Punishing Thirst : Mafia Romance (Rough Redemption Book 1)

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Punishing Thirst : Mafia Romance (Rough Redemption Book 1) Page 15

by Olivia Fox

  “Do you like it when I’m in control like this, and you can’t see? Can’t get away from me?”

  I watched her swollen breasts rise and fall and how her mouth fell open slightly when I spoke to her. I remained silent so I could hear the soft sound of her panting beside me and leaned forward to inhale the natural perfume at her nape.

  The aroma took me away from all the surrounding trouble. Her love made me invincible.

  “For the next forty minutes I plan on forgetting the rest of the world exists, enjoying that pretty pussy and everything that goes along with it.”

  I ran my finger over her lower lip, and she sucked it into her mouth, making my cock go rigid. At this rate, I wasn’t sure how long I could last.

  No matter how it went down, as I lived and breathed, satisfying Savanna was my soul’s purpose in life.



  The hint of morning light was something I could sense through the thick silk wrapped over my eyes, but shapes, colors, objects—all of those were devoured by absence of sight. I strained to hear any whisper of movement from Dante, who had been playing with my nipples.

  It was amazing how much I could perceive with limited senses, and whatever I could not see, I made up for with my imagination.

  Since learning I was pregnant, I felt things more intensely. That went for my sexual arousal as well.

  We’d already made a baby but try to tell that to my body. It was as if it were on a mission to overpopulate the world.

  I tilted my head at the trace scent of him nearby, and following that intoxicating, musky whiff of him reached out with my lips to land on the stubble of his jaw.

  “Baby,” he said, and lifted my hair back over my shoulder to nibble the nape of my neck.

  “Dante,” I replied. There was so much more I wanted to say to him. Seeing him shattered over the death of his cousin, and the way he remained strong despite his pain, stabbed me like a knife.

  He was strong for his family. Strong for me. Strong for his baby.

  I wanted to tell him he and our child were everything to me, that I would stand by him no matter what.

  That I was ready.

  The words wouldn’t come. I didn’t know what I was so fucking afraid of. It was like there was some invisible lock on my lips that fastened shut whenever genuine feelings came to the surface around Dante.

  What the hell was I so afraid of?

  I was fine sitting here on my knees, in front of him.



  That vulnerability I could stand—submitting my power to him.

  Maybe it was the only way I had to show him I cared. By letting him claim me with his body.

  My body shivered in the coolish morning air which contrasted with the heat I that throbbed insistently between my legs, and the longing of my full, heavy breasts to have Dante pinch, suck and lick them. They tightened, and I could feel my nipples shriveling to sensitive little buds.

  Dante read my thoughts, gripping them again. “These are so rigid. Like perky little rubies waiting to be sucked.”

  His words made me squirm, and I arched my back, pulling at the bindings on my wrists. The movement affected the place between my legs, where my pussy had become overly sensitive lately and I could feel every stir of air on my waxed lips. I shivered, wondering if Dante was staring at me there.

  If so, did he like the view?

  I squirmed, imagining him glaring at my naked body.

  Why wouldn’t he touch me and end the torment?

  Finally, I felt him climb behind me and he ran his hands over my ass. The pad of one finger glided down from my shoulders to the base of my spine, teasing, lingering. He slid his palm up to my collarbone so that he had me pinned to him.

  One hand on my ass, stroking, pinching, rubbing, and the other wrapped around my chest, holding me in place, accentuating the fact that I was completely and utterly at his mercy.

  His breath brushed the back of my throat in soft puffs, as if I were his captured prey and he was scenting me.

  The whiff of my arousal changed something in him. He backed away from me and ran his rough hands over my buttocks. “So round and full. Made for spanking. I’ll be gentle with you now.”

  The silence lingered, and I held my breath waiting for what came next. He lightly slapped the sensitive skin there, and it was a sweet torture, flipping the heat switch at the apex of my thighs so I burned for him. And still he smacked me, back and forth across the skin, building the warmth across my backside with his palm, and then using his fingers to stroke between my legs, checking for wetness, and sending me into shivers of ecstasy.

  I thrust my ass backwards to prove to him I could take the sting of a real spanking, welcomed it, and what it did to my pussy.

  Holding that posture, he didn’t increase the force of his spanking but licked around my thighs, scorching my now desperate pussy. Each swipe of his tongue caused my excitement to grow stronger. He must have sensed this. “Count for me, beautiful.”

  Ready for a serious swat this time, he surprised me by lowering himself to lick at my sex from behind.

  Ten seconds passed, maybe more, and he placed the pad of one finger on top of my clit, pressing down relentlessly. “What did I say? You’re not counting.”

  He passed his tongue over me once again.

  “Sorry,” I said, wanting to earn my fucking. “One. All that does is make me want to do nasty things to you. Untie me and I’ll suck your cock.”

  But he made me count to twenty, a number for every one of his licks across my slit, until I was a needy pile on the bed, eager to have him inside me.

  Finally, Dante ran a single hand over my arching breast, pinching the tip. Letting go. Pinching. Releasing. On repeat until I was a squirming heap beneath him.

  “I can get my cock sucked anywhere, princess. You know you’re more to me than just a pussy or piece of ass, although, asses like this one should be gilded in gold and placed on altars to worship.”

  Again, I could sense but not see that Dante had his hand on his bulge. “Only one problem, if they did such a thing, Sunday Mass would become a place of jacking off not worship, so help me God.”

  He kept teasing me with his tongue, unpredictably touching me with it, so I never knew when it was coming.

  So I couldn’t get off. I’d never imagined that being teased like this would soak the insides of my thighs with my own juices, but it did. Suddenly the teasing stopped, and Dante laved me with his tongue.

  He paused. “Mmm. Nice and ripe for me now. You like it when I tie you up, don’t you? It means you can’t run away. You have no recourse but to serve me and take what I give you.”

  He placed his mouth on me again from behind. Licking, sucking and rolling his tongue over my raised clit while fingering me.

  I was shameless. I rolled my hips around on his face and could think of nothing but his gigantic dick in me.

  Hard fucking was the same thing as making love when it happened between the right people. Right now, I didn’t want him to be gentle. I wanted him to shove into me from behind and show me who was boss.

  Instead, he raised up behind me, caressed my face and softly kissed my lips.

  I groaned in frustration.

  “God, Dante, come on. I need you to pound my pussy!”

  He had the nerve to chuckle, and then he nuzzled his way up my body to playfully bite my earlobe.

  “You read my mind.” Finally, he straddled me, his arm wrapped around me like a collar, holding me to his overheated body.

  I felt his large fingers exploring my drenched opening, before grasping his dick and shoving the head of his thick erection inside me.

  “Oh my God,” he said behind me. “I can’t believe the way your pussy squeezes around me.”

  Suddenly, I had the feeling this was some kind of competition. That I needed to rock his world harder than any girl who came before me, to be the only woman that filled his future.

��I’m going to drain every ounce of your release out of you,” I said as I thrust my hips back onto his erection, loving the way he thrust balls deep inside.

  The hormones had turned me into the world’s biggest hussy, and I didn’t care. “Your dick is so full. It feels amazing.” I moaned.

  “Hold still, I’m going to fill you even more.” He reached up to untie my wrists, rubbing the spots where the silk was wrapped around my flesh.

  He left the blindfold on and guided me to all fours on the mattress, squeezing and kneading my breasts from behind. “My baby needs her nipple suckers. Next time I won’t forget to pack them.”

  “Next time?” I asked.

  “Oh, I plan to bring you back here again, Savanna. For the second, third and fourth pregnancy. But for now, let’s just practice making babies.”

  I shuddered when he grabbed my hair in his fist and pulled backwards, arching my ass and pussy up towards him. He was going to fuck me deep, and my tormented groan begged him to continue.

  I was going to come so fast.

  As badly as I wanted him to drive his aching rod into me, I feared he was going to make me beg for it. My juices were flowing and dripped down the insides of my thighs. He pulled out all the way and taunted me with the promise of his throbbing erection, swirling the head of it at my entrance.

  “Oh!” I cried out my frustration. “Fuck me, Dante! I need you. Take what’s yours and shove that fucking cock inside!”

  He gently pulled my hair back, trailing it through his fingers and running his hands ever so softly over my back.

  Suddenly, he started grinding into my cunt so that every one of his thrusts bottomed out in just the right spot. He pumped himself into me, pulled out almost all the way, then plunged deep.

  “Please let me come!” I said while his shaft seared into me and I met him thrust for thrust.

  “Oh God, I need...” I faltered as the tension coiled in my belly, and shudders rippled through me.

  I needed him.

  I needed his love.

  I needed us together forever.

  The explosion of my orgasm blasted through me, and I screamed, Dante covering my mouth with his hand to muffle the sound. My entire body vibrated with such intensity that I had to dig my fingernails into the comforter, anchoring myself as the peak of my climax boomed like thunder through storm clouds.

  He clasped my hips and pounded home, pulling me hard onto his last thrust, bursting, his pulsing cock gushed into me.

  Slowly, as my orgasm ebbed, I felt in awe of his power and control over me.

  My body was gooey, pliable, completely relaxed. And probably responsible for my complete mushiness. The reason I couldn’t hide from him anymore.

  He held me until our breathing slowed and came back from the restroom with a warm towel, using it to clean his release from between my legs.

  He got back in bed, tucking us both under the covers, and wrapped me in his arms.

  There was no way I could hold back the feelings I had for this beautiful, gentle and fierce man, “I love you, Dante. You need to know that. Especially now. I’ve never felt this way before about anyone else.”

  “I love you, Savanna, and I’ll always protect what I love. I won’t let anything bad happen to you now that we’ve finally found each other.” He brushed my hair with his fingers until they delivered room service.

  Driving home, I had to stop every thirty minutes to pee. “This is getting ridiculous! I’m not even done with my first trimester and this baby is wreaking havoc with my bladder,” I said to Dante as we drove north.

  Dante pulled into the Coyote Canyon gas station, escorted me to the bathroom, and chaperoned me back to the car, telling me to wait inside with the doors locked while he used the restroom himself.

  Shit. I had to pee again and couldn’t wait.

  Heading back inside, I grabbed the key chain made from a sawed-off broom handle, and rounded the back of the building, turning right towards the ladies’ room.

  It happened so fast, just like the crime victim says on TV when being questioned by police officers.

  Some huge guy’s hand went over my mouth and he whispered in my ear, “Come with us. No funny business and nobody gets hurt.”

  The urge to pee and the urge to scream overwhelmed me, but I held them in check.

  Any person in their right mind being taken hostage by two huge gorillas ought to be terrified. Instead of fright, my insides boiled with anger.

  I wondered if these two were actually old enough to drive. The one behind the wheel pulled out onto Highway 101 and headed north towards Briarville. My mind was racing a mile a minute in the back seat.

  “I hate to break it to you boys, but I have to pee like a racehorse.”

  The guy in the passenger seat was huge, his movements slow and deliberate.

  The driver’s face appeared pinched in the rear-view mirror and he spat the words out. “You’re going to have to hold it.”

  “I can’t hold it, I’m pregnant!” I stared straight into the eyes of the grumpy underling, and the stiff posture of his neck conveyed that he’d no earthly idea what to do with me.

  Not his typical hostage: preggers and smart mouthed.

  Sensing that I was not in any immediate danger, I said, “Swear to God, if you don’t pull over and let me go, I’m going to piss right here on your pretty leather seats.”

  Truthfully, the raggedy appearance of the gangsters and their car surprised me. Both a far cry from the tailored suits and black town cars sported by Dante’s men. These guys must be very low on the criminal totem pole.

  From what Dante said, they could be Bulgarian as they spoke with an unidentifiable eastern European accent. They were scrappy and hungry for a piece of the action. Resorting to kidnapping pregnant women wasn’t exactly an assignment at the top of the organized crime food chain.

  They had the air of someone who didn’t know where next month’s rent was coming from and darn it if that didn’t make me feel a little sorry for them.

  This might be a way for them to move up in the ranks, but I wondered if they had any idea how the hammer of Thor was going to come down on their heads for stealing the fiancée of a Drago.

  The big guy surprised me from the passenger side. “She’s not kidding. Pregnant women go through some strange changes with the babies. From what I’ve seen with my sisters, she might actually go on the seat.”

  The driver said roughly, “You can’t even tell she’s pregnant from looking at her. She’s probably lying.”

  I wondered why they didn’t have this little tête-à-tête in their native language, so I couldn’t understand. Not only were they young, but they also weren’t exactly the sharpest tools in the shed.

  I decided there was no way I was going to convince them to do my bidding, so I took matters into my own hands.

  Thank God for the Fierce & Foxy gift shop.

  Reaching into the flap-patch pocket on the thigh of my leggings, I pulled out my Bling Sting pepper spray, extended an arm around the front of the driver’s side to warn. “Things could have been different, you know. All you had to do was let me pee.”

  Passenger dude’s eyes grew the size of tomatoes and he told his friend, “Do what she says, Vasil. She’s got pepper spray.”

  “That’s right,” I said. “Pull over. You don’t want to mess with me right now. My mood swings are explosive and unpredictable.”



  My hands were clammy on the steering wheel and I stared at the road as I drove through the corridor of tall conifers on either side, seeing nothing. As soon as I came back from the restroom and saw Savanna’s empty seat, the hair on my arms stood up.

  My sixth sense told me something had gone terribly wrong.

  I searched the entire place and knew someone had taken her. I had a hunch who it was.

  My foot pressed the accelerator to the floor and my heart burst in my chest. I snapped out of my tunnel vision when I heard frantic beeping of a
horn in the lane going the opposite direction.

  Savanna. What the hell?

  She pulled over and parked on the southbound side of the road, while I flipped a U-turn to join her.

  I started lecturing before I was all the way out of the car. “Sheesh, you scared the shit out of me. You want to tell me what happened?” I heard the harshness in my tone but was pulled to her like a magnet and wrapped my arms tightly around her, sniffing the top of her head for reassurance. She was really here. Standing alive and unharmed in front of me.

  “If you want to catch them, they’re at a truck stop half a mile up the road.”

  “I’ll kill them with my bare hands,” I growled.

  “Can we please just go home and be over this nonsense for the day? I’m safe,” said Savannah. “And I’m tired.”

  I reached out to her and pulled her into my arms, and I was shaky on my own two feet as we headed for the car.

  I opened the passenger door for Savanna, hands falling to my sides. I pinched the bridge of my nose to try to ease the knot in my belly.

  My reaction to Savanna’s disappearance was amplified by what I went through with Lilly.

  Losing someone meant the guilt took a toll on your soul and tethered your heart to despair like an anchor that pulled you under. I could feel myself sinking again.

  I couldn’t stand the thought of putting Savannah or our child in danger, and I knew the only way to protect them was to man up.

  No one would dare touch a made man or his family unless they were suicidal.

  I called my uncle Lorenzo. “Zio, it’s time. No more pissing around, I’m ready for my induction.”

  “We’ll send reinforcements to your place until word is out that you and your family are off limits. They’ll guard the perimeter,” he said. “We’ve got eyes on the culprits guilty of Pete’s death. Couple of Bulgarian punks trying to get noticed by the Orlovs as associate-material.”

  “They may be the same kids who grabbed Savanna. No one else would be stupid enough to kidnap a Drago.”

  Finally, things were locked down tight, and with additional men guarding our home, I took off my shoes, poured myself a scotch, and allowed myself to relax for the first time since Pete’s death.


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