Spend your lives in sin and misery
In the House of the Rising Sun.
Caleb quickly turned off the radio, not knowing whether to laugh or suspect worse. The oldies station seemed to have a connection somehow with him.
He adjusted the sun visor and it only helped a little as he wanted to get back as soon as possible with his ‘treasures.’ With the radio off he started to think again, which he felt was a dangerous thing for him. Increasingly, I’m finding myself the target of my fellow man. But every time I visit with the infected, they are hospitable and I can usually get laid, and that’s something I definitely can’t do with a normal person. Hell, I can’t even have a simple kiss or more than a hug without the danger of infecting who I’m with. Would it really be that bad to just leave? I can go to any large city that ‘normals’ don’t dare enter and live off the canned food while collecting my own harem. Maybe even live with my kind, and trade what I find in the city for what I need from normals. That way I help everyone, especially Number One.
There was no activity by the front of the hotel as Caleb wheeled his shopping cart through the main entrance and to the elevator. He increasingly felt more nervous as he got closer to the third floor and the possibility of being busted by Captain Conrad for looting. He pushed the cart all out down the hallway till he got to his room and quickly fished out his room card. Once inside, he grabbed those things he wanted for himself. Satisfied, he opened the door and wheeled the cart to Brandi’s door. He quickly knocked three times before retreating to his room and stationing himself at the peep hole. She opened her door wearing only her tan uniform undershirt and a pair of bright red boxer shorts. Caleb felt like a voyeur as he appreciated her appearance. She looked down the hall and then looked at the cart, pulling things out, before she finally pulled the cart inside her room and closed the door. Caleb gave himself a satisfied sigh as he headed for the bed. The feeling of complete exhaustion came over him while he became aware of how bad he smelled. He thought for a moment of the excrement and other bodily fluids he’d stepped through earlier, then realized much of the smell was from himself and his liaison earlier with the infected woman. It brought a smile, then a wrinkle of the nose as he finished stripping, forcing himself to shower before crashing.
The water pressure was amazing and he felt himself coming back to life as he soaped himself thoroughly, ignoring the chemical smell that attacked his olfactory system. Damn, filthy infected actually is not as bad as clean normal, he thought as he stepped out of the shower.
He finished toweling off his hair at the same time as he heard the knock at the door. A quick check of his wristwatch showed it was already 0730hrs. Conrad already checking up on me, he thought as he opened the door.
“Damn, boy you know how to advertise first thing, don’t you? I wouldn’t have knocked but I heard the shower so I figured you’re awake.” Caleb quickly uncharacteristically turned red as he adjusted the towel around his waist, aware it wasn’t doing much of a job.” Then the overwhelming fragrance of shampoo, deodorant, and perfume hit him like a one-two punch. He grabbed at his mouth as he ran to the toilet to throw up, losing the towel on the way.”
“I guess you must have had a rough night.” Brandi stood in the doorway of the bathroom holding out his towel, a grin on her face as she did not try to hide her staring at him. He took the offered towel and bent over the sink, running some water and taking handfuls to wash out his mouth. He took the towel and wiped around his face as he turned back to Brandi.
“Sorry, I’m allergic to the chemicals in some beauty products. Not the results you were hoping for when you put them on, I’m sure. Now what brings you to my door at this ungodly hour, beautiful lady? Please come in before I’m busted for indecent exposure” If she wants a show screw it, I’ll give her one. Caleb stepped back a few paces and continued to dry himself as Brandi closed the door.
“I wanted to know if you’re my benefactor. Santa made an early trip this year.” Caleb began to towel his face so she could not see his face since he was a horrible liar.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He replied, making sure his face was still covered.
“Too bad, I wanted to show my appreciation by modeling my new wardrobe. It’s very eclectic, most of it is the wrong size but I can easily make do.” She walked closer to Caleb and put her hand on his shoulder, “Even without the goodies I’d love to show you how happy I am, but the crew bus will be here any second and I’ve a mission. I’ll see you tonight.” She tried to kiss him and he turned away, toweling his hair furiously. She laughed as she slapped his butt before retreating from his room. What the hell have I done?
Caleb adjusted the curtains to get the room as dark as possible. Pulling back the blankets, he realized he hadn’t even slept in his own bed yet. The mattress was more comfortable than the floor earlier and the soft sheets and blankets felt like he was being hugged. As Caleb laid there, he started to try and review the way his day had gone and passed out.
The sun was leaking into the room through the curtains, highlighting the dust particles floating in the air. The only thing that sounded better than more sleep was food. The thought of his rations and freeze-dried food didn’t even spark any interest as he climbed out of bed. The clock radio showed 1100hrs. Pulling out his athletic gear, he figured a quick walk to the restaurant to eat, jogging a couple miles to loosen up before going for a swim, and then he’d get around to cleaning his guns stashed in the truck.
Opening the curtains all the way, he let loose a curse as he went for his sunglasses, eyes throbbing. He grabbed his keys, keycard and wallet, he took one last look at the room, then went to the window and opened it, appreciating the fresh air. Laundry can’t be put off much longer either, he thought as he wrinkled his nose.
Caleb noticed for the first time that the stairwell was next to his room. Opening the door, he charged down the stairs, forcing himself not to skip any steps. At the bottom he exited the building and proceeded to jog towards the temporary dining facility. The wind was blowing hard and he felt a chill, wishing he’d worn his warm-ups instead of shorts. He put on a burst of speed, hoping to warm up. He was at the other hotel with its restaurant before he’d even begun to break a sweat.
Inside the place was almost deserted compared to the night before. The host checked his ID card and showed him to the officer’s side of the facility. The waitress looked like she was sleepwalking until she was almost to his table, then a smile appeared on her face and her eyes opened wide, but the eyes lacked any life. “What can I get for you, sweetie?” She asked without even presenting a menu. Caleb wanted to make a smart remark, but one look at her stopped him.
“Ma’am, can I get a burger and fries with a Coke please? I’m really hungry but don’t care for anything too complicated or fancy.” The waitress only nodded but seemed more alive. I wonder if simple courtesy can go that far? He wondered, watching her return to the kitchen area.
The waitress returned with her serving tray, on it were two large water glasses filled with soda. She was still quiet, but a little bit more alive. “Ma’am, why is it so dead here, I thought it’d be nearly packed for the lunch hour.”
“They keep everyone so busy, that they feed them MREs for lunch, then when they come here for their evening meal, we try and give everyone a good feed, just like we do for breakfast, stuff that’ll stick to their ribs. They have you on shift, or what’s your story, sweetie?” Caleb noticed she was even more alive now; she even had some color in her cheeks.
“I’m on quarters, but I have to eat. I’ll be back on the job tomorrow.” Caleb took a sip of his soda, enjoying the taste and the carbonated bubbles. Will we make soda again one day or are we squandering the last of it slowly, every day?
“I hope it wasn’t anything too serious, sweetie. Didja catch a bug?” She actually looked concerned.
Caleb fought to keep from answering, ‘lead poisoning.’ She noticed his delay in answering, and looked even more concerned.
br /> “Ma’am, I really needed a day off and they gave it to me. My dad used to call it a mental health day when he stayed home from work. I’m just catching up on some chores and getting ready for the next thing they throw at me” There was a distinct ding sound from the kitchen. She hovered for a second, then went to answer the bell. Why am I worried about upsetting a stranger? I gotta get on with my life.
The woman was returning with a satisfied smile on her face. She was carrying a tray with a one pound hamburger on toasted bread and at least another pound of fries. She set the food down and offered to get a slice of apple pie when he was ready. He was in near shock from the size of the offering and asked, “I didn’t know they had anything like this available, I’m going to have to take a closer look at the menu the next time I come in.”
“It’s not on the menu, sweetie, you just looked sad to me and I wanted to do something nice for you.” At that moment a truckload of soldiers entered, she looked over at them and said, “Duty calls, sweetie, you have yourself a nice day. I hope you find something to put a smile on your face.”
Caleb ate in silence, watching the soldiers eating with occasional grab ass and verbal assaults, he envied them their camaraderie. He thought again about norms, and how the waitress had screwed up his carefully assembled opinion. He looked up as she delivered a slice of pie that must have been a quarter of the pie. “If you need anything else, sweetie, just ask.
Caleb tried to figure out the woman who was being so nice. She was in her later thirties or early forties, so unless she was a cougar, romance was out. She was too young to be motherly to someone his age. He finally gave up and ate his meal.
At the exit he asked the host about his waitress and was surprised to hear she’d just arrived the day before from Utah. She’d been part of a civilian convoy of thirty vehicles, only twenty finished the trip, she was the only one left from her family. Nice lady, though really quiet.
“Hey kid, hop in. We have a secret squirrel mission for you.” Caleb looked up, recognizing Conrad’s voice instantly. He’d been driving behind him in silence.
“So what’s the mission this time?” Caleb was leery of being the in the bullseye zone again, but anxious for some excitement.
“You’ll have to come with me to find out. I tried to check up on you last night, but you didn’t answer the door. What’s up with that?”
“I went for a drive. The room was closing in on me; I was feeling the onset of cabin fever.” He replied as he climbed into the Captain’s vehicle. Conrad pulled out into the street and sped up, heading towards the center of town.
“Where are we heading? I didn’t think we had anything downtown yet.”
“Not for general release, but the general’s in the hospital and wants you for a mission. It’s all hush, hush, I probably shouldn’t have told you,” Conrad replied jokingly.
The exterior of the hospital was closed up tight with only a single access point. A Stryker was in the parking lot in a position to cover the only open access into the building as well as approaches. Four uniformed personnel could be seen through the glass in the lobby as well. They recognized the Captain and didn’t interfere with their entering. Caleb noticed the slug was still embedded in the glass. I guess easy window replacement days are over.
The general was sitting up in bed; the tables around him were covered in papers. Each of his personal staff did not have any time to waste as the general took out his displeasure on them. He looked gray and smaller than the last time Caleb had seen him, the general noticed him at the same time he entered the doorway.
“Everybody take a nice lunch break, be back in half an hour.” He sounded weak, and Caleb felt concern for him. “I’m glad you could get here as soon as you did. Close the door and tell the guard no visitors for the next half hour.” Satisfied, Peters got down to business. “I found my wife and two sons yesterday. Our reunion had a few hiccups including both me and Staff Sergeant Werner each getting shot. He’s in the room next room pouting they won’t let him out. My sons are taking care of their mother the best they can. The problem is that she’s infected. I want you to go to them and evaluate how they have her in a converted conex. If she is a risk to the boys, I need you to put her down. If the boys have everything under control, then just give them a pat on the back and head back here. I don’t want anyone in the command knowing I’m keeping my ex in a cage in the hope that she can be cured. It goes against everything I’ve said and done up until this point. Can you do this for me, Caleb?” The use of his first name and the magnitude of what was being shared with him had him initially speechless.
“Um, uh, yes sir, I can. I’ll leave immediately. Sir, can I ask who shot you?” I shouldn’t have asked that if he wanted me to know, he’d have told me. Doh! He thought feeling like a fool.
“There were some locals who didn’t understand what they were doing and attacked us. A sniper put me down and Staff Sergeant Werner saw fit to call in an air assault. The survivors killed their own leader when they figured out the guy was nuts. They are being relocated with their families where they can be safely monitored, and their labor used. There’s a folder on top of the pile by my foot. It has names of my sons, location and maps. The area is secure, the locals cleared out the infected. That said, I highly recommend going in loaded for bear. Any questions?”
“No, sir. I’ll get’er done.”
“Thank you, Caleb. I’m trusting you with my family.” Peters put out his hand and Caleb came closer and shook it. The general may have appeared gray and sickly, but his handshake spoke of strength.
Once in the hallway, Conrad explained the nuts and bolt of the mission, “I’ll take you back to your room to get suited up. One of my men will accompany you as your driver. He’ll have rations and supplies for three days, though you should be back tonight or in the morning, depending on how it goes.
Caleb didn’t expect Conrad to follow him to his room, he figured that the captain must be going to his own room for something. When he entered the room behind him, he asked, “Okay, if I grab a soda? They’re getting a little harder to come by.
“Sure, Sir, I’ll have a Mountain Dew if there’s a cold one in there.” Conrad pulled out a short bottle of Coke, and a can of Mountain Dew, setting it on the table before he turned towards the door. He bent over and picked up a yellow thong with the tags still on it.
Caleb saw the thong in the captain’s hands and knew he was busted. “That’s for a friend,” Caleb stuttered, embarrassed.
“Well, the next time you go shopping let me know and I’ll go with. I’m living in two uniforms and a single set of civvies.”
“Not to get weird sir, go ahead and grab some of my clothes, I’ve been noted as the best dressed Lieutenant in the Air Force once this week already.”
“Thanks for the offer, I’ll pass, just cover your ass.” Then he was gone. Caleb finished dressing and adjusting the body armor he’d planned to never wear again. There was a knock at the door.
“Door’s open, come on in.” Caleb expected it to be Conrad, back to bust his balls for looting, instead a heavyset Senior Airman walked in. He took a moment to size up Caleb. Caleb felt he’d been judged and passed.
“Lieutenant White? I’m Senior Airman Wetzel. I was told to report to you for a short mission. We met at the hospital the other night when you offed four infected.”
“Yeah, that’s right, thanks for not shooting me. I really hate when I get shot.” Caleb took a swig of his soda and clicked his M4 to the patrol sling, then let it hang.
“You want a soda for the road? Help yourself.”
“I’m good, sir. I found this taped to your door.” The paper he handed him was only a list of clothing sizes. Caleb burst out laughing at what it meant before folding it and sticking it in his pocket.
“Let’s go save the world from the infected.” Caleb said as he followed the Senior Airman out the door.
Caleb looked at the vehicle they’d be taking with mixed feelings. It looked like a pick
up on steroids that had been fully armored to boot. “Senior Airman Wetzel, what do folks call you?”
“Sir, my friends just call me Wetzel.”
“Okay, Wetzel. What the hell is this beast we’re going to be riding in?”
“Sir, it’s called a Joint Light Tactical Vehicle, the two passenger version is considered a utility vehicle. I’m told the engine and parts of it are right off the shelf. It’s a damn nice ride, and the seats are comfortable. Someone even modified this one with weapon mounts on the inside of the seats to store our M4s.” Caleb looked in the cargo bed and saw a couple cases of MREs and a five gallon water container strapped in the corner. This kid ain’t impressing me any, he thought, even though the airman was at least his own age. The heavy door swung easily as he climbed up and in. He set his rifle down between the seats with the butt in a butt-shaped receptacle as the barrel locked in place, holding the carbine upright. He settled down into the seat with the realization it was more comfortable than his own truck, until he saw the seat had a 5 point quick release seat belt harness. He grumbled to himself softly so the driver wouldn’t hear him whining as he strapped himself into the seat.
Wetzel hopped in and quickly strapped in. “Sir, there a drink holder in front of you if you get tired of holding your soda. Is it okay with you if I play the radio?” The Airman turned on the radio, initially blasting them both with the refrain from an ancient song, ‘This’ll be the day that I die.’
“Alright! I love that old song. We get the best music from that one radio station!” He put the truck in drive and for the first time Caleb realized the truck was already running, both quiet and smooth. He hadn’t detected it at all. “Sir, I have our drive on the computer so we don’t even have to worry about navigating to our destination.” Until we crash and burn, Caleb thought as the song continued the message about dying.
“It should be an easy drive sir, just straight up Highway 59 then get on Interstate 90. Total miles will only be about 150.” What happened to the quiet Wetzel? Where’d this chatty Wetzel come from? Caleb wondered as he closed his eyes and feigned sleep. Wetzel talked for another few minutes, then became quiet and lowered the volume of the radio. Typical officer asshole, even prior enlisted, Wetzel thought as he enjoyed the music and the break from his routine. The straight, flat road called for him to go faster, so he slowly increased speed until he was at eighty-five and figured that’d be a safe cruising speed. Caleb peeked and saw the landscape flying by and felt comfortable, he closed his eyes again and was soon snoring.
Infected World Trilogy (Books 1-3): They Only Come Out At Night Page 48