The Glass Dagger (Afterlife Chronicles Book 1)

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The Glass Dagger (Afterlife Chronicles Book 1) Page 5

by Stephanie Hudson

  “What’s your plan?” Janie asked obviously feeling more and more at ease around them.

  “You’ll see,” he told her and like the others, winked at her. Ena walked past him to walk next to Janie but mainly to give her some advice, advice that made Theo chuckle out loud.

  “Wanna know the best advice I ever got?” Janie nodded holding her one hand still hidden within her jacket the closer Ena got.

  “Beware the handsome face, for they can lie just like the rest.” Janie’s eyes got wide as she thought about it before surprising Ena when she looked not to Theo or to Zane but first to Ivan as he walked past them both to stand next to Theo. Ena followed on, looking to the house so that she could not only hide her shock but also her knowing smile from Janie.

  “So what do we do now…knock three times and say there’s no place like home?” Zane asked as they approached the thick black gates.

  “Seriously though, are you ever going to stop dropping movie quotes?” Ena asked sarcastically.

  “I don’t know, are you ever going to remove that pole from your…”

  “Enough bickering,” Theo said interrupting him.

  “What, I was going to say nose,” he argued knowing this wasn’t true.

  “Yeah, right you were,” Ena muttered when poor Ivan was once again just left looking confused, so Janie smiled up at him and said,

  “The Wizard of Oz.”

  “Ah, me like little dogs,” Ivan said grinning, this time making Zane confused.

  “Uh, he likes what now?”

  “I think he means Toto,” Janie said making it obvious that she was going to be the go to girl when things got confusing around them. Theo was at least glad it was giving her something to focus on other than the potentially dangerous situation they were about to enter into.

  “Well, here goes nothing,” Theo said holding the phone in one hand and pulling on the gate with the other. He didn’t know why but he was surprised to see it was open, getting the strange sense that this only happened when it was dark. He let Ivan open the other side until both were back against the stone archway allowing them access to the heavy oak doors that did look as though they belonged on a castle. They were massive and for once tall enough so that Ivan didn’t have to worry about ducking to get through.

  They were riveted with black iron studs and large hammered iron hinges that looked more for a purpose than as a feature. Theo placed a hand at the centre, getting ready to push and noticed that the same family crest that was on the wax seal on his letter was also carved under his hand.

  He hadn’t known what to expect but finding the door warm to the touch hadn’t been it. He frowned as an overwhelming feeling came over him as though he was meant to be here and nothing had ever felt more right.

  “You okay?” Theo was surprised by the way the door had affected him but he was even more surprised to hear that this concern had come from Ena.

  “Yeah, just a weird feeling that’s all. Come on, let’s get this over with,” he answered her and before taking a secret shaky breath, he pushed open the door. As they all walked in they were shocked by what they found.

  “What is this place?” Janie braved to ask, speaking first and letting her voice echo around the massive open space.

  “I don’t know but what’s our first lesson going to be, how to bury a dead body after making a round of bloody Marys?” Zane replied staring at the Gothic space which looked as if someone had turned an abandoned church into a nightclub for Vampires.

  “Or maybe home economics will be how to pickle your favourite body parts?” he added, making Janie chuckle and Ena groan.

  “This can’t be right.” Theo said also noticing the glass bar behind them which was decorated in fancy scrolled iron work. Then he looked back, taking in the high arched stone ceilings, wrought iron chandeliers and plush purple and red velvets that covered the different seating areas.

  “Not unless I hit twenty-one already and I am early to the party,” Ena said giving her take on the nightclub that surrounded them.

  “I no understand,” Ivan piped up, adding to their confusion and doing so with considerably less sarcasm than the others.

  “No and that includes the rest of us, big guy,” Zane said patting him on the back as he walked further into the room. But then he quickly froze on the spot when they all heard a high pitched squeal from the mezzanine level above them that was situated at the far end of the club.

  “What was that?” Janie whispered fearfully, getting behind Ivan, which right then seemed like the smartest thing to do. Theo couldn’t help thinking that it sounded as if someone was being hurt, so without giving it another thought, Theo pressed the ring button on the phone and called the numbers he had keyed in before entering the club.

  “911, what’s your emergency?” the operator on the other end asked.

  “Hi, I think someone is hurt, we are at…” Theo was about to explain about the nightclub when suddenly the line went dead. He pulled the phone from his ear to look at the screen just in time to see it start to disintegrate into metallic dust and Theo dropped it before it could touch him. It landed on the floor and burst into a little cloud of dust.

  “I don’t think you will be needing that,” came an eerie calm voice that echoed around the room. All five teenagers fearfully looked up at the same time to see a shadowed figure emerge on the balcony…

  Their new Headmaster.


  My Bad

  “How the Hell did he do that?” Ena asked through gritted teeth as if Theo should know. At that moment he wanted to turn around and remind her that he wasn’t exactly the expert on freaky crap or warped realities. Ones that especially started with them being driven here by a blind chick, drowned by a someone who would give the grim reaper a run for his money and then brought to Hell’s twisted take on a nightclub. So instead he decided it best to go with a warning.

  “Get back,” Theo whispered to the others over his shoulder and without even thinking about the danger, he stepped forward taking his place as leader. He looked up at the shadowed figure standing tall above them knowing this guy was the one in charge. However, Theo couldn’t help but notice something odd when he did this and even though the guy was stood in the shadows, he could still see the brief flash of purple that lit his eyes.

  “Who are you?!” Theo ordered in a commanding voice even he barely recognised. This time he could see the whites of this guy’s teeth as he grinned momentarily.

  “You must be Theo,” said an equally commanding voice, only his had the added bonus of age and clearly years of authority behind it.

  “That’s right.” Theo wanted to add more to this and throw attitude his way but, looking back at his friends, he knew it would be too risky. But he thought if he could at least keep this guy’s attention on him then it might give the others time to get out, as the main doors were still open. He wasn’t sure what he could see from up there but it was pretty dark down where they were stood, so Theo thought it was worth a chance.

  “Make your way slowly to the door, I will keep him distracted,” he told the others, knowing that it would be impossible for the guy to have heard him whispering from all the way up there.

  “But what about you?” Ena asked just as quietly along with Zane when he added,

  “Yeah dude, we are not leaving you.”

  “I will make a run for it, just go!” he told them, knowing full well that his chances were next to nil. Theo looked back up to the balcony and started walking closer to try and draw the guy’s attention away from his friends.

  “So you know who I am, don’t you think it’s time I know who you are?” he asked, purposely projecting his voice to try and mask the sound of footsteps echoing in the room as the others tried to sneak out.

  “Leaving so soon?” the man asked calmly before Theo heard the doors slamming shut behind him, making his shoulders tense knowing they didn’t make it. He looked behind him to see that Janie was still cowering behind Ivan and Zane shrugg
ed his shoulders as he came to stand next to him.

  “Got any more ideas?”

  “Nope, you?” Theo asked Zane back.

  “Other than picking up the big Russian and throwing him at the guy, then no, I’m fresh out.” Theo raised his eyebrow at the idea and looked back at the same time as Zane at the giant who was clearly protecting the girls.

  “Yeah no, don’t think our muscles are going to cut it.” Zane said sarcastically.

  “I’m thinking not.” Theo agreed taking a deep breath and taking charge once more.

  “What do you want with us?!” he shouted up at the man who just seemed to be watching their interaction with great curiosity.

  “Fear not young man, I am merely here to welcome you all to your new home. My name is…” He was about to tell them who he was when he was suddenly interrupted by the same high-pitched squeal they had first heard when entering the club. The sound of doors bursting open came from above before a rainbow of colour started racing into view.

  “AHHH they are here! OM Genius! They are finally here…oh just look at the little crumpets!” This came from a riot of colour that started racing down the grand staircase which curved down to the main floor of the nightclub. There was another one that mirrored it on the other side, both framing a large stage area.

  Theo watched in utter shock as a small girl raced towards them, skidding on the bottom step and righting herself on the banister before she fell on her backside. She had bright green hair in twisted pigtails that showed the slightest hints of blue streaks high on her head. She was older than her size suggested but had a cute baby face which would still make it hard to gauge how old she actually was.

  But it was her style which had everyone, including Theo, staring in awe. The whole of one arm was covered in one big tattoo that looked like a sky painted on her forearm, with swirls of blue and purple storm clouds with a small V shape of birds flying past. Above that was a strange thick black ring of ancient text and different symbols that fascinated Theo, causing him to wonder what they could mean. He couldn’t see more as she wore a T shirt that he couldn’t help but chuckle at. It was white with black writing that said, ‘Zombies hate fast food’ and underneath there was a picture of a couple of Zombies trying to catch some innocent people running from them.

  Rainbow tie dye shorts covered in silver glitter were also part of the outfit, along with purple tights with white stars and knee high converse shoes that were covered in white skulls. She smiled, flashing her lip ring and her nose stud which was a winking smiley face. Even the pair of mirrored goggles strapped around her head and nestled in between her two green buns had skull hands attached to the sides. She resembled a Goth who had been dipped into a vat of rainbow paint and then someone had thrown a tub of glitter over her before she had time to dry.

  “Oh my Mona Lisa! You guys are soooo freakin’ cute! My name is Pipper Winifred Ambrogetti, well Miss Pip to you guys but I will not accept or answer to Miss Pipper Pants or Miss Am.I.Like.Spaghetti because that’s not how you say my last name and it’s just mean… Well, well, well come on then, let me shake your hands!” she said reeling off this little speech and speaking a million miles an hour. After this she stepped forward and started at the back with Ena.

  “And you must be Ena. Oh aren’t you rockin’ some style girl! Love that blazer, very eighties or is it in now...? You know all the styles come back around at some point and personally I am still waiting for the bustle dress to make it back on the block,” Miss Pip said stuffing her hands in her short’s pockets and rocking back on the heels of her feet like a child would.

  “Uh…bustle dress?” Ena said obviously confused and taken aback like the rest of them were.

  “Just think lots of layers and ruffles that equal big bums and you will have an idea…any who, moving right along the bus to our next contestant…who do we have here…” she said sidestepping to Ivan who was standing guard in front of Janie and looking down at Miss Pip like she was a rare coloured butterfly he was fascinated with.

  “Wowee, you’re a big guy ain’t ya?” she said after raising her head up and whistling because of his size.

  “I be Ivan,” he said down to her making her giggle.

  “You be Yoda bear, that’s who…see what I did there, you know, instead of Yogi bear?” she asked us all with her emerald green eyes open wide and expectantly.

  “Oh come on people, it’s a cartoon…oh never mind, I can see I have a lot of work on my hands! At least tell me you know who Yoda is, ‘cause if not then Star Wars will be first on my lesson plan!”

  “I think I might like this school after all,” Zane muttered to Theo nudging his shoulder.

  “We know who Yoda is.” Ena told her, frowning at Zane’s comment and making him moan at obviously not getting his Star Wars lesson after all. Miss Pip clapped her hands together making her numerous crazy rings clash together, one of which looked like a tiny cleaver chopping through two fingers, complete with plastic blood dripping down one knuckle.

  “Excellent! We will all get on just fine then.”

  “I know not this Yoda,” Ivan said frowning and Miss Pip closed her eyes and raised her head to the ceiling muttering something to herself about strength. Then as if someone clicked their fingers, her head snapped back down to look at Zane.


  “Me?” Zane said pointing at his own chest.

  “Yeah, emo boy, you’re Zane right, the artist/music/movie freak which is all totally meant in the best way possible?” Zane looked to Theo as if to confirm whether or not this was an actual question Miss Pip had thrown his way.

  “Uh…yeah,” he said after Theo just shrugged his shoulders as if to say, ‘Don’t ask me’.

  “Cool beans, right your job is to teach the big guy movie culture from at the very least the eighties and upwards or this...right here…” she paused a minute so she could circle her hand around, motioning towards herself and Ivan before carrying on with,

  “…is gonna get Space Odyssey pretty soon!”

  “What does she mean by that?” Theo asked Zane who chuckled.

  “At a guess, I would say she means the word ‘confusing’, seeing as 2001, A Space Odyssey is one of those movies that leaves your head hurting and wondering how on earth you will ever get those wasted three hours back.”

  “Gotya,” Theo replied, thankful to have at least one of the group who understood their new teacher, otherwise she was right, it would get ‘Space Odyssey’ pretty soon.

  “Okay, so I feel like we are missing a girl.” Miss Pip said looking around the place as if expecting her to be hiding somewhere which, of course, she was. It was only when Ivan cleared his throat that Miss Pip twigged where to look and as soon as she did, she decided the best way to approach a nervous girl in hiding was to pop out from around Ivan and shout,


  “Ah!” Janie screamed and moved away from Miss Pip, but in doing so she must have forgotten herself because both her arms went up in defence and now everyone could see what she had been hiding all this time.

  “Janie I…” Theo started to say something but with one look at her face he let it trail off…she looked ashamed. Janie was born without a left hand and this was one of the reasons she wasn’t just a nervous person but also the reason she usually kept herself to herself. She had experienced years of being bullied for being different and as a result, trusted no one. She also believed this was one of the reasons she had never been adopted as she would often ask herself…’Well who would want a broken child when there were plenty of whole ones to choose from?’

  But what Janie didn’t know, along with the other four orphans who had got onto the bus that day, was that there were reasons for everything in their lives…lives they were only now about to discover the true meaning of.

  “Oh there’s no need to be shy, I’m not gonna bite off your other hand…just maybe chew on your leg a bit,” Miss Pip added joking and winking at her. The others meanwhile looked on in horror at
not only her comment but mainly at what she did next. Because before Janie had a choice, Miss Pip grabbed her left arm and shook it, clearly not choosing Janie’s one good hand for a reason.

  Janie’s eyes grew wide in surprise and glistened with unshed tears as it was obvious that she was deeply touched by the gesture.

  For a start, other than seeing a doctor when she was little, no one ever touched Janie’s left arm, in fear that they would get burnt by it or something. And secondly, in just those few seconds, Miss Pip had made Janie feel normal for the very first time.

  “It’s nice to meet you,” Janie said after finding her voice along with her courage.

  “And it’s a red Jolly Rancher meeting you too! By gosh but you two girls are just the prettiest dolls! You boys better behave is all I can say!” She added wagging her finger at the boys before spinning on one foot. Theo smirked, watching both girls blush right along with Ivan, who didn’t seem to know where to put himself as he shifted from one foot to the other.

  “Right, well without further ado and some green Mountain Dew, I can crack on with showing you guys…oh but wait, DUH! I knew I was missing someone!” Miss Pip said interrupting herself suddenly and slapping a hand to her forehead dramatically. Theo couldn’t help but cringe slightly knowing that he was next and hoping he didn’t have the same treatment as Janie as he knew he would have no choice but to appear rude. But what other option was there…tell her ‘Sorry I can’t shake your hand because you’re tiny and I am pretty sure one touch might kill you’…he didn’t think so.

  “Well just look at you, why am I not surprised to find you as leader of the pack! And so handsome! It’s almost like Thor and Achilles had a baby. Well that was if one of them was a girl and I don’t just mean dressed up as one, ‘cause as we should all know, that wouldn’t work either. But Crackers and Cheese, I am really hoping I don’t have to teach you that lesson…”


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