Spellsinger 04 - The Moment Of The Magician

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Spellsinger 04 - The Moment Of The Magician Page 15

by Foster, Alan Dean;

  put his organization back together again to worry

  about my whereabouts for a while. It probably wouldn't

  be a bad idea to keep a close watch on the sky for a

  few days, though"

  "I follow you, mate. We won't be surprised from

  above like that again."

  "Damn right we won't." He turned thoughtful.

  "I'm hoping that Gymaught... that's the eagle who

  snatched me... Finds out what happens to the kind

  of system he espouses, finds out that it's doomed to

  self-destruction. I hope he learns that power cor-

  rupts absolutely. That greed quickly overtakes loyalty

  in the minds of supposedly obedient followers."

  "Why 'e grab you anyways, mate, if not for


  "He needed a musician."

  "Teh. All 'e 'ad to do was ask, and I'd *ave told him

  as 'ow *e was wastin' 'is time." He grinned. "Sounds

  like a fowl business all the way 'round, mate."



  If he hadn't just saved his life, Jon-Tom would

  have pushed him overboard.

  The further south they rowed, the more relaxed

  I Jon-Tom became. Clearly Gyrnaught had his wings

  t full with his newly enlightened flock, and even if he

  » did Find the time to wonder where his musician had

  jf gone to, he had no way of knowing which way

  xJon-Tom had fled. As days slipped by, he was more

  ^and more convinced he'd seen the last of the eagle.

  | His relief was tempered by their surroundings,

  Iwhich grew thicker and more humid than ever.

  '^Clothahump's "pleasant tropical country" was closing

  |in on them with a vengeance. The trees of the

  ^W^nnipai towered above their frail raft, supported

  d|»y labyrinthine root systems which sometimes choked

  |E?ff their chosen route, forcing them to detour to east

  |or west. Occasionally the roots themselves grew so

  ||tall it was possible to paddle beneath them. Shelf

  fungi and toadstools clung determinedly to the bases

  |»f the smaller trees.

  ? What little dry land they did encounter was so

  thickly overgrown with brambles and thorn thickets

  Ithat they had to hunt carefully to find campsites for

  jtfie night. Mudge insisted they do this because the

  jl-egular evening concert of eerie squeals and groans

  Hnnade him leery of anchoring out on the water.

  ^. Man and otter would huddle close together in

  front of their small fire for a long while before

  drifting off into an uneasy, disturbed sleep. But

  while both found the nocturnal noises unnerving,

  nothing slouched out of the muck to devour them as

  they slept.

  Still, the dark, dank gloominess was all-pervading.

  Not quite as Clothahump had described it.

  Mist clung to them day and night, rising from the

  , steaming surface of the water- When it rained, which

  | was often, the heat abated somewhat, but it became

  Alan Dean Foster


  almost impossible to judge direction. This forced

  them to seek shelter beneath the towering roots ot

  the larger trees. After a couple of weeks, jon-Tom

  was certain the morning growth that covered his face

  was more mildew than beard.

  Everything in the Wrounipai waff slick with moss

  or rough with fungi. The intense humidity threat-

  ened to rot the clothes otf their backs. .It also seemed

  to penetrate to work on their minds, disorienting

  them and making identification of the most ordinary

  objects difficult.

  They had beached the raft on a sand bar beneath

  the natural roof formed by several interlocking aii

  roots, sharing it with freshwater crustaceans and

  other inhabitants of the brackish environment. Their

  campfire crackled Fitfully, the flames struggling against

  the cloying atmosphere. It was a pitch-black night

  Trees blocked out the clouds, and the clouds shuttered

  the moon. Their only light came from the fire.

  But he could still hear, and something sounded

  very peculiar indeed.

  Jon-Tom roused himself, his eyes heavy from lack

  of sleep. Nearby, Mudge lay rolled up in his thin

  blanket, snoring on, oblivious of the strange rushing

  noise which had awakened Jon-Tom.

  The spellsinger listened for a long time before

  donning his cape and walking to the edge of the

  water. The sound was an unnatural one, steady and

  moist, like a rushing in a vacuum. He put his hand

  out into the rain, jerked it back as if he'd been stung,

  then slowly extended it a second time. He stared at it

  in wonder, shook his head to clear it. The phenome-

  non persisted. So he wasn't crazy.

  Water beaded up against his extended hand. It felt

  like normal rain. It looked like normal rain. He drew

  back his hand again and tasted of it. A pungent, salty

  flavor that wasn't normal. He was relieved for that. It


  meant his senses were functioning properly, and he

  was relieved that it was the precipitation that was

  deranged and not himself.

  He watched it until he was completely awake, then

  walked back to wake Mudge.

  "Huh... wuzzat, wot?" The otter blinked up at

  him. Jon-Tom's face must have presented a less than

  pleasing sight, lit only by the feeble glow of their

  campfire. "Wot is it, mate? Cor, 'tis black as a

  magistrate's thoughts out."

  "It's still night. The sun's not up yet."

  "Then why," asked a suddenly irritated Mudge,

  "did you wake me?"

  "It's raining, Mudge."

  , The otter paused a moment, listening. *T can hear

  it. So wot?"

  "It's not raining right."

  "Not right? 'Ave you gone daft?"

  "Mudge, it's raining up."

  "Gone over the edge," the otter muttered. "Poor

  ' bugger." He slipped free of his blanket and staggered

  sleepily toward the water's edge. A paw reached out

  .into the rain. Water beaded up against the back of

  'his hand while the palm stayed dry.

  ^ "I'll be corn'oled, so it is."

  ! Jon-Tom's hand reached out parallel to the otter's.

  "What does it mean?" It was fascinating to watch the

  droplets strike the back of his hand, crawl around

  the fingers, and shoot up into the dark sky.

  "I guess it means, guv, that 'is wizardness wasn't

  kiddm' when he told us this part o' the world was

  tropical. My guess is that the land 'ereabouts gets so

  wet from the 'umidity that it 'as to give back some o'

  the water to the sky from time to rime. Not such an

  improper arrangement, if you thinks about it. Keeps

  everythin' in balance, wot? Up, down, up, down: a

  body could get confused."

  Alan Dean Foster


  **1 can see what it's doing, but what does it mean?"

  Mudge pulled his paw out of the upside-down

  storm and licked the fur on his wrist to dry it as he

  strolled back toward his makeshift bed.

p; **It means that the world's a wet place, mate."

  Jon-Tom watched the up-pour a while longer be-

  fore rejoining his friend. He curled up underneath

  his cape but lay wide-awake, staring out into the

  storm. The steady rush of sky-bound water was


  "Actually, it's kind of neat. I mean, there's a won-

  derful symmetry to it, a kind of meteorological poetry."

  "Right, mate. Me thought exactly. Now go to sleep."

  Jon-Tom turned to him. The otter's silhouette was

  barely visible against the fading fire. "You live too

  fast, Mudge. Sometimes I don't think you have the

  slightest appreciation for any of the world's natural


  "Wot, me?" He blinked sleepily at Jon-Tom. " 'Ow

  can you say that, mate? Why, this upside-down drizzle,

  it revises me 'ole estimation o' 'ow the world's


  "Does it? Then maybe there's hope for you yet, if

  it enables you to appreciate the strangeness and

  beauty of nature, the astounding surprises that it has

  in store for all of us. There is magnificence in a

  slightly altered natural phenomenon like rain."

  "Actually, mate, 1 see it a little differently. See, I

  always thought the world was a toilet. 'Tis nice to

  learn that it can function as a bidet also." Whereup-

  on he rolled over once more and went back to sleep.

  Jon-Tom resigned himself to the fact that his com-

  panion was, aesthetically speaking, a primitive. He

  contemplated the upside-down rain thoughtfully. It

  was disorienting, but lovely and not at all dangerous.

  If naught else it was a welcome change to their

  monotonous surroundings.


  It continued to pour upward for a good part of

  the early morning. Standing on the raft, they remained

  clean and dry as they paddled through a sheet of

  rising precipitation. The raft was a little cube of

  dryness sliding across the plant-choked waters of the


  Eventually the humidity fell below a hundred per-

  cent and they left the region of constant rain behind.

  The water had become a narrow, lazy stream, one of

  many cutting through parallel ridges of upthrust

  granite and schist. It was an improvement over the

  country they had crossed, but not the balmy paradise

  Clothahump had described. Dense undergrowth still

  crowded for space among the stone and water. They

  found themselves paddling down a green tunnel lit

  by intermittent sunlight.

  On one rocky outcropping Mudge located bushes

  which produced delicious green-black berries shaped

  like teardrops, and the two travelers spent a whole

  afternoon gorging themselves. The stony island provid-

  ed a clean, dry resting place as well, and they de-

  cided to spend the night.

  Jon-Tom awoke the following morning, stretched,

  and was awake in an instant. They were surrounded.

  Not by Gyrnaught's minions, nor by the faceless

  demons of Markus the Ineluctable.

  There were thirty otters staring back at him, and

  every one of them looked exactly like Mudge. Jon-

  Tom had experienced his share of oddities recently,

  but nothing to match this.

  "Good morning, Jon-Tom!" the thirty chorused in


  He tried to rein in his panicky thoughts. Was he

  seeing some kind of multiple mirror image fashioned

  by someone well versed in the wizardiy arts? No- If

  that were the case, they should all move as well as

  talk simultaneously. But some were bending over in

  Alan Dean Foster


  laughter, others talking to their neighbors, still oth-

  ers doffing their hats by way of greeting. Each moved

  independently of the other.

  There was a simpler explanation, of course. This

  world had finally sent him over the edge.

  One similarity stood out on careful inspection. It

  was enough to convince him he hadn't tumbled

  down some metaphysical rabbit hole. While each

  duplicate of the otter moved independently of the

  others, displaying different expressions and making

  different gestures, every one of them stayed in one

  spot. None retreated and none approached.

  Until one stumbled into him from behind and

  nearly scared him to death. He grabbed this sole

  mobile by the shoulders and shook it violently.

  "Mudge, is it you?"

  The otter's eyes were glazed. "I ain't sure no more,

  mate. I used to think I were me. Now I ain't so sure.

  I was out gatherin' breakfast berries when I came

  back to see this lot." He gestured at the circle of

  Mudges enclosing their campsite. "Maybe I ain't me.

  Maybe one o' them is me."

  "We're all you," said the otterish chorus, "every

  one of us."

  "Yes, but I'm a better you," insisted a pair of

  Mudges off to the right.

  "Not a chance," argued three across the circle.

  "We're the best Mudges, we are."

  "Oi, you couldn't fool your own real parents,"

  declared a quartet of Mudges from the right flank.

  "There has to be an explanation for this," Jon-

  Tbm said quietly, "A sensible explanation"

  "Sure there is, mate," said the Mudge standing

  next to him. "I've been 'angin' around you too long,

  and now I'm as loony as you are"

  "Neither of you is loony," said *the two Mudges

  directly in front of them.


  As Jon-Tom blinked, or thought he blinked, the

  Mudges disappeared. They were replaced by some-

  thing much worse; a pair of six-foot-two-inch-tall,

  indigo-and-green-clad Jon-Toms. He stared at the

  perfect duplicates of himself.

  ^"A trick, it's a trick of some kind. An optical

  illusion." Sure it was, but who was doing it, and why?

  They'd heard nothing during the night, and the

  sensitive Mudge would surely have been alerted by

  the encroachment of so many intruders. He turned

  to the otter.

  "You haven't heard anyone on the island besides


  "Not a soul," the otter assured him. "But we sure

  'as 'ell 'ave acquired some company."

  "There has to be more than one of them at work

  here," Jon-Tom muttered. "There's too much hap-

  pening simultaneously for a single creature to be


  "You're right there." He turned on the voice, only

  to see three more Jon-Toms chatting amongst them-

  selves. One leaned against his ramwood staff, an-

  other pointed, while the third studied his hands. But

  they stayed rooted in three spots. In fact, it seemed

  asif... yes, he was positive. The three new Jon-Toms

  occupied the same locations as three now-vanished

  Mudges. The otters had turned into Jon-Toms.

  "I don't know who you are or what you are, but if

  you're trying to frighten us, you've failed."

  "Speak for yourself, mate," Mudge mumbled un-

  der his bre

  "Frighten you? Why should we want to frighten

  you?" inquired a trio of Mudges off to their left.

  Once more Jon-Tom's mind underwent an unsettling

  shift in perception. The Mudges vanished, to be

  replaced by three trees. Each consisted of a trunk

  which topped out in a weaving, flexible point- Flow-

  Alan Dean Foster


  ers grew from the base of the trunk. In the center of

  each was an indistinct, puttylike face. Jon-Tom could

  see eyes and mouths but no nose or chin. An ear

  protruded from each side, and a single thick, tapering

  vine grew from the top of the tree. Or maybe the

  trunk became the vine; Jon-Tom couldn't teil where

  one ended and the other began. Maybe there was no

  tree: Just the single tall vine.

  "We don't want to frighten you- We're just practic-

  ing our art. It's rare that we get an audience."

  Jon-Tom turned and looked behind him. Three more

  Mudges had disappeared. They had been replaced

  by another pair of trees and a single giant butterfly.

  It fluttered but didn't stray from its Fixed position-

  "That's so true," the butterfly declaimed. "Our

  audiences are few and far between."

  "Your art?" Jon-Tom murmured.

  "We're mimics, imitators, mimes," said one of the

  vines. "It started as a defense against the plant-

  eaters. Our trees are actually below the surface." So

  these were vines he was looking at, Jon-Tom mused.

  "We protect our buried trees by imitating things the

  plant-eaters are scared of."

  "It works very well," said a giant caterpillar. "It's

  hard to try and eat something that looks like you.

  Personally, being into photosynthesis, I never could

  understand the motile digestion cycle,"

  "Anyways," said a couple of Daliesque nightmares,

  "it gets dull just sitting around waiting for something

  to try and dig up your tree. So we stay in shape by

  practicing different duplications. That gets boring,

  too, unless we get a new audience with a fresh

  perspective." The nightmares vanished, were replaced

  by twenty pairs of applauding hands.

  "Come now," said something like a small dinosaur,

  "what would you like to see us mimic? We're the best,

  on this side"


  "Not quite the best," insisted a quartet of upside-

  down birds across from the boaster. "You could

  never do this."

  "Fertilizer!" snapped the other vine, immediately

  becoming an astonishingly colorful assortment of

  dangling avians.


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