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NovaSiege Page 10

by Scott Toney

  The boy breathed a breath of pure fear and stepped toward the cabin’s door. “I must leave.”

  “No.” Faiyror held out a hand and stayed the youth. “If you spread these words amongst Gest’s people then there will be no order.” Faiyror looked to Ragoor and Ragoor nodded back at him. “We can hold the advantage here with the right strategy. My people have dealt with people connected with these essences for ages. For some reason the essences’ abilities are useless against us. You will be vulnerable,” he watched Julieth, “but all who have beast blood will not be affected by mental abilities. Physical danger can still befall us, but powers of the mind are useless. That is why, when the essences came to the planet we originate from, they could not forge symbiotic relationships with us and distort our minds. That is why we survive today.”

  Julieth held a hand to her lips. I should have seen it before. I should have seen it the first time. “I have witnessed what you say,” she intruded. “Once, when I was with him, Bayne used his ability against the other beasts and they were not affected. Ivanus also could never sense them. His abilities were useless when they were near.”

  “It is why we survived the essences’ invasion.”

  “But all normal humans will be vulnerable, as will I. How do we protect ourselves from Samuel’s control?”

  A long moment of silence held over the group and a gust of cool wind swept beneath the cabin’s door.

  “I see,” Elias injected. “They must all be infected and changed, all who are still not in beast form.”

  Julieth watched the animals surrounding her, their glistening eyes and fanged maws. They were her brethren, her people, but she still felt a distance between herself and them. I should not feel this way, but they are different. She closed her eyes. “There has to be another way. I find it hard to believe that I could even be infected and changed. I have been bitten twice and have never been affected.”

  “Perhaps it is because you have so many essences bonding with you, or perhaps it is because you have even one essence.” Faiyror placed a clawed finger where the approaching army was signified on the map. “I have never attempted to transfer my blood to a person joined with an essence. What Elias speaks is true, though. The only way to battle Samuel would be to turn all remaining people to beasts. Either that or those who do not agree to be changed must flee. If they remain here as they are then Samuel would surely turn them against us.”

  “I will speak with Gest’s people who are not changed.” Julieth stood straight, addressing both Elias and Faiyror. “I believe some will see the wisdom in your plan, but others may choose to flee. I will not stop them. Because I cannot be changed I wonder what role I can play against Samuel. I cannot leave Gest, but I will not surrender my mind to that demon. If only Bayne and the others had succeeded…” Her words trailed off. Ineal’s eyes then caught hers from behind Ragoor. He had avoided the center of the room since entering. His body glowed a soft white. What do you think of all of this? I wish that you could speak. You refused to fight beside me when the beasts attacked, and yet you still assisted me. What will you do here?


  A distance off, in the center of a large armed camp, Bayne sat on a stone in his personal tent. Riad stood beside him, a brilliant projection shimmering out of his outstretched hand. The projection danced across the tent’s leather hide.

  In the projection Julieth stood in a room, in a circle, with beasts by her side. “I will speak with Gest’s people who are not changed.” Her hair was beautiful and her wings draped down her form. Her eyes were weary. “I believe some will see the wisdom in your plan, but others may choose to flee. I will not stop them. Because I cannot be changed I wonder what role I can play against Samuel. I cannot leave Gest, but I will not surrender my mind to that demon. If only Bayne and the others had succeeded…”

  Bayne motioned a servant to bring him food as he continued to watch. “If only you knew the truth. You are so naive. You will all be mine.”

  Two voices in the back of his mind whispered hauntingly. He ignored them. They were conjoined with his soul.

  Chapter 11

  The sand was cold beneath him as Ivanus lay at the base of a dune rising up from the desert. Wind writhed around him, stinging his skin and burning his eyes. A piece of cloth he had wrapped over his face pulled free and blew away in the night. He clasped frantically with his hands and tore a piece of cloth from his garb, clasping it over his mouth and eyes.

  Cough, cough. He spat sand onto the desert, moved a little, and then lay flat on the sand, shielding himself from the pummeling air. The snoot burrowed beneath his body. He could feel KR4 climbing up on his back and perching there.

  Where are they? Where is anyone? I have seen no one since arriving. What a different place from my time with Samuel.

  “If you listen, I will lead you,” the voice of the essence bonding with him spoke in his mind.

  Ivanus clasped one of the food pills in his satchel and pushed it past the cloth over his face and into his mouth. He held another to the snoot and was happy to feel the rodent taking it. I want nothing from you, he thought. Do not nourish me. Do not give me sight to know my surroundings. Leave me.

  Pain seared across Ivanus’s back.

  “Fool, I could give you so much. I can return you to the woman’s side. I can make you ruler of this planet.”

  You cannot have me. Ivanus closed his eyes, trying to center his mind somewhere away from his body, away from the essence.

  “The only way you will be rid of me is if you die,” the essence laughed as it spoke in his mind.

  Ivanus searched within himself. When he was with Samuel he had felt the essence’s presence less. Faith. It was a thought that came from far recesses of his mind. But Samuel’s faith was false. How could a god allow his priest to suffer like Samuel… to die within his soul?

  “Yes,” the essence returned. “I am the essence of a planet. I am a god. Open to me and I will make you a god as well.”

  Ivanus did not acknowledge it. He shed the being’s thoughts from his; the burning desires that it tempted him with.

  As he lay in the howling dark he felt the push of the holy book he carried against his torso. He clasped for it, pulling it up near his face and covering his head with his garb. He opened the book, holding down pages against the wind. A faint glow from his cybernetic fingers illuminated what was written where he had opened. He read what was written, taking in the words and shutting out the essence.

  “The elder to the elect lady and her children, whom I love in the truth, and not only I but also all who know the truth, because of the truth which abides in us and will be with us forever:

  “Grace, mercy, and God the Father and from the Father’s Son, in truth and love.

  “I rejoiced greatly to find some of your children following the truth, just as we have been commanded by the Father. And now I beg you, lady, not as though I were writing you a new commandment, but the one we have had from the beginning, that we love one another. And this is love, that we follow his commandments; this is the commandment, as you have heard from the beginning, that you follow love. For many deceivers have gone out into the world, men who will not acknowledge the coming of the Son in the flesh; such a one is the deceiver. Look to yourselves, that you may not lose what you have worked for, but may win a full reward. Anyone who goes ahead and does not abide in the doctrine does not have God; he who abides in the doctrine has both the Father and the Son. If only one comes to you and does not bring this doctrine, do not receive him into the house or give him any greeting; for he who greets him shares his wicked work.”

  He shut the book and laid his hand on its leather cover, feeling the grooves of the worn front and binding. The essence’s voice was silent within him now. You do not bring love, he thought of it. Whatever you offer only serves you. I do not know about Samuel’s god, but I know this book speaks truths humanity should follow.

  Ivanus closed his eyes, clasping the book tight to him as the snoot came
up and nuzzled his face. Slowly, he allowed himself to relax and sleep. He dreamt dreams of Julieth… of her eyes… her lips.

  Wind moved over him.

  The suns rose.

  There was no other life for miles.

  “Ugh.” His body was hot as Ivanus pushed his cloak off of his head. Sand swept away in the wind and fell on his face and in his mouth. He spat it out and sat upwards, brushing a layer of sand from his body. KR4 was perched in the desert a few feet away, its head scanning from left to right. It clicked as it rotated. “Good morning,” he told it, hoping for but not expecting a response.

  “Suns risen,” the droid confirmed.

  The snoot came from behind Ivanus and nuzzled his satchel, requesting food. As Ivanus complied with yet another food-pill he looked to the large gun which had lain beside him through the night. It shimmered with blinding light.

  He hefted it in his hands as he stood. It was firm and heavy. I feel such repulsion for the essence bonding with me. This weapon, all weapons, is not connected with the essences. And yet it represents the same thing. Death. Destruction. Yes, it can protect, but my soul is heavy with the darkness of the world. If I leave it I may die without protection. He held the gun up and pointed it out at the vast nothing before him. Then he lowered the gun and held it at his side, measuring the heft of the thing. This is a weight I need not carry. I already carry so much. If I am to survive then I will. He knelt and placed the gun on the sand, kicking sand over it before continuing onward across the arid terrain.

  KR4 gave him an inquisitive look before climbing his body and perching on his arm.

  “Do you object to me leaving it?” Ivanus asked the droid.

  “Ivanus, cleric?” the bot questioned.

  “No, just a man, a man who has seen enough.”

  Chapter 12


  The voices of screaming men, women and children deafened Julieth as she dove into the chasm dug out of Gest’s earth. Most remaining humans had reluctantly agreed to being infected with beast-blood. It had been difficult for Julieth to convince them, but they saw her as their leader now and had seen that their fellows’ transformations had kept them alive and had not affected their minds. Those who refused to be transformed would remain in cells as the beast army met Samuel in combat.

  “Aaaaahhhhh!” A man whose back arched high screamed as a beast hidden by shadow dug its maw into his shoulder.

  Julieth’s heart raced frantically as she dove. “The enemy approaches!” she shouted to the beasts assisting with the transformations. “All those who are ready are needed above! All humans go to your cells! If you have begun the transformation then you are fine to remain free but stay in this chasm!”

  “Aaaaahhhhh!” the scream struck her ears again as she curved upwards in the wind, rising and hugging the chasm’s wall.

  The beasts below her climbed a shadowed portion of the wall quickly, their fur moving like an almost organic mass as they moved. They howled and balked against each other until they reached the sunlight above and morphed back into human form. They looked like regular men and women as they arose and ran to join Faiyror and the others beneath a forest veranda. Ineal had spent every moment since their meeting growing a vast forest which stretched all the way to the lava-sea near Gest, and stretched far out beyond the structures which had become their new city. It was meant to give the beasts opportunity to fight in their strongest forms.

  Julieth pulsed her wings rapidly as she flew toward the forest. She swooped downward and landed with a glide on a large tree root protruding from the ground near Ragoor. Ineal was nowhere in sight.

  “Julieth!” Ragoor called to her, climbing the root and coming to perch beside her. “You know you must bolt the others and yourself in the cells during battle. If Samuel possesses your mind then he could use you against us.”

  “I know.” She handed Ragoor her gun and touched her leg where Vrax was attached. He dropped from her and instead climbed up Ragoor’s back. The droid’s eyes glowed red. “I should not be left with a weapon… just in case I become possessed. And Vrax can prove useful to our army.”

  “You speak wisely, but I will not allow the bot on my body.” Ragoor reached up and grabbed Vrax. The bot’s legs worked frantically until Ragoor set it on the tree root beside him.

  “Vrax avenges Riad,” it assured Ragoor.

  The beast gave it little notice. “You must go now,” he urged Julieth. “We cannot fight you as well. We will have enough enemy with Samuel’s army. Go.”

  “Free me when you have defeated him!” Julieth burst upward and swirled in a semicircle with her wings. “Or kill me if you are to be defeated so that I will not become his slave!” Every fiber of her being told her to join them, but she knew she was not protected from his mind control as the beasts were. They were her only hope now. I must do as I have said I would. Have faith, she pushed herself. Believe that they can win without you. She dove swiftly into the cavern, watching the stone wall blur as she fell and then solidify again in her landing.

  Most humans were now sitting inside the cages lining the wall. It gave her chills to think of the battle they had recently fought with the dark-hearted beasts there. She reached for a rusted ring of keys at her side and proceeded to lock each cell shut.

  There was one cell left, other than the one that awaited her, and a man sitting patiently inside. Sweat beaded on his forehead.

  “I will be near you,” she assured him. “This is the only way.” Other men, already partially infected with beast blood, lay in the cavern tunnels close by.

  The man stood, clasping the bars. Dirt stained his features. “I was in this cell before. I…”

  A mental wave swept through them. It burned like fire in Julieth’s mind. All she could see were veins of red and black writhing before her. Her blood throbbed in her veins.

  Thump thump, thump thump, thump thump.

  Thump thump, thump thump, thump thump.

  Thump thump, thump thump, thump thump.

  A bolt of pain spiked in the back of her skull and sunlight bled into her vision. Moments later she could see all that was around her, though a haze still distorted the things she saw. As she tried to focus she heard the rattling and scraping of cell bars. The people she had locked in their cells were reaching their arms out, trying desperately to get free. Behind her she heard heavy footsteps running. “Stop! What are you doing?” she shouted at the man who she had just been speaking to. Then she saw the eyes of the humans in the cells. No. Are they being possessed? “Why are you trying to escape?” she asked them.

  They did not reply, only continued their mindless force.

  The other man was clawing at the far cavern wall now, attempting to climb up the stone and tearing his fingers’ flesh as he did. He could not get a handhold.

  I am protecting you from being possessed, the voice of one of the essences bonding with her spoke in Julieth’s mind.

  “How?” She took a step back from the cells, then another and another until she was completely in sunlight. “What do you want from me?”

  Nothing. I am the one who has protected you from the other essences I am sharing your body with. I am stronger than them, at least for now. I will also not allow you to be possessed.

  “Nothing good can come from your kind. Whatever your game, I know you wish me and all of humanity harm. I will not be controlled by you.” Julieth thought of running to one of the remaining cells and locking herself inside.

  I am different. I am the soul of the planet the beasts originated from. The other essences could not possess the beasts and so also could not use their blood to warp my ether. I can only hold the other essences bonding to you at bay for a while longer, but I have searched your soul and give my abilities to you freely. There is no price.

  “Leave me. I do not trust you.” Julieth massaged her throbbing temples. She was weaponless and also feared Samuel’s possession.

  Her attention returned to the man bloodying his hands on the
cavern wall. One thing at a time. With a burst of her wings she soared to the man and wrapped her arms around him. She thrust her legs against the ground and flew backward in an arch before depositing the flailing man in a cell and locking him inside. Blood splayed from his fingers as he thrust his hands out towards her.

  She closed her eyes and stood for a long moment, shutting out the madness around her. For whatever reason, I am unaffected by Samuel. I am forged with these essences, whatever darkness that brings me. I cannot cower when I know I can act. I will deal with the essences within me when the time arrives. Obviously they wish me to join the others in battle. For now at least we are on the same side.

  With a final look at the possessed people locked in their cells Julieth burst upward. The cavern walls blurred and within a moment she emerged in the sky, the cavern far below and the vast forest stretching before her. She could not see the beasts but knew they were hidden by the forest veranda. Beyond the forest was a sizable army. They marched in a grid of lines, so perfect that it sent a cold shiver through her. But where are Samuel and Riad? She did not see either, but did see a smaller group behind the main army. Are you there? With a burst of her wings she caught a current of air passing through her and glided its course until she was over the woods. She paused there, squinting and hoping to get a better look. She had learned this trick as a youth while playing games in the desert beyond Kaskal’s walls. When her friends would hide from her she would squint to get better perspective. Light refracts more, she remembered. There is less peripheral, but sharper direct vision.

  A sharp light shimmered off something in the center of the main army.

  There. She breathed breath of both fear and relief. The light covered a good majority of a man as the sun shone over him. Riad. If I can somehow knock you unconscious as we did in our first meeting then perhaps you can regain control of your body and mind. Surely with you by our side we could turn the tide against Samuel and drive him back, either that or take his life.


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