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Unexpected Consequences

Page 3

by Mia Catherine

  “So where is this emergency clinic going to be?”

  “Only about a mile up the lakeshore. Another reason this place was perfect.”

  “North of here? Isn’t that a bad area?”

  “It’s next to that old abandoned bowling alley. I don’t mind the neighbourhood.”

  “Baby, that area’s no good—lots of gang violence. You might not be safe, especially at night. Do you really think working there is a good idea?”

  She rolled her eyes. “I’ll be fine. I can take care of myself.”

  Her words came out as if they’d been repeated many times, but he hated the idea of something happening to her. They may’ve just met, but she was stirring that protective side of him. He didn’t want to prolong the topic, and his gut told him it wouldn’t do any good anyway.

  “So, what do you do?” she asked, deftly changing the subject.

  “Me? Eh, little of this, little of that.”

  She raised her eyebrows at his response. “Is that right?”

  “I’ve been known to do a lot of things, baby. Mostly, though, I hustle pool.”

  “Now that I believe. I saw you beat the pants off several guys tonight.”

  “And one woman,” he said suggestively.

  She blushed at his comment and looked down as she began to pick at what was left of her food.

  “Kelsey, can I ask you something?”

  “Sure,” she responded, not looking up from her plate.

  “Have you ever done this before?”

  “What? Have dinner with a man? Of course I have.”

  He leant back in his chair and folded his arms across his chest. “You know what I’m talking about. Have you ever brought a strange man home with you?”

  She paused, and answered softly, “No, I haven’t.”

  “Are you sure this is a good idea?”

  She giggled. “I’m sure I don’t have to remind you of our earlier activities. I don’t think there’s much more that I have to worry about with you.”

  “No, you don’t have to remind me, baby. I haven’t been able to think of anything else since.” His voice dropped in tone and volume. He quickly caught himself as he sat up further and cleared his throat. “You finished?”

  “Yeah, just let me clean this stuff up.”

  “No, let me. You bought dinner, remember?”

  “That was the bet. Tell you what, how about I throw this stuff in the dishwasher and you light a fire?”

  “You got it.” They rose from the table and set about their tasks.

  Within minutes, Kelsey had the kitchen spotless and Nick had started a roaring fire and freshened their wine. “Come here, Bright Eyes,” he said, standing in front of the couch and holding out her goblet.

  She stared intently at him as she walked to the front door and switched off the loft’s overhead lights, leaving them shadowed in the glow of the fire.

  Nick stood silently holding out her glass as she slowly approached him. Now that he had talked to her, got to know her a little, he recognised the apprehension in her eyes despite the bravado she outwardly displayed. He struggled to calm the desire that increased with every step she took towards him, but he wanted her to relax. He wanted her to be completely comfortable before they continued. She thanked him with a nervous glance as she accepted the wine.

  “Let’s sit down, baby,” he finally said.

  He settled into the corner of the couch, resting one arm on the back and the other on the armrest. She set her goblet down on the coffee table and stepped closer to him. The firelight dancing in her eyes, she leant down, propped herself on her knee beside him and slid her hands across his chest. With a lick of her lips, she slowly lowered herself to him, her mouth coming closer and closer to his.

  He’d thought she was hot the moment he’d seen her in that bar, but the way she looked right now, illuminated by the glow of the firelight, she was absolutely stunning. Her clear blue eyes were so expressive, her luscious, soft lips were perfect for kissing, and her golden, shoulder-length hair surrounded her face like a halo, giving her an angelic glow. He knew if he allowed her to kiss him, he wouldn’t stop, and after sensing her apprehension, he couldn’t help but think he’d be taking advantage of her if he let this to continue before putting her at ease.

  When he felt her coming closer, he braced his hands on either side of her face and looked deeply into her eyes. “You take my breath away, Bright Eyes.”

  She gave him a slight smile and ran her finger along his lips. She tried to lean in for a kiss, but he resisted.

  “Can we talk, baby?”

  “What?” she said, holding firm, “I thought we were gonna…”

  “Gonna what?” He chuckled when she exhaled loudly before plopping herself down on the couch beside him. “Come on, Kelsey. I just want to talk a little more. You said you wanted to get to know me, right? Were you just talking about sex?”

  “No,” she whispered softly.

  “I want to get to know you, too. And not just your body, although I definitely have enjoyed that,” he replied with a smirk.

  She laughed, grabbed her wine, and tucked her legs underneath her to get comfortable for their conversation. “So, what do you want to know?”

  “Tell me about your family. You said you have a brother. Is he older or younger?”

  “Older. He got married last year, and he and his wife decided to move into a house. The timing was perfect when I moved back here to take over the rent for this place.”

  “Is he your only brother?”

  “No. I have another older brother and an older sister. Actually, the three of them are my half-siblings. My mom’s first husband died in a car accident when she was pregnant with the younger of my two brothers. A couple of years later she married my father, and I came along. I was kind of ‘the baby’ for all of them, even though I’m only a few years younger, but we’re all close. My father accepted all the kids as his own, so we’re just one big, happy, blended family.”

  The more they talked, the more she seemed to relax. When she rested her head against the back of the couch he began twirling a lock of her hair around his finger. “Are your other brother and sister married, too?”

  “Yes, they all are. I’m the last one and, believe me, my mother reminds me of that constantly,” she said with a roll of her eyes.

  She was so cute. He couldn’t have helped but like her, even if he hadn’t already been incredibly attracted to her. “I know the feeling. My mother doesn’t hide her desire for a grandchild.”

  “So what about you? Any brothers or sisters?”

  “Both. I have a younger brother and a younger sister. Neither of them is married. They still live close to home.”

  “Where’s home?”

  “Not too far from here. Fox Ridge.”

  “Oh, I know the place. I’ve passed through there a few times. So, do you live in Brookfield now?”

  “I live all over, baby. I like to go where the urge takes me.”

  “So, you don’t have a home?”

  “Sure, I have a home. But it depends on what you mean by home.”

  The way she furrowed her brow revealed the confusion his answer caused, but she continued. “Are you close to your brother and sister?”

  “We have a good relationship, but I wouldn’t say we were close. We get along, you know, see each other at Christmas and things like that.”

  “What about your parents? Do you see them?”

  He wasn’t sure why, considering it was a logical progression of the conversation, but he was surprisingly unprepared for her question. “I have a good relationship with my mother. She had a tough bout with breast cancer a while back, and it really brought us closer. She’s okay now, though.”

  “What about your father?”

  He took a deep, cleansing breath before speaking. “How about I rekindle this fire here?” He abruptly stood from the couch, making it clear he wasn’t comfortable with the subject.

  She stood to follow hi
m. ”I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to…” She brushed her hand along his arm.

  He turned towards her and lost himself in her eyes. Without thinking he kissed her, gently at first, but then with increased vigour. His cock hardened when he thrust his tongue in her mouth and she responded eagerly with her own. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. He was right. He wasn’t able to stop once he’d started, and now the floodgates were opened.

  “Oh, Nick,” she gasped as he tilted her head and began nibbling on the softness of her neck.

  The loud chirping of his cell phone interrupted their moment. He held her tight, taking several deep breaths as he tried to compose himself. “Sorry, baby.” He pulled out his phone and read the text.

  Check in! NOW!

  “Damn,” he groaned. “I’m sorry. I have to make a quick call.”

  She nodded and backed away. “I’ll tell you what. I’ll go upstairs and get comfortable, and you can join me when you’re done with your call.”

  He smiled in relief. Damn if she isn’t understanding, too. “You got it, Bright Eyes. We’ll continue where we left off.”

  She smiled as she turned towards the spiral staircase. “Oh, and Nick?”


  “Turn your phone off when you’re done.”

  “You got it, baby. Don’t start without me.”

  Chapter Four

  As soon as the sound of her footsteps had faded, Nick walked to the window seat, where he’d be safely out of earshot. He pulled out his phone and dialled, hitting the numbers far harder than necessary.

  “It’s about fucking time!”

  “This damn well better be good. What the hell do you want?” Nick barked.

  “What do you mean you made contact? What the hell happened?”

  “I ran into him. I didn’t plan it. He recognised me.”

  “What’d you do?”

  “I said I was passing through town. Don’t worry, I was vague.” Nick glanced at the staircase to make sure he was still alone.

  “So how’d you leave it?”

  “He gave me his business card. Told me to give him a call, and that he wanted me to come to his house to meet his wife.”


  “Damn it, I don’t know! We had a thirty-second exchange. I’m supposed to call him. Now, if you’re finished, I’m busy.”

  “I hope you remember your priorities, Jensen.”

  “Look, right now I’m off the fucking clock. So, lay off.” Nick stood by the window seat and looked down at the blackened view below. The darkness of the surrounding buildings reminded him how desolate the area was.

  “You’re never off the clock. As long as you’re on my payroll, you answer to me. Don’t you forget that.”

  “I’ll call Kapman tomorrow, okay? I’m done for tonight.”

  “Oh, am I keeping you? Don’t let some pussy distract you from your job, Jensen.”

  Normally, Nick would’ve made some snide comment alluding to his date, but he remained quiet. What was happening between him and Kelsey was no one’s business but their own. “Yeah? Well, fuck you! I’m in for the night, and I’m turning off my phone. I’ll be in touch after I make contact.”

  “You damn well better.”

  Nick didn’t respond as he shut off his phone. After tucking it safely away in his back pocket, he hurried towards the spiral staircase. Kelsey was waiting.

  He reached the top of the steps and walked into the only first floor room—her bedroom. It had the same look as the lower level, lots of brick and metal, but this room had a much different feel. With an attractive selection of throw pillows, flowing curtains on the window and a few candles set around the room, it had a delicate feminine touch without being too girly. He smiled when he realised that was also a perfect description of the woman who slept there.

  He scanned the room and found three additional doors. He assumed one hid a closet, one opened to a bathroom, but had no idea where the third one would lead, nor did he know which was which. Assuming she was in the bathroom and would join him shortly, he occupied himself by looking at the photos hung on the wall—presumably of family and friends.

  The first picture showed her with a large group of girls, all wearing similar sweaters with Greek letters, and standing in the yard of a well-manicured home. “A sorority girl, huh, baby?” Based on their earlier conversation, this picture must’ve been taken in Cleveland. “Hottest one in the bunch.” He spotted her in the group immediately.

  The picture below showed Kelsey with three other people—two men and a woman—sitting in a booth of what looked to be Shindigs. “Must be her family,” he surmised, carefully viewing each person. Beside her sat a taller man with a full red beard and long hair, laughing as he leaned over her. On the opposite side was a very pretty long-haired woman, and a man whose face was partially obscured.

  “Did you finish your phone call?” She spoke seductively while casually leaning against the doorway of the bathroom.

  He turned quickly, startled by her sudden appearance, but once he saw her, his jaw dropped in awe. “Damn,” he huffed, overtaken by her beauty. “When you said you were going to make yourself more comfortable, you weren’t kidding.”

  “You like?” she said playfully as she walked towards him.

  “What do you think?” He groaned at the sight of her, completely naked. He felt his body stiffen as she slunk closer.

  “I think you’re overdressed.” She stood before him and slid his torn shirt off his shoulders. She rubbed her hands down his tense muscles and examined the ornate tribal tattoo covering half of his chest and shoulder. “I didn’t get a chance to look at this when…”

  “When you were fucking me on my bike,” he whispered, no longer able to resist her. He crashed his lips to hers, and covered her breasts with his hands. “On the bed. Now.”

  She willingly complied, her eyes flaring at his command. She sat on the side of the bed, apparently waiting for further instructions.

  “Lie down,” he ordered, never taking his eyes off her. He hadn’t moved an inch, but with every word, her breathing seemed to increase. She was obviously turned on by his dominance, and it made him arrogant with lust. He stood several feet away, staring intently as she sprawled out on the bed, her outstretched hand inviting him to join her.

  “Spread your legs, baby. I want to see if your pussy’s wet.” He started fumbling with his belt. If he didn’t release it soon, he feared his cock would suffocate. That, or it would simply burst right through the nicely worn denim of his jeans.

  Nick loved how she propped herself on her elbows and watched him strip. Her reaction to his body aroused him even more than he already was—something he didn’t think was possible. He pulled a condom from his pocket, thankful he had more than one, and set it on the nightstand. “You like what you see?” he whispered as the last article of clothing fell, and he slowly approached her.

  “Yes,” she whispered, practically panting. She slid to the edge of the bed and sat up. “Do you?”

  “You’re the hottest woman I’ve ever seen.” He stood between her legs and relished the sight she offered. She almost looked too good to touch. Almost.

  Unable to bear the throbbing, he slid his hand leisurely along his hardness. He purposely made her wait, building on the already thick sexual tension between them.

  “Don’t make me beg, Nick.” She tucked her legs beneath her and rose up until her body was just inches from his. Their eyes met as she brushed the ridges of his stomach then dragged her hands lower, slowly teasing towards her obvious target.

  He grabbed both her wrists, stilling her hands where they were. “I said lie back,” he said in the forceful tone he’d perfected for a far different purpose.

  She dutifully obeyed, lying back on the bed as he guided her by her wrists. “Not to worry. I’ll fuck you soon enough. First, I want to eat you, baby. I want to see if that pussy tastes as sweet as it looks.” In one swift move, he knelt between her legs and pulled h
er until her ass met edge of the mattress. “You’re so fucking hot.”

  She moaned in pleasure the moment his tongue met her tender flesh. Over and over, he licked and sucked, her tangy taste making his blood boil. He sped up his pace, teetering her dangerously close to the edge, before slowing down enough for her to recover. He took great pleasure in teasing her, but when he began sliding the longest of his fingers in and out while increasing his tongue’s pressure it took only seconds before she arched from the bed in a powerful climax.

  He looked up to see her in the throes of orgasm and wondered if this erotic vision was real. She was way out of his league, and although he could give her incredible physical pleasure, for a brief moment, he lamented the fact that there wasn’t more he could offer her outside the bedroom—at least not now.

  “Nick,” she huffed, trying to catch her breath. “That was… That was so good.”

  “You liked that, huh, baby?” He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and stood to admire the beauty before him. With little effort, he lifted her farther up on the bed, and lay down beside her. “I’ll tell you something, Bright Eyes. Watching you come is almost as good as feeling it myself.”

  “No one has ever…” She covered her face with her arm. “That was just incredible,” she whispered, rolling on her side before leaning in to kiss him hungrily. By now, his cock ached for release, and she looked more than ready to deliver. “But now it’s your turn.”

  Any hint of shyness completely gone, she kissed down his neck to his chest, dragging her body along his as she travelled the length of him. It was all he could do to remain passive, but the thought of those insatiable lips wrapped around his cock took over. He remained flat on his back, tucked his hands behind his head and smiled in anticipation.

  The sultry glance she gave him as she licked her lips nearly did him in. “Oh, shit,” he groaned just as she enveloped him in her mouth. He couldn’t tear his eyes away. She was hunched on her knees between his legs, her hands alternating between his balls and his shaft as she sucked him in a way no one ever had. Fuck, those lips are unbelievable.


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