The Forest Ranger's Christmas

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The Forest Ranger's Christmas Page 4

by Leigh Bale

  “I sure wish we had a pharmacy here in Camlin,” Thelma continued. “I order my prescriptions through the mail. It’s a real pain if they arrive late and I run out of my hormones.”

  “I’m sure that could be a big problem.” Josie laughed.

  “You could always open up a pharmacy here in my store. I wouldn’t charge a lot of rent,” Thelma offered.

  Josie forced herself not to react. Rent wasn’t the issue. Though she’d accumulated a modest savings account, she didn’t have enough capital to stock the shelves with the basic medications people would need. Besides, spending the rest of her life in this one-dog town didn’t appeal to her. “Thanks for the offer, but I’m happy with my job in Vegas.”

  “Oh, well. Have a merry Christmas. And give Frank my love.” Thelma blew a sugary kiss before bustling down the aisle, leaving the cloying scent of gardenias in her wake.

  “I will.” Josie waved, then stood there and blinked for several moments. If she didn’t know better, she’d think her seventy-eight-year-old grandfather had an admirer.

  Josie shook her head. Men her grandfather’s age didn’t have girlfriends. Did they?

  Above all else, she wanted Gramps happy. And a fake tree wouldn’t make him happy.

  Gazing at her options, Josie realized she took city shopping for granted. Living in Las Vegas, she could pull up to a spacious tree lot and pick out any one she wanted. The mild winters would be easier on Gramps’s arthritis, too. Within minutes, they could visit a doctor and get his prescriptions filled. And she wanted that convenience for Gramps. A balanced diet wouldn’t hurt him, either. She’d almost had a fit when she’d discovered he’d been subsisting on canned soup, potato chips and oatmeal. But how could she ask him to leave his world behind and move away with her?

  “Hi, there!”

  Josie whirled around. Clint Hamilton stood behind her, holding the hand of a little girl about seven years old with a cute button nose, flawless skin and a long, blond ponytail.

  “Um, hi.” Josie met his gaze and smiled uncertainly. Immediate attraction buzzed through her.

  His unblinking eyes swept over her. He looked handsome and rustic dressed in a down-filled coat, cowboy boots and brown leather gloves. His gaze dropped away, and she couldn’t help wondering what had produced the wariness in his warm, brown eyes.

  She nodded at the melted droplets covering his broad shoulders. “Is it snowing again?”

  “Just a dusting, but a storm is coming in later tonight.” He showed a twinge of a smile, his cheeks slightly red from the cold.

  “What’s your name?” the little girl asked, her voice hesitant.

  Josie’s gaze lowered to the child, who was bundled up in a glistening red coat, matching rubber boots and a white scarf around her neck. She looked adorable. “Jocelyn Rushton. What’s yours?”

  “I’m Grace Karen Hamilton, but everyone just calls me Gracie.”

  “That’s a lovely name,” Josie said.

  “This is my daughter,” Clint supplied the introductions. “Gracie, this is Frank’s granddaughter.”

  Understanding lit up the child’s expressive eyes. “Oh, I recognize you. I’ve seen your pictures at Grandpa Frank’s house many times.”

  Grandpa Frank? Over the years, Josie had heard other children in town call her grandfather by this name, but it seemed odd to hear it from the forest ranger’s daughter. Obviously, the girl had been inside Gramps’s home. Not surprising. Grandma and Gramps had many friends in this town.

  “Is that right?” Josie felt the burden of Clint’s gaze like a leaden weight. For some reason, the ranger made her feel as though he could see deep into her soul. And in all honesty, she feared what he might find there besides a bitter, unlovable woman who was emotionally inaccessible to others.

  “Yeah, in his photo albums. He shows his pictures to me all the time. And Grandma Vi used to make me chocolate chip cookies,” Gracie said.

  “Ah, I see.” Josie had also loved her grandmother’s homemade cookies. In fact, she planned to make some while she was here. She wanted to bake and decorate and enjoy a slower pace while she could. In Vegas, she didn’t have time for domestic chores, or anyone to cook for.

  “I sure miss Grandma Vi,” Gracie continued.

  Josie did, too. More than she could say.

  “She used to tend me every day while Daddy went to work,” Gracie said.

  Josie jerked up her chin in surprise. Why would a woman of Grandma’s advanced age be tending a young child on a regular basis? This revelation gave Josie the strange sensation that she was the outsider, not Gracie and her tall father. “Really? I didn’t know that. She never mentioned it.”

  “Yeah, she was my favoritest babysitter ever in the world. I miss her a lot.” No longer shy, Gracie smiled widely, showing a missing tooth in front.

  A sinking despair settled in Josie’s stomach. She couldn’t help feeling as though she’d lost something precious when Grandma had died. But one question thrummed through her mind. Why had Grandma never mentioned that she was looking after a child every day?

  Once again, Josie realized how little she really knew about her grandparents. Now that Grandma was gone, Josie regretted taking her for granted, and didn’t want to do the same with Gramps. That was all about to change. Josie would have to tell Gramps about her plans to move him to Las Vegas. And soon. But she dreaded it. If he refused, she wouldn’t make him go. And then what? Maybe she’d sit down and talk with him about it tomorrow or the next day. Together, they’d work something out.

  “I got a new babysitter now. She’s nice, too, but she doesn’t make cookies like Grandma Vi did,” Gracie said.

  “Does your mom work, too?” Josie asked, wondering why the girl’s mother couldn’t watch Gracie during the day. In fact, hadn’t Clint mentioned that he’d taught the woman how to read?

  “No, my mom’s in heaven,” Gracie said.

  “Oh, I’m sorry.” Josie had forgotten Clint was a widower. She glanced his way, wishing she’d been more tactful. She understood firsthand the aching pain of losing people she loved, and didn’t want to remind him.

  Clint’s eyes darkened and he shifted his weight uneasily. A guarded look flashed across his face and Josie regretted dredging up the topic.

  Gracie shrugged one shoulder. “It’s okay. I never knew my mom. She died when I was just a baby, but Dad says she loved me like crazy.”

  The girl slid her hand into her father’s, seeming to take comfort from his presence.

  Josie nodded in understanding. “I lost my mom and dad, too.”

  Now, why had she told them that? Normally, she kept her personal life to herself. Especially her childhood, which had been anything but happy. A disturbing memory of constant fights between her parents ripped through her mind. Angry words and hateful accusations, followed by her father leaving one rainy night just after Josie’s thirteenth birthday. She’d never seen Dad again. He’d been killed in a car accident a year later. But not once had he called or written her. In fact, no man seemed to want her. First Dad had left, then two ex-fiancé’s. Even Mom had treated her like a burden, and she’d grown up feeling unwanted.

  She didn’t want to dwell on those sad times, but they seemed imbedded in her soul. Something about Clint drew out her carefully kept secrets. Right now, she wished she could crawl into a deep hole and hide.

  “Yes, I know,” Gracie said. “Grandma Vi told me. She said you and me are kindred spirits because we both lost our moms.”

  Grandma had said that? Hmm, surprising, when Josie considered that her mother never cared much for Grandma. Mom hadn’t gotten along well with her in-laws, especially after Dad had died. Now, Josie stared at Gracie, seeing a maturity in the girl’s eyes that was much too advanced for her years.

  Kindred spirits. That sounded like something Grandma would ha
ve said, but Josie couldn’t equate herself with this little girl. After all, they were almost complete strangers. Yes, Josie understood loss. Her mom had been so busy working three jobs to put food on the table and pay the rent that she’d had little time for her lonely daughter. Growing up, it would have been so easy for Josie to become a rebellious teenager. Instead, she’d found approval through perfection. She’d spent most nights alone, reading books and doing homework. She’d had very few friends, but she’d earned top grades in math, science and chemistry. Seeking the love she so badly craved, she’d won the approval of her teachers. And during college, she’d avoided men and socializing. Nothing had seemed more important to her than school and work.

  Until now.

  “It’s okay. I still have Daddy,” the girl said.

  Clint cleared his throat and glanced at the boxed trees before quirking his brows with amusement. “You need another tree? I would have thought with all the trees Frank cut down that you’d had enough for one Christmas.”

  Josie’s face heated with embarrassment. He’d deftly changed the topic and she was relieved, but she hated that he’d caught her buying a fake tree. “Remember, you confiscated all the live trees, so we don’t have one for our own Christmas now.”

  “Ah, I see. Well, that won’t do.” Understanding filled his eyes and he sent her a smile of empathy. “Where is Frank, anyway?”

  She gave a scoffing laugh, finding the situation sadly funny. “Outside in my car. He refused to come inside to pick out a fake tree. He’s never had anything but a live tree and he’s been grumbling for two days that Christmas is ruined without a real one.”

  She could buy a tree permit, but after what had happened the other day, she’d rather avoid the Forest Service office at all costs. She didn’t want to take another chance on Gramps being arrested. Also, she had no desire to navigate the winter roads up into the mountains to cut another tree.

  “We’re going to cut our tree right now. Daddy needs to buy a new hand saw first.” Gracie spoke in a tone that indicated a real tree was the only way to go.

  Although Josie hadn’t had a Christmas tree in her lonely apartment for the past three years, she agreed.

  Clint chuckled, the sound low and deep. “There’s definitely something to be said about having a real tree in your house on Christmas morning. But lots of people buy fake trees. Some are beautiful and look very real.”

  Josie stared doubtfully at her choices. “Just not these two.”

  “Yeah, these are pretty pathetic.” He lifted a small saw with a yellow price tag emblazoned on the wooden handle. “I propose a solution. Like Gracie said, we’re on our way up on the mountain to cut our own Christmas tree. I’ve got a chain saw and it’d be no trouble to cut one for you while we’re there.”

  “Oh, I—”

  “Hey!” Gracie cut in. “Why don’t you and Grandpa Frank come with us? We have room in Dad’s truck. Don’t we, Dad?”

  The girl looked up at her father, an innocent expression on her face.

  Josie froze. She didn’t know what to say. The deafening silence indicated that Clint was just as dumbstruck.

  “Yeah.” He spoke the word in slow motion. “Why don’t you come with us? It’d do Frank some good, too.”

  Josie agreed. An outing might be just the thing to drag Gramps out of his surly mood. But that would mean spending more time with the attractive forest ranger and his cute little daughter. “I’m not sure we can. I’ve got to buy groceries first.”

  “Oh, please come with us, Josie. Please, please,” Gracie begged, hopping up and down with anticipation.

  Josie hesitated. If only the child wasn’t so charming. And her father so handsome and brooding.

  But Josie had to think. To discern if Clint’s offer was authentic, or obligatory. She sensed a reticence in him. Not because of Gramps. Oh, no. Josie was almost positive that Clint had a problem with her. And she couldn’t help wondering why.

  * * *

  This was a bad idea. Clint felt it deep in his bones. But Gracie had invited Josie and Frank, and Clint couldn’t back out now. Not without possibly hurting Frank’s feelings again. “Sure, why don’t you come along with us? It’ll put Frank back on an even keel with the Forest Service. And I’ll even provide the thermos of hot chocolate.”

  Josie laughed, the melodic sound easing Clint’s discomfort just a bit. “I don’t know. I hate to impose.”

  He shifted his feet, surprised by her pleasant mood. He’d expected her to hold a grudge. And he liked that she was able to let it go. Nor could he deny the outing sounded fun. What could it hurt? It was just a tree-cutting party, after all. No big deal. Each year, he took Gracie out to cut down their Christmas tree. But this would be the first time a woman accompanied them. And Frank, a grandfather figure Gracie loved. Clint had to put his little girl first. And as much as he hated to admit it, he didn’t seem to be enough for Gracie anymore. She was getting older and growing up so fast. Maybe being with other people during the holidays would be good for her.

  Maybe it’d be good for him, too.

  “It’s no imposition. Really. I even have several permits, so it’ll be perfectly legal.” Clint reached inside his coat pocket and pulled out three tree tags, dangling them before Josie’s eyes as proof.

  She chuckled at his attempt at humor. And it felt so good to hear a woman’s laugh. Like coming in out of the cold after a freezing storm. Karen had been sullen, laughing so rarely. Always deeply depressed. He remembered making up jokes, and bringing her flowers every Saturday, just to see her smile. But laughter had evaded her. Which was probably why he craved it so much now.

  “I’d have to check with Gramps first,” Josie said.

  “Don’t worry, he’ll agree.” Clint spoke with conviction.

  “Okay, but I’ll need an hour to take our groceries home and put our perishables away in the fridge. I’ve been cleaning the house for two days and we need to stock up on a lot of supplies.” She clamped her mouth closed, as if she’d confided too much information.

  Clint didn’t mind. He’d seen the state of Frank’s house and had his own concerns. Since Viola’s passing, the man wasn’t taking care of himself. At his age, Clint could understand why. He was glad Josie was here to aid her grandfather. But maybe she needed help, too. Clint had noticed some shingles missing on Frank’s roof. Not something Josie could repair easily. In this small town, you couldn’t just call a roofing company to come over and fix it. And it could become a huge problem if they got many more storms. Clint should do something about it. He had the time and knew what to do.

  “I’ve been worried about Frank, too,” he confessed.

  Josie nodded. “He’s competent enough, but I don’t think he’ll admit how frail he’s become. He’s not steady on his feet anymore.”

  “You’re right. I’ve got some leave coming over the next few weeks and would love to repair his roof.”

  He wanted to serve Frank, but he didn’t want to be around Josie any more than necessary. Right now, that couldn’t be helped. She was here to visit and the work needed to be done. End of story. Besides, she’d be leaving right after the holidays.

  She hesitated. “I don’t want you to feel obligated.”

  “I don’t,” he said. “Serving Frank is my pleasure. I was assigned the task of looking in on him and Viola from time to time by our church leaders, but I’d do it even without that incentive. I’ve been checking on them for so long that they feel like family to Gracie and me.”


  And since the work was outside, Clint wouldn’t need to mingle with Josie much. He’d show up, get it done and leave. Maybe a couple men from their congregation could help. Then Frank’s house would be in good shape. And the service would give Clint a warm feeling inside.

  Josie blinked her dazzling blue eyes. “That’s very ki
nd of you. Actually, I’ve been wondering who to call to do the job. I can pay for the supplies if you’re sure you have the time.”

  He nodded. “I’m sure. Give me a day to watch the evening news. We’re supposed to get another storm tonight. As soon as we have several warm days to melt off the snow, I’ll come over and do the work.”

  “I hate for you to take a vacation day for this.”

  “It’s no problem, really. As long as you don’t mind watching Gracie for me while I’m occupied up on the roof.”

  “No, of course not. Gracie is welcome at our place anytime.” Josie smiled so sweetly at his little girl that it made his throat ache.

  “Yay! I love doing jigsaw puzzles with Grandpa Frank.” Gracie clapped her gloved hands together.

  “And I think we’d love to go with you to cut a Christmas tree, too,” Josie said.

  Gracie hopped up and down with excitement again. “We’re gonna have so much fun.”

  Clint rested a hand on his daughter’s shoulder, forcing a friendly smile to his lips. “Okay, it’s a date. Uh, not a date, but, well, you know what I mean. I need time to fill up my gas tank, so we’ll pick you up at your place in one hour.”

  He blinked, feeling tongue-tied and foolish. What was the matter with him? After all, Josie was just Frank’s granddaughter.

  She nodded, seeming not to notice his awkwardness. “Thanks for your generosity. I have no doubt Gramps will like this. He’s been in a real huff ever since he found out he’ll have to go to the library on Thursday nights. Truth be told, I think he’s kind of scared about learning to read.”

  “That’s normal, but he’s got nothing to worry about. Reading is easy.” Clint waved a gloved hand in the air. “We’ll walk him through the basics, teach him the skills he needs, and have him reading simple sentences by Christmas, mark my words.”


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