Braving the Beasts

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Braving the Beasts Page 5

by Aleera Anaya Ceres

  River looked at them, shaking his head. "I'm not sure."

  We heard a struggle behind us and turned to see Kael cutting Lex down. After he'd dusted himself off, they made their way towards us.

  "What are you looking at?" Lex asked as he approached, bending down to look too. He raised his eyebrows. "Those are tire tracks." He said simply.

  "Tire tracks?" I asked.

  He nodded vigorously, as if he hadn't just been swinging upside down from a tree. "You don't recognize them?"

  River and I shared a look. "We've never even seen a tire before." He said. "We aren't exactly rich in technology here."

  Lex observed them closely. "Looks like motorcycle tracks." He stood and looked around. "A lot of motorcycle tracks."

  "How many?" I asked between gritted teeth.

  "Looks to be about five different tracks."

  "Princess," Kael interrupted. I turned to find him bent in the grass, prying something from the dirt. He pulled it out and stood. My breath caught. From his big hands hung a silver chain, a pendant swinging at the end. "Do you recognize this?"

  I took it from him, staring down at my mother's necklace. The chain had snapped. But I would recognize this piece anywhere. My mother's necklace. A wedding gift from my father. The pendant was a series of Celtic knots, a silvery gray.

  "She was here," my chest constricted. "My mother was here."

  "She may have been taken," River said.

  "But why?" I demanded at no one in particular as I pocketed the necklace. "Why would anyone take her?"

  "I don't think you really want an answer to that." Lex said, not unkindly. "She probably heard them coming while she followed you and hid in the bushes. They saw her anyway and dragged her out."

  "But who?" I demanded. "Who would do that?"

  "Isn't the answer obvious?" Lex patted my good shoulder. "Who is rich in technology? Who kept it all for themselves? Who has the means?"

  I knew. I knew who had done it.

  "The people of the Ruined City, the Murtaugh's." I whispered.

  As if the very words of those who had caused my world to crumble irrevocably had summoned another evil, a shadow detached itself from the dark wood. Darkness was given form before my eyes. I barely had time to scream before the beast roared, it's cries of revenge echoing in the sky.

  Chapter Six

  We scrambled back as the beast lunged, a giant paw swiping in our direction. The scarred bear-like creature that had attacked me before. I recognized it. The smell emanating from its mouth was putrid and unpleasant. And it seemed to recognize me, for it focused solely on me and charged.

  With a cry, I rolled away on my injured shoulder, biting the inside of my mouth. I didn't pay attention to the pain. I stood into a fighting stance, pulling my bow from my back and notched an arrow, aiming for the thing. But it was quick and where my arrow flew, the beast was no longer.

  Shit .

  I pulled another one just as the beast went after River, who'd been throwing daggers at his back. The creature fumed and went to attack but River, fast and agile, dodged its claws.

  Angry that its prey moved around so much, the creature turned and eyed the one closest to it. It lunged for Kael. The healer cried out as it charged. The sight sent my heart into a panic. My arrow flew and buried itself into the beast's collarbone. It didn't go down. It was so close to Kael. Terrifyingly close.

  "No!" I shrieked, running towards him, pulling my sword from its sheath.

  But the beast went in for the lunge and there was a blur as Lex rushed forward, pushing Kael aside just as the beast's mouth closed onto Lex's back.

  It pulled him up, rattling him with a shake of its massive head. Lex cried out. A sob rose in my throat as I rushed to help him, bringing my sword down and over my head. The blade lodged into the beast's side and it roared, dropping Lex to the ground where he fell, immobile.

  The sight had me pulling the sword from its side and swinging again. Before I could connect to flesh it turned, backhanding me. I flew to the side, skidding along the grass. I grunted as I stood on shaking knees. It came for me, growling an ugly sound.

  River was suddenly beside me, brandishing his own weapon. I felt out of breath. "Get out of here," I demanded. "Save yourself."

  "No way," he replied just before reaching his hand back and letting loose what looked like a dagger. "Close your eyes, Keanna." He pulled me to his side, burying my face into the crook of his neck.

  Just before the object he'd thrown exploded in light and fire and smoke.

  I held tightly to my sword with one hand and the other wrapped firmly around River's waist. He pulled me away and I let him guide me, my legs running until they ached.

  When the world finally cleared, River separated himself from me but kept a firm grip on my hand, pulling me alongside. We were getting further from the woods, but the creature's enraged cries followed us the entire way.

  We stopped after a while. The sun was rising and we ached everywhere. Kael looked exhausted, having had thrown Lex over his shoulder to run. When we finally deemed it safe enough to rest and we were far enough away, Kael laid Lex down on the cool grass.

  I dropped to my knees beside him. "Is he okay? Please tell me he'll be okay!" I'd dragged him into this. He couldn't be dead. He couldn't even be injured.

  "Princess," Kael said gently but firmly. His voice was tight with emotion. "Give me space."

  I couldn't seem to move. Lex's eyes were closed, he didn't even look like he was breathing. I wanted to stay. To help somehow. Then River's hands were on my shoulders, pulling me away.

  "Come, Keanna." He brought me to my feet, turning me away to sit me on an overturned log. "Take a breath."

  His voice was comforting familiarity but it faded beyond the thundering of my own heart in my chest as I stared at Kael working on Lex. He started to turn him over.

  "Lex gave me that bomb, you know." River said, as if to distract me. "While we were back in the village. He'll be fine, Keanna. He's stubborn. The stubborn ones stay alive." He pushed aside the curls from my face. I hadn't even realized they'd fallen from my ponytail. "Now, help me set up camp."

  Sighing, but needing a distraction, I stood to help him get everything ready. We pulled out sleeping bags, began collecting wood for fire. But were interrupted when Kael let out a harsh laugh.

  We turned to look at him in surprise.

  "Wake up, idiot!" He slapped Lex harshly against his cheek.

  I dropped the wood I was carrying and rushed to his side, feeling anger swell up inside me. "What are you doing?" I demanded. He was supposed to be a healer. Why was he hitting Lex?

  Kael ignored me and slapped him again, harder this time. "Wake up !" He demanded.

  I started to reach for his arm, to stop him but suddenly, Lex's entire body jerked and his eyes flew open. He took in a wheezing breath and coughed before turning.

  Kael laughed and clapped him hard on the back.

  Lex winced. "What the actual hell?" Lex groaned and sat up. "What happened?" He asked, looking around with a bit of a daze. "Are we dead?"

  A laugh bubbled out of my chest. "Thank the gods." He sounded fine. Helooked fine.

  "You saved me from the beast." Kael said, his every emotion etched on his features.

  Lex snorted. "Don't expect me to ever, ever do that again. It was awful." He sat up straighter and then turned his head to look at the damage on his back. He groaned. "You owe me a new backpack." He accused.

  "I don't understand." River looked between Kael and Lex. "Why aren't you in pain? Where's the blood?"

  Kael chuckled. "The beast caught him by the bag he was wearing. Not a scratch on him. He just passed out from the fall."

  The pressure in my chest eased. He wasn't hurt. He was alive. I breathed a sigh of relief. And I couldn't help myself. Joy overrode my every othersane instincts. I pulled him to me in a crush
ing hug.

  "Alright, little red." Lex pat my back, laughing. "Didn't think you could get rid of me that easily, did you?"

  "Bastard," I swore into his shoulder. He pulled away and rubbed his thumb against the curve of my cheek.

  "Sorry if I worried you," he whispered genuinely.

  I breathed a sigh. "You're okay. That's all that matters. Now," I stood up suddenly, dusting off my pants. "We should get camp set up. Start a small fire and find breakfast. I know it's daylight but we need to rest before we leave."

  "Leave where, again?" Lex pushed back his blonde hair with gloved hands.

  "To the Ruined City."

  To the people who'd started this. To the place I'd so desperately wanted to run away from.

  "Of course, if you all would prefer to stay here, I won't force you to come. You've already done so much for me already."

  "Stop trying to get us to leave, little red." Lex leaned back on the ground, stretching his legs out. "Besides, you'll need a guide if you want to make it to the Ruined City alive."

  River snorted. Kael sighed and looked to the heavens as if to say 'help me.'

  "The only thing you'd guide us into is a trap, probably." I muttered.

  Apparently he heard me because he burst out laughing. "Talk smack all you want, little red. But I'm the only one here who's actually been to the Ruined City. I know their customs and their fashion. You," he gave a pointed look to all of us, "would stick out like a sore thumb."

  "Fine," I threw my hands up. "Be our guide. Whatever. Now get some rest. I'm going to find a stream to wash up in."

  Lex smirked. "Want me to join you?" He asked. I shot him the finger and he laughed, lying back to the ground and closing his eyes.

  I left them setting up camp and followed my instincts deeper into the woods. There wasn't a stream but there was a crystal blue lake. The water rushed and swayed from the connecting river. I nearly sighed with relief. My mouth was so dry and my body felt disgusting.

  I dropped to my knees at the edge of the bank and cupped my hands in the water, bringing it up to my lips. It was cold and delicious. I let out a lustrous sigh then stood up and began stripping until I was naked.

  Dipping my toes in first, I shivered briefly before jumping in. The shock of cold pressed up against me, awakening all of my senses. I swam entirely submerged a few moments before kicking my legs up and breaching the surface. I sucked in a breath of fresh air and blinked my eyes open.

  Out here, alone, I let my thoughts wash over me. I'd truly believed Lex to be dead. And I shouldn't have cared. I barely knew him. I barely knew Kael but somehow in the span of a few days, they had come to mean something to me. Something I never imagined.

  My heart pounded against my chest, a sob lodged itself in my throat. He'd nearly died. Because of me. I was putting them all in danger. It was only by a stroke of luck that the beast had grabbed Lex by the bag and he hadn't been harmed.

  "Keanna," I turned to see River at the edge of the lake. His gaze heated, his cheeks flushing as he took in my wet form, eyes lingering on my chest. I covered my arms over my breasts, even if his attention sent a zing of sensation straight to my core.

  The feeling was so surprising, I nearly gasped. Why was my body reacting this way? Why was my skin and blood heating beneath his sensual, challenging gaze?

  "What do you want?" I asked in a shaking voice.

  His cheek dimpled. "I thought that when you implied you wanted to be alone, it was meant for Lex only. Besides, you shouldn't be out here by yourself."

  I rolled my eyes. "I can take care of myself."

  "I know you can. But I'm still your guard, regardless of where we are. I also know you." He kicked his boots and socks off and then pulled his jacket off slowly and let it fall to the ground in a pile on top of mine.

  My throat went dry as I eyed it. As I eyed his slow, deliberate movements. His fingers began unbuttoning his shirt with surprising dexterity. His eyes never once left mine.

  "What's that supposed to mean?" My tongue felt leaden in my mouth, my throat tight. My head spun when his shirt joined his jacket.

  His chest was decorated with the slight shadowing of muscles, a wide chest and strong arms. I remembered when he'd been a skinny little thing. But that boy wasn't who stood before me now.

  "I mean, I know what you're probably feeling right now." I couldn't speak. My eyes were glued to his fingers as they unbuttoned the tops of his jeans, unzipped them and then his thumbs hooked to the inside. My tongue felt heavy in my mouth. "And I know that right about now, you could probably use a distraction." He pulled both his boxers and jeans down in one go until he was naked before me.

  My face flamed at the sight. Things between us were suddenly changing, suddenly spinning out of control and taking a brand new direction. A direction I longed to reach the end of, if only to see what I could find there.

  My breath hitched as my gaze took him in, took in the little scars over his skin. Hunting scars, rough hands, and a surprisingly strong erection.

  He jumped into the water, disappearing beneath the surface. He didn't come back up until he was in front of me, splashing my face as he did so.

  The drops of water glistened beneath the morning light, sliding off his body, down his chest. The sudden urge to lean forward and lick the moisture from his body was strong. I wanted to know what his skin felt like beneath the ministrations of my tongue. Would he be as rough as his fingertips or surprisingly soft?

  I'd never know unless I tried.

  I let my hands fall to my sides and watched as his gaze took me in, eyes roaming everywhere at once as if he didn't quite know where to look first. And then I stepped forward and I saw his chest hitch.

  I smiled at that. At what I could make him feel. I'd never known before, what I could be capable of. His dark brown curls stuck to his cheeks and I reached my hand out to push them away. His breath was hot on my wrist, causing me to give pause.

  Never once did his eyes leave mine. Familiar brown eyes that flared with delight when my fingers trailed a path down his neck, towards his chest. He groaned when I flicked his nipple.

  The sound heated the very blood in my veins. Made every nerve tingle with sensitivity. And the urge to make him cry out was there.

  I bent forward and did what I'd been dying to do. I licked a drop of water from his skin, let my tongue travel lower between the valley of his chest. My fingers flicked at his nipples, teased them painfully. I pressed myself tightly up against him, feeling his erection hot against my flesh.

  I let my hand dip into the water and I grabbed him. He was hard and hot and thick beneath my palm. River gasped when I ran my hand up his length. His hips jerked forward and suddenly, he was touching me, fingers digging into my shoulders without restraint. I winced from the pain but it was all soon forgotten when one of River's hands went to the back of my head. He dug his fingers into my roots and pulled me towards him to claim my mouth.

  River devoured me. His tongue tangling with mine, teeth scraping in desperation. He touched me as if he'd waited too long to do so and could control himself no longer.

  I groaned, arching back further, giving him better access to my mouth. I couldn't breathe. I was dizzy with need. My head spun in rapid circles and I held on to him as if I'd drown otherwise. Maybe I would but I would surely die in bliss.

  When River finally tore his mouth from mine, I gasped for breath even as his lips kissed their way down my jaw, to my neck; I trembled beneath him.

  "Keanna," he whispered against my skin in a sultry breath that warmed me in every crevice. "I've wanted you for so long." He groaned almost painfully as his hand went to grasp my breast, kneading it in his palm.

  I murmured something incoherently as I reached between us, desperation for release riding my every movement. I grabbed his length and ran my hand up and down him. He groaned, moving his hips along with my mov

  "Keanna," he gasped my name like a blessing. Like a curse. And a surge of power soared straight through me. He was at my beck and call now, desperate for me, for what I could give him.

  My movements were deliberate torture against his hot flesh. He jerked into me and I squeezed tighter, ran my hand up and down slowly then fast. River was panting now; he threw his head back, arching his perfect throat before me. Smiling, I leaned forward to lick him, squeezing up his shaft as I did so.

  "Keanna," he begged on a breathless whisper.

  "Hmm?" I nipped his neck, down to his collarbone. He was all angular lines and soft skin, save for the rigid bumps of his white scars. I kissed them, the markings of his life, of his connection to me. He must have felt it, felt that which united us together because his hips jerked in my palm, fast desperate movements. He gripped me by the hips as he moved until he buried his face into the crook of my neck, muffling the cry of his release.

  I let go of his still-hard erection and pushed away from him to float on my back. There was a certain bliss about what I'd just done but a certain confusion as well. Just a few hours before I'd been kissing Kael and now, River. It didn't seem to feel wrong, to kiss them both. Why should something I longed for be forbidden? What hurt was thinking that somehow it was a betrayal to both of them to feel this way.

  But it felt so good to be selfish.

  I thought that, maybe, Maude had had the right idea all along.

  "We should get back," River rasped. "Before they wonder where we are."

  I nodded and swam backwards to the bank. When I reached the edge, I stepped out to my pile of clothes. Since there was no towel, I shook myself off as best as I could, dabbing myself slightly with the wrap Kael had bound my wound with before I started pulling them on. My shirt clung to my curves but I quickly pulled my jacket on over it.

  River was beside me, pulling his own clothes on. When he finished, he turned to me and smiled. It wasn't awkward as I thought it'd be. There had been a shift of direction in our relationship but it hadn't pushed us apart. It'd brought us closer together.


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