The Glass Dagger (Afterlife Chronicles Book 1)

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The Glass Dagger (Afterlife Chronicles Book 1) Page 2

by Stephanie Hudson

  “Yeah, I’m Theo,” he told her finally looking up at her face. He couldn’t help his reaction when he hissed air through his teeth. The girl was obviously blind as most of her eyes were white except for two creepy black dots at the centres. There were also raw scars that looked like burn marks all around her eyes and creeping their way down her cheeks. He couldn’t help but wonder, had someone done this to her? Theo started to get angry at just the thought of it.

  “Great, well I am Rue, your official Afterlife guide!” she said holding her hand out for him to shake. He was almost glad she couldn’t see the confused look on his face as he took her hand, still wondering what she meant by ‘Afterlife guide’.

  “Are you sure you have the right person?” he said feeling like he had to ask. She laughed taking back her hand and held it to her temple in salute before saying,

  “I might be blind but I am a great scout!” Theo didn’t know what to say to that and even if he did, he was too busy staring at the strange tribal eye symbols that had been tattooed on the palms of her hands.

  “Now let’s get going, the rest of your bunk buddies are already on the bus waiting for us to shake tail,” she said, pulling down the large mirrored aviator sunglasses she had perched on top of her head hidden amongst her spiky black hair. Theo ducked under the barrier having no patience to walk all the way around and it was a good job as Rue might have been shorter than him and visually impaired but she could certainly move quickly. He ended up half jogging to keep up.

  “So you’re our guide to the school?” he asked making sure one last time that she hadn’t made a mistake.

  “Sure am,” she said surprising him at how easily she manoeuvred around the place without even bumping into anyone, she didn’t even have a stick or anything.

  “But back there you said that you were our official ‘Afterlife’ guide.”

  “And?” she said in a tone that suggested she had no clue as to where he was going with this.

  “And… on the letter it said our new school was called the AdVitam Academy,” he informed her hoping now she would understand why he thought she might have the wrong person, although that wouldn’t explain how she still knew his name.

  “And what do you think AdVitam means exactly?” she asked on a laugh, one that only managed to frustrate Theo as he didn’t like being left out of what he considered an important loop, especially when he was smack bang in the middle of that tightening life lasso!

  “I don’t know, add vitamins to your diet, the school of healthy eating…Hell, you could worship broccoli for all I know! So you tell me, you’re supposed to be the guide.” Rue laughed at him instead of getting angry at his sarcastic tone, one which Theo was often gifted with.

  “Oh Hell might have something to do with it, but trust me when I say, it isn’t broccoli we worship,” she said winking at him and with her creepy eyes, it went well with her Hellish statement. But Theo shook off the bad vibes he was getting and said,

  “Yeah right, now just tell me what it really means.”

  “AdVitam is Latin,” she said grinning and Theo dropped his suitcase to the floor and crossed his arms, forgetting that she couldn’t see how unimpressed he looked by her dragging out the answer.

  “For?” he prompted rolling his hand around and again ignoring the pair of blind eyes that couldn’t see him but not the knowing smile he could see obviously mocking him.

  Then she gave him his answer, one he wasn’t sure he wanted to hear…

  “It’s Latin for… the Afterlife.”


  After Death

  Theo was left standing there as if a ghost had just walked through him, leaving their mark in the form of little bumps all over his skin. He wasn’t quite sure why hearing the name ‘Afterlife’ had such an effect on him. All he knew was to trust his instincts and right now they were screaming one word…


  Now Theo usually always trusted his instincts and he felt it had got him this far without being damaged along the way. Like the time some school bully and wannabe tough guy thought to challenge him by acting like a coward when sneaking up behind him. Theo had the sudden thought to duck at just the right moment so that the guy’s fist slammed straight into Theo’s locker instead of the back of his head like the bully had intended.

  “Turd sandwich,” Theo muttered to himself, thinking back to how he would have loved to have shown that guy a lesson but in the end, he knew the best thing was to just walk away. The one touch rule was what Theo lived by as those few seconds was all it took to really hurt someone.

  In truth, the darker side of Theo’s personality had mentally visualised the scenario of simply placing a fingertip to the jerk’s forehead and watching the effects of what such little effort could do. To stand there and witness as his veins would have bulged, his eyes no doubt growing wide with panic and his skin quickly paling to a sickly shade of grey before he sacked it to the ground into what Theo knew would be a scary state of unconsciousness. He had heard once before the type of nightmares even the briefest of his touch could deliver, once they lost their mind into the oblivion that seemed to feed Theo’s world and unknown power. It was why he kept this side of him locked away in the shadows where it belonged, no matter what the bully had intended. The lesson to be learnt wasn’t worth the endless madness that would no doubt follow him around for the rest of his life, even if it managed to save a few students from his Butt hole behaviour!

  Shaking these memories from his mind he decided for the first time in his life he wasn’t going to let instincts rule over this major decision in his life. No, he was going with his heart on this one, as there was something in his heart that said this was the right path to take, almost as if that path was going to lead him…


  “Yo space cadet, you coming or what?!” Rue shouted from inside the automatic doors. He still had no clue how she knew where to look to find him but find him she did. Maybe she had some of her sight? He thought about it but after one more look into those milky depths, he very much doubted it.

  Theo didn’t answer her but instead just grabbed the handle of his suitcase and when it snapped it looked like he wasn’t the only one on the last leg of the journey.

  “Great, just great!” he moaned picking it up in his arms and along with it killing all illusions of trying to be cool in front of anyone who might be looking. Well at least Rue couldn’t see him struggling in the only awkward way anyone could look when hugging an oversized suitcase to their chest, he thought more with sarcasm than seeing any sight of a silver lining.

  Jogging to catch up wasn’t as natural looking as he hoped and he was just glad for the moment when he could finally put the stupid thing down. In fact, if it hadn’t been soon he would have been tempted to just set fire to the damn thing and put it out of its aging misery. Seriously the thing had half a roll of duct tape just holding it together and the zip looked ready to fling off at any moment and take out an eye!

  When he saw the vehicle Rue had stopped next to Theo frowned. Looking up at the black school bus he had slowly walked over to he decided it looked more like something the Adam’s Family kids went to school in. He wanted to ask if this was a joke but Rue spoke first.

  “Let me guess, a throwback from the sixties?” Rue said nodding to broken suitcase.

  “Actually I think it was the first one invented…did they have suitcases when dinosaurs roamed the earth?” Rue laughed at Theo’s joke and he liked the sound. He had always had a good sense of humour but rarely was he given the opportunity to show it.

  “Hey, you’re funny, kid.” On hearing this Theo dropped his smile.

  “Don’t call me kid,” he said affronted by the thought. Okay, so Theo knew at aged sixteen he was still technically considered as ‘Underage’ but that didn’t mean he ever felt like it. Quite the opposite in fact, as a lot of the time he looked at most adults as if they were the children. Especially given that most adults he had heard about certainly didn’t understand
the concept of responsibility that was for sure.

  Rue held up her hands as if Theo was waving a gun at her.

  “Sorry dude, didn’t realise you were older than you look. How old are you anyway?” Theo raised an eyebrow at her and said,

  “Sixteen, So I doubt enough years younger than you for you to be calling me Kid.” he said.

  “I am older than I look… Now trust me on this,” she said and opened up the side panel on the bus before picking up the suitcase one handed without needing to feel around for the pieces of broken handle. Then as if she was some Olympian shot putter she threw the case in making him glad he didn’t own any breakables…although he wasn’t sure his old 90’s Gameboy had survived Rue’s mighty swing.

  “Jeez, remind me not to hack you off any time soon.” Theo commented sarcastically. Rue winked at him and said,

  “That’s a really good idea there, kiddo,” then ruffled his head making him groan out loud, realising he had just set himself up to be called ‘Kid’ or ‘Kiddo’ for the rest of eternity when around Rue. Maybe he would have to start wearing aftershave to mask his smell so she wouldn’t know when he was in the room. Of course, first he would have to learn how to play guitar and go busking on the streets for money, as like most orphans, he didn’t have a penny to his name.

  He followed Rue to the bus doors wondering not only why the school bus was black but also why all the windows were blacked out.

  “What type of school is this AdVitam anyway?” Theo had to admit the name didn’t exactly roll off the tongue, like St Johns did.

  “You will soon see, won’t you?” she answered pressing the release button at the side making the doors snap open. Theo looked up at the few steps feeling that familiar shiver snake down his spine, which only meant one thing…run. But once again, instead of ducking, dodging, running or jumping from the danger he could sense coming, he did the opposite and took his first real step into the unknown.

  “There you go,” Rue said to herself as if she could sense his hesitation, something that embarrassed him to know. He didn’t like people thinking he had a weakness of any sort and for the most part people would give him a wide berth, being fooled into believing that he had none. After that incident with the bully, he quickly developed a reputation of being a bad ass and in a way, I guess they weren’t wrong.

  It was a powerful thing for a crowd of students to watch as a young boy was about to get pummelled by a boy twice his size, only to walk away as though it had been nothing to fear. To simply duck his head and without a backward glance, make his way down the hallway without so much as a flinch. Needless to say, his reaction scared the bully into never trying it again and hopefully also never underestimating anyone else smaller than him. But inevitably from then on the rumours spread like a bush fire and ended up alienating Theo even more.

  But that was all in the past and now it was time for a new start. He was even starting to let himself believe that this time he might be able to make a friend. Well, that was if he could think of a decent excuse as to why he never touched anyone. Either way, as he mounted those steps, it was enough to allow him to believe that this time it was going to be different…

  “Or maybe not,” he muttered under his breath as the biggest lad he had ever seen stood up and completely blocked the aisle. Theo’s eyes widened as he looked up and up and up until his neck was arched, just to enable him see this guy’s shaved head. And as someone who was classed as tall for his age, Theo wasn’t used to having to look up to many people, let alone crack the bones in his neck just to see the guy’s chin!

  “Holy…” Theo was about to swear when the beast spoke, cutting him off.

  “Ivan,” he said with a heavy accent in a surprisingly gentle voice.

  “Uh…Hey...” That was all he knew to say in the presence of meeting a real life giant in the flesh. In fact, he had to bite his tongue from asking the guy if he bench pressed motorbikes in his spare time. He looked like one of those guys you saw off the TV that were competing for World’s Strongest Man title.

  Ivan was at least six foot six tall with a massive gut that hung over his red and white basketball shorts. His shoulders looked big enough to balance tree trunks either side and his biceps, well they looked strong enough to crush them into splinters. Theo wasn’t scared of a fight if it came to it but even he knew just by looking at this guy he would be dead after one punch. In fact, images of this guy actually knocking his head clean from his shoulders would have been animated in a bubble above his head if this were a cartoon.

  “I happy meeting you,” Ivan said in broken English and before Theo could stop him Ivan outstretched his massive arm and had his hand enclosed in his bear sized paw. Ivan shook Theo’s hand, one he held in his vice like grip and Theo looked on in amazement that his touch wasn’t having a single effect on him. He couldn’t help wondering if it wasn’t to do with his colossal size or was he just different like him?

  “Cool meeting you too, big guy,” he said after Ivan let go of his hand and even though Theo was tough he still had to flex his fingers in and out a few times just to get the feeling back in them. He chose to do this behind his back as he didn’t want to upset the guy. Hell, he never wanted to upset this guy…ever!

  “Imya?” Ivan said and Theo raised his eyebrow in question.


  “He’s asking your name?” A girl’s voice came from further back and Theo had to sidestep in front of one of the seats to see past Ivan. There he found an Asian girl with her head in a book and feet on the next seat, not even bothering to look up at him.

  “Name’s Theo,” he said giving his attention back to the giant, who so far was the only person in the world that seemed immune to his touch.

  “Very good. I be happy knowing you,” Ivan said and patted Theo on the back making him choke on inhaled air from the impact.

  “Ah me sorry. Me no, not own me strength,” Ivan said getting his words mixed up. Theo tried not to cough again but instead cleared his throat, saying in a croaky voice,

  “No worries dude, but you’re definitely on my team for sports,” Theo said only half joking because he guessed anyone who went up against this guy was going to be on the losing team. It even surprised Theo to think this way, considering Theo never played contact sports for obvious reasons. Was he really expecting things to be that different for him at this new school?

  “I yes, basketball I like much…my team,” Ivan added punching his chest and looking down at his huge hooded sweater that could have doubled as a blanket for a big bed. Theo smiled up at him and nodded telling him he understood but not really knowing what else to say as he’d never followed basketball before.

  “Right, lets crack on should we?” Rue said clapping her hands and Theo looked back at her releasing as she took her seat that she was also the bus driver in this bizarre situation! He watched as she nodded for Ivan to sit, probably realising that Theo couldn’t do much with the big guy still stood in his way.

  “Ah, me yes sit.”

  “Magic!” Rue said once a blushing Ivan got the hint and sat down. Then she threw herself into the driver’s seat and started the engine. Theo looked at the others he could now see sat on the bus with the same amount of concern as he had letting a blind person drive them anywhere. Theo couldn’t

  help taking a step towards Rue, strangely feeling responsible for this little group and deciding it was his duty to speak the obvious. But before he could Rue held up her hand without looking at him and said,

  “Save it and don’t sweat it kiddo, I have been driving longer than when you were first giggled at.” Theo frowned not really understanding what she meant by that comment but knowing that he didn’t like it either way. However, before he had chance to comment, Rue put her hand on the gear stick, putting it into first. One that just so happened to be a chrome skull which had black tears dripping down in what looked like glitter paint.

  “Sit.” Rue warned before pulling away and Theo, feeling as though he had littl
e choice in this strange turn of events, did as he was told. He walked down the centre nodding to Ivan who gave him a beaming smile, one you would have expected to see on a young child just before biting into the biggest piece of cake. Well, he may have been big and intimidating in size but his facial expressions told a very different story.

  With his kind soft eyes that lit up and almost disappeared altogether when he smiled thanks to a pair of chubby cheeks, the word used to describe this gentle looking giant would have had to have been endearing. Even his double chin and big neck added to the friendly nature he expressed as Theo passed. However, this friendliness didn’t last as he approached the next person a few rows down.

  “Hey.” Theo said to the hooded figure with her head hunched over in a protective manner. He barely got a glimpse of her dark hazel eyes before she looked away quickly, barely giving him a murmur in reply. One look at her and two words crossed his mind… ‘Issues and Goth’.

  She wore an oversized jacket on top of even more layers hiding herself away from the world. But it was the way she cradled one hand to her chest, hidden inside her jacket as though she didn’t want anyone to see her hurting.

  Theo had to force himself further along the bus, squashing down the urge to stop and ask her if she was alright. No, he could read the signals easy enough when someone wanted to be left alone but he had to confess that he was surprised to see someone looking so fearful actually on this bus. The other girl on the other hand, now she looked like she belonged alright. Talk about complete opposite to goth girl, this was preppy on a whole other level.

  “Theo huh?” she said without moving her feet that were blocking him going any further. It was obvious she had the spoilt teen act down to a fine art and added to the attitude was the look to match. A navy blue blazer of what looked like her previous private school was what she chose to wear. But for some reason the patch that would have been able to confirm his suspicions looked like it had been ripped off, which only managed to make Theo even more curious.


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