The Last Santini Virgin

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The Last Santini Virgin Page 10

by Maureen Child

  He shot her a look. Her eyes closed and she lay limply in the seat, a half smile on her face. Her deep, even breathing told him she was already asleep. Reaching out one hand, he caressed the line of her cheek and was ridiculously pleased when she turned her face into his touch, nuzzling his palm.

  “To tell you the truth, princess,” he said honestly, “I don’t know.”

  Then he shoved the car into gear and drove out of the lot.

  In a half-awake daze Gina felt him scoop her up into his arms. A night breeze ruffled her hair, and she cuddled closer to his broad chest, resting her head in the curve of his shoulder and neck. It felt good to be held by him again. Felt right to be cradled against his heart.

  She kept her eyes closed as he started up the driveway toward her apartment stairs. She listened to the steady sound of his footsteps on the asphalt and knew she should tell him to put her down. But she didn’t have the energy to fight him, and somehow she knew that she’d have to. He was clearly determined to see her safely home, and she was in no condition to argue.

  Her own personal Knight in Marine Armor.

  He took the stairs easily, as if her weight was inconsequential. She smiled into his chest. Every woman, whether she admitted it or not, had secret fantasies about their men carrying them off into the darkness. But not many men were strong enough to actually do it.

  Their men. Oh, God. Is that what Nick was? Her man?

  At the landing he took her keys out of his pocket, opened the front door and stepped inside. Closing it behind him again, he carried her to her bedroom and laid her down on the bed.

  The soft mattress felt wonderful, and she instantly stretched and practically purred. Opening her eyes, she looked up at him.

  He scrubbed one hand across his face as he watched her through hooded eyes. Seconds ticked by, and Gina felt caught by the strength of his gaze. A low curl of need started deep within her, and she tried futilely to keep it from spreading.

  Nick Paretti had irritated, excited and infuriated her. But he’d also introduced her to real passion and made her wish that things could be different between them. More permanent. More—

  “You’d better get some sleep,” he said, shattering her thoughts. “I’ll lock the door when I leave,” he added, his gaze moving over her like a hungry man being denied a meal.

  “No, don’t,” she said softly, reaching for his hand.

  “Don’t lock up?” he asked.

  “Don’t leave,” she said simply, and curled her fingers around his, tugging him closer.

  “Gina, we’re both tired, and this isn’t a good idea,” he said tightly. She heard the strain in his voice and knew darn well that he didn’t want to leave. He just thought he should.

  “Then just hold me for a while,” she said, wanting nothing more at the moment than to lie down beside him, cuddle in close and sleep dreamlessly for the first time in days.

  Conflicting emotions darted across his face with lightning-like speed, until finally he nodded and eased himself down onto the bed beside her. Wrapping one arm around her, he pulled her close, nestled her head on his chest and whispered, “For a while.”


  In her sleep she cuddled closer to the warmth of him. This was the best dream she’d had in days. Always before, Nick’s image was ghostly, impossible to touch and yet enticingly real. But now it was as if her brain had finally gotten it right.

  She ran the flat of her hand across his chest, and even through the fabric of his shirt she felt the strength of his hard, muscled body. Keeping her eyes tightly closed for fear of waking up and losing this moment, she molded her body to align with his, getting as close as she possibly could.

  His arms encircled her, and she sighed at the warm, solid feel of him.

  Gina moaned softly as tender hands explored her body.

  In her dream, Nick lifted the hem of her T-shirt and slid his palm up, across her rib cage to the swell of her breast. His fingers tweaked her nipple through the lacy fabric of her bra and Gina sighed, moving into that dream-like touch.

  This is what she’d wanted, needed for too long. Since their one night together, she’d hungered for more. Despite the fact that she knew they had no future—or maybe because of it—her need for him only seemed to grow stronger every day.

  His hand slipped beneath the edge of her bra to touch her bare flesh, and when he did, her eyes flew open. The room was in absolute darkness but for the narrow slash of moonlight sliding through the gap in her curtains. It sliced through the shadows to lie like a laser beam lengthwise down the middle of her bed.

  This was no dream.

  Nick was here, with her. Where she wanted him.

  She tilted her head back on his shoulder and met his gaze, and even in the dim light she saw fires burning brightly there.

  Still fully clothed, they lay entwined together on her bed, and Gina wondered idly how many hours had passed. How much of the night was left. How much time they’d wasted in something as useless as sleep.

  His fingers smoothed across her nipple again, and Gina gasped, arching into him. Swallowing hard, she asked, “How long have you been awake?”

  “Since you threw your leg over me,” he said softly.

  She glanced down and noticed her right leg was still stretched across his body, as if even in her sleep she’d been trying to lay claim to him. Then she noticed something else. Beneath her leg, she felt his arousal, hard and ready, and her mouth went dry.

  He wanted her as badly as she wanted him. He couldn’t hide that from her, no matter what he might say in the next few minutes.

  “Nick?” she whispered, shifting her gaze back to his.

  “Yeah, princess?” His thumb and forefinger teased her nipple, sending hot, jagged bolts of awareness rocketing through her body right down to the soles of her feet.

  “Oh…” Gina moved into his touch again, as a wild tingling began building at her center.

  She wasn’t sure what she’d been about to say, and it didn’t really matter at the moment, did it? Her mind whirling, her body humming, she pushed all thoughts aside and concentrated instead on what he was doing to her with a simple caress.

  “Gina, honey,” he whispered, rolling her onto her back and levering himself above her, “let me love you.”

  Her head cushioned by the mound of pillows beneath her head, she looked up at him and said softly, “Oh, yes. Yes, Nick. Please.”

  But the moment she agreed, his hand left her breast, and she wanted to cry out for the loss of it. His palm smoothed down her rib cage and across her stomach to the waistband of her jeans.

  His gaze held hers as he quickly undid the button and zipper of the worn denim pants, making room for his hand to slide further along her abdomen.

  Gina sighed and wriggled gently beneath him.

  “Lift your shirt for me, honey,” he said.

  Keeping her gaze locked with his, she did what he asked, pulling the hem of her T-shirt up until her lace-covered breasts were exposed to his view. She shivered slightly in the cool night air, but the fire in his eyes warmed her an instant later.

  “Now the bra,” he told her, and Gina only nodded. Her breathing shallow and unsteady, she flicked the front clasp of her white lace bra and pulled it aside and out of his way.

  He smiled at her, and she held her breath as he dipped his head toward her. Slowly he took first one nipple then the other into his mouth. Gina tipped her head back into the pillows and closed her eyes, the better to savor the feel of his mouth on her body. His lips and tongue worked over those two sensitive tips until she felt as though she might fly apart.

  And while his mouth tortured her gently, his left hand stroked her abdomen, his fingertips just dusting the slim elastic band of her bikini panties. Gina’s right hand fisted in her bedspread as she blindly searched for purchase in the world that seemed to be swaying around her. With her left hand, she held on to Nick, cupping the back of his head, holding him to her, keeping his attentions right where she wante
d them.

  He suckled her and as he did, he slid his left hand down, beneath her panties beyond the soft curls at the apex of her thighs, to the throbbing, pulsing heart of her.

  She gasped and arched into him as he cupped her in his palm. He continued to draw and pull at her nipples, letting his mouth and tongue adore her while his talented fingers explored her soft flesh with tender thoroughness.

  Her whole body felt taut, expectant. Gina lifted her hips into his hand, moving with him when he set the rhythm, clamoring for the release she knew awaited her. Again and again, he advanced and retreated, driving her ever higher and higher as her breath shuddered in her lungs.

  Nick lifted his head and looked down at her. Eyes glazed, lips parted on a soft moan, she looked more beautiful than any woman he’d ever known. His heart thundering in his chest, a swell of emotion choked him as he bent to claim her mouth with a kiss.

  He took her hungrily, his tongue mating with hers even as his fingers explored her. He felt her breath on his cheek, felt her arms wind around his neck, her hands clutching at his shoulders. Reluctantly he broke the kiss, pulling back far enough to watch her face. And then with one last brush of his thumb across the most sensitive part of her, he sent her tumbling off the edge of want into the safety net of contentment.

  She called his name as the first explosion of sensation rocked her. He watched delight shatter her expression and felt the hard rush of it overwhelm him. And when the tremors slowly stilled, he rolled over onto his back, pulling her with him, cradling her to his chest. He stared up at the darkened ceiling and tried to understand what had just happened between them. For the first time in his life, Nick had been more concerned with pleasuring someone else than in taking pleasure himself.

  Never before had he been satisfied to simply give and do no taking at all. Yet now, though his body ached to join hers, it was enough to hold her. To know that he had given her something no other man ever had.

  “Oh, my goodness,” she said on a long, shaky breath.

  He rubbed one hand up and down her spine, loving that she moved into him even closer.

  “Good morning,” he said, then smiled. “At least, I think it’s morning.”

  She lifted her head off his chest, glanced at a clock on her nightstand, then lay back down again. “It’s 3:00 a.m. That qualifies as morning, I think.”

  “Have to be at work in three hours, so, yeah, I guess it does.”

  “Nick,” she said, and he looked down to meet her gaze. “That was…” She chuckled and shook her head. “I think I’m speechless.”

  He grinned, ridiculously pleased. “I must be good. Don’t think I’ve ever seen you speechless before.”

  “Okay,” she said. “I give you leave to be smug for a few minutes.”


  “But what about you?” she asked. “I mean—”

  He knew what she meant. And though he might regret it later, he heard himself say, “Don’t worry about me. I’m fine.”


  Nick sucked in a gulp of air, forcing his own needs into a tight dark corner of his soul. There was nothing to be done about it, anyway. “Gina,” he said, “I’m fine, all right? Besides, I don’t have any condoms with me and—”

  She moved away from him and sat up, fastening the clasp of her bra and tugging her shirt down. “I may be new at this, but couldn’t I do for you what you did for me?”

  Instantly visions rushed into his mind, visions that did nothing to help him keep his rapidly disintegrating self-control in check. If she touched him, he knew it would never be enough. He’d want to make love to her completely, join their bodies. Sucking a long, deep breath, he rolled off the bed and stood up. “I’d better go.”

  “Nick,” she said, as she rebuttoned her jeans and scooted off the bed to face him.

  Just looking at her, from her tousled hair to her just-kissed mouth, was enough to make him want to throw her down onto the bed. Hell, if she touched him, he’d be lost. He shook his head. “Leave it alone, Gina.”

  She actually flinched, and hurt flashed across her eyes as she stared at him for a long minute before nodding stiffly. He cursed under his breath as, a moment later, she marched across the room and hit the wall switch. Instantly bright light flooded the room, chasing away all of the dark, romantic shadows as thoroughly as though they were never there.

  When she walked back and stopped directly in front of him, he saw the distant look in her eyes and mentally kicked himself. He’d managed to offend her, when all he’d been trying to do was protect her.

  “All right, then. Why are you here, Nick? Why did you come to see me tonight?”

  He reached for her, but she took a half step back. His hand dropped to his side. “I wanted to talk to you.”

  “About what?”

  “About what you said the other night. That we shouldn’t see each other anymore.”

  “Huh.” A wry smile touched her mouth briefly as she glanced at the rumpled bedspread. “Not off to a very good start, are we?”

  “That was my fault,” he said, prepared to take responsibility for what had happened.

  She raised her eyebrows as she just looked at him. “Let me tell you something, General. If I hadn’t wanted that to happen, it wouldn’t have happened.”

  “I know that, I’m just saying—”

  “What exactly are you saying?” Gina snapped.

  This was certainly going well. “I’m saying I think you were right before. We should avoid each other.”

  She snorted a laugh. “Oh, no problem,” she told him and stomped past him, through the open doorway and into the living room. Still walking, she marched on into the kitchen and snatched open the refrigerator.

  Right behind her, Nick watched as she rummaged angrily through her things before settling for a can of soda. She pulled it out, slammed the fridge door closed and flipped open the top of the can. Ignoring him, as only she could, Gina took a long drink, then slammed the soda onto the counter. Only then did she turn to face him.

  “Are you still here?”

  “Until we finish this, yes,” he said, fighting past the tight knot of pain lodged in the center of his chest. Only a short while ago he’d been holding her, touching her, making her cry out in pleasure. Now she looked as if she was within inches of crying again. For a very different reason this time.

  “Trust me on this. It’s finished, Nick. Go away.” She tried to push past him, but he grabbed her arm and held her in place.

  “Not yet. Look, Gina, this isn’t easy for me, either.”

  She slowly lifted her gaze to his.

  “But it’ll be better this way,” he said. “We’ll forget about that contest, and without the dance lessons, we’ll only have to see each other at the Colonel’s barbecue.”

  “Forget the contest?” she repeated.

  “Yeah.” At least one positive thing was happening here. She surely wouldn’t want to keep dancing with him.

  “No way.”

  He let her go and shoved both hands across the top of his head. “You can’t be serious.”

  “You’re darn right I’m serious,” she countered, tilting her head back so she could glare at him full force. “The winners of that contest get five hundred dollars. And I can use that money. We’re not quitting.”

  “Oh, yes we are,” he said.

  “You coward.”

  Nick stiffened as though he’d been shot. “Nobody calls me a coward, lady.”

  “What would you call it?” she snapped, and this time did push past him to stride into the living room.

  “Good sense?” he asked, following after her into the shadow-filled room. “Hell, I’m doing this for your sake.”

  “Oh, that’s a good one,” she countered, whirling around to face him. “How do you figure that?”

  “Look at us, princess. The minute I touch you, we end up in bed.”

  She laughed shortly. “Trust me on this, too, Nick. I keep feeling the way I’m feel
ing right now and I won’t have any trouble resisting your dubious charms.”

  Damn it. Hardest-headed woman he’d ever met.

  Gina was still talking, and he told himself to pay attention.

  “Once we get through the barbecue, and the contest is over,” she said, “then we can go our separate ways.”

  “Unless you’re pregnant,” he reminded her.

  Gina quailed at the thought. She’d always wanted children. But not under these circumstances. Still, how hideous it was to be in the position of actually having to pray nightly that she wasn’t carrying a baby. And even if she was… “Whether I am or not won’t matter. I’ll handle it myself, I’ve already told you that.”

  “Yeah, that’s what you say now, but sooner or later you’ll want a father for that baby,” he told her, moving in close enough that she could feel the waves of anger rippling from his body. “And trust me, honey. If you’re pregnant with my baby, you’re not going to be able to cut me out of your life.”

  She laughed, a harsh, tight sound that scraped her throat. “Cut you out? Heck,” she reminded him, “the first words out of your mouth after we made love were, ‘I won’t marry you.’”

  “Who said anything about marriage?” he yelled, clearly as frustrated as she felt.

  “Not me,” she snapped. “I’m not getting married, remember? Not to you or anyone else.”

  “Yeah, and why should I believe that?” he asked. “What makes you so all-fired different from any other woman?”

  “Because I made a promise!” she shouted. “I promised my father on his deathbed that I would take care of my mother. Me. She’s my responsibility.”

  Oh, God. That was the first time she’d told anyone about what had passed between her father and herself the night he’d died. The night she’d given up thoughts of a family and realized that it would be up to her to provide for and protect her mother.

  Silence dropped on the room. She heard the ticking of the wall clock marking off the seconds, and she waited, sure Nick would have something to say. She wasn’t disappointed. Only surprised.


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