Ryder (Resisting Love)

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Ryder (Resisting Love) Page 2

by Chantal Fernando

  “Yep,” I tell him.

  “Are you gonna hit that?” Jet asks, giving me a crooked grin.

  “I sure as hell hope so,” is my honest answer.


  “Ryder, this really isn’t necessary,” Sasha says, adding more purple lipstick to her pouted mouth.

  “Really? Because I think otherwise,” I say as I put my feet up on her coffee table.

  “I’m in my twenties now, Ry, you don’t need to baby me,” she says with a musical giggle. My cousin has been hurt before, and now she tends to date a lot. I come over every now and again to see how she’s doing or just to hang out. I love my cousins and I try to visit all of them whenever I get the chance.

  “You will always be a baby to me, Sash,” I tell her. She shakes her head as she sits down next to me, her thick long black hair tumbling around her.

  “How are you doing, Ryder? No special woman in your life?” she asks nosily. Our family is always in each other’s business, we’re all pretty much used to it by now. “You need to forget Nikki, Ry. She and Kade are solid,” she adds in a soft voice.

  “You going to change out of that mini dress? Or continue to give me a heart attack every time you move?” I counter, ignoring her question. Nikki isn’t a subject I want to breach. I thought that one day when I was ready to settle down she would be mine, but I was wrong. End of story. Life goes on.

  Sasha playfully rolls her eyes at me and tickles me under the chin.

  “You need to relax, cuz,” she says with an encouraging nod.

  “You need to wear more clothes, baby girl,” I say, once again glancing over her sparkly black dress and red high heels. She just grins and throws her arms around me. Doesn’t anyone take me seriously in this family?

  “Come on, Ry, it’s just a first date,” she tells me, trying to put me at ease. The truth is, I’m worried about Sasha. Layla is taken care of and Tee can take care of herself, but there is something about Sasha. She’s fragile and needs nurturing. Her beauty is obvious, just like the other girls in my family, but Sasha’s heart is still wounded. There's something she’s not letting go.

  Something or someone.

  “When you going to drop by and see Tee?” I ask her.

  “Tee said she will drop by tomorrow,” she assures me. “I can’t believe she didn’t tell any of us she was coming home!”

  I can only imagine what Sasha and Tee will get up to together, and the thought makes me shudder.

  “I spoke to Tee on the phone today, and I hear this Lexi girl is a total babe,” Sasha tells me, her purple lips curving. I clear my throat. “She is, isn’t she? Are you gonna ask her out? I’ve heard she’s a cool chick, Tee told me she has no family or anything. She and Tee have been inseparable since they met,” Sasha says thoughtfully.

  Lexi has no family? The thought saddens me. It must be lonely, I don’t know how I would survive if I didn’t have my family at my back.

  “There’s a family function coming up anyway, so we can all catch up then,” Sasha announces, pulling me out of my thoughts.

  “What family function?” I ask, my eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

  Sasha puts her hands on her hips. “Jet’s birthday, remember?”

  “Oh shit, yeah, I forgot. That’s gonna be a bucket load of fun,” I say sarcastically. Sasha huffs in agreement. There’s a knock on the door and I stand up, ready to hand out threats to the latest man that’s caught my baby cousin’s eye.

  I don’t want to see her hurt again.


  Chapter 4


  Tee and I are playing band hero and laughing our asses off when Ryder finally gets home, his hands full of bags of food. I’m on guitar, and Tee is banging away on the drums. Tee presses pause when the food arrives.

  “Yay! What did you bring us, Ry?” she asks, walking over to him.

  “Pizza and some groceries. Mostly drinks and snacks for you guys,” he says, placing everything down on the kitchen table. That’s really nice of him. Tee pulls out two plates and loads them with pizza, bringing one over to me.

  “Thanks,” I say, feeling a little awkward. Here we are, gate crashing his house, and he’s buying us food and treating us like guests. The pizza smells delicious; pepperoni with cheese dripping off the sides. My stomach growls loudly before I take a huge bite.

  “What’s the plan for tonight?” Ryder asks us as he picks up his own slice.

  “I’m going out,” Tee announces.

  “Where?” Ryder asks, standing straighter.

  “Just out,” Tee replies, her dark brown eyes narrowing.

  “Where?” Ryder repeats harshly.

  “A guy I met asked me out to dinner,” Tee tells him, picking at her pizza.

  “You just got here yesterday. When the hell did you have the time to pick up a guy?” Ryder asks.

  Tee just shrugs. I laugh at the look on Ryder’s face. He looks like he wants to strangle her. I see him exhaling deeply. Then he pins those mysterious gray eyes on me.

  “Looks like it’s just me and you tonight then,” He grins, like he’s pleased about that.

  I gulp.


  Tee gets dolled up and leaves the house, but not before asking me a million times if I wanted her to stay home. I tell her it’s fine, I’m just going to have an early night anyway. Tomorrow we’re spending the day looking for apartments. Fun, I know. Tee kisses me on the cheek, and before heading out I hear her call out to Ryder to keep an eye on me. I laugh out loud when I hear Ryder complaining about her outfit, or lack thereof. He’s so protective of his family, it's adorable. I have a quick shower and change into my pajamas. About ten minutes later, Ryder taps on my door and walks into my room, taking a seat on my bed.

  “Wanna play?” he asks, gesturing at my guitar. His eyes light up animatedly.

  “Okay, but only if you sing,” I tell him.

  “You drive a hard bargain, queen of hearts,” he says, chuckling, as he picks my guitar up.

  “Queen of hearts?”

  “Your new nickname,” he says proudly.

  “How the hell did I get that nickname?” I ask, confused.

  “It’s a secret,” Ryder mock whispers, passing me the guitar.

  “Can you play any Three Doors Down?” Ryder asks.

  “Yeah, how about ‘Here Without You?’” I offer. It’s one of my favourites.

  “Perfect!” he beams.

  I start strumming my guitar, and almost melt when he sings the first few lines. His voice is perfection; deep and soulful, husky. It gives me goose bumps. After we finish the song, Ryder looks at me, his brows drawn.

  “You are fucking amazing on that thing!” he finally says.

  “Thanks,” I say, blushing. “But I’m not so great compared to you.”

  He smiles, dropping his gaze. “What kind of music do you like?” he asks, directing the subject away from his talent.

  “A bit of everything really, but mainly R&B,” I tell him honestly. He actually cringes, causing me to laugh.

  “R&B, really? I think I need to educate you a little while you're staying here.” I roll my eyes. “One more song?” he asks. I nod, starting to play the intro of a Mario song.

  “Not an R&B song though,” he clarifies quickly. I laugh.

  “Okay how about Incubus 'Love hurts'?” I ask. Ryder looks impressed.

  “Good choice, that one I can do,” he says, his lip curling up.

  And that’s how I spent my evening. Talking, playing music, and letting Ryder’s beautiful voice take over me. Around eleven I yawn.

  “Tired?” Ryder asks gently.

  “Just a little,” I say, yawning again.

  “Come on, let’s get you in bed,” he says. I squeal in surprise when he lifts me up into his arms like a baby and carries me onto the bed.

  “This is unnecessary,” I say dryly, though my body reacts to being so close to his. I’m sure my pulse is racing.

  “I had fun tonight, Lexi.”r />
  “I did, too” I say honestly.

  “You’re seriously talented, you know that, right?” he tells me in a soft voice, his eyes locked with mine.

  “Coming from you, that’s a huge compliment,” I respond, looking away from his intense stare.

  “A humble musician, never thought I'd see the day,” Ryder muses out loud. I scrunch my nose up and give him a little smile.

  “And you’re seriously fucking cute,” he adds. I don’t know what to say to that, so I don’t respond. He pulls the blanket up and over me, tucking me in. When he brushes away a lock of hair that has fallen on my face, I hold my breath. He runs his finger slowly along my jaw, before we wish each other good night and he turns to leave my room. I notice him hesitating at the door for just a second, before finally walking out.


  “Walk of shame, Tee, really?” I hear Ryder’s deep voice the next morning.

  Tee sighs. “Ry, I love you, I really do. But I’m twenty four, you know. I’m not a kid anymore.”

  “I know that, trust me, but can you at least pretend while you’re here? I live in an alternate universe where none of my baby cousins have sex, and my universe is fucking amazing. Ignorance is bliss and all that,” Ryder says in a dry tone.

  Tee laughs. “Okay, for you, I can definitely do that. But just to ease your mind, I didn’t have sex last night. What did you get up to? You didn’t scare Lexi off, did you?”

  I choose that moment to walk out of the room in my pajamas, silk black pants and a black tank top with pink skulls all over it.

  “I think it might be the other way around,” I joke.

  Ryder shakes his head. “Actually, we had fun.”

  “Really?” Tee asks, eyes darting from Ryder to me and back again in suspicion.

  “How was your date, Tee?” I ask her, changing the subject.

  “What date? I don’t date!” she says with mock indignation, shooting Ryder an amused glance.

  “That’s my girl,” he says approvingly, giving Tee a kiss on her temple. I love to watch them interact. I never really had any of this, a large loving family. It was only me and my mother, not that she wasn’t wonderful, because she was. It was just the two of us against the world. We didn’t have a huge support system like Tee does.

  “Should we get ready and head off to look at the apartments?” I ask Tee.

  She groans. “Yeah, let’s get this over with. I’m going to see Layla tonight and finally meet my future brother in law and my nephew. Are you coming with me?”

  “You don’t think that will be weird?” I ask her.

  “What? No. My sister is awesome! You'll love her,” Tee assures me. I nod reluctantly, still feeling like I’d be intruding.

  “Wonderful!” Tee beams. “Okay, I’m gonna jump in the shower.”

  Ryder and I both watch her saunter to the bathroom.

  “Coffee?” he asks me when Tee is out of sight.

  “Yes, please,” I say gratefully. I’d kill for some coffee right now.

  “You gonna tell me why you call me the queen of hearts now?” I ask him after a few moments of comfortable silence.

  “Nope,” he answers, popping the P.

  “I’m just going to have to wait until I have something on you and blackmail you with it then,” I say smugly.

  “Is that so? Well then, things just got interesting,” he says, looking amused.

  “If I get Tee in on it, things will definitely get interesting,” I tease.

  Ryder cringes. “Oh, come on, now, that’s playing dirty. Tee already knows more than enough to blackmail me with, but she’s family. She won’t do that to me,” he says confidently.

  “True. But Tee thinks of me as her family, so what happens then?” I ask him.

  “I’ll probably be free game then,” he says.

  “Well then, you’re lucky I wouldn’t do that to you!” I tell him.

  “I’m considering myself very lucky as of late,” Ryder flirts.

  “Oh yeah? And why is that?” I ask innocently.

  “Well, I happen to be living with the most beautiful woman I have ever laid my eyes on. And not only that, but she's sweet as sugar, talented and all-round amazing. The only bad thing about her is her choice of music, but I’m willing to overlook that.”

  “Are you always this forward?” I ask him bluntly.

  “What the point in being any other way?”

  I shrug. “Some people might prefer a little bit of subtlety.”

  “Are you one of those people?” he counters.

  “No, I’m not,” I say with a smile.

  “Good. I tell you what, how about you give me a kiss and I’ll tell you why I call you the queen of hearts?” he asks, his gaze locked on my lips.

  I frown. “I don’t think your girlfriend would like that very much.” Ryder frowns at my words, too. He opens his mouth to say something, but Tee interrupts him.

  “Lexi, get your butt in the shower!”she says, slapping my ass as she walks by. I shake my head at her and head to the bathroom.


  Chapter 5


  After checking out a few apartments and hating them all, Tee and I hit the grocery store to stock up Ryder’s house. We bought enough food to feed an army. I get some steaks, potatoes and salad to make a nice dinner tonight. Tee doesn’t cook, much to her mother’s dismay, but I’m not too bad in the kitchen.

  I’m used to looking after myself. My mother was a nurse, and whenever she’d work the graveyard shift, I’d make my own dinner. We had a trusty neighbour that would check in on me, but still, I spent a lot of time alone.

  Tee and I rented out a car as soon as we landed in Perth, it’s just easier that way. I suppose I should buy a car since the plan is to settle down for a while. I make a mental note to go look at some cars for sale.

  We carry all the bags into Ryder’s apartment, and it takes us three trips to get them all in. We put everything away, and Tee pulls out two popsicles for each of us as we sit down on Ryder’s comfy couch.

  What a tiring day.

  “I’m pretty sure that last place had rats,” Tee says for the third time. I’m pretty sure it did, too. I shudder, thinking about the sound of them scattering around.

  “Doesn’t matter, there are lots more places for us to check out,” I assure her with false enthusiasm. She just huffs in response.

  I hate apartment hunting as much as she does, it sucks almost as much as moving. Tee and I don’t have any belongings other than what’s in our suitcase, so we're pretty much starting from scratch. Tee could always go home and pick up her stuff, but she’s avoiding going back to her parents' house which is a few hours south from here.

  As for me, I pretty much gave away everything to charity before I started travelling. I still own my mother’s house, but it's currently being leased and the lease isn’t up for another year. I’d feel bad making the tenants move out last minute. So, I figured we can get an apartment for a year and then I can move into my house, and if Tee wants to, as well, she is most welcome to.

  Later that evening I get dressed up and we head to Layla’s house. I wear my favourite pair of skinny jeans and a snug red V-neck top. I put on my black wedges, and pick up my black skull handbag.

  “Ready, Lexi?” Tee calls out. She's dressed up in jeans as well, faded and worn, boots and a black off the shoulder top. Her long blonde hair is loose and flowing down her back.

  “Yep. Let’s go.”

  The car ride is typical, Tee and I singing along to awesome songs like ‘Blister in the Sun,’ by Violent Femmes and ‘Shoop’ by Salt n Pepper. We pull up to a classy looking apartment building. Tee hums her approval. We go up the elevator and knock on the door.

  “Coming!” I hear a woman call out, assuming it must be Layla.

  A beautiful woman with olive skin and big brown eyes opens the door. “Oh my god!” she screams out, jumping into Tee’s arms. Layla is absolutely stunning. I can see a few similarities betwee
n her and Tee, but there are lots of differences, too. Layla is wearing a long flowy red dress and no shoes. Her long hair cascades behind her, giving her an ethereal appearance.

  “I can’t believe you’re here! Why didn’t you tell me you were coming?”

  “And miss this reception? I think not. I wanted to surprise you, baby sis,” Tee tells her with a grin. “Look at you; I can’t believe you’re a mummy! You don’t even look like you’ve had a kid!”

  Layla rolls her eyes. “My ass is bigger, trust me.”

  “Layla, this is my bestie, Lexi. Lexi, my baby sister, Layla.” Surprisingly, Layla gives me a warm hug.

  “Lexi, of course. I’ve heard so much about you. Come in, both of you, I’m so rude making you stand in the door,” Layla says.

  For some reason I don’t think she could ever be rude. She has a wholesome appearance about her.

  “So? Where’s your man? You know, the father of my nephew,” Tee says as she sees the adorable baby boy in the bassinette. She instantly runs over to pick him up, kissing him on his soft cheek. “He’s so perfect, Layla!” she says in awe.

  “I know,” Layla says proudly, before adding, with a scheming grin, “And I’m going to love him so much, no other woman is ever going to be good enough for him.”

  “You are so beautiful! Yes you are! I’m going to spoil you like crazy,” Tee coos to the infant. He has a thick head of inky jet black hair and Layla’s deep brown eyes framed by the longest lashes I have ever seen. His tanned, olive complexion gives him an exotic look. He’s the cutest kid I’ve ever seen in my life, hands down.

  “He'll be back from work soon. Can I get you something to drink, Lexi?” she offers kindly.

  “No, thank you,” I decline, taking a seat on a soft blue couch. Tee puts the baby back down in his bassinette.

  “Seriously, Layla, he’s incredible, and so lucky to have you as a mother,” Tee tells her sister softly.

  “Tee,” Layla says fondly.

  “Just don’t turn into a nag like mum,” Tee jokes, lightening the mood.

  Layla bursts out laughing, and I can’t help it when my own lips curve into a smile.


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