Cole (The Ride Series)

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Cole (The Ride Series) Page 5

by O'Brien, Megan

  “You think its obligation that I feel?” he growled.

  “I don’t know what it is that you feel, and frankly, the visit I got at work tonight just confirmed that I don’t want to know,” I replied harshly. Okay, maybe this was the point where I realized that having this conversation half asleep was a bad idea. My snarky side seemed to be wide awake, though.

  “I heard about that. It’s been dealt with,” he replied without hesitation.

  I laughed. “Something tells me there’s more than one of those girls waiting in the wings. Were you planning on chartering a blimp to broadcast some type of message?” I asked sarcastically. “She was classy by the way, good to know what your type is.”

  He chuckled unaffected by the bite of my words. “If you didn’t care what it is that I feel, then you wouldn’t give a shit. From the sound of your voice it seems that she got you all riled up. And from what Connie said, it was a sight to see, too. So from where I sit, you’re just denying the inevitable with your suit of armor darlin’,” he drawled.

  I scowled that he had me pegged.

  “I’m surprisingly patient, so you can keep up this act a while longer if you’d like, though I really don’t see the point.”

  “God, you are infuriating,” I seethed.

  He chuckled, his deep voice sending a wave of tingles straight to my groin in a way I wished I could deny. “Yeah but you like it, all of it,” he replied arrogantly.

  God, I so did. Dammit.

  “Are you going to keep goading me or are you going to let me sleep?” I demanded.

  “You set the alarm? Lock the doors?” he asked, his tone softer now.

  “Yes,” I sighed.

  “Okay then. I’ll pick you up at six tomorrow night.”

  “Wait, what?” I demanded.

  “Already checked with Connie, I know you don’t have to work. You and I are going out. I would tell you what to wear, but I’m sure anything you chose will be sexy as hell. Night darlin’,” he murmured before he hung up.

  “Gah!” He clearly wasn’t accepting my brush off and I wasn’t entirely certain what to do about that. The man drove me absolutely crazy, in every way.

  Chapter Four

  I considered standing Cole up, I really did. But then I thought about everything he’d already done for me, and I couldn’t go through with it. And if I was being honest with myself, I was thrilled at the prospect of spending more time with him. It was official, I was a glutton for punishment.

  After some guesswork and lots of input from Kat the next evening, I settled on tight, dark blue jeans and my green fitted blouse that hugged my curves and made my eyes pop. I finished it off with my high heeled sandals. It was an outfit that would work in almost any setting, which was pretty much what I had to go for. I left my long hair down and a bit wild. To complete the look, I applied black eyeliner and my blush colored lipstick for a bit of color.

  “You look smoking,” Kat assured me with a grin when I twirled for her.

  “For someone who makes you so irritated you sure do seem excited to see him,” she teased.

  “Shut it,” I warned.

  “Why are you still trying to push the poor guy away?” she asked innocently. “Ever since you discovered that you guys have a shared history, I thought you might be a bit more open to the idea,” she added.

  The truth was that I’d considered this fact as well. It was true that having a shared history and having talked to his father did make me trust him more. But that didn’t mean he still wasn’t a seasoned womanizer. I was now more intent on protecting my heart than worrying about my safety. And I told Kat as much.

  She smiled sympathetically. “Honey, sometimes we gotta just put ourselves out there,” she encouraged.

  “Yeah, well that hasn’t always worked out so well for me,” I grumbled.

  “First time for everything,” she grinned as we heard his bike rumble to a stop in front of our place.

  A knock at the door came moments later, and I opened it to find Cole looking beautiful as always on the other side. He wore his typical uniform—a leather jacket, jeans, and motorcycle boots. He looked good enough to eat. His eyes drifted leisurely over my figure before he cocked a brow and held out a woman’s leather jacket.

  “You’re gonna need one of these,” he said as he grinned. “I guessed the size, hopefully it fits.”

  It took me a moment before I reached out to grab it. “Thank you,” I replied, shocked at the gesture, and put it on over my blouse. It was a tight fit over my ample chest, and I gave him a wry smile. “I’m guessing that wasn’t an accident.”

  “Nope,” he chuckled, his eyes lighting up as he took me in. “It suits you.”

  “We’ll see,” I muttered, waving good-bye to Kat and following him outside.

  “Where are we going anyway?” I asked as I put on the helmet he’d handed me.

  “Dinner,” he answered simply with a wry smile, turning the bike on as I wrapped my arms around his waist.

  I was surprised when we pulled into Gunny’s, a very well regarded steak joint just outside of town. It was on the pricey side, so I’d never eaten there, but I’d certainly heard about it.

  “Am I dressed okay for this place?” I asked a bit worriedly, running a hand nervously over my blouse.

  “You look beautiful,” he assured me, taking my hand and leading me inside with a confidence I found incredibly attractive.

  The host showed us to a quiet booth along the window and I suddenly felt nervous as we sat across from each other. I hadn’t been on an actual date in years and I started to feel unsure of myself.

  “You look nervous,” Cole observed while grinning at me, completely at ease and in his element, which seemed to be the case no matter where we were.

  “I guess I am a little,” I admitted.


  I shrugged. “It’s been awhile since I was on a date,” I admitted.

  “How long’s awhile?” he wanted to know, eyeing me intently.

  “Years,” I murmured.

  His brows rose to his hairline. “Years? How is that possible?” he demanded.

  There were a lot of ways to answer that question. “I’m picky,” I said, settling for the easiest. It was true.

  He chuckled. “Well I’m glad to hear it.”

  I was tempted to quip that I wished he’d been picky as well, but I bit my tongue. Damn that snarky side. He seemed to bring it out in me.

  The waiter came and we ordered our drinks. I ordered a cocktail and Cole stuck with beer.

  “We’re having a barbeque at the club tomorrow, you should come,” he said as I sipped the drink that had just been placed in front of me.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea,” I replied resolutely.

  “Why not? You know I’d never let anything happen to you right?” he asked, staring at me intently.

  And oddly enough I did know that, I just didn’t understand it. Nor was that my main concern about the barbeque. I took a deep breath before plunging in. “Listen Cole,” I began, choosing my words carefully, “I grew up in a club just like you. I know how things work, and I know how the men in the club are,” I told him, ignoring the narrowing of his eyes. “I don’t think this is a good idea,” I finished with a shake of my head.

  “So you’re just going to throw me in with that lot?” he demanded, clearly frustrated.

  I pegged him with a knowing stare. “And you’re going to tell me that you haven’t had countless women in your bed?” I demanded. “That you have more one- night stands than not? That’s just not for me,” I shook my head.

  “That’s a hell of an assumption,” he growled.

  “Am I wrong?” I countered with raised brows.

  He sighed and I knew I’d hit my mark. He was silent for a moment as he regarded me intently. “It’s different with you,” he said finally. I had to admit that his expression was utterly sincere.

  “Why?” I demanded skeptically as he rudely waved away the wa
iter who’d come to take our order. “Why are you so protective over some girl you just met?” I demanded, watching the waiter back away.

  “What do you think?” he asked with a tilt of his head.

  When I didn’t reply he sighed. “I’m probably this way with you for the same reason that you’re going on a date with me when you haven’t gone on one for years. There are exceptions to every rule. How about we leave it at that for now?” he suggested, his gaze still intent on my face.

  I bit my lip and thought about that. He’d made a fair point-- he was different for me. I supposed there was a teensy possibility I was for him as well. “Fair enough,” I allowed.

  He sighed, seeming relieved that we could move on and sat casually back in his seat. “So how about the barbeque?” he asked again, bringing the subject back when I thought I’d successfully derailed him.

  “You’re asking me to put myself on the grid,” I practically whispered.

  I saw several emotions pass over his face, but the one I saw the strongest was possession. I knew he wanted fiercely to protect me. I didn’t doubt that.

  He reached out and took my hand over the table, squeezing lightly. “Baby, you don’t think you already are?” he asked gently.

  My eyes widened as I considered what I’d been denying for the last few days. “For now I’m going to play the part of an optimist,” I said as I tried to smile. “It’s new for me, we’ll see how it goes.”

  He smiled at my attempt of light heartedness.

  “Can we let the poor man take our order?” I quipped when I saw our waiter making his way back over to us, desperate to change the topic. I took my hand back and placed it in my lap.

  “I suppose,” Cole smiled, forcing his tone to lighten.

  We talked easily for the rest of the meal about relatively frivolous topics-- music and movies we liked, our close friends, favorite spots to eat. I was surprised to learn that he was quite a reader, and we spent a fair amount of time on books.

  “Want to go shoot some pool for a little bit?” he asked when he’d settled the bill. I nodded, not wanting the evening to end just yet.

  “Thanks for dinner, it was delicious.” I smiled sincerely, hoping it hadn’t cost too much.

  “You’re welcome,” he grinned, throwing an arm around me as we walked to his bike.

  We rode to a bar I’d never been to before close to downtown. It was a total dive but that suited me just fine. He ordered us a couple of beers and we started playing a game of pool. I hadn’t played in years, but we’d had a table at my dad’s club and I wasn’t a slouch.

  “You’re pretty good for a girl,” Cole said as he smirked at me over the table, looking impossibly gorgeous in his tight black T-shirt. His eyes shined in the dim light as he leaned against his cue.

  “You did not just say that.” I narrowed my eyes at him.

  “I may have,” he allowed playfully.

  “You won’t be so cocky when I kick your ass,” I retorted, my competitive streak coming out with a vengeance.

  Snarky and competitive, wow I was really laying on the charm with him.

  “Oh really?” He cocked a brow. “How about we make this interesting and make a bet?”

  “Fine.” I never could turn down a dare.

  “I win, you come to the BBQ. You win, I might let you kiss me at the end of the night,” he said, clearly enjoying himself.

  “No deal,” I scoffed with a laugh.

  He sighed in mock exasperation. “Fine. I win, you let me spend the night. No expectations,” he added when my eyes got wide. “You win…”

  “You wash my car and take out our trash this week,” I butted in.

  He laughed. “Fine, deal.”

  We got down to it and I was off to a great start. I definitely used my cleavage to my advantage when I bent over, as well as any good angle I could leverage when he was behind me. I heard him suck in his breath a few times and I grinned to myself. But then he hit a roll, and before I knew it he was sinking the 8 ball victoriously.

  “Dammit,” I muttered.

  “Don’t worry darlin’ I’ll stick to my side of the bed,” he said with a wink.

  “No one said anything about us sharing a bed.” I smiled sweetly. “You should be more specific with your bets,” I pointed out.

  He merely grinned and headed off to use the bathroom.

  I found a table and sat down, sipping my second beer and realizing that this was the best date I’d ever been on. Aside from the slightly strained start of dinner, the rest of the evening had been light and fun. It felt very natural to be with him. The frequent stomach flutters weren’t so bad either.

  “Buy you another?” a deep voice asked as I looked up at a scruffy looking biker.

  “No thanks,” I shook my head.

  “How about a game then?” he asked, gesturing to the pool tables.

  “I’m here with someone,” I replied firmly.

  “I don’t see anyone.” He shrugged, making an arrogant show of looking around.

  “Then you should look behind you asshole,” Cole’s voice rumbled from behind him.

  “Shit, Jackson sorry man. I didn’t realize,” the guy apologized when he got a look at the very angry man behind him. He obviously knew Cole and clearly knew he had seriously fucked up.

  “Get lost, now,” Cole glowered angrily.

  The guy threw up his hands in a gesture of apology and walked away. I shot a hesitant smile up at Cole, trying to assess his mood.

  “Can’t leave you for a second,” he mumbled while sitting down next to me.

  “I’ve fended for myself pretty well for twenty six years,” I reminded him. “Plus that guy was harmless,” I waved my hand in a casual gesture while taking a sip of my beer.

  “I still don’t like it,” he grumbled.

  “Do you want to go?” I asked when it seemed clear his mood wasn’t going to improve.

  He simply nodded and we stood to put on our jackets.

  “Hey,” I said softly, putting my hands on his chest and looking up at him. “Don’t let two minutes ruin what was otherwise a great date,” I said, meeting his fierce gaze.

  His expression softened considerably as he put his hands gently on either side of my face. He was capable of a tenderness I’d never experienced before, and I shuddered a bit as he put his lips softly to mine.

  “Deal,” he murmured as he pressed his forehead to mine.

  I smiled, taking the hand he offered and followed him out of the bar and to his bike.

  My stomach tightened with anxiety when we turned onto my street, wondering what the night would bring with him staying over. It was, technically speaking, our first date, but I doubted I’d have much restraint if I was sharing a bed with him. My head and my body seemed to have a difference of opinion when it came to Cole.

  When he pulled the bike to the curb I turned in surprise when he showed no signs of getting off.

  “Not on a bet,” he shook his head, his eyes smoldering into mine.

  “What?” I demanded, surprised at how disappointed I was.

  He grinned at my clear frustration. “Not on a bet,” he reiterated. “You invite me in, it’ll be because you want me to spend the night with you. Not because you lost a bet. And darlin’, that day will come soon. I’m not worried about it,” he said as he winked at me.

  God, he was so infuriating. Not only was he now denying me what I’d started to look forward to, but he was maddeningly arrogant.

  “Suit yourself,” I huffed.

  “Come here, babe,” he requested quietly, still straddling his bike.

  I went to him. When I was in reaching distance, his arm snaked around my waist and pulled me flush against him. “You’ve got the sweetest mouth,” he murmured, pressing his lips to mine. I made a low noise in my throat and the kiss took on a life of its own. His tongue slid into my mouth sending tingles down my spine and legs, and his hand slid into my hair pulling gently. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and gave him e
verything I had with a kind of abandon I didn’t know was in me.

  “Shit, I have to go now,” he growled pulling free of me, his eyes shouldering.

  I nodded, feeling slightly shaky on my feet.

  “Sleep well,” he said, starting the bike up again as I backed away.

  “You, too.” I smiled and watched him as he roared off down my street.

  Apparently the sidewalk had turned to air as I walked to my apartment. My limbs seemed to move independently from the rest of my body as I turned off the alarm and began to get ready for bed. I’d never felt so completely blissed out in my entire life. I fell asleep smiling, something I’d never done before. I still had my hesitations about Cole and there was still so much to consider, but in that moment after such a great night, all I could think about was how happy he made me.

  Chapter Five

  I woke up to the alarm clanging loudly throughout our apartment. It took me a moment to place it before ice slid through my veins. I prayed it was just Kat forgetting the code, but deep down I knew differently. I grabbed the baseball bat I kept underneath the bed and opened my bedroom door hesitantly. Kat was doing the same, and I gave her a wide-eyed look. Clearly someone else had triggered the alarm. The front door stood wide open and my heart hammered loudly in my veins. I took a quick visual sweep of the apartment. Whoever had tried to get in, the alarm must have scared them off. I went over and turned it off, my hands shaking so much that it took me a couple of tries.

  “We have to call the police, Scar,” Kat whispered behind me, her eyes wide.

  “I know,” I sighed in resignation.

  “I’ll put my name on the statement,” she said, trying to assure me.

  “They’ll still want mine, too. It’s okay. It’s inevitable,” I sighed. Plus I had to face the fact that the person I’d been avoiding all this time and the break-ins were probably related anyway. The thought was not a comforting one.

  The police showed up fifteen minutes later, two cars and three officers. It felt overwhelming to have so much attention, and I shivered in my shorts and cami, wishing I’d thought to put on a robe.


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