SAVAGE ROAD (A Devil Call MC Book) (Layne & Shelby Book One)

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SAVAGE ROAD (A Devil Call MC Book) (Layne & Shelby Book One) Page 6

by Fawkes, Ana W.

  Finn made a fist and slammed it down on the table. He then jumped up.

  Great… here we go…

  I thought something was going to go down, Finn causing a scene. Maybe I should have killed him right then. Send another clear message to the rest of the MC.

  Finn reached into his pocket and pulled something out.

  To my surprise, it wasn’t a gun.

  “This is how it’s meant to be,” he said. “Everyone listen to him. Our new President.”

  Finn threw the President’s patch down to the table. He then looked at me and nodded. One quick nod. He turned and stormed out of the meeting room. The door slammed with a defeated boom.

  It hurt Finn to do that.

  I took the patch and looked around the table. “We’re done here. I want you all out there and ready to go soon. First line of business is to deliver the traitor right where he wanted to be.”

  “What the fuck does that mean?” Ax asked.

  I smiled. “We’re going to take Bain’s body and give it to the Mountain Killers. They wanted him. He wanted them. It’s perfect.”

  I pounded the gavel once and everyone jumped up.

  They filed out of the room and stared at the patch in my hand.

  It was all mine.

  And that meant all the bullshit that came with it.

  I took off my leather cut and grinned. I just needed to find someone to sew the patch on.

  Then it was time to go straight to war.



  I finished my coffee and looked across the shitty kitchen table at Dad. His gaze was out the window, like it always was. Living in a permanent state of paranoia and fear, I had been left with no choice but to just roll with it. I couldn’t get him to leave Oakville. I couldn’t get him to do anything. He was stubborn, and the demons in his mind and heart took over the rest of his body a long time ago. That also included the bottle of brandy next to his coffee cup.

  “I have to go,” I said. “Thanks for the coffee.”

  Truth of it was that Dad made damn good coffee. Considering he lived in a camping trailer that was held up by a few cinderblocks. Not the life he really envisioned. Everything else in the small place stunk of stale air, rotten food, and the faint, tangy odor of piss. He slept with a rifle next to his bed like it was a woman.

  Each time I saw the damn thing it made me think of my mother and whatever the fuck happened between them that made her split and made Dad so insane.

  I walked around the table and touched Dad’s shoulder.

  “Jesus fuck!” he yelped and swung his hand.

  He punched me in the gut, sending me flying back. I crashed into the kitchenette counter, sending a glass jar of coffee grinds down to the floor. It shattered and spilled like dirt all over the yellow, thin carpeting.

  I grabbed my belly and groaned, blinking away tears.

  “What the fuck were you thinking?” he growled at me. “Fuck, Shelby. Fuck, girl.”

  “I’m sorry,” I whispered. “I was just…”

  Dad stood and turned. I saw the gun attached to his hip and it bothered me. I don’t know why it bothered me. I was around guns all the time. But when Dad carried…

  “I’m sorry,” Dad said. He crouched down. “You know, I’ll never understand why you’re out here. This place is like the end of the world. Where all the garbage just flows and stops.”

  “It’s where anyone last heard from her,” I said. “You know that.”

  “You’re going to be disappointed,” Dad said. “She’s a worthless person.”

  “She was your wife. She’s my mother. How bad…”

  “I thought you were leaving.”

  I slowly reached out. I touched Dad’s collar and fixed it. That’s all I had been trying to do to begin with.

  Coming here was always an emotional roller coaster. I always figured I’d find Dad dead. That was maybe what I hoped for. Then everything I knew and everything that was wrong with him, with me, it would all end.

  Coming here today was even worse. Because of Layne. I couldn’t get him out of my mind. The way he stood behind me, touching, fucking. The way I just threw my one damn rule up in the air for a little while. For him. Hell, for me. I needed it just as bad as he did. It had been too long since someone went at me like that.

  The bad part? I wanted it again.

  “Be safe,” Dad said. He stood and stared down at me. “I hate that you’re there. You don’t have to do that anymore. I only needed to know…”

  “It’s a job,” I said. “They know more than anyone else in town. I listen. I take notes. I’ll find her.”

  “You’re as pretty as she was,” Dad said. “That’s good. Nobody needs an ugly mug like me. But sometimes Shelby, you’re just as fucking stupid as she was.”

  Dad turned and walked. He stepped right on the coffee grinds and the rest of the glass jar, crunching under his steps. He walked to the bed and covered up and tucked in his rifle. It was creepy to watch.

  I pulled myself up and left the trailer. The door swung shut with a slap.

  I then drove to the clubhouse.

  One thing Dad taught me was to check my mirrors every minute. Look for anything out of the ordinary. Anything that seemed fucked up, probably was. And if it was fucked up, then run. Run like hell. Go north until you were safe. Don’t go west because there was the coast. South was risky. East was less risky. North was safe.

  I got to the compound and Mack stood there, letting me in. There were a few trucks with cars on them. Mangled wrecks that provided Devil Call MC with a front to have a salvage and junkyard.

  I parked my car and walked to the side gate to see the puppies. I knew that AJ was not a puppy, but that’s what they were to me. AJ stood and stared, licking my hand after a minute. She always needed to earn your trust, no matter what. Sugar, on the other hand, just loved to be loved. The dogs made me smile.

  Turning and facing the clubhouse, I started the walk. The motorcycles lined up left to right told me all the guys were inside. No surprise. A lot of them didn’t function in early afternoon. Their version of morning and night were very different from normal people.

  I went through the back door and through the kitchen. The prospects were working, all wearing black shirts and jeans, along with white aprons, as they took care of the food and the dishes. I went straight out to the bar.

  The clubhouse was alive and bustling. It seemed like everyone was in a good mood. Everyone except Finn. He stood in a corner with his arms crossed. He looked let down.

  I thought about going to talk to him, but then remembered the perils of stepping out from behind the bar. So I remained in place, grabbing a towel and starting to wipe stuff down for the hell of it.

  That’s when Brett approached.

  I stiffened and he quickly put his hands up.

  “Hey,” he said.

  “What are you drinking?”

  “Nothing. I just wanted…”

  “What are you drinking?” I asked again.

  “Shelby, give me a fucking second here.”

  “Fuck off.”

  Brett pulled out a piece of paper. “I have something for you. About what you’re looking for.”

  “What the fuck are you talking about?”

  “Come on,” Brett said. “You’ve talked about it before. You’ve asked questions. I’ve listened.”

  “Just stay away from me.”

  “Look, I’m sorry for what happened,” he said. “That was my fault. I was a dumb, drunk asshole. It’ll never happen again. I just wanted to apologize in person to you.” He put the paper on the bar. “I know a guy who helps with some missing persons shit. Works the mountains. Real tough and shit job. I think she works for him.”


  “Your mother. That’s who you’re looking for, right?”

  I took the piece of paper and looked at it. It was an address. Before I could say anything else, Brett was gone.

  I looked over and Fin
n stared daggers at me. I tucked the paper away.

  The door to the meeting room opened and Layne came walking from it. He held his leather cut with one hand, something in his other hand.

  The entire bar went silent.

  When he looked at me, he came to the bar and put the leather cut down. That’s when I saw the President’s patch.

  Holy shit. He got it.

  “Do the honor for me,” he said, not asked. “Sew that on.”

  I stared at him. “Okay.”

  “Move. Now.”

  I took the leather cut and the patch. My hands were shaking as I went back through the kitchen area to the supplies closet. I knew where all the shit was thanks to experience. They kept needles and thread for sewing up wounds on the shelf next to the bandages. If the guys could avoid the hospital and anything that resembled normal life, they’d do it. Even if it meant drinking a shit ton of whiskey and having someone else stitch up a deep cut.

  I got the needle and thread. The closet was small and had a single light bulb dangling from the ceiling. There was a bench on the left side of the wall so I sat there and started to work.

  Or I tried to work.

  I didn’t know the first thing about sewing.

  I cut some thread and then tried to feed it through the eye of the needle. I bit my lip and squinted hard to see. I managed to get it through a few minutes later. I sighed and couldn’t believe how nervous I was. It didn’t make sense.

  The door to the storage closet then opened and Layne stepped inside. He stood there wearing that damn black t-shirt that hugged his body so perfect. One side cut up from the bullet that could have taken his life. His bandages needed to be changed soon.

  “How’s it going?” he asked.

  “I don’t know how to sew,” I admitted. “I…”

  Layne reached and took everything from me. He then tossed it from the closet and shut the door again.

  He stepped toward me. I sat back and hit the wall.

  Layne kept moving at me.

  He reached down and gently stroked my hair.

  My body was instantly on fire.

  “You can’t sew… but I know you can fuck.”

  Holy. Shit.



  She was fumbling with the goddamn needle. All I could see was her stabbing herself and then getting fucking blood on my patch. I threw the cut, the patch, the supplies to a prospect waiting outside the closet.

  I found Shelby right where I wanted.

  We were going to be riding soon, and I’d hate to leave with anything lingering on me. That meant Shelby and her sweet pussy.

  So I needed it again.

  Right fucking now.

  My fingers trailed down her cheek to her chin. My thumb then flirted with her lips. I was half ready, my cock throbbing for her. I could have commanded her to do anything, but I wanted to see what Shelby could do on her own. See if she was worthy of my time and effort. There were plenty of others waiting for me. And, shit, with the patch on my cut, I had the official power to command anyone, anytime.

  Shelby touched my legs. Her small hands were nothing compared to me. They never would be either, which had its own sexy appeal. I’d be her protector, if I wanted to protect her. Yeah, she could survive in this clubhouse… but for how long? Even time could only do so much before fate stepped in and fucked everything up.

  As she cupped between my legs, I reached down beyond her face and cupped her breast over her shirt. Her tits were so perfect and firm for her body. I couldn’t take it anymore, not seeing them. I grabbed at the sides of her shirt and leaned forward a little. I tore at her shirt, giving her a split second chance to react before I ripped the fucking thing off her.

  Listening well, Shelby lifted her arms and the shirt peacefully came off her body. Her white lacey bra looked so good against her creamy skin. My fingertips flirted with the straps of her bra, sliding them down her shoulder.

  Her hands were quick back to work, pulling open my belt buckle, wrestling to get my jeans open.

  “Be careful,” I said. “You better know what you’re fucking doing.”

  “I do,” Shelby whispered. “Trust me.”

  I quickly went for her mouth. I held her jaw with one hand. “Get one thing straight, sweetheart. I don’t trust you. I don’t trust anyone. You have to earn my trust. It’s not easy.”

  I released my hold and Shelby leaned back against the wall. She stuck her chest out, those perfect sized tits pressing against her bra. I made fists and just stood there, still giving her a little bit of time before I lost control.

  Shelby had my jeans open. She pulled them down, letting me pop free. Long, thick, hard, ready for her body. Her hand cupped under and tried to hold me tight. Her fingertips couldn’t even touch. She gently pulled, her lips quivering, and I knew what she was thinking.

  She wanted to know how she was going to fit me in her mouth.

  Only one way to find out.

  I pressed forward again, my hands to the wall. Shelby stroked me root to tip, then back down. She looked up at me as I inched closer to her sweet mouth. Our eyes were locked when she opened her mouth, ready to take me. Her tongue came forward and she slowly swirled it around the head of my cock. I throbbed and groaned, fighting the wild urge to just thrust deep into her mouth and see her reaction. This was a little more fun for me. The bullshit of seduction… it didn’t matter. Not when I was in control.

  Her tongue flicked at me, up and down, trying to overpower the stiffness of my dick. Her lips then finally came forward, inching over me. Her gaze went forward, leaving me to stare at the top of her head. The warmth of her mouth was so damn inviting. I let out a little hiss as her lips, and then teeth, grazed the tip of my cock. She quickly pulled back, leaving me to throb and thrust at her. She put both hands to the root of my dick, his fingers spread, pushing at me. She wanted me right there; she wanted to tease me at the tip of my erection.

  I let her go, feeling the wildness of her lips, teeth, and tongue. I had to hand it to her though, she knew just what to do. She pulled herself off me and looked up at me. Her lips were red and pouty, her right hand stroking furiously up and down on my shaft. I slipped a hand to the back of her head and pulled.

  “All of it,” I demanded. “Right fucking now.”

  I don’t know what the hell had gotten into me after arriving in Oakville. Maybe it was the shit state of the clubhouse. Maybe it was getting shot at. Maybe it was having to kill a patched in table member. Maybe it was lingering pain from Brocke. Whatever it was, I was in a foul mood, and Shelby was going to pay for it.

  Not that she seemed to mind.

  Her mouth went back over my cock, taking me in more than before. Halfway down my shaft, she let out a groan. My body tensed and I gently thrust, demanding more from her. As I pressed deeper, Shelby’s hands squeezed at my legs. I felt her trying to push at me, but she wasn’t going to win that battle. Her groan was then muffled; there was no more room in her mouth.

  I started to pull back, staring down, watching the beautiful sight. I took my cock completely out of her mouth. One of her hands was quick to grab me, hold me, stroke me hard and fast as she caught her breath.

  I thought about doing it again to her. Fuck, I thought about doing it a hundred more times to her. But I had other things in mind. And quite honestly, time wasn’t a fucking friend of mine. There were wars to fight and fires to be put out all around me. Right now, the most important fire seemed to be the one between me and Shelby.

  I reached down her back and twisted the clasp of her bra. She let it fall from her body and I was able to finally see her breasts. My hand slipped down her chest again and cupped one of her breasts. They were perfect for my hands, fitting just right. I gently squeezed and pressed, feeling her nipple getting hard to my touch.

  “Stand up,” I said. “Right now.”

  Shelby stood, hands at her sides, her beautiful tits there for the taking. I came forward and pressed my cock between our bo
dies. The bottom of my shaft was against her belly, the top against my own stomach. My hands cupped her ass and I started to thrust, watching the desperate look on her face.

  “You like that,” I said. “It’s making you fucking wet, isn’t it?”

  “Yes,” Shelby said. “It is.”

  “Have you ever fucked one of the guys out there?”


  “Don’t fucking lie to me.”

  “I swear on it,” Shelby said, breathless.

  “Good. You ever let one of them fucking touch you and I’ll never protect you again. Got that?”


  “You’ve seen this life, sweetheart. There’s nothing promised. So I don’t promise shit either. You don’t fall for me. For this shit. For anything. You do what I say, when I say. And right now I want you to take your fucking jeans and panties off. I can’t stop thinking about your pussy.”

  Shelby listened to me. I backed away a little and she wiggled herself out of her jeans and panties. When she bent over, her breasts hung there, so supple and delicious. As she stood back up, I grabbed her by the hips and lifted her. She let out a cry and her back fell to the wall. Her arms went around my neck, her legs around my waist. My cock rested right against her sweet, slick center. I reached around Shelby’s ass and down, pressing the bottom of my shaft until I slipped into her body. I pulled her ass down and made sure everything I had to offer was inside Shelby.

  Her nails dug at my neck and she put her head back, groaning.

  I started to fuck her, holding her against the wall. I quickly worked into a fast rhythm, knowing how much time I didn’t have for this kind of shit right now. But it felt good. And I fucking needed it.

  Each thrust forward made Shelby’s ass hit the wall. My shins crashed against the fucking bench against the wall. Her lower half was bent perfectly, giving me all the access I needed to her. My hands slid up to her sides. We were in a game of balance and it was working. Shelby moved her hands from my neck to my arms, hanging on tight.


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