Unexpected Consequences

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Unexpected Consequences Page 7

by Mia Catherine

She hesitated, her mouth opening and closing a few times before she finally spoke. “You can stay with me.”

  Her offer shocked him. In his mind he wanted to immediately scream Yes! But he couldn’t. It wasn’t safe. For now, he’d have to make an excuse she would understand. The last thing he wanted to do was ruin what was promising to be a wonderful relationship. “As much as I would love that, Bright Eyes, I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

  “Oh.” She looked away and pulled her hand back.

  “Kelsey.” He clasped her hand before she had a chance to remove it from the table. “We just met. I don’t think we should rush anything.”

  “It’s okay. I understand.”

  She may have said it was okay, but the way her head was tilted down, her shoulders drooped, and lack of eye contact, she was far from all right. “Baby, the last thing I want to do is screw this up, okay? I think we’ve got potential for something pretty great here. I want to keep seeing you. If we move too fast…” He didn’t want her feeling rejected. “I just don’t want to screw this up.”

  She finally gave him a smile. “You mean that?”

  “Yeah, I mean that,” he answered, smiling back at her. “You’re incredible.”

  “Thanks.” This time she didn’t appear shy. Perhaps she was becoming more accepting of his compliments. “I do have another idea where you could stay.”

  “You do?”

  “I know the guy who owns Shindigs. There’s a room above it that he rents out and it is empty right now. It’s not much, but it may work for you.”

  “I don’t need much. Shindigs, huh? That place seems to be one of your hangouts. Is it?”

  “Oh, man, yeah.” She laughed. “I think I’ve spent a third of my life at that place.”

  “I thought I saw a picture on your wall of you and your family there. I only got to look at it briefly before I was…um…distracted,” he said, remembering how she’d surprised him naked in her bedroom.

  The waitress brought their salads and the conversation lulled as they began to eat. “So is that how you know the owner, because you hang out at Shindigs a lot?”

  “Actually, no, I used to date him a while back.”

  A strange feeling of jealousy flowed through Nick as the thought of her with another man flashed in his head. He returned his forkful of food to his plate. “Is that right?”

  “Yeah, my senior year in high school. He was a junior in college. My family had known his forever and I thought it was so cool to be dating an older guy,” she said with a roll of her eyes.

  He tried to hide it, but he had no desire to hear the details of their relationship. His only concern was where they stood now. “So what happened? How did you break up?”

  “I guess whatever it was we had just puttered out over time. I graduated and wanted to attend school in Cleveland and we mutually decided to end it. We’re still friends, though.”

  “Friends, huh?” He mumbled into his drink.

  “Yeah, friends. Carl is a nice guy, but…”

  “But what?”

  “He’s dull,” she laughed. “Now, if you ask my family, they would probably think he’s the perfect guy for me—smart, polite, ambitious.”

  “What if I asked you?”

  She shook her head. “There just wasn’t that spark, you know? No excitement. No passion.”

  “No late night romps in the woods?”

  “Exactly. Carl would never have…”

  Nick laughed quietly when the waitress returned with their meals, leaving Kelsey’s sentence unfinished and her face bright red with embarrassment.

  “Anything else I can get you?” the waitress asked while clearing their empty salad plates. Kelsey simply shook her head as Nick thanked her and told her they were fine.

  “So what about other guys?”

  “There haven’t been many.”

  He realised they hadn’t discussed it. “Anyone at the moment?”

  “No. You?”

  “No. No one for me either.”

  “Good,” she said with a smile. “So, tell me. Have you ever been in love?”

  He chuckled. “You get right to the point, don’t you, Bright Eyes?”

  “Why beat around the bush? We’re a bit past that, don’t you think?”

  He became serious when thinking back to a very different part of his life. “No. I’m not so sure I believe in love.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “Let’s just say I haven’t seen a whole lot of it in my life.” He wasn’t sure how to explain without telling her the whole story, and he had no desire to relive it.

  She nodded and rubbed her thumb over his hand, seemingly in acceptance of his answer. A woman who doesn’t push? Wasn’t sure such a thing existed.

  “So what about you? Any great loves in your life?”

  She scoffed and shook her head. “Hardly.”

  “You weren’t in love with Carl?”

  “No. It was never love. Infatuation, maybe… Curiosity. I was young. He was… He was my first.”

  He was struck by the honesty in her admission. She was so open, so willing to tell him anything he wanted to know, and more. For the first time in his life he wished he could do the same, but circumstances being what they were, he couldn’t. Perhaps it was better that way. “No one else?”

  “Nothing serious. I mean I’ve dated, but no real connection with anyone.” She looked deeply into his eyes—a look he felt in the pit of his stomach. “Until now.”

  He couldn’t help but smile. She was certainly special, and as far as he could tell, the only thing wrong with her was that she was willing to be with a guy like him. In every other way she was perfect.

  Nick briefly allowed himself to forget everything else going on in his life. He forgot the plan, forgot his bosses, and forgot what he’d be forced to do in a very short time. For now, he just wanted to spend this time with Kelsey, the most beautiful and wonderful woman he’d ever known.

  “Oooh,” she said as she picked up one of the ribs. “This is really good, isn’t it?”

  He looked up, just about to answer when he saw her lift the thin piece of pork to her full, pouty lips. His mouth went dry when she slipped the full bone into her mouth and slowly slid it out, the suction removing every drop of barbecue sauce with a subtle slurp.

  “I love ribs. I haven’t had them in forever. They can be awfully messy, though.”

  Thankful the jeans she’d given him to wear were looser than the ones he normally chose, he felt himself harden and strain against the firm denim. She knew exactly what she was doing, and seemed to revel in his reaction.

  She began sucking the sauce from her fingers, one by one. “Their barbecue sauce is good here, isn’t it?” He hoped she didn’t expect an answer as she popped the last of her fingers out of her mouth.

  “Huh?” He couldn’t speak.

  “Looks like you enjoyed it.” She pointed to his mostly empty plate. “You’ve got some sauce on your fingers, though.” She lifted his hand to her mouth and began slowly sucking on each of his fingers, dragging each across her lips as she released them.

  “Shit, baby. Are you trying to kill me?”

  “No.” She rolled her tongue around his thumb. “Just a preview of what I have planned after lunch.”

  “Uh, yeah, about that.” He sat up, trying to break the trance she had him under while willing his erection to subside. If he didn’t do it right now, he wouldn’t be able to stop her advances. He wanted her too much.

  “What’s the matter?”

  “I’m sorry, Bright Eyes, but something has come up and I gotta take off.”


  He clasped her hand between his. “I’m sorry, but there’s something I have to do. Believe me, there’s nothing I want more than to spend the rest of the day with you, but I’m afraid I can’t.”

  She nodded in disappointment. “Oh.”

  “I’m really sorry. I actually should have left earlier, but I wanted to spend a li
ttle more time with you.”

  “No… No, it’s okay,” she said, obviously trying to mask her sadness. “If you have to go, you have to go. I understand.”

  “I know you do.”

  “Will there be anything else for you folks?” the waitress asked as she set the bill down on the table.

  “No thanks.” Kelsey smiled insincerely. He could see the difference. This smile didn’t light her face.

  “No thanks.” Nick grabbed the slip of paper quickly. After picking up a few more empty dishes, the waitress walked away, leaving an uncomfortable silence between the couple.

  “What kind of hours do you work?” he finally asked.

  “I’m a bit all over the place right now. Once the clinic opens it will be nine to five, but for now it’s kind of whenever it’s needed. I’ll be happy to get into a normal routine.”

  “So, do you work Friday night?”

  “No, I shouldn’t have to.”

  “Good. Go out with me.”

  His invitation quickly put the smile back on her face, and this time it was genuine. ”Yes.”

  He threw a few bills on the table as they got up to leave. “Come on, I’ll walk you to your car.”

  As they crossed the parking lot, he stole several quick glances at her face. She looked as nervous as he felt. So much had changed in a short period of time, and she seemed to sense it as well as he did.

  “Are you sure you want to go?” she asked.

  “I don’t want to, baby. I have to.” He held his hand out. “Give me your phone.”

  She did as instructed and laughed when he dialled his phone from hers. “There. Now you have my number and I have yours.” He handed it back to her. “Save that.”

  “Absolutely.” She smiled.

  He leant down and brushed his lips across hers. “I’ll see you Friday, Bright Eyes.”

  She cradled his face between her hands and pulled him down, kissing him hard and deep. She thrust her tongue aggressively into his mouth and moaned when he brushed his in return.

  “Oh, baby,” he huffed as he rested his forehead against hers. His struggle was obvious. He wanted to stay, but he had to go.

  “Friday,” she whispered with a sultry smile.

  “Friday.” He watched her get in her car and drive away. “Can’t come soon enough for me.”

  As he made the short walk back to his motorcycle, he pulled out his phone and dialled. “Yeah, it’s Nick. Can you meet me at The Rusty Spoke?”

  Chapter Ten

  By the time Kelsey had arrived home, the disappointment of Nick’s abrupt departure had faded. In its place was a state of euphoria she hadn’t felt since, well, she’d never felt this happy. The physical pleasure he’d given her notwithstanding, the potential of an unexpected relationship had her brimming with excitement. Their time together had flown by much too fast, but nonetheless, she felt like she was walking on a cloud.

  She slid the door shut and smiled when she saw the small dining table in the corner. It would never be just a table again. From now on, that would be the table where she and Nick had eaten their first dinner together. She looked at the couch, the couch where she and Nick had sat and talked. Everything reminded her of him, and the rush of excitement renewed. It would be a long week, but she would wait anxiously for their scheduled date on Friday. Hopefully, she would hear from him sooner. She checked her phone and smiled when she saw the number he’d dialled.

  “Well, there you are,” a voice called out, making Kelsey almost jump out of her skin.

  “Oh, jeez, Faith. You scared me to death.” Kelsey laughed and bent over to pick up her phone and purse that had dropped when she’d jumped.

  Faith was not only her sister-in-law, she was also her very best friend. They’d grown up living just a few doors apart, and had been close for as long as they both could remember. A polar opposite of Kelsey, Faith was a striking beauty with her smouldering brown eyes and long dark hair. Despite having had her choice of any eligible bachelor in the city, or the entire state as far as Kelsey was concerned, Faith had been in love with Kelsey’s older brother since puberty. They’d been married a little over a year and were as happy as any couple Kelsey had ever known.

  “I’m sorry, sweetie,” Faith said with a smile. She set down a box she’d been carrying on the sofa table and approached Kelsey with a smirk. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”

  Kelsey patted her chest with her hand and finally chuckled when her heart rate returned to normal. “Whew… Okay, I’m awake now.” She grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and offered it to Faith, who politely refused. She twisted off the cap and settled against the kitchen counter. “What are you doing here, anyway?”

  “I figured I’d pick up a couple of those boxes we still have stowed away upstairs. I’m sorry your boneheaded brother keeps forgetting.”

  “Oh, those.” Kelsey tried to remember how they’d left the bedroom. She remembered resealing the box after Nick had taken the clothes and putting it away, but was there anything else she had left out that Faith would notice?

  “So, anything you want to tell me?” Faith asked with her eyebrow cocked.

  “About what?” Kelsey purposefully avoided eye contact.

  “Oh, maybe why there is a pair of men’s jeans laying on your bedroom floor along with a man’s shirt…that’s ripped apart?”

  Kelsey immediately dropped her head into her hand. Of all the days for her sister-in-law to show up unannounced, it had to be today. Her uncomfortable groan was the only answer Faith received.

  “Who is he?” Faith seemed to be trying to hold back a smile, but was failing miserably.

  Kelsey hesitated. Whatever information she gave to Faith could end up with her brother. Did she want him to know about Nick?

  “Come on, Kels. Cat’s out of the bag.”

  She smiled. In truth, she couldn’t wait to tell someone, and Faith had been her confidante since they were kids. “Okay, I’ll tell you, but you can’t tell Bart.”

  “Kels, I can’t lie to my husband.”

  “I’m not asking you to lie. Just don’t offer anything. If he asks you if I hooked up with a really hot guy last night, you can tell him the truth. If he doesn’t ask, don’t tell.”

  “How hot?”

  “Smoking.” Kelsey giggled.

  Faith grabbed her arm and hurried her to the couch. They sat facing each other and got comfortable. ”Spill.”

  “Oh, Faith. You have no idea. This guy… I went to The Rusty Spoke last night.”

  “Alone? Kels, you know better than that,” Faith interrupted.

  “Do you want to hear this or not?”

  “Okay, okay. Sorry. Go ahead.”

  “So, anyway,” Kelsey said with a warning glare, “I went to The Rusty Spoke last night. I’d been there for a while before I realised the guys there were the usual bums and losers you’d expect to find in a dive bar. I’m not sure why I even went. I was just about to leave when he walked in and started playing pool. I couldn’t take my eyes off him. It took me forever to gather the courage to talk to him.”

  “You approached him?”

  “Yes, I did. I challenged him to a game of pool.”

  “You didn’t beat him, did you?” Faith asked. Anyone who knew Kelsey knew how well she played, and how much she hated losing.

  “No, I didn’t.”

  “You threw it?”

  “No, he beat me fair and square. He’s really good.”

  “Uh-huh.” Faith smirked, obviously interpreting her words with an unintended innuendo. “Then?”

  “We agreed to play for dinner. Loser paid. So, after the game we left on his Harley.”

  “You’re kidding!”

  Kelsey smiled widely and shook her head.

  “And then?”

  “Well,” Kelsey said with a shrug of her shoulders.

  Faith gasped loudly. “You didn’t! No, you didn’t!”

  “I did,” she said with a giggle.

  “Kelsey B
raden! I can’t believe it!” Faith started laughing.

  “On his bike,” she added, purely for shock value.

  Faith squealed loudly. “Oh, you naughty girl! And then you brought him home?”

  “I wasn’t planning on it, but we grabbed some takeout and brought it back here. He ended up spending the night.”

  “I don’t know what to say.” She giggled. “That’s so unlike you.”

  “I know, but there was something about this guy. We got back here and we started talking. He’s just so sweet. He really wanted to know about me. It wasn’t just sex.”

  Faith’s eyebrows lowered and she gave a look Kelsey had seen many times over the years. Faith’s mind was working. “So how did you leave it?”

  “We’re gonna go out again on Friday.”

  “What’s his name?”


  “Yep, there it is. Kels, if I didn’t know better, I’d say you were in love with this guy.”

  “Oh, don’t be silly, Faith. How could I be in love with him? I just met him yesterday.”

  “That may be, but you’re talking like a woman in love.”

  “That’s ridiculous. I barely know the man.” Kelsey got up and walked away, Faith following closely behind.

  “Well, he sounds like a great guy. When do we get to meet him?”

  “I don’t know about that, Faith.”

  “What? You aren’t going to introduce us?”

  “Not just yet. You know how my brothers are, and, well, Nick is… Let’s just say he’s not the kind of guy you’d think I’d bring home.”

  “Why? You said he was sweet, and hot,” she said with a raise of her eyebrows. “And he has certainly made an impression on you. Why can’t we meet him?”

  “It’s hard to explain. I just… I don’t feel like dealing with my brothers just yet, and…”

  “And what?”

  “And I don’t want them to scare him off.”

  “Okay. I guess I can wait to meet him. Mum’s the word, for now. But if your brother asks…”

  “Yeah, yeah. If Bart happens to ask you if his baby sister picked up a guy from a bar yesterday and had mind-blowing sex with him, feel free to tell him everything.”

  “Mind-blowing, huh? Okay, I get your point.” Faith laughed as she picked up one of the boxes she’d retrieved. ”Well, I’ll get this stuff out of your way.”


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