Unexpected Consequences

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Unexpected Consequences Page 21

by Mia Catherine

  “Why can’t I see your face? Huh?” she challenged as her accusations continued. “And your eyes. You have your eyes covered. Why would it matter if I saw your eyes? Perhaps because it would be a dead giveaway?”

  He didn’t move, but continued to stare at her, seemingly unaffected by her rants. When she looked at the mirrored sunglasses, only seeing her reflection staring back at her, she was tempted to back down. But she couldn’t—not now.

  “What about the book? The notebook. A pink rose? Was I not supposed to catch that? Come on, Nick. Admit it. It’s you, isn’t it? Just admit it’s you.” Her voice steadily increased in pitch and volume as the resolute man stood quietly, refusing to budge in any way.

  “Why did you do it, huh? Why did you kidnap me? Why am I being kept here? Answer me!”

  The man stood motionless, as if he wanted her to lose it.

  “Nick, answer me!” she screamed as she lunged towards him, swinging her right arm wildly at his face.

  With catlike reflexes, the man caught her wrist, holding it just out of reach of his covered cheek. “I’m not Nick.”

  Kelsey’s eyes widened in shock, not only at the unfamiliar sound of the stranger’s voice, but at the realisation that he told the truth. “But… I was so sure.”

  “I’m not Nick,” the man repeated in the same tone.

  She briefly wondered if he could be disguising his voice. The mask was in the way. It could still be part of the act. Her mind was in overdrive, trying to piece everything together in an instant as she stood helpless in his mercy.

  Without warning, she reached up with her free hand, and grabbed hold of the mirrored sunglasses that shielded his eyes from hers. Yanking them off his face and hurling them behind her, she gasped when she was finally able to stare into the eyes of the man who’d taken her and held her captive for days—two round, clear and amber-coloured eyes. She recognised them immediately.

  “I said I’m not Nick,” he barked as he grabbed her other wrist. He now held both in his vice-like grip, his gaze burrowing a hole through her as she looked up at him in shock. “I’m going to forget this happened, but if you try something like this again, I won’t be as forgiving. Now I suggest you step back and behave yourself.”

  “It’s you. You’re the one…” She shook her head in fear, not knowing what this strange man would be capable of. He’d been courteous to her when he’d escorted her to the shower during her past captivity, but she had no doubt who held her now. “You work for Gianelli, don’t you?”

  He gave her a slight shove as he released her wrists. She stumbled a bit, but fell softly onto the bed, never taking her eyes off his. He raised his index finger in a warning before turning out of the door, slamming it authoritatively behind him.

  She sat where she’d landed, unable to move. She gave each wrist a rub as she contemplated what had just happened. She had been so sure it was Nick. Everything had pointed to it, but once again she’d been proven wrong. I’m going crazy.

  The comfort and contentment she’d felt when she’d thought Nick was the one responsible for hiding her was suddenly torn away. Once again the fear crept up, and the walls began to close in.

  Trying to ignore the negative rush crashing down on her, she stood to approach the array of dishes laid out on the nearby table. She’d barely left the bed when the stabbing pain in her abdomen hit her like a lightning bolt. “Ah…” she groaned, falling abruptly to the floor.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Through the long hours of the night, Kelsey managed to sleep intermittently. It had been years since she’d suffered such an attack, and though this was nowhere near as intense as some in the past, she prayed she would be spared another wave. For now, all she could do was curl herself on the bed and try to relax, despite the radiating pain.

  Trapped between dreams and reality, she was startled when a gloved hand brushed her shoulder. She pulled back, unsure what was happening.

  “Shh…” the masked man cooed as he ran his hand down her arm. It wasn’t the first sound she’d heard from him, but it was certainly the nicest. He seemed to understand her pain and was trying to comfort her, much to her surprise.

  “It’s okay,” he whispered while pulling the glove from his hand. “I’ll take care of you now. I’ll make it better, Bright Eyes.”

  “Nick? But I thought…”

  He pulled off his glasses and mask, revealing his handsome but worried face. “I’m sorry, baby. I wanted to stay here with you. I wanted to be here so much.”

  “But… It wasn’t you. He… He wasn’t you…”

  “Shh… Don’t you worry about that right now. Let’s get you better first. Let me take care of you. Show me where it hurts, okay?”

  She sniffled as she guided his hand from her arm down to her lower abdomen. She winced slightly when he pressed against her, but relaxed when he began to massage.

  “How’s that. Better?”

  She nodded, finally able to relax for the first time since the pain had started. His touch was magical, instantly relieving her of the constant pressure she’d been enduring.

  “Don’t stop, Nick. That feels so good.”

  “I want to make you feel good. I don’t ever want you to be hurt.” He leant down, nuzzling her cheek with his nose before whispering in her ear, “I love you.”

  “Nick… Nick…” she groaned as she tossed against the bed, not wanting to awaken from such a beautiful dream.

  The slamming of the door finally caused her to fully awaken. She sat up abruptly on the bed. “Who’s there?” she asked, panting wildly. She wasn’t sure if it was the shock of her rude awakening or the heat from the memory of her dream, but she was having trouble gaining her composure as she flopped back down in the bed. She looked to the table, spotting her breakfast dishes spread as usual, and realised her captor must have come in to deliver her morning meal.

  She lay still, remembering the vividness of her dream. He was there. She was sure of it. She could even smell his aftershave. With a soft brush of her cheek, she remembered the warmth of his touch and hoped she’d be able to feel it again soon.

  Reality returned when she felt the radiant pains. With another groan and a sniffle, she curled up under her covers, praying for sleep to return. At least he was with her in her dreams.

  * * * *

  Anthony hurried down the hall as soon as he’d heard the page. The boss was anxious, and he knew he’d have to do some fast talking to buy himself some more time.

  “You rang, boss?”

  “Where is she?” Gianelli barked, his impatience showing.

  “I’ll get her, boss. I promise I will. I just have to wait for the right opportunity.”

  Gianelli sat in his leather chair, his glare never breaking. “I’ve been patient with you, Anthony, because you’ve been a good employee. But my patience is about to run out. You’d better explain. And quick.”

  Anthony took the seat across from his boss and shifted forward so he was as close as possible. He’d overheard many conversations from this office and he wasn’t sure how many might be listening now.

  “The Braden girl is being kept by the FBI.”

  “FBI?” He shook his head with a groan. “Why are they holding her?”

  “I would assume to protect her from you. Why she’s important to them, I haven’t quite figured out.”

  “How do you know this?”

  Anthony sat back in his chair with an arrogant laugh. “Those idiots can’t cover their tracks. I have an inside man. I asked if he’d heard anything about this girl and he clued me in.”

  “Where is she?”

  “She’s in a safe house in Hudson. There’s regular activity, though. Seems they want to keep up the appearance the house is occupied. They have people coming and going often.”

  “I want you to get the girl. Now,” Gianelli said with a growl. Anthony didn’t move, somewhat startled by his boss’s sudden reaction.

  “I don’t like the feel of this,” Gianelli added.
“I can’t get to Detective Kapman while he’s being held in solitary, but I can get to his sister. Perhaps if he knows she’s with us, he’ll keep his mouth shut. Find her and bring her here. I can’t risk the esteemed Detective Kapman trying to make a deal to save his own ass.”

  Anthony nodded, willing to follow whatever orders he was given. He’d no idea how he was going to do it, but he was going to find a way to bring Kelsey Braden back to Gianelli. As he stood to leave, his boss called out again.

  “By the way, have you seen Jensen lately?”

  “No, sir, I haven’t.”

  Gianelli nodded and silently turned in his chair as Anthony rushed out of the door, determined to complete his latest mission.

  * * * *

  “Oh, thank God,” Nick sighed when he saw the caller ID. “You have incredible timing, dude.”

  “Nick, listen. There’s a problem.”

  “Wait, wait. Before you go any further, I have an emergency here. I need you to find Mike Hinson. I need you to get him out here.”

  “What? I can’t bring someone there…”

  “Mike is a doctor and a good friend of Kelsey’s. Dude, she needs medical attention. There’s something wrong with her.”

  “Nick, Nick, calm down, man. What happened?”

  Nick took a breath, desperately trying to rid the image of her writhing in pain from his mind. “I went in to bring her breakfast and she was moaning and twisting on the bed, clutching her stomach. She was out of it, and there was definitely something wrong. She needs a doctor, man.”

  “Damn. Okay, okay. I’ll find Hinson. But, listen, Nick, there’s trouble.”

  “What? What trouble?”

  “Anthony. He knows where Kelsey is. He knows the FBI is holding her.”

  “Damn it! When did he get back?”

  “I’m not sure. But he says he knows where Kelsey is. And Nick?”


  “Gianelli wants Anthony to bring her to him.”

  Nick cursed and ran his hand through his hair. “Damn. I wish I’d found him when I had the chance. He’s bad news, dude.”

  “You don’t have to tell me that. So what are you gonna do?”

  He paused, trying to think of any other way, anything to avoid it. “Shit, I have to get her out of here. We’re sitting ducks if Anthony knows where we are. Does he know about me?”

  “I don’t think so. I’m sure he would have bragged if he did.”

  “I don’t know where else to go. Okay, you get Hinson and bring him to my house. I’m gonna take Kelsey there.”

  “Is that a good idea?”

  “It’s the only place I’m comfortable with. I’ve got the best security system there is. I should have taken her there in the first place. Damned FBI never could keep things secure.”

  “Okay. I’m leaving now. I’ll bring Hinson to you. Be safe, Nick.”

  “You too, dude. Thanks.”

  Nick hung up the phone and stared at the door. On the other side was a woman who would either be happy about his revelation, or pissed off beyond measure. He hoped she’d understand, but one way or another, she was about to find out the truth. He just prayed they would make it.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  It was a busy day at the emergency clinic, despite the fact that they weren’t scheduled to open for another two weeks. Mike had spent the day directing the various vendors and delivery men while still trying to finalise plans for the grand opening. Kelsey had done a fantastic job thus far, and he was determined to step up in her absence and make sure her vision was carried out, even if she wasn’t able to attend.

  “Hey! I got a shipment of linens,” a greying man said to Mike. “You in charge here?”

  Mike let out a frustrated chuckle as he scanned the list on his clipboard. “Industrial Linen Company,” he whispered to himself, checking the box next to their name. “I’m in charge for now. You parked out back?”

  “Sure am,” the driver said as they headed down the hall.

  Mike pointed to an empty closet around the corner. “Linens can go in there. Holler when you’re done, I’ll sign.”

  “Hey, Doc!” a voice called from the front of the clinic.

  “You set here?” Mike asked, already heading back down the hall.

  The linen man laughed. “Go ahead.”

  “Hey, Doc. This guy is looking for you,” the young kid said while heading out of the front door.

  “Thanks, Willie! Same time tomorrow! You get to fold towels!” Mike yelled to the boy who was already speeding away on his skateboard. “You lookin’ for moi?”

  “If you’re Dr Mike Hinson, I am.”

  “The one and only. And you are?”

  The intense-looking man pulled a black wallet from his coat pocket. “I’m Agent Timothy Fota. I’m with the FBI, and I need you to come with me.”

  “What? FBI? What do you mean come with you? In case you haven’t noticed, I’m up to my eyeballs here. I won’t be going anywhere for a while.”

  “I’m afraid that’s not a request, Doctor. I need you to come with me. Now.”

  “Why? What’s going on?”

  Tim took a quick look around and lowered his voice. “There’s a medical emergency that needs your immediate attention.”

  “What’s happened? Who’s hurt?” Mike asked, immediately switching into doctor mode.

  “We have a very special patient who requires your attention. That’s all I can tell you right now. I need you to come with me.”

  Mike sighed, unsure of what he should do. He didn’t want to leave the clinic, but a medical emergency was a much higher priority. “Okay, let me lock up here. Can I follow you in my car?” He wanted the freedom to leave if the situation didn’t prove to be as dire as the man indicated.

  “Fine,” Tim said as he stood in the doorway and waited.

  Mike ran to grab his bag and lock up. He rushed the linen guy out of the back door after signing the invoice then dashed to the front. “Okay,” he said breathlessly, “let’s go.”

  * * * *

  Faith sat in the small glass booth, still stewing from her abrupt meeting with the DA. She’d met with Langer before, having testified on several cases she’d prosecuted, and knew she was a tough, no-nonsense lawyer. But the way she was acting now was as if Bart was Adolf Hitler, Genghis Khan and Saddam Hussein all rolled into one.

  Finally, she saw her distressed husband sit down. They each picked up the nearby phone, their only means to speak, and pressed their hands against the glass.

  “Hey, beautiful. Man, you’re a sight for sore eyes.”

  “Are you okay? I’m so worried about you.”

  “I’m fine, Faith. They’re treating me really well, actually. I know most of the guards. They’re good guys. They don’t like this any more than I do.”

  “Good.” She sighed in relief. “You look good.”

  “You look pretty good yourself. I wish I didn’t have to look at you through a plate of bulletproof glass, though.”

  Her frustration immediately returned when the tone of his voice changed. “I don’t understand this,” she said forcefully before catching herself and lowering her voice. “I just left Langer’s office. She won’t budge! What does she have against you?”

  “She wants to make a name for herself, that’s all. She’s using me as her platform for the governorship.”

  “You don’t belong in here.”

  “Well, I did remove evidence.”

  “Yeah, but that was because your sister’s life was being threatened! And they know that! Why are they insisting you stay in here?”

  “Langer wants her name in the paper.”

  “Did you tell her about Nick? That he took the disc?”

  “Yes. But it doesn’t really matter. I’m the one who took him in there. I’m the one who gave him the disc to hold. I’m just as guilty of destroying that evidence as he is. In her eyes, probably more so.”

  “Ronald’s tried to get you out and so have I. She doesn’t
want to listen. In fact, it seems to make her want to keep you in here all the more.”

  “I bet she resents the hell out of the pleas for my release, particularly from insiders. She doesn’t seem the type that likes being told what to do.”

  Faith was stunned by his cool demeanour. She was ready to risk her career, her life, to take out the vindictive shrew, but he sat calmly and quietly, seemingly unwilling to fight for his freedom. “How can you be so relaxed?”

  “Relaxed?” he grunted with a chuckle. “You think I’m relaxed? I hate this, Faith. I have no control over what’s happening to me and I don’t see a way out of this. Just because I’m determined to keep my frustration buried doesn’t mean I’m giving up.” His voice became more strained with every word.

  Faith wasn’t sure if she was happy to see him expressing his true feelings or sorry for having brought them to the surface, but now that he was opening up to her, her resolve to get her husband out of jail grew even stronger. She’d do what she had to do, no matter what.

  “I’ll tell you one thing,” Bart said with an evil growl. “When I get out of here, Nick Jensen will regret the day he crossed me.”

  * * * *

  Kelsey hadn’t moved from the foetal position she’d balled herself into when the dark stranger had left her room. She’d forgotten how intense the pains could be, but she prayed it would end soon.

  She didn’t have the energy to react when the door opened. As was the norm, the masked man entered without a word, but instead of collecting the dishes from one meal and depositing those of the next, he tossed down a large gym bag and began stuffing it with her clothes.

  “What…? What are you doing?” she whispered through her tears. He paused, looking directly at her through the darkened lenses of his glasses, before turning away to continue his task.

  When she saw him enter the bathroom, she sat up, holding one hand against her abdomen to suppress the pain and the other clinging to the blanket in an attempt to keep her body hidden. She wasn’t indecent, but her tank top and lounge pants were more revealing than she cared to share with a strange man, particularly under the circumstances. She heard him rumbling around, but she was too scared to imagine what he was planning.


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