Begging to Serve

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Begging to Serve Page 1

by Morticia Knight

  Table of Contents

  Legal Page

  Title Page

  Book Description


  Trademarks Acknowledgement

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  New Excerpt

  About the Author

  Publisher Page

  Begging to Serve

  ISBN # 978-1-78651-389-2

  ©Copyright Morticia Knight 2016

  Cover Art by Posh Gosh ©Copyright February 2016

  Edited by Sue Meadows

  Pride Publishing

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher, Pride Publishing.

  Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to Pride Publishing. Unauthorised or restricted acts in relation to this publication may result in civil proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.

  The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.

  Published in 2016 by Pride Publishing, Newland House, The Point, Weaver Road, Lincoln, LN6 3QN

  Pride Publishing is a subsidiary of Totally Entwined Group Limited.

  The Hampton Road Club


  Morticia Knight

  Book five in The Hampton Road Club series

  A feisty, untrained Dominant shows up at Hampton Road. Could he be the right man who Colin’s been saving himself for?

  Submissive Colin loves his new life and job at The Hampton Road Club. He doesn’t mean to make the staff angry when he reorganizes everything or to frustrate the available Masters by never letting them touch him. He only wants to serve someone, to make them happy, but he’s also waiting for the right man—the way his grandmother had advised him to do before she died.

  Another night, another brawl. Roddy had hoped that Hollywood would have better male prospects than Louisville when it came to playing rough. When Roddy’s latest would-be conquest threatens him with bodily harm, Roddy is chased right into the path of two of Hampton Road’s Masters, Ned and Aaron. They describe a wonderful club to him, where sadomasochistic men can enjoy each other, hidden safely behind the walls of an elegant mansion.

  The moment Colin and Roddy spot each other, they fall hard and fast. While Master Saul is thrilled that Colin has finally found someone, what do any of them really know about their new guest?

  It seems that Saul’s fears are ungrounded until tragedy strikes in Roddy’s world. It’s then that the validity of Colin and Roddy’s new love is truly tested. Was their bond real, or did Roddy have another agenda he’d kept secret all along?


  Many thanks to everyone who has embraced the men and the world of Hampton Road!

  Trademarks Acknowledgement

  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

  Stutz Bearcat: Stutz Motor Company

  Five Foot Two, Eyes of Blue: Leo Feist, Inc.

  Tiffany: Tiffany & Company

  Kelvinator: AB Electrolux

  Vaseline: Unilever

  The Divine Comedy: Dante Alighieri

  War of the Worlds: H.G. Wells

  Frankenstein: Mary Shelley

  Bakelite: Baekeland

  The Time Machine: H.G. Wells

  Chapter One

  “I’m sorry.”

  Colin glanced up at Javier, the Hampton Road Club’s Head of Staff. The tall, lean man gazed down at him, his face a mask of disapproval. His brow held tension, his lips pressed in a severe line. They stood in the pantry where Javier had caught Colin reorganizing the shelves. He’d only been trying to help.

  “You’ve been asked repeatedly not to interfere with Jean’s pantry, not to mention his cupboards and ice box and cutlery and…” Javier took a deep breath, followed by an exasperated sigh. “Your job is to obey his instructions in regards to the upkeep of the kitchen and to help with food prep. That’s all. I’m afraid I need to bring this to Saul’s attention.”

  Colin’s eyes watered. He didn’t want Saul to be mad at him. The older gentleman who owned Hampton Road had been so very kind to him ever since Master Ned had brought him to the club. The men of Hampton Road were the only family he had left in the world since his grandmother had died right as he’d barely turned eighteen. He’d been fortunate to get a job at Saul’s bathhouse from almost the moment he’d set foot in Los Angeles—then had been even luckier when Ned had brought him to the sadomasochism club—even if he hadn’t known what that word meant at the time. After being approached many times by strange men at the bathhouse who wanted to have sex with him, he’d been relieved that Ned had suggested he come to the club to work instead. At Hampton Road, men weren’t allowed to ask him for sex unless he’d given his permission either by going into the submissives’ den or by wearing a special leather bracelet at the social mixers. So far, he hadn’t.

  Javier shook his head as if in resignation. “Come along, Colin. It’s best I take you out of here anyway. Jean is having fits as it is.”

  Colin had always carried himself with proper posture and kept his head up high. His grandmother had taught him that presentation was everything, that it was vital that he project to the world that he was strong—full of confidence. That wasn’t all she’d taught him, however. She’d explained the way of things to him, had helped him to understand that while there was nothing wrong with wanting a man over a woman, he had to keep himself safe by not revealing that fact to most people. She’d also advised him to wait before he had relations, to save it for the right man. He missed her so much.

  Trailing behind Javier left Colin with the impression that he was being marched to his doom. In his mind, the worst thing that could happen would be Saul becoming angry or disappointed in him. Even if the board members threw him out in the streets for being disobedient, it wouldn’t matter as long as Saul wasn’t mad at him. He owed him so much for not only giving him a new job, but for taking him in as a resident at Hampton Road.

  They ascended to the second floor of the three-story Tudor Revival mansion located in the most beautiful neighborhood Colin had ever seen. He’d been told it was San Marino, a very exclusive area south of Pasadena. It was much nicer than any of the places he’d lived near in Reno, Nevada.

  They abruptly halted in front of one of the imposing mahogany doors. Everything in the large home was elegant and masculine. There was a strength in the décor—the woods were dark and solid, the carpets thick, the objects d’art made of bronze and heavy crystal.

  Javier gave the door a light knock. “Master Saul. It’s Javier, sir. There’s an issue regarding Colin that needs to be addressed.”

  The latch clicked, the knob turning right as the door swung wide open. Saul grumbled, “What has the little dickens gotten up to this t—” He stopped short, his eyebrows shooting up. “Ah. Colin.” Saul chuckled. “Since Javier saw fit to bring you personally to my study door, I imagine something very dire has occurred. Come inside then.”

  Saul stood to the side, gesturin
g to the interior of the room before turning to Javier.

  “Thank you, Javier. I’ll take it from here.”

  “Very good, sir.”

  Colin’s shoulders stooped as he advanced into Saul’s study. His grandmother wouldn’t have been very proud of him at all in that moment. But his heart hurt so much his shoulders were too heavy for him to hold up anymore.

  “There, there, boy. Have a seat and we’ll figure things out, hmm?”

  Colin chanced a peek at Saul, surprised to see the hint of a smile on his lips and a twinkle in his eye. He couldn’t imagine why the older gentleman wasn’t scowling instead. As he lowered himself onto one of the velvet-cushioned side chairs, he ruminated over how many times he’d needed to be reprimanded. In every single instance when he’d promised not to touch or interfere with things at Hampton Road, then did anyway, he’d let Saul down.

  But he just couldn’t help it. He was compelled to keep everything around him in a perfectly organized manner, the way he thought they should be arranged. But instead, all he did was upset everyone who didn’t view things the way he saw them. It wasn’t anything he did maliciously, he really wanted to contribute, do his part. Back at his home, he’d not only cared for his grandmother personally, she’d also let him maintain the house to his standards. Never once had she complained that she didn’t like it. On the contrary, she’d praised him for his hard work and he’d gone out of his way to bring the smile to her face that his meticulous efforts had inspired.

  Saul handed him a glass of water he’d poured as Colin had settled himself on the chair. After giving Colin the tumbler, he ambled over to a humidor then proceeded to cut, light then take a strong puff of a thick cigar. Colin shifted uncomfortably. The only time he ever saw Saul smoke was when they were having one of their little ‘chats’. At last, Saul sat on the love seat across from him. He leaned back, draped his arm across the top of the small sofa then crossed his legs.

  “Would you like to tell me why Javier brought you up here? Or would you rather I discuss it with him first?”

  Colin attempted to straighten himself in his seat the best he could. He cleared his throat so he wouldn’t mumble or sound mousey, and he made sure he held Saul’s gaze. Grandmother had practiced with him so he’d never give the impression that he was weak. It was yet another warning from her. She’d explained that he’d need to offset his smaller stature by projecting strength and that he must always be honest and own up to his mistakes.

  “No, sir. I can do it. I didn’t listen to Chef Jean when he warned me not to interfere with his pantry. I was wrong and I’d like to ask for your forgiveness.”

  Saul took a puff of his cigar then blew the smoke out in rings. He’d considered Colin the entire time as if he were a puzzle peg board and he was deciding which wooden peg needed to be jumped to win.

  “It’s not my pantry, boy. Perhaps asking Chef Jean’s forgiveness would be more appropriate?”

  “Oh. Of course, but…” Colin pressed his lips together to keep from chewing them. He’d heard Sam, one of the submissives who was close to him in age, explain that the Masters didn’t like it.

  “But?” Saul lifted his eyebrows.

  Colin’s next battle was to keep his lip from trembling. “He said he didn’t want to hear from me anymore, that he’d had enough of my nonsense.”

  Saul’s expression clouded and Colin knew he’d really upset the club owner.

  “And when did Chef Jean say this?”

  Colin finally dropped his gaze. He’d really balled everything up good.

  “The last time he got mad at me when I restacked the potatoes so that the bigger ones were on the bottom.”

  A sputtering snort caused him to look up. Saul had his hand over his mouth and seemed to be attempting to control some laughter. He finally wiped a finger under his eye then snubbed his cigar in a large glass ashtray.

  “I’m not mocking you, boy. I was merely picturing the expression on Jean’s face when he caught you rearranging his precious potatoes. I’ll have a talk with him about how he speaks to the submissives.”

  Colin didn’t want to correct Master Saul, but he was horrified that he might’ve caused the chef to get into trouble because of something Colin had done wrong. Saul uncrossed his legs then leaned forward, squinting his eyes as he regarded him.

  “Are you happy here?”

  Colin’s gut clenched. Please don’t send me away. “Yes, Sir. Very, very happy. And I want to make everyone here happy too.”

  “Ah.” Saul leaned back again. “I’d suspected as much.”


  “Have you noticed that most of the young men you’re friends with have Masters to whom they belong? Masters who they cater to?”

  Colin was completely confused. How could he have not noticed such a thing? Of course he realized that. “Yes, Sir.” It would be impolite to question Master Saul, though.

  “When Master Ned brought you here three months ago, what were you expecting might happen? What had you hoped for?”

  Colin’s cheeks heated furiously from the memories of meeting the young, handsome Ned as the Master had reclined in the nude at the bathhouse. That, coupled with his first time witnessing men performing sex acts right in front of him when he’d arrived at the club, had been quite the revelation. He’d seen much more since that time, learned a lot of very interesting things men could do with one another, but he’d never let any man do any of those things to him. Not because he wasn’t dreadfully curious or excited at the thought of enjoying such activities, but he simply hadn’t found the right man to do them with yet.

  “Well, I hoped, I mean I still hope, that I’ll find the man who was meant for me here, Sir.”

  “And if you found that man, then what?”

  “I, uh…” He couldn’t talk about naughty things with Master Saul. Even that was something that should be saved for whoever he had relations with.

  “Let me word it another way, young Colin.” Saul readjusted himself in the chair, his brow furrowed as if in contemplation. “I don’t need to hear about any personal wishes you might want to share with your ideal man, but let’s say you found someone who you finally allowed to get close to you in that way. Would you then wish to restack his potatoes?”

  Colin blinked at Saul a few times then caught the mischievous grin the older man was obviously holding at bay. It was the first time that day that Colin felt like smiling really big.

  “Yes, Master Saul,” he giggled. “I would.”

  “Then the answer to your troubles—and Jean’s for that matter—is a Master of your very own whom you can serve and please.”

  His shoulders stooped again. He’d tried for three months to find a Master. He’d hoped the motion picture star-handsome Ned might’ve been interested when they’d first met, but he’d told Colin that he already had a boy named Evan. The week before, they’d branded each other at the club to show everyone they’d be together forever. There wasn’t anyone at Hampton Road like that for him.

  “There’s no one here you’ve taken a shine to?”

  Colin glanced up, Saul’s compassionate gaze only depressing him further. “I’m sorry, Sir. There’ve been a few nice men at the mixers who’ve wanted to neck, but I don’t do that with just anyone. Plus…”

  He lowered his eyes again. Saul would think he was being mean, but he really wasn’t. It was just that after the way an older neighbor man had touched him when he was a kid, the thought of anyone who wasn’t near his age touching him that way wasn’t exciting. It was nauseating.

  “Boy. Don’t hide from me. If you really want a Master the way you say, he’ll never tolerate such behavior. There’s more to what you’ll share with your mysterious ‘right man’ than sex.”

  “Yes, Sir. Uh, please don’t take this the wrong way.” He squirmed, wriggled, tried to catch his breath. “There aren’t any available Masters who appeal to me, uh, in terms of their age.”

  Saul considered him, his eyes narrowed. It wasn’t an
angry expression, more as if he was running through some files in his mind.

  “Hmm. Interesting.” Saul seemed lost in his own reverie, talking out loud to himself as opposed to Colin. “Now that I think about it, I believe Master Ned and Master Thomas are the youngest ones we have here, and even they’re both nearing thirty, from what I recall. At least Ned is.”

  Saul remained in contemplation and Colin patiently waited until the Master was ready to speak. Some of his most cherished moments at Hampton Road had been when one of the Masters had complimented him on his manners. Most of his other favorite moments revolved around the live shows. He clasped his hands tighter in his lap. If Master Saul dismissed him, he didn’t want his arousal to be noticeable.

  “Well, young Colin. I think I have a clearer understanding of your dilemma. What do you say to helping Sam and Aaron at their nursery this week? It’s time to begin composting and they mentioned they could use the extra help. You can even stay at their guesthouse if you’d like instead of in the staff quarters.” Saul chuckled. “That’ll give Jean a chance to get over his big huff as well.”

  Colin swallowed down the tears forming. “You don’t want me here anymore?”

  “Boy, what did I say to you?”

  “You said this week, Sir.”

  “And that’s what I meant. When you find your ideal Master, he won’t want you putting words in his mouth. You might not want anyone to touch you right now, but it’s still appropriate to learn other methods of submitting to a Master, correct?”

  Colin straightened, his shoulders not as heavy as before. Saul’s firm tone conveyed to him that there was nothing to worry about. The club owner would come up with a solution to make things better. He was very grateful.


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