Ratchet Bitches 2

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Ratchet Bitches 2 Page 5

by Tiece

  “What are you doing?” ShaKita questioned.

  “’Bout to cook my hubby some breakfast in bed. You know I like to enjoy all the time we have when we’re home alone.”

  “I forgot mom had the kids this weekend.”

  “Yes, I love these weekend breaks she gives us.”

  “Some things don’t change.” ShaKita sarcastically stated.

  “Girl, don’t start that shit. It’s too early for all that. Unlike before, mom volunteers to get the kids on every other weekend, so that I can enjoy some alone time with my husband. We are still newlyweds, so don’t hate.” Bianca said with a swift roll of the eyes. “Now again, what do you want before I start cussing your ass out.”

  “Okaaaaay, I didn’t call to piss you off. I called because I’m confused and I need you.”

  “Were you with Rocky again?” Bianca asked as she got out a bowl to whip up some pancake batter in it.

  “Yes,” ShaKita answered with a sad shake of the head. Since fucking with Rocky, he’d taken all of her attention. “You haven’t told anyone about him, have you?”

  “Is my name Lauren? I don’t think so. Nobody talks like that but her.”

  “Tell me about it,” ShaKita agreed. “Well, I think I’ve really fucked up this time.”

  “What do you mean?” Bianca asked as she put the phone on speaker and sat it down on the counter so she could get breakfast started while continuing to talk. “Where is Coco?”

  “She’s home.”

  “What do you mean she’s home? Where are you?” She asked then quickly thought about it. “Oh my goodness, Kita. Are you crazy? Coco is going to kill you.”

  “Don’t say that. She’s already acting paranoid and shit.”

  “Why shouldn’t she? I can’t believe that you’ve stayed out all night.”

  “Well, believe it. I got so fucked up last night that I don’t even remember when I fell asleep. All I know is that I woke up at Rocky’s house and jumped up like I’d lost my mind. He didn’t even try to wake me up.”

  “Girl, that man is crazy about you. He wants you to leave Coco.”

  “I know and the pressure is real,” ShaKita concurred. “I just don’t know what to do.”

  “Well, why don’t you just have a talk with Coco, first? From what I’m hearing, you don’t want to be there anymore, anyway.”

  “I don’t want to hurt her though. I mean, how do I break her heart when she came in and helped mend mine?”

  “That’s a good question.” Bianca said. “I’d just rather you keep it real with her, because you can’t be staying out all night like this without hurting her, anyway.”

  ShaKita sat quiet for a moment as she took it all in. She knew what she had to do, but it wasn’t going to be easy. After about two minutes of silence, she spoke up. “I’m down the road from the apartment now. I hate to even go home, because I don’t know how Coco is going to act since I didn’t come home. I’m just gonna say that I stayed at your house, okay.”

  “You’re not being truthful though, Kita.”

  “I know, but don’t pressure me.”

  “I’m not pressuring you. You called me, remember. Anyway, I’ve given my advice. Now, I gotta go. Hell, I gotta get ready to speak with Tessa later today to set some ground rules.”

  “Damn, Lauren told me about her moving in with you.”

  “That heifa tells everything,” Bianca smacked her lips with the shake of her head.

  “Well, I don’t have anything to say about that. Hell, I have my own problems to deal with.”

  “I’m glad that you realized that. Plus, I’ll handle things on my end. If Tessa is gonna stay here then she better abide by the rules or her ass will be back out on the streets.”

  ShaKita grinned a little. Tessa was a bad ass for sure, but Bianca didn’t care. She’d still go toe to toe with her if she had too. “Whenever you talk to her, just make sure you let her know not to be wearing those coochie cutters around Tory.”

  “Oh you ain’t gotta worry about that, honey. That will be the first thing we talk about.”

  “Okay, well have fun with that. I’ve just pulled up in front of my crib. I’ll call you later with an update.”

  “Be strong, girl. We’ll chat later.”

  “Okay,” ShaKita said as they ended their call. She sat in the car, trying to get herself together. She did feel bad, but somehow she had to find a way to talk with Coco about them possibly going their separate ways.


  Nearly ten minutes had passed and ShaKita was just sticking her key inside the lock. She unlocked the door, turning the doorknob with ease like she didn’t want to awaken Coco if she was still asleep. She entered the apartment, instantly hearing the shower running in the bathroom down the hallway.

  She cringed inside. “Damn, she’s up.” She whispered. She headed down the hall then instantly froze in her steps upon hearing the water from the shower turn off. “Oh shit,” she said just as Coco opened the bathroom door and stepped out into the hallway, still wet but with a white towel wrapped around her body.

  “Hey, you found your way back home.” Coco nonchalantly stated, and then headed towards their bedroom. ShaKita didn’t know what to say at first as she followed her.

  “I, uh stayed overnight to Bianca’s. I’d gotten so drunk last night fooling around with her that I couldn’t drive home.” She lied.

  “Oh okay,” Coco responded. “You should’ve called me. I would’ve come to get you.”

  “It really wasn’t that serious, babe.” ShaKita said, scratching in her head as she stood there looking unconsciously guilty of something. “I was good.”

  Coco dropped the towel to the floor a she opened up the dresser drawer and grabbed a black bra and panty set. ShaKita just stood back and watched her. She definitely looked good, but ShaKita just wasn’t feeling her like she used to. She at one time felt nothing but love for her and even though she still loved her; she didn’t want to be in a relationship with her, anymore. Rocky had certainly come in and changed her bi-sexual lifestyle back to being straight. As Coco put on her bra, she looked back at ShaKita with tears in her eyes.

  “Is it over?” She asked.

  “Huh?” ShaKita responded with a frown on her face.

  “Come on, Kita. Let’s not play games here. For months you’ve been a different person. You don’t let me hug you at night anymore. You drink all the time now like you’re deep in thought and you don’t look at me the same.”

  “Baby, it’s not like that.” ShaKita said. “I don’t know what I’ve been going through. You’re the first woman that I’ve ever been in a relationship with. I didn’t even know that I was attracted to women like that until I met you. You came in my life at a time when I really needed a friend. Your touch was warm and sincere and you definitely taught me some things about myself.” She said, finding it very difficult to break things off with Coco as she stood there just waiting for the words that it was over. “I don’t want to hurt you, I don’t.”

  “Well, don’t hurt me.” Cocoa said as the tears started falling from eyes. “I love you.”

  “And, I love you too, but I don’t know if this is what I really want anymore.”

  “You’re just confused, that’s all.” Cocoa said, not wanting to let go.

  “I’m very confused and I don’t think that continuing this relationship is what I need right now.”

  “Is there someone else? I can accept this if there isn’t anyone else and you just need time to get your thoughts together. Just tell me, be honest. Is there someone else?”

  ShaKita stared at her for a moment. Her eyes wailed in the corners, but she fought back the tears. Coco stepped up to her to get a closer look in her face. She wasn’t going to go down without a fight and ShaKita knew it.

  “Talk to me,” she said. “Have you been fucking someone else?” Being that she’d put it that way certainly made it seem harsher even though it was true as ShaKita stood there like she was frozen in time. “A
re you fucking somebody else? Just tell me!” Coco yelled at her.

  “No!” ShaKita yelled back. She’d never seen Coco this upset. “No, I’m not seeing or fucking anyone else. I just need time alone. That’s all.”

  “So, there isn’t anyone else that you’re seeing or fucking around with?” She asked to make sure as she quickly calmed down.

  “No, I’m telling you that there is no one else.” ShaKita continued to lie.

  “You promise?”

  “Babe, don’t keep dragging this out. I just need time apart to think about some things. You never know, this may bring us even closer.”

  Coco was hurt, but she was also relieved. It would’ve truly broken her heart to know that ShaKita was breaking up with her to be with someone else. She’d been hurt in the past and that didn’t end so well. Looking back at ShaKita with pain still visible in her eyes; she walked over to the bed then started putting on her dress that was already laid out across it.

  “Well, I’m gonna go to church now.” She said, wiping her tears. “We’ll figure out our living arrangements when I get back.”

  ShaKita was hurt to see Coco so hurt by the break-up. But, deep down inside she knew that this was for the best.

  Chapter 5

  Bianca’s head rested on Tory’s chest as they comfortably laid on the sectional inside their entertainment room. He kissed his wife on the top of her head, loving every moment that they spent together.

  “You know I gotta love you to be laying here watching the Lifetime channel all day.”

  Bianca grinned a little. “These shows are good,” she teased.

  “Yeah, I guess.” Tory said with a slight shake of the head. The truth was that he wasn’t much interested in what they were watching on the TV. He was thinking about the doctor’s appointment that he had coming up that Friday. He’d been cancer free for nine months now and the appointment was to let him know if he was still cancer free. It certainly was something that scared him on the inside, because he’d finally gotten his life in order. He was with the woman he loved and now had kids that he considered his own.

  “Are you good, babe?” Bianca asked, feeling some of the tension that Tory was giving off. “If you feel some type of way about Tessa moving in, then just say that and I’ll tell her that she needs to make other arrangements.”

  “Nooooo,” Tory quickly spoke up. “I seriously don’t mind your best friend coming over to stay for a few weeks. I think you’re a sweetheart for allowing her inside of our home. She should be thankful to have a friend like you.”

  “But babe, I understand that you don’t mind her coming. I just want you to tell me how you really feel about it. Let’s face it. I think you will let me do whatever I want to do as long as it doesn’t jeopardize my health or get in the way of me being a good mom to the kids.”

  “You’re right, but that’s because I love you and I want you to be happy. I honestly don’t have a problem with Tessa coming over. She seems to be cool people. She’s definitely funny and y’all must share something special for you to even consider her your best friend. Trust me, I know you and I’ve seen that bad girl image that you once portrayed in action.” He said with a slight smile on his face as he thought back at the time he pulled her off of Jamal’s psycho wife after an altercation between her and Lauren in the Wal-Mart parking lot.

  Bianca laughed, knowing exactly what he was talking about. “I only did that, because that bitch hit my sister and she was holding my nephew. You know I don’t play about my sisters. At times, we may not get along very well, but we’ll go to war for each other.”

  “That I know,” he said with chuckle. “I thought you were about to kill that lady. I’m surprised that the Wal-Mart security officers didn’t come out or call the police.”

  Bianca laughed. “I only punched her ass in the face. Had I really put these hands on her, she would’ve been in the hospital, and then they wouldn’t have had a choice but to call the police.”

  “I already know it,” Tory said with a shake of the head. He then chuckled. “And, let’s not forget about that kiss you planted on Justin inside my club that night.”

  Bianca playfully hit him as she sat up and leaned over to kiss him. “Quit playing. You know I only did that because your ex was standing there over us like she was trying to straighten me or make a point. So, I had to show the bitch that I’m not desperate for a man. I didn’t want Justin’s old scrawny ass, though. He just happened to show up at the right time for me to fool you like he could’ve been my man. Hell, I don’t see why my sister is so crazy about his cheating ass.” She said, thinking back at how she caught the two of them fondling each other inside of Kerry’s bedroom.

  “Well, that wouldn’t be for you to know, sweetie. It’s obviously something that keeps her attracted to him.” He said then kissed her. “Just like it’s so much that keeps me attracted to you.”

  “You just like this good ol’ wet, wet I be throwing on you.” She teased, making him laugh.

  “I must admit it. You do have some really good stuff down there.” He said, sliding his hand inside of her loose fitted, cotton Victoria Secret boy shorts. “I think you should give me some now, just to remind me of how good it is.”

  Bianca laughed, but she definitely didn’t mind giving him what he asked of her. “Sure,” she said, quickly coming out of her short, cotton bottoms and straddling him. She could feel the bulge of his hard erection poking out like it would come through his jeans as they kissed passionately. Tory slid his hands up her white fitted tee-shirt and started caressing her breasts. Bianca’s pussy throbbed at just the touch of his gentle hands, massaging her most sensitive bodily parts. Hands down, Tory was no joke when it came down to them having sex. He went all in, one-hundred percent every time, which only made her go just that harder at making sure that she pleased him, too.

  Bianca sat up just enough for Tory to pull his Tru Religion jeans down so they could get in a quickie. She leaned back, balancing herself on her knees as he slid his thickness inside her juice box. Her hands pressed against Tory’s chest while she held her head back and gently rode him. Back and forth she rode on his hard dick, listening to him softly moan from ecstasy. From time to time, Bianca would pop her ass up and down on him, enjoying the look of pleasure on her husband’s face. She’d ride him slow, and then fast, as each move on his dick stimulated her walls even more. They embraced as their bodies touched one another. Tory hugged her tight as if he was never letting go, feeling her walls tighten up around the shaft of his dick. Her creamy insides had him on the go as he pumped her strong and long from the bottom. Her pussy was slippery wet and very good.

  “Cum on my dick,” he whispered, causing her to ride him faster. Her juices were overflowing making the feel of her clit rubbing against his skin throb from the erotic sensation he was giving her. “Cum on this dick,” he insisted.

  In no time, she was moaning out loud and screaming, “I’m cumin’, baby. I’m cumin’.” She started hugging him tighter as her body shook with pleasure. The sound of her sexy voice forced Tory to release all of his goods inside of her as he let out a deep breath that he’d been holding in for quite some time. Bianca grinned as she sat there on top of him.

  “Whew,” she said, letting out a deep breath. “Now that, my husband, was too damn good.”

  He laughed a little. “Yes, it was.” He agreed with a satisfied smile on his face. Bianca got up and grabbed her shorts off of the floor. Tory stood up with his pants hanging around his ankles.

  “Come on, let me clean you up.” Bianca said, leading the way down the hall to the bathroom. Tory followed closely behind her, walking like he had shackles on. No sooner than they could make it in the bathroom for Bianca to clean them up, the doorbell rang. “Damn, that’s gotta be Tessa. She always shows up at the perfect time.

  Tory grinned. “Good thing we’re finished or she would’ve been outside waiting.”

  “I know that’s right,” Bianca agreed as she cleaned herself up rig
ht quick and then handed him a different warm wash cloth.

  “What are you doing?” Tory asked with a slight frown on his face. “This is your job.” He teased.

  She playfully hit him on the arm. “No sir,” she said. “I have company at the door, so now it’s your job.”

  “Okay, do a brother like that then.” Tory joked as Bianca quickly kissed his lips then exited the bathroom, heading back up front to let her bestie, Tessa, come in.


  No sooner than Bianca could open the door, she eyed Tessa up and down. Of course she had to have on the shortest of Daisy Dukes that she’d ever seen. “Must you wear some clothes, sometimes?” Bianca pondered while reaching out for a friendly hug.

  “Hey girl, it’s hot as hell out this door. Plus, my damn air condition fucked up in my car. I gotta do better.”

  “Yes, you do.” Bianca said. “Come on in.”

  Tessa walked in and followed Bianca to the living room where they sat down to talk about her moving in. “You talking about my shorts, but yours are not that much longer than mine.” Tessa said with a playful roll of her eyes.

  “Yeah, but I can wear stuff like this. It’s my house and my husband already knows what’s under here. I don’t need you walking around him with that kinda mess on.” Bianca always admired Tessa’s body. She was definitely a bad bitch. Her only problem was that at times it was like she didn’t know it and therefore always wanted to show it. That couldn’t be a good look for a man that wanted a woman to settle down with which was probably why she always found herself being single.

  “Wow, listen at you.” Tessa said with a smile. “I respect that. I’m not looking at your husband like that even though he is fine as hell.” She teased.

  “Yeah well, keep your eyeballs to yourself and we’ll be just fine.”

  “Now, you know I wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize our long term friendship. We’re like sisters. I mean, I know we may bicker every now and then, but I wouldn’t be moving in here to cause you any chaos.”


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