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TheTrainingOfTanya2 Page 5

by Bruce McLachlan

Stretching her legs downward, Tanya failed to reach any solid surface and she instantly began to panic. The thick fluid was dragging her below with a tardiness that was dreadful in its steady monotony.

  For a brief moment, she saw that she was in a cave with a low ceiling. The domed roof was accessed the short tunnel that led back to the surface. The walls were dotted with deeply set rings and several outlets drooled a lumpy viscous pink sludge that fed the pool.

  Suddenly all detail was stolen as a booming tone reverberated throughout the cavern. The stone rolled back into its place had shut off all light.

  Tanya was lost in the darkness and quickly began to paddle for the side. It was a difficult feat and she had to fight strenuously against the stern drag of the ooze lest she vanish beneath the surface. The fight became ever hardier as fatigue harassed her limbs and her head was starting to go under just as her fingers grazed the side. With all the manic celerity the goo permitted, Tanya clawed for a handhold. Her grasp sunk lower every second and the gelatinous fluid began to seal over her face. Her fingers locked about a submerged ring and with a savage pull, she drew herself up.

  Spitting the clinging film from her lips, she drew in a breath and reached out for a higher ring. She patted along the wall in the dark and it took a few minutes to locate one. When she found it, she locked her arm through the hole and it made staying above the fluid level considerably easier.

  Hanging by the tenuous anchor, she closed her eyes and drifted into a light daze of recovery. Her body had been pushed into a state of massive exhaustion and shock. The sudden carelessness of her jailers as to her fate made her fear her eventual destiny even more. What was going to happen to her now? They had laid down a sequence of events. Surrender to the Master, seduction to the rule of the Mistress, followed by lifelong erotic slavery. They had departed from this scripted fate and now Tanya had no idea what would follow.

  Chapter Four

  For three weeks, Tanya had been at the mercy of her clients. They had done things to her that had left her a screaming wreck. At the time of their application, she had wished only to die rather than face another moment of their ministrations, but afterwards everything changed. Her opinion inverted the moment a respite was gained. Ecstasy like nothing she knew poured through her in the moments of relief, and she was even more overjoyed the longer and more brutal the session had been.

  The decadent perversity of her customers seemed infinite, and she loathed and loved each with a depth and fury beyond measure. The humiliations, the degradation, the acts that they perpetrated to sate insane and twisted fetishes, were delightful.

  For the other captive women, they were too horrendous to even recall, and sometimes Tanya felt shame that she was deriving so much pleasure from what others found so utterly repulsive. On these occasions, she tried to make herself hate it, to push the sessions from her mind. However, as she blotted one from her thoughts, another session of iniquitous debauchery reminded her of all that had occurred before and suddenly she was wet with desire and embracing herself, dreaming of bondage and the lash, and cursing the lack of physical restraint.

  The abusers were as varied as their pursuits. There were old and young alike, male and female. Her own gender proved to be more implacable and heartless than the males. The men would often cut short their pursuits to pander to their raging lust--a sacrifice that robbed them of the enthusiasm to finish their torments. However, the libido of the women could be drawn out for longer and let them satisfy every wicked desire and predilection before calling an end to the session through masturbation or the straddling of Tanya's face, feet, or hands.

  Every time she was used, she felt another serving of her guilt and regrets lift away, but in its place was a replacement in the form of an innate shame that she was behaving so iniquitously. It would have been easier to forget such notions if women who would have rather died than not surround her, continue to serve Sebastian. Nevertheless, fear of reprisal on their families and loved ones kept them enduring the maltreatment, and yet, Tanya also found this a comfort because her own sense of disgrace would be meagre compared to what it would inflict on her family.

  Thanks to such intense contradictions, her mind was in a constant state of baffled confusion. It was like a churning storm in the centre of her mind that muddled her thoughts and convoluted her views and opinions. Sometimes she yearned even more heartily for abuse, just to distract her from this mental quagmire. Such maltreatment only kept it at bay for a few minutes, because then it returned afterwards with more ferocity than ever before.

  The only thing that helped her through the more trying days, was Amber. The woman came to tend her regularly. She soothed her welts and wounds, and she never failed to take advantage of their isolation. The love they made helped keep her sane. The tenderness, the soothing embraces and heady passion left Tanya deeply besotted with the enigmatic woman. They never had time to talk. They only had time to pleasure each other, to fill their senses with friendly flesh and forget their horrible incarceration.

  Despite this relationship, Tanya knew that she had to escape. She was slowly going insane from the battering her psyche was being forced to undertake. She needed to get away from Sebastian and the other girls, to allow herself to revel in her debauchery and not be reminded that others resented it so acutely.

  There had to be circles of people who consensually embraced their vices, and if she could locate some, she would fare better there. After fleeing her home, she had been rendered destitute by a complete lack of valuable skills or knowledge. Now she was a highly experienced masochist, a submissive vixen who was well versed in pleasuring male and female alike. She finally had something of value and if she could locate a suitable dominant, she could unreservedly offer herself to them.

  The idea of selling her skills was of little interest now. She had no time for brief commissioned affairs. She wanted to make a conscious and willing decision to enter perpetual bondage and servitude. There she would continue to explore and refine her sexuality and extract all she wished from it without impediment or regret. It also seemed to be a kind of crime to sell such services. It was such a wondrous gift. It so liberated her soul and filled her with new and strange sensations. Applying a price tag to such vaulted depravity, seemed to sully and diminish it.

  Currently she was lying on the floor. She was manacled and confined, her legs bound together as she anxiously awaited a fresh client. Normally she was surging with anticipation and wondering what new and salacious perversions would twist her body and mind, and what sort of dark pleasures she would be made to quaff. Right now, all she could think about was escape.

  If she did not escape soon, she would fall under the spell that Sebastian had promised. If she could escape, she could also come back and rescue Amber. All she needed was an opportunity, but in three weeks, not one solitary chance had arisen and she was starting to lose hope of finding a way out.

  She knew the layout of the house enough to reach the back door. All she required was some clothing and a moment of relative freedom to seize her bid for freedom.

  The whispering creak of the door hinges had her heart quiver with trepidation as to what would follow. Regardless of her current misgivings, the vices of the new customer were still a titillating mystery to be unravelled.

  The young merchant was dressed in gaudy finery, with much affluent jewellery that was a typically vulgar trait of such commercial and profit obsessed castes. He set aside the case he was carrying and knelt beside her.

  The man looked over her body with a fastidious stare. Upon finding her visage agreeable to his cravings, he scooped up her form and laid her upon the bed. Tanya's body was left facing upward so that her shackled arms were being squashed by the weight of her own torso. The client then turned his attention to his case.

  Opening the luggage, he drew up a stool and placed it within easy reach of the bed. The first item to be freed from the interior was a sturdy leather manacle. He freed her left wrist and easily defeated her feeble struggl
es so that he might apply the restraint. The long imprisonment of her arms had made the limbs weak. Even so, she could have resisted more diligently but she was interested in what his predilections might be.

  After tying the rope to the single steel ring that had been set in the leather, he jerked her arm toward the nearest bedpost. He looped the coil around the pole and then drew it along the bedside to the foot. The client traversed the post there and forged a temporary knot. He was taking great care to ensure she was not freed for one instant, so either he thought her to be wild and reluctant, or he was planning something extreme.

  He treated the other hand in exactly the same manner on the other side of the bed before he drew forth a second pair of the cuffs. These were applied to her trapped ankles. He slipped the corresponding coil of rope that connected to her wrists out of its anchor and looped it about the bottom post and through the ring in the adjacent fetter. After freeing the rope from the other post, he attached it to the last ankle cuff and began to take away the chains that held her legs.

  As the bonds came free, she half-heartily fought to break away of the imminent bondage, but he merely hauled at the ropes. By dragging her feet out, he splayed her legs wide and then took in all the slack before he re-affixed the lengths.

  Tanya was now spread-eagled with a foot of rope leading from her extremities to each bedpost. Two lines of rope ran along the sides of the bed to connect a wrist and ankle.

  When he sat astride her abdomen, she found that by pulling inward at the ropes, he could rack her in a most stringent manner. The client began to test his contrivance to the fullest. He pulled inwards with considerable strength and the tow made her limbs throb from the punishing wrench upon them. Her ligaments and muscles groaned under the strain. As a result, Tanya's body felt even more open and vulnerable to him. She quickly hid her elation at this new twist.

  With a wicked laugh at her scowling features and supposed terrible straits, the client fled the bed and hastily began to remove his attire. Once nude, he vaulted back across her frame. The sharp descent onto her torso drove the wind from her lungs in a hoarse croak. Barely had she recovered when he tore a leather hood from the case and began to drag the garment over her head with barbarous tugs.

  The hood was comprised of a thick layer of hide. The stitching was comprehensive enough to prevent airflow and there were no eye slits or holes for her nostrils. Only a small tube existed at her mouth through she might respire.

  A collar was bestowed upon her neck and the device was applied with such force that it almost restricted her breathing with its merciless cinch about her throat. Tanya found such play most gratifying because it enforced an even greater sense of submission. Her client was controlling her senses, shutting them off, or restricting them as he saw fit. The inky blackness due to the blindfold was also useful, for it let her conjure any scenario she wished. If she found the client unattractive or annoying, she pretended that one of those she had found more alluring were attending her.

  To test the integrity of his diabolic plot, the man pinched the tube. Tanya jerked and strained to suck in a breath. The airtight leather pressed to her face when no source bestowed supply. She tried to sway her head free of the mortal pinch, but the collar was sculpted and high to provide an embrace that diminished the movements of her head to a few weak wriggles. Her face burned from the deprivation and she writhed to try to slip her bonds. Her mind thundered in calamity until he released his hold and let her drag in a deep lungful through the restricted vent.

  The relief from restoring her breath instantly had her squirming with pleasure. Her libido was like a starved fire. The act of asphyxiation almost slew it, but when she gulped down the fresh air, the flames of her passions flared into a raging pyre of lust.

  The weight of his naked body settled upon hers, and her abdomen gave a jolt of shock as he slipped his length into her sodden sex. Her cry of bliss was little more than a murmur after freeing itself from the hood and as he began to grind into her, she groaned with an abject joy that she expertly made sound more akin to disgust.

  Tanya's current tastes ran more often toward women. Her experiences with men had generally been less fulfilling. When a man did pleasure her, it was the most exhilarating of experiences, but overall she generally gained more regular, though less heady bliss from the attentions of her own gender. This client had not proven himself of anything exceptional, yet, so in her void, she dreamed of a woman armed with a strap-on phallus straddling her and performing this deed.

  The mere act of penetration was not enough to quench his libidinous thirst for control. While the client continued with a slow, steady rhythm, he grabbed the ropes and hauled inward. As he did so, he leaned in to seal her breathing tube with a tender bite.

  Tanya exploded into paroxysms. Her distraught attempt to get her stretched limbs free so she might open a path and gain air was one of utmost importance, but with no chance of success. When he released his nip, it was only for a few moments. The client let her gain enough oxygen to ensure survival before he denied her again.

  Frantic with angst and lust, she clawed at her bonds. Tanya valiantly tried to lock a finger into the knots and pick at least one limb free. However, the client was an expert in his particular fantasy and she could find no means to end, prematurely, the encounter. With this awareness, his visage was in her thoughts, replacing the phantom woman as she felt his cock thrusting into her.

  Each time he released the cinch and let her respire, she seemed to swell beneath him. The fear and suffering curled through her and shed all negativity. She emerged from each deprivation onto scintillating floods of warped concupiscence and masochistic satisfaction.

  Whenever he neared climax, he stopped to let his lust abate and savour the feel of her convulsing womb as it gripped his immersed member. When he was ready to continue, he never failed to commence with the denial of her air. While starved, she continually prayed for him to end his defilement so he would stop torturing her, but he was determined to gain absolute value for money from the body he had rented. Then he would set her breathing free, at which time she only wanted him to continue, to repeat his actions. Then she would regret such notions the moment he cut off her access to air.

  It seemed to take hours for him finally to reach a point where he could no longer decline final relief. The client entered a final series of twitching jolts and his bite continued longer than ever before to make her thoughts churn and bubble. His arms pulled in vehemently and Tanya's joints throbbed with rending sensation as they were hauled out. The cuffs dug in and his strength stretched her into a rigid immobile form.

  Tanya fought to respire through the hood and she could feel him swelling within her. A moment later, his seed filled her belly and after a few random spasmodic thrusts, his body went slack upon hers. Unfortunately, he was still keeping his bite in place.

  Tanya's consciousness wavered as the clammy claws of oblivion began to tickle the corners of her mind and vision. His arms let go of the ropes and gave her a little more slack. This made Tanya bounce and squirm under him, elevating his pleasure with the innate quivering of her loins upon his manhood.

  Eventually he slipped aside as though his life had fled with his frustrations and this released the nozzle. Tanya was allowed to try to recover from the experience, although this was only in bodily form. The psychological wounds were ones certain to linger for a great deal longer than the physical ones.

  Hauling at the small tube, she sucked in air at a tardy rate. Tanya fought to get more and was tormented further by the minor hampering of intake.

  Tanya felt like she had been brought to death a dozen times and more during the session. Coupled with the near fatal encounters with an army of previous clients, she knew that her luck would eventually run out and one of the licentious devils would accidentally or purposefully, slay her. She had to escape, now.

  The anonymous customer began to unfasten her shackles. He set her limbs free so he might take back his personal equipment and T
anya lay impassively, awaiting the removal of the hood because until she had sight, any attempt to get away would be pointless and doomed to failure.

  Fingers played at her collar and the mild strangling grip came away and was swiftly followed by the folds of the hood. The interior was slick against her face with the sheen of fevered perspiration that her ordeal had exuded.

  The moment she had sight, she declined to wait while her darkness dependent eyes grew used to what appeared to be a midday sun perched atop a candle. Tanya flung her hand out and grabbed the case. She swung it around with an outraged yell of maximum exertion and roughly targeted the fuzzy shape that was currently folding up the infernal hood.

  The box struck her tormentor in the shoulder and threw him aside with the impact, but she did not disable him as she had hoped. Pushing her weak body onward, Tanya followed up her initial strike. Rolling over, she rained the improvised weapon down onto his naked form. A dull thud slammed into his back and cast him to the floor where he flailed in shock and surprise.

  Tanya took her weapon of vengeance in both hands and brought it with full force onto the rear of his head. He twisted his head and looked up as the shadow fell across it and his eyes momentarily filled with alarm. A brittle crunch resounded and flecks of red touched Tanya's features.

  Glad that her dazzled sight was still not sufficiently clear to reveal the details of what she had done, Tanya dropped the case. She turned away and began to limp slowly for the door.

  When she took hold of the handle, she recalled her nakedness and wandered back to draw on her abuser's discarded trousers and jacket. She dragged in the laces so that they remained upon her considerably smaller body and then went back to the door. Tanya took a deep breath of courage. She fought to resolve herself to this course of action and to keep her doubts far from her.

  When she opened the portal, the hinges gave a soft squeal that made her wince as though it were the trump of a bugle. The fear of discovery stampeded within her and made her body tremble and her stomach turn over upon itself like landed eels.


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