Bad Uncle Too

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Bad Uncle Too Page 7

by Jordan Silver

  “Tell me!”

  “I want more.” She bit my nipple making my cock jerk inside her and leak more pre-cum.

  “Like this?” I fucked into her harder.

  “More.” Now she raked her nails down my back to my ass and pushed herself harder against me, but it still didn’t seem to be enough.

  When she used her legs and arms to turn us over, leaving me on my back as she sat on my cock with her hands planted firmly on my chest, only then was she satisfied.

  The fire raged out of control and we were both caught up in flames. I grabbed her hips and let her ride, taking as much of me as she wanted, afraid that we’d end up hurting her.

  I tried calming her, “Shh, calm down’, but her hips only moved faster as if she was chasing using my cock to chase away whatever was beating inside her.

  She rode my cock so hard I slipped into her womb on one of my manic thrusts up inside her. “Oh shit.” I tried easing out of her when her body bucked in shock.

  She screamed bloody murder and her body shook spasmodically. Her eyes rolled back in her head and I held my breath as I waited for her to come back.

  This could go one of two ways, she could either love womb fucking, or it will be the worse pain she’s ever felt.

  When she fell on my lips like a starving wolf, and fucked herself on my cock I knew I had a winner.

  “Fuck baby.” I threw her to her back and rammed her pussy like a bull in season.

  “Who’s got the sweetest pussy in the world hmm?” She huffed out the words me-me-me as I pummeled my cock into her harder and harder.

  I pulled her body up from the mattress and held her closer. I sank my teeth into the soft flesh of her neck and drew it into my mouth, leaving my mark.

  I bit into her neck and rode my cock high in her pussy until she was chanting my name and the word fuck over and over. Where did she learn this shit? And how to incite me to madness with her inflaming words.

  I released her neck and went back to her lips as I felt my balls draw up close and my cock stiffen inside her. “Cum inside me.”


  Again those words sent me flying over the edge and she was soon accepting another heavy load. I think I passed out for a few minutes and when I woke up I was crushing her beneath me.

  “Shit, I’m sorry.” I moved to roll off of her but she clutched at me. I could feel her heart beating out of time beneath my own chest as the two kept pace with each other.

  “No, uncle Cade.” She wrapped her arms and legs around me and pulled me back down on her body. “You’ll hurt if I take you again right now. I went too deep…”

  “I don’t care, don’t stop.” I was already moving before the words had died on her lips. I told myself to go slow, to be more careful with her, but it seems like all we have to do is get close to each other for the both of us to go up in flames.

  She pulled my head over her breast and led me to her flesh. I guess she’s trying to tell me I’ve been neglectful. I smiled even as I sped up my thrusts and gave her what she wanted.

  My lips covered her nipple and sucked hard until it became a hard bead on my tongue. I bit and licked her as I pounded into her savagely.

  “I’m going to hurt your pussy again sorry.” Her head thrashed around on the pillow and she dug her nails into me as her ass moved hard and fast to keep up with my powerful thrusts.

  “Nnnnnnng-nnnnnnnnng.” She made a weird sound almost like she was speaking a second language and I felt hot pussy juice flood around my cock.

  My boy went off like a firecracker and he knew just where to go to get me in trouble. I butted against her cervix demanding to be let in.

  She screamed loud and hard as that tight ring snapped shut around my cockhead and I hosed down her insides.

  By the time she’d drained my balls and I was able to escape her trap of a pussy with no energy left, I was pretty sure that was the one that bred her ass. Shit!

  She rolled over and put her head on my chest and I wrapped my arm around her, exhausted. “Sleep!” I kissed the top of her head and followed my own advice, dropping into slumber like a lodestone.

  The next morning when I finally rolled away from her she went to her room to shower and get ready for our run. She moved a bit stiff and I scolded my dick for being greedy.

  As the water of my own shower rained down on me I bent my head deep in thought. She hasn’t said anything but it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that she has feelings for me.

  Her jealousy, the way she teased me since she arrived. I was starting to add things up in my head but there were still a lot of questions.

  I hadn’t seen her since she was a young girl and doubted she had any real memory of me, but… I shook it off and finished my shower. Now she has me thinking like a female, looking for meaning behind everything.

  I switched off the water and dried myself off hurriedly; I missed her already and it had only been a short while. That’s it then, my balls are firmly in her hands. Damn nut!

  I came out of my bedroom with my running shorts and shoes on and she came out of hers in a sports bra and some tight ass bright green cycling shorts.

  I followed her into the living room and her head was so much in the clouds she didn’t even hear me behind her. “What are you thinking about so hard that you don’t even see me?”

  She jumped a foot in the air and I couldn’t help laughing. Who knows that devious schemes she was plotting against my ass that had her so preoccupied?

  “Uncle Cade you scared me half to death.” She turned and my eyes went right to her camel toe, her flat bare stomach and those high firm tits that always seemed to be bursting out of whatever she wore.

  “Aw fuck!” She’s sore Cade! I had her bent over the couch with those shorts around her ankles and my dick balls deep in her pussy before she could blink.

  Needless to say we didn’t go running that morning or the next. I kept her in bed all day fucking and sucking the shit out of her pussy each time she complained that she hurt.

  I couldn’t seem to get enough and each time I thought this will be the last time, she’d smile at me, or whisper something naughty in my ear and my dick would take over from my common sense.

  Now I had her on her hands and knees because I love fucking her doggy style most. I get deeper in her this way. “I love the way your ass looks back here.”

  I ran my hands over her body as she pushed back against me. I looked down between us at the way her juices coated my cock, at the way my cock still remained stiff and hard inside her even after cumming inside her so often these last two days.

  But then I missed her mouth and her breasts, so I pulled out and laid on my back, pulling her over me. I let her ride my dick until she came screaming.

  When she couldn’t hold her head up any longer I laid her down and ate her out until I got a stomach full of her sweet juices, and then slid my swollen cock into her sore pussy for another round. Wasn’t my fault that she’d bitten off more than she could chew!

  “You sore?” She nodded her head and her bloodshot eyes looked into mine. “I’ll take care of it later just let me fuck you for five more minutes.”

  “I’m okay uncle Cade don’t stop.” Damn there was hardly any life left in her voice. Her pussy wasn’t tired though, it kept clenching and releasing around my cock.

  Still, I didn’t want to hurt her, if only my cock would find some damn manners and calm the fuck down I could give the poor girl a break.

  I was nowhere near ready to cum, not after cumming not too long ago, but my balls hurt and my dick was going to be raw if I didn’t stop this shit.


  Who the fuck fucks this much? There’s a rumor that men with big dicks have a higher sexual appetite, I’m not sure if that’s true, but she sure was trying to make me prove that shit.

  Sweat formed on our bodies making us stick together as I moved in and out of her because I was holding her too close. When I hold her like this, close to my heart, everything inside me settles
even as my heart races out of time.

  I didn’t need anything else to tell me what I already knew. That she’d somehow snuck in under my guard and was now sitting firmly in my heart.

  I looked at her, from the tiredness in her eyes to her nipples that stood hard and firm, and lower still to her concave stomach that rippled each time she took my cock deep inside her body.

  I knew she was tired, could see it in her eyes and feel it in the way her body moved and yet neither one of us wanted to leave the other.

  It was my duty to care for her though, even above my own selfish needs. “Kiss me.” I lifted her to me and covered her lips gently, taking care not to fuck too deep as I rode her to climax.

  The feel of the tight walls of her pussy undulating around me was enough to have my balls filling up with seed and it wasn’t long before I too let go and emptied myself inside her.

  “That’s it, no more dick for your greedy ass my poor dick’s been rubbed raw.”

  “Are you complaining? Don’t tell me the big bad lady slayer has been taken down by a little thing like me.”

  “What did you say?” It had been years since I’d heard that term. It’s what my old platoon used to call me. How would she know it? I don’t see her father discussing such things in front of her.

  “Nothing, I’m taking a nap.” I guess she figured I needed one too, because she rolled her ass onto my chest, threw her leg over mine and held me in place. I was out ten seconds later.

  The next few weeks went by like a breeze. Because I had so much leisure time we spent almost every second together. It took me days to teach her how to fish because the girl uses any excuse to fuck; I think even the sun makes her horny, or maybe air.

  “Uncle Cade I didn’t catch anything again.” She pouted at me like it was my fault and put down the fishing rod I’d bought her. She was probably after more dick.

  “That’s because every time I put my arms around you, to show you how to hold the rod, you rub your ass against my dick and we end up fucking. Now take your greedy ass over there and burn yourself to a crisp the way you like to and leave me in peace.”

  She grinned and flipped off her bikini top before lying down on the bow to get some sun. I turned my attention back to my fishing and pretended to ignore her and her wiles.

  Once she settled down and didn’t try to draw me into anything, I concentrated on my fishing and let my mind wander a bit.

  This time with her would come to an end in another few weeks and I still haven’t come up with a way to keep her here with me.

  Neither of us had broached the subject but it was only a matter of time. I knew what I wanted, but for so many reasons, I needed her to make up her own mind.

  I wasn’t worried about her parents. I’ve never shied away from anything in my life. If I’m man enough to sleep with their daughter, then I’m man enough to own that shit.

  I know what I want to do, how I want this summer to end. But what if I ask her to marry me and that isn’t what she wants?

  Living out here like this, away from everyone and everything, had been my choice, but it might not be something she can live with.

  She’s still young, full of life, and from our many conversations I know that she has dreams of her own, things she wants to do.

  How can I take that away from her? And how can I let her go when the time comes? I’m a little bit afraid to put the question to her, afraid of what she’d say. What a punk!


  “Uncle Cade, you’ve been in a bad mood all day, is something wrong?”

  “No come here.” I held out my hand for her to come to me and pulled her down beside me on the couch.

  “I’m not in a bad mod, I just have a lot on my mind.” She sat with her back resting against my chest and my arm around her.

  It felt right having her there, like that, but how many more days will there be before she’s gone? “What do you have on your mind?”

  Before I could answer her she started coughing wildly, then she jumped up from the chair and made a mad dash for the bathroom.

  I moved when I heard her retching and pushed the door open to find her kneeling in front of the toilet throwing up. “What the hell? Did you eat something?”

  She shook her head and threw up again. I got down beside her and held her hair back while she was sick. Why is it that every time she’s sick or sad I feel that shit in my gut?

  I lifted her from the floor and cleaned her up before taking her back to bed. Since she hardly spent anytime in the guest-room anymore I took her to mine and laid down with her.

  “What’s wrong why are you sick?” Like I don’t know. I had a pretty good idea but waited to see if she did.

  “Maybe it was like you said, it was something I ate.” My ass! She gave me one of her innocent little girl looks but I wasn’t buying that shit.

  “You ate breakfast hours ago, we haven’t had lunch yet. Try again!” She’s not stupid, but she’s slick. She was up to something.

  “Then I don’t know what it could be.” I sighed and looked down at her head, rolling her eyes the way she does when she’s being disrespectful.

  She rested there for a half an hour before she was trying to pull away. “You feel better now?”

  “Yes, and I’m starving. What are you making me for lunch?” Uh-huh, I’m her damn servant.

  “What do you want for lunch?”

  “Let’s go to the diner, I have the taste for one of their burgers.”

  “No fucking way! I don’t feel like dealing with one of your tantrums.”

  “How rude, when have you ever seen me throw a tantrum?” Now she has convenient memory.

  “Doesn’t matter, I want a burger from the diner, let’s go.” She flounced her prissy ass out the room and her lapdog followed.

  If she doesn’t know that she’s pregnant and she’s already ordering my ass around, I can’t begin to imagine what she’s going to subject me to once she does find out.

  “Fine, let me get my damn shoes at least.” I grumbled all the way to the truck, which only made her laugh at me.

  “Have you ever seen Grumpy Old Men? You remind me of them. Come to think of it, they liked to fish too like you.” She had jokes.

  “Whatever, just remember, you even look at me cross eyed we’re leaving. And if you throw shit at my head I’ll turn you over my knee.”

  Now she was the one rolling her eyes and lying out her ass. “I don’t even know what you’re talking about.” Sure you don’t!

  I just realized that we’ve hardly argued in the time we’d been cooped up here together. She was actually quite easy to get along with.

  She had a sweet disposition and she seemed happy with her own company, same as I. But I wasn’t holding out much hope of that shit lasting past this lunch if one of my ex bedmates happened to be in there. Fucking nut!

  “Hey!” I had to stop her from jumping out the damn truck and wondered why she’d choose to do that shit now when she’d never done it before.

  I knew her game when I caught the secret smile on her face when I lifted her down and put her on her feet. Oh she knows alright, but what the hell game is she playing?

  I held her hand as we entered the diner and accepted the greetings from the others as we walked in. Some of them remembered her from last time and greeted her by name.

  No one said anything about our handholding but they sure did a lot of looking. She wasn’t shooting daggers at anyone with her eyes so I figured it was safe to sit and have a civilized meal. Heaven knows how long that shit would last.

  “I need a menu.”

  “I thought you wanted a burger.”

  “I thought so too, but now that we’re here I’m not sure.”

  “Don’t start that craving shit already.” I mumbled the words under my breath but nosy still heard me.”

  “Did you say something uncle Cade?”

  “No, look at your menu and don’t start with me.” She studied the damn menu like she had a test coming up. E
very damn word.

  “Hi you two, long time no see.” Thank fuck it wasn’t anyone she could scalp but Betty again. This one was all smiles and happiness. “I’ll have the burger and fries, I’ve been craving it all day.”

  Son of a…didn’t she just look at the damn menu for half an hour because she said she wanted something else?

  “I’ll have the same. Which I would already be eating if we’d ordered two hours ago instead of sitting here so this one could memorize the damn menu.”

  “Cade what the hell crawled up your ass and died? Time of the month huh.”

  ‘Betty you’re meaner than a rattlesnake. Tell them not to burn it this time or I’ll come back there and cook the shit myself.”

  “Pleasant isn’t he? So, how’re you liking our little town Sydney?”

  “I love it here. So peaceful, quiet. I like it. I can hear myself think here. Not like back home where it’s so crowded.”

  “Ahh country girl at heart huh.” I took a sip of water and sat back for gossip hour. I guess my growling guts could wait until these two were done gabbing.

  “I guess you can say that. Plus it seems like a great place to raise kids.” I spat the damn water across the table.

  “Kids? You’re a little young to be thinking about that aren’t you? You need to see the world, spread your wings a little. A place like this is only fit for old people like your uncle Cade here.”

  What the fuck! I glared at the old crone who just ignored me.

  “Nah that’s not for me. I’ve always just wanted to be a wife and mom. Ever since I was a little girl I never really had any interest in anything else.”

  Although her words were said to Betty I knew they were aimed at me. There was something in them I was sure, a message that I just wasn’t getting.

  I stared at her but she kept her eyes on Betty who finally turned and walked away. I guess her nosy ass had got what she’d been after.


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