m finally there. I throw myself at Anton’s back, knocking him off balance as I scramble for his gun, making it impossible for him to g
et a clean shot at Noah and hopefully buying us just a little time.

  Noah snaps into action, probably hating on me right now but not daring to waste this only chance. His hand balls into a tight fist and he rears back with everything he has before throwing a devastating punch towards Anton’s temple, narrowly missing my face.

  I hear a sickening crack before Anton crumbles to the ground like a sack of shit, squishing me beneath him with the sound of the gun clattering down on the ground beside him.

  Lights out.

  Time catches up with me as the weight of Anton’s body becomes all too much. Noah kicks the gun towards his Camaro before grabbing Anton and tossing him aside. “Henley, baby. Are you ok?” he hurries out, diving for me and scooping me up off the ground before his eyes start sailing over my body, checking for injuries.

  There’s a massive graze over my leg and both elbows are going to hurt for a while, but apart from that, I’m perfectly fine. Maybe a little in shock, but as long as Noah is here and he’s still breathing, I’m going to be ok.

  “I’m fine,” I rush out, sinking into him and holding him as hard as I can while tears spring from my eyes. “He was going to shoot you.”

  “I know, Spitfire,” he soothes, running a hand down my hair. “It’s ok. He didn’t. I’m fine.”


  “No buts,” he tells me. “We’re both fine. Though, you realize you’re a crazy fool and will be speaking to a professional about your need to run into situations like that?”

  I gape up at him. How can he possibly be making a joke right now? “He was going to shoot you,” I repeat.

  “I know, babe,” he says. “And without you to stop him, he probably would have.”

  I shake my head, the tears becoming too much. “Don’t put that image in my head.”

  He wipes the tears off my face. “I’m sorry, but you started it when you jumped on a guy’s back who was holding a gun.”

  At the mention of Anton, I can’t help but turn to look at him. “What are we going to do?” I ask, checking to see if he’s breathing. I mean, all hell is going to rein down on Noah if he killed the mob boss. “He’s not dead, is he?”


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