Branded Wings

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Branded Wings Page 11

by S. I. Hayes

  “I’m fine.” Keegan assured me as I pulled up my chest, looking him over, my scales already on the rise, my black sails beginning to lift.

  “Go, help them.”

  I nodded, slicing through the tape at my chest, following Gage, although I flew, rather than leaping.

  The room took a collective gasp as I landed in a hard and heavy thud, my wings clearing the crowd from their circumference as I pulled them in. Collette and the other one pulled back into each other as Greisen sat in a heap on the rug, leaning into the door frame.

  “What happened?”

  “Apparently the townies still don’t like us.” Greisen half-laughed with a cough. His face was busted wide open, ring marks and scratches were visible, it looked like his collar bone was out of place and his hand was mangled.

  “Fuck, he needs to go to the infirmary, before this heals and it needs to be re-broken.”

  Gage snarled, “This is why he was supposed to have Guardians too. Fuck man, I shoulda told the old man to fuck off.”

  “You were doing your job.” Greisen winced as Gage helped him up.

  “You! You didn’t step in?” Gage stared at Collette and to my surprise, the girl with them appeared to be Aella. She just looked so different, her hair, even the way she was carrying herself was somehow changed.

  “What the fuck was I gonna do? There were six of them!”

  “You’re a fucking Dragon!” He started to snap and I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, pulling him backward.

  “You need to reel it in, or I’ll be locking your ass down,” I hissed, smoke ebbing from my mouth. This whole situation was beginning to piss me off. I looked at Aella, who was staring at her shoes. Where was the snarky, confidant woman who had scrawled her number on the coffee cup in June? What had happened to her in Amsterdam? I needed to talk to her, but not now, not here. Right now, I needed to take care of Guardian business. Which meant going with Greisen to take his statement and making sure he was being looked after properly. Being First Guardian sure was shaping up to be a full time gig, and it was only my first day.

  Chapter 28 Greisen

  WELL, THAT WORKED OUT just perfectly. I was a little worse for the wear, but it had to look good. Ah fuck, the doctor’s had to reset the bones in my hand and Sig was rambling on with his questions.

  “I told you already, you... Fuck! Would you mind?” I snapped at the doctor as he poked and prodded. “We were in the yard between the dorms, walking back with Aella when this six pack of idiots started talking shit to us about how they didn’t want us around and we should crawl back under the rocks we came from.”

  “I don’t get how they knew you were Otherkinds?” Sig crossed his arms, watching the doctor without any sympathy for my condition whatsoever. He really is a dick.

  “Maybe because I stopped between the buildings to take my synthetic. Apparently they recognized the works kit. I don’t fucking know, Sig.”

  “How is it you didn’t know what was going on before it happened? Don’t you usually catch shit like this at a distance? Being mildly telepathic and all.”

  “Yeah, mildly. Aella is distracting as all Hell, jabbering on about phone calls and six weeks, and a lousy two-dollar cup of coffee. I don’t fucking know, man. All I know is all of a sudden these assholes were up our asses and in my face to separate me from the girls. I took a beating so they would be alright. I mean poor Collette, she was terrified. Aella kicked the shit outta two of them. Probably gonna piss blood for a month.” I laughed, the girl sure did pack a punch.

  I watched Sig’s expression as I went on and a smile crept up into his face. I was right to think he would have an interest in Aella, I just hadn’t realized that the seeds had been planted before I had stepped in. How fortuitous. She would be the perfect distraction for this fool, and I wouldn’t even have to have Collette push for it.

  “Well, you seem to be in good hands here. I’ll let you get finished up.” Sig looked me over once more before leaving the room. I sat back with a wince and a smirk, resting my eyes, just as I heard the door open again. I had expected it to be Collette but instead, I was looking up at Keegan.

  “My Lord?” I asked, confused, attempting to stand. With all of the issues Keegan and I have had, the last thing I wanted to do was be prone in his presence. Especially if his memory were at all improved. That would not go over well for me, at all. It would, in fact, spoil all of my fun.

  “Don’t. Sit. You’ve just been jumped by six men nearly as big as I, from what I understand.”

  “Yes, Sir, but not a one can hit nearly as hard as you, and I’ve survived that on more than one occasion.”

  Keegan smiled shortly. “That you have. Listen, I was going to make an announcement before you came slamming through the doors, and after what’s happened, I think it’s an even better idea now. I’m removing you as Class Rep.”

  “What?” I jerked forward, nearly knocking the Doctor over as he was trying to set my collar. “Why would you do that when I’ve finally gotten it all organized and fine-tuned?”

  “Look Greisen, not that I have to explain my reasons to you, but you fell behind last semester and if you plan on passing the MCATS, you need time to actually study for them. Otherwise, what was the point of all the advanced Chem classes?”

  I nodded, his reasoning was sound, but I got the feeling there was more. Unfortunately, his Pureblood was a barrier I couldn’t cross, not unless he bled for me, which he wouldn’t do. Oh, how I wished I’d procured some of his blood when McAllister was draining him for the Hunter’s Association. That little drink I’d had in the warehouse wasn’t enough to break the barrier, but no matter, I didn’t need to know his mind to shatter him. He had other weaknesses, fairer ones, little five foot five ones that could be toyed with.

  “Who are you replacing me with? I’d like to know who Collette will be working with.”

  “Well, she’s only going to be working with the underclassmen from now on, since I just heard they made her President of Phi Beta Delta. I’ve chosen Ryane and Sig to take over in your steads.”

  I clenched my newly repaired fists and pain shot up into my shoulders. Those two idiots running the upperclassmen? Was he fucking kidding? “I assume you want me to give Sig all of my files and programs that I set up?”

  “If it isn’t too much trouble.”

  “Nope. Not at all.” I clenched my teeth, forcing a smile.

  “Good, do you want me to send in Collette, she’s been waiting out there all this time.”

  “No, tell her I’ll meet her at the dorm.”

  He nodded, leaving me alone with the doctor.

  “Well, are you going to finish my fucking collar or not Doc?” I barked as he stared at me with a quiver.

  “I-It’s healed; I’m going to have to re-break it.”

  “Come here.” I demanded and he shrank back. Ah fuck it. I slipped from the bed and grabbed him by the head, if I was going to have to endure a new break, I was going to have a good meal first.

  Chapter 28 Ryane

  I COULDN’T BELIEVE he left me like that. I squeezed my thighs together and the two weighted balls Keegan had slipped up inside of me shifted, making me even hornier. He’d walked me to work after cutting me free from the harness, only to pin me to the bed and lick me until I was about to scream and then he stopped. Cold. He took what he called Ben-wah balls and put them where I needed him to be. Oh, I was livid, but he didn’t seem to care. He told me that I needed to learn a few things about patience and this was all a part of his grand plan of teaching it to me. He also fed off of me pretty hard, leaving me with some of his synthetic to get me through. Drinking it didn’t fill me up quite as much as I hoped, but it did keep me from going after the customers at the Pepper Pot. I wasn’t ready to mainline the stuff. That was going to take some time. I wasn’t fond of needles before I became a Vampire, and the idea still wasn’t palatable.

  Kendall was off tonight, so it was just me, Sandy and Tawny. It felt good to be running t
he kitchen on my own. Felt right. Keeping busy also helped me not pay attention to these fucking balls, or my hunger. The night was pretty much done with, and I wondered how Keegan’s speech went. He was supposed to announce my and Sig’s becoming Class Representatives. I’d have liked to have seen the look on Collette’s face. I really disliked the girl. Sure, she was a Sister from the Sorority, but the truth was I was kind of over all of that too. I’d spent three years at Southern as a Phi Beta Delta and a year here at Grigori, maybe it was time to leave it behind me. I mean I barely participated last semester in any of the events. Now I’m going to be running the Deviant Classes social calendar. Who was Keegan trying to make me into anyway? Suzie Homemaker I was not. Mmm, these balls need to come out already. I was leaning against the bar when Sandy came wandering over.

  “Hey babe, you look like you’re uncomfortable there. Everything okay?” He put his arm around me easily. “You need a perc or something?”

  I laughed. He thought I was on the rag. Come to think of it, would I even get a menstrual cycle anymore? I mean, Keegan said I can-I mean we can have children, but that’s blood I’d be wasting. Right?

  “I’m fine. Just a little put out by the boyfriend.” I wasn’t wearing my engagement ring because Kegan said it wasn’t proper until we had announced it to the Senate. Something he had yet to tell me when we were going to actually do, so it was in my room, in the box, collecting dust.

  “I’d say so,” Tawny laughed as she walked by. “You’ve been clanging around all night.” She finished with a high pitched giggle as she went to the sink to bus her last bit of dishes.

  My face lit up and I dropped my head. “Oh Christ... Can you actually hear that? I thought it was just in my head?” I shifted, feeling the balls move again.

  Sandy looked confused for a moment, then broke out laughing. “Oh, you’re a kinky little ferret!” He slapped my thigh. “What have you got tucked away?”

  “Nothing!” I tried to lie, but my reddened cheeks gave it away.

  “I think they are Ben-wah balls,” Tawny offered as she scrubbed. “A good weight too. She’s gonna need new panties!”

  “I-Oh... For fuck’s sake. Please don’t tell anybody!” I begged.

  “Oh honey, we all have some kinky shit we’re into. Greisen makes Collette wear a tail at all times and it ain’t in her cooter!”

  “Oh, Lordy!” Sandy chuckled. “What kind of people do you hang out with all of a sudden, sweetie pie?” He asked, full of concern and intrigue.

  Tawny came around from the sink as she wiped her hands. “Why, the Deviant kind, of course.”

  Sandy went pale as he looked at me, his pulse doubled. “Honey, what’s she talking about? Have you fallen in with those Otherkind students over at the college? The ones that Sam was always saying to stay away from?”

  I sucked my teeth a moment, unsure of what to tell him. He was my friend, but could he understand the extent of things? I went with caution. “I’m dating one, yes. That’s all. Just know he’s so very good to me.” I made eye contact with Tawny and she nodded, understanding that this was my secret to keep. Besides, if she kept on with her mouth, I was liable to rip out her tongue.

  “Just promise me you’ll be careful; Sam would never forgive me if I let anything happen to you.”

  “I promise you, I am well kept.”

  A knock came to the restaurant door and Sandy jumped with a wicked little squeal and I cringed at the tone. I wondered if that was what I sounded like and that was why Keegan hated the noise I made sometimes. I went to the door, expecting to see him, only to find Gage instead. I didn’t really know him, but I did know he was part of Keegan’s regular detail now, and that without him we may not have been able to save Keegan in the first place. I opened the door to let him in.

  “Where’s Keegan and Sig?”

  “There was an issue at the college, so they sent me to come get you. Are you ready to go?”

  “Issue? Are they okay?”

  “Oh, yeah, just sorting through some dirt bags that laid Greisen out this afternoon.”

  “Greisen? Is he hurt?” Tawny asked, holding her heart in concern.

  “He’ll be okay in a few days. Go see him at the dorm if you want, he’s got Collette there licking his wounds right now.”

  “I’m sure that’s not all she’s licking,” Tawny mumbled, grabbing her jacket and mine. “Here, honey, time we should be going, don’t ya think?”

  “Yeah. Sandy, you got the rest here?”

  “Oh yeah. I can handle it. Don’t you worry about a thing.”

  “Alright Gage, take me to them.”

  “Car’s this way. Tawny you want a ride sweetheart?” he asked as she made steps to walk.

  “If it’s okay?” She looked to me, like I had a say.

  “Sure, why would I make you walk?”

  “Cuz some would.” She answered quietly as she got into the front seat next to Gage.

  Chapter 29 Keegan

  I COULDN’T BELIEVE what happened during the Freshman Orientation speech. No one could have anticipated such an outlandish bit of behavior from members of the community.

  “I just don’t understand it, Sig. Two and a half years without a single act of violence from either side. Now this... And why now?” I couldn’t rightly wrap my head around it.

  Sig leaned against the wall, his arms crossed casually as he shifted from one foot to the other. “I don’t know Boss, but it is strange. You’re right, Greisen was pretty well damaged too. They were apparently after Collette and Aella, the new Deviant Class freshman.”

  I nodded, cracking my knuckles, the tension in my shoulders was running down into my hands. “So the question is, what do we do about them...?” I turned my head, looking at the three goons we had caught of the six that had jumped Greisen and the girls. They were still limping out of the Quad when Gage and Sig arrived to look it over for signs of the attack, so they snatched them up before the campus security arrived. It was a Deviant Class matter after all.

  “Well, I’d say kill ‘em, but that may be too extreme.” Sig smiled. The three bound and gagged men struggled and whimpered. From the smell of it, one had just shit themselves as well.

  “Ugh, really? Get them off my chairs, they’re gonna leave stains!” I demanded and Sig slammed them to the floor with a hard smack to the back of one’s head. The three men toppled down on top of each other with a reverberating thud. We had hooded them and thrown them into the truck, taking them to my house on the cliffs. The privacy was better and no one could hear them if they screamed.

  “Perhaps they just need to disappear. You think anyone will miss a few pieces of shit like these?” I sneered, kicking one in the ribs for measure. He grunted like the animal he was. “You picked a fight with one guy and a couple of women, six of you!” I snarled. “Where was the sport in that? What did you think you were gonna do to those girls? Huh?” I lifted another’s head with my hand, slamming my fist into his face.

  The violence felt good. I needed this. It had been too long since I had unleashed this beast inside me. These were a few idiots from town who probably peaked in High School, and were on the grounds just looking for trouble. Well, they’d found it now.

  “Were you gonna rape them? Take them on in shifts, three, four at a time? That’s what your sick little minds had in store for them, wasn’t it?” The anger in me was boiling over as I roared and spat, taking turns hitting and kicking them. I finally stopped when they were nothing more than blubbering pulps of coiled sobbing meat. My chest was heaving, hands dripping with blood. I stepped back from the pile, wiping the blood on my jeans, watching as they twitched.

  “Feel better now?” Sig asked flatly with a click of his tongue and a short chuckle.

  “They won’t be fucking any girls, any time soon.” The violence was ebbing, turning in on itself.

  “That one won’t be able to see them either. You popped his eye like a grape.”

  “Good. Now help me get this cleaned up before Ry
ane gets here.”

  “Yeah, something tells me she doesn’t need to see this side of how we do things... Like ever.”

  “Indeed not.” I reached down, grabbed one of the men and he let out a moan. “Oh, shut up.” I began to untie him when a knock came to the main door. “Fuck... Sig?”

  “On it.”

  I continued with my task as Sig went to the door. After a few moments he returned clearing his throat.

  “Hey Boss, you got company.”

  I looked up, seeing my father. Of all the times to stop by unannounced.

  “I see you handled today’s incident in the vilest way you could imagine.”

  “They are still breathing, so no, I didn’t actually. The vilest way would have involved a lot more duct tape and some power tools. Maybe I.V. fluids.” I smiled widely.

  My father did not. Instead, he sighed, looking around until his eyes settled on Sig once more. “Why don’t you let my men take care of this... Matter. Go and fix a Vodka Tonic, so I might have a word with Keegan. Besides, someone will need to be available to answer the door who is not covered in blood, should anyone else arrive.”

  Sig nodded with a short bow, before leaving the room.

  I straightened up. “It’s been quite some time Father. I was beginning to think you were avoiding me, as usual.”

  “Let’s get you cleaned up. I gather your woman is on her way?”

  I nodded. He was always good at reading me and my thoughts. I hated that he could do it so easily. Where my specialties were in strength and speed, my father’s were always more diplomatic and socially inclined.

  FATHER WAITED IN THE master bedroom while I showered and changed clothes. When I emerged, no longer stinking of shit, piss and blood, I found him staring at himself in the mirror.

  “Feeling time?” I asked with a small laugh. Although he was well over four hundred years old, he only appeared to be in his late forties. The lines around his eyes were barely defined and the streaks of white in his platinum blond hair only served to highlight and define its rich color. His violet eyes caught mine in the mirror sternly as he shook his head.


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