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TheTrainingOfTanya2 Page 11

by Bruce McLachlan

  The boots of the Queen stepped before her. They were slightly apart so that they were free of the long flaps of the dress. The indication was clear and Tanya moved forward. With her hands behind her back, she began to lick and kiss at the smooth materials.

  "But many thousands of years ago, I discovered that I could feed from others, that I could drain them and use their life for my own ends, and this is the final result of that discovery. This entire Hive is filled with doomed mortals. The sorcery I have wrought here keeps them alive for eternity. It fills them with a level of unbridled agony that is beyond any equal. The pain courses with life force and it is an energy so powerful, I can use it to instantly sate any whim I may have. With it, I have carved an Empire and gained immortality. For three centuries now, I have been stockpiling my organic batteries, and once I have enough power accumulated, I will move forward and expand my borders until the entire globe is mine. With whole towns and cities slotted into the Hive, all of creation will bow down before me. But this is not your concern. It is merely to illustrate how pointless your attempt at rebellion was. Your choices at present are simple--you can either be placed here, or you can choose to become my personal slave," she said.

  The Queen placed the unattended boot onto Tanya's back and dug the heel in between her shoulder blades. Tanya whimpered and quickened her oral adoration.

  "Here you will suffer for eternity, but in my care, I will train you in obedience and servitude. You have tasted the methods I will use in this endeavour, for I taught them to your tutors in the same way that they taught them to you. But to make an informed choice, you should experience the fare of a Hive for a short time. Shall we say…twenty seconds?"

  The wall beside Tanya rustled and with a series of moist snaps and pops, an opening appeared. It was identical to the others in the passage save that it was vacant.

  Tanya was startled by the thought that her divine owners had once been wretches like her. Captured, tormented, and seduced to darkness until they had become the Queen's aids. They had gained authority to run other slaves through the agonies they had tasted and Tanya wondered if she could do the same. Could she become another torturess under the Queen's rule? She was immediately appalled at what she was thinking. She was actually contemplating the betrayal of everything she had been raised to revile. What was it about the Queen, this place, and the deeds of carnal excess that bewitched her so effectively?

  A telekinetic shove lifted her from licking the foot of the ruler and sent her stumbling toward the slot. Her hands touched the slick surfaces that awaited her and Tanya was stopped before she fully entered its embrace. The yielding substance was repellent and she found herself hesitant to place herself to it.

  "Climb in or I shall hold you in there for an hour," warned the Queen as she walked over.

  The woman ran a hand down Tanya's front and traced her fingers along the slick skin as Tanya trembled in fright. With trepidation, she turned and placed her back to the raw flesh. The feel of the slow pulse down the veins of the wall made her shudder.

  Tanya reached out toward the clammy mounds that were waiting for her arms and legs. She saw the tissues once more spark into life and the walls swiftly devoured her extremities.

  The muscular bonds squeezed and drew the limbs out into a rigid spread-eagle. As her mouth jerked open to spill a cry, a snaking tentacle dove down her throat. The trespass made Tanya retch and spasm in shock as it journeyed down into her belly. Other such pipes drilled into her sex and anus and even though the tubes excreted a translucent residue to ease their entry, they were still a ghastly event to endure.

  Banks of cilia wriggled free of the membranes and started to grip her body. The tightness of the tiny fingers increased with a flex so that they held her in total immobility.

  Tanya strove to move and break free, but it was useless. All she could do was wait and endure the paltry seconds the Queen had demanded.

  A soft thrum of mystic energy passed through her bonds and suddenly, she was immersed in the full tempest that the Hive granted its denizens. It felt as though every single particle of her entire body was being ripped apart and burned. Her very soul was being shredded and devoured by flame and acid. Nothing in all of creation even came close to the sheer fervour of the Hive, and as she squealed and squirmed, she would have done anything to end the pain. Had she been given even the slightest movement, she would have swallowed her tongue, bit open her wrists, gutted herself with her nails--done anything to end the horror.

  Hours of terrible duress raged passed and every nanosecond was a nightmare she could not hope to sustain. Only the sorcery of the Hive kept her alive, for had it been absent, she was sure her flesh would have erupted, that her heart would have burst free from her chest because of the absurd demands placed upon it. The Queen had lied, she had been left here, and this would be her lot for all time. Tanya could not see at all. Her vision was a blurring veil of colour and flashing spots. Her senses were too scrambled to allow any coherent input.

  Suddenly the bonds let go of their designated charges and she dropped onto the soft floor. Tanya just lay sprawled and simply vibrated. Her very psyche was numbed and bleeding. Her body was torn by pain, yet the removal of the Hive's attentions was enough of a drastic decline to bring the most profound ecstasy and relief. She choked and swayed. She was giddy and nauseous as her body reeled from its encounter with the deepest depths of Hades.

  "You have but experienced a mere twenty seconds. Imagine years, decades, centuries with such pain, and it escalates all the time, never allowing you to grow used to it. It always remains at an intolerable zenith. Does this little taste help you make your decision?"

  Tanya could not believe that the allotted time had been honoured because it had felt like months had passed. The very notion of being condemned here made her ill with paralysed dread.

  Scuttling forward on all fours, Tanya kept her arms and legs wide while the tunnel seemed to roll over from her pervading giddiness. Tanya dropped at the Queen's feet and begged.

  "Make me your slave, train me, do anything, I'll obey you always, Your Majesty."

  The words brought a knowing smile to the Witch Queen's slender lips and she lifted a lithe arm. She pointed to the wall and at her very indication, the flesh atrophied and shrivelled. The withering retreat revealed a glittering panel of light and radiance.

  Tanya was reluctant to enter the window, but her own wishes were irrelevant to those of the grand enchantress. With an ethereal thrust, she was cast within.

  The light dazzled her and tickled her skin with a playful feathery touch. The step she had taken into the portal ended up falling upon a soft carpet.

  Tanya whirled and rubbed her startled eyes because she could see no shimmering mirror of sorcery behind her. The magic had passed as swiftly as it had been produced.

  Panning her stare across this fresh scene, she saw that she had been placed within an opulent bedchamber. The room was not particularly large, but it was furnished to a sinister design at no small cost.

  The bed was comprised of dark timber and was etched with demonic patterns and visages. Sheets of black satin covered the mattress.

  A wardrobe, chair, and dressing table of similar style were also present and had crimson velvet cushions pinned down by silver studs. The dark marble fireplace was an altar of contorted designs. The flames that arose from the piled logs filled the room with warmth and a flicking amber glow.

  Dangling black velvet curtains fell from ceiling to floor at her side. Hoping that a window was on offer, she stepped forward and took hold of the plush material. If there was a window behind this fabric, perhaps she could slip out and flee for safety. Her Order would take her back and shield her from retribution because now she knew the Witch Queen's secret, but surely, the malevolent entity would accept no informing of what could be her only weakness and therefore she would go to any length to find her again.

  Any hope of exit fell away as she flung the drapes aside. The latticework contained a doze
n diamond shaped panes of glass that offered a view as useless for her purposes as it was spectacular.

  The window was in one of the loftiest turrets and looked out across the blasted landscape that was the Queen's realm. The night was clear and adorned with stars that shone like pearls. There was not another single settlement unto each horizon to spoil the vault with light pollution. Even Morsthrak was too far to be seen. The half moon beamed with a silvery smile and it was an expression that seemed to hold a secret that it refused to share with Tanya.

  The land was like a jagged carpet of jet that had been streaked with glowing lines of lava and columns of sulphurous smoke. The infernal fires that spawned them occasionally flared and lit the plumes from within to create huge rolling pyres of light that quickly faded into the night.

  Tanya put her hands to the cold glass. She started to rattle her nails upon it and drummed a rhythm as she pondered what to do next.

  There were few options. She stood no chance against the Queen in any form of confrontation, or even in battling her forces. If she displeased her new ruler, the Hive was waiting. Tanya had tasted enough of that to know she could not even risk such a damning sentence unless the offer of escape was flawless.

  Sitting astride the stool, she regarded herself in the mirror and checked her body. The various welts were almost gone. The marks that had been bestowed by the instruments of punishment were reduced to a few uneven mounds. The weals and contusions, scratches and slashes were diminished to a point where only she could see them. The recall of their application allowed her to notice the faint line or flush of red that was burned into her memory.

  A female shriek tore the air as it issued from somewhere without the chamber. Her reflexes had not been depreciated during her stay and the echo was still resounding by the time she had reached the door, grabbed the brazen handle, and pulled. It was locked.

  Tanya tugged and yanked. She tried to rip the door from its hinges, but the mechanism and its anchors were as solid as the mahogany portal.

  The cry repeated, and did so again. The woman was issuing cries at some unspeakable act of agony or ecstasy. The wail dropped into a gurgle as the noise was muffled with some manner of gag and whatever remained was inaudible through the dense structure separating the bedroom from the source.

  There was a flash of dark light and a brief gust of cool air. Tanya turned to see the Witch Queen standing by the bed with the last dregs of a sorceress whirlwind dissipating about her body. She had shed her ornamental trappings of rule and was now dressed solely in a leotard of dark shimmering hide with a wispy belt of the same unfamiliar fabric. In her hands, she held an oversized phallus. The replica was set upon a carved handle and the length bore many ribs, small nodules, and lines of intricate runes.

  The merest glance ripped Tanya from her feet and flung her supine onto the bed. As she bounced to a halt, the Queen stepped astride the petrified slave and glared down at her. Tanya melted into the sheets. Her lust was now being inspired by the glorious visage of the Queen.

  Writhing coils of midnight shades condensed about Tanya's extremities. The strange serpents hardened and with a whip-like crack, they reached out to take firm reign upon the bedposts. The elemental forms flexed their might and hauled inward to splay her wide and stretch her body to the limits.

  The Queen lifted up the phallus and lowered it to rest between Tanya's breasts. With a leisurely sway she dragged the rod downwards. The nodules etched grooves of sensation on Tanya's skin and made her quiver with anticipation while she was enlightened as to how distinct the construction of the item was.

  "Ssssh," the Queen advised with a thin smile, putting her hand across Tanya's mouth. There was a soft tickle in her lips and she felt a strange quiver run through them. When the hand came away, she was mortified to find that the opening had sealed. The sorcery had knitted the flesh together into a smooth featureless plain of skin, thereby muting any sound she might endeavour to make.

  Tanya had barely begun to accept this gross mutilation when the meandering tip of the dildo reached her pussy.

  "I shall use sorcery to steal your pleasure as I violate you with this toy, my little mortal slave. So I hope you have learned to relish pain, because otherwise, there will be nothing left for you," she gloated.

  With a soft push, she began to slide the malicious implement in. The woman's eyes rolled as she drank in the stolen ecstasy.

  Tanya cried out and jerked when the device stretched her terribly and filled her belly with stern feeling. She tried to get free, to pull away, but she was held too tightly to escape the penetrating phallic sword that was being methodically threaded into her. The helplessness of her pose gripped her submission and accentuated her pleasure.

  Every twist and turn of the implement made her shake and twitch. The nodules and ridges bounced her upon their structure and rocked her with delight. Her system was awash with bliss from the traumatic effects being visited upon her tender womb.

  The Queen cast her head back with a scowl of rapture and increased the speed. Her body tensed and her spare hand reached forward to sink her nails into Tanya's torso. Dragging red furrows backward, she then clasped brutally at her breasts.

  "By the Dark Gods you are tender and wicked. I have not stolen such corrupted bliss in decades. The pleasure this must be causing has to be incredible," she announced.

  Her voice was issuing upon ragged pants and the thrusts began to gather more haste. The phallus dove in and out so that the searing rhapsody of the assault made Tanya delirious. She was pinned down, held immobile and ravished by this sublime female dominatrix. The event was making every thrust and turns a mind-bending delight. Dark power was abroad and corrupting her as it always did. The black side to her soul was a joyous supplicant to such iniquitous power, and as the Queen stole her pleasure, Tanya gained more delight from the distress that in turn generated more for the Queen to steal. The sorcery and Tanya's numerous vices and insane hunger for debauchery was creating juggernaut acceleration in sensation that made both parties jerk and shake.

  A final jolt wrenched the object free and the Queen slouched back, overwhelmed. Her body shook a little as she strove to come to terms with the surprise flaw she had found loitering in Tanya's body and mind.

  "I shall definitely have to make you one of my personal slaves. Such a prize is too good to waste," attested the Queen.

  This mere sentence condemned Tanya to the singular attentions of the sadistic goddess and her elation brought her even closer to orgasm. Despite the theft of pleasure, there had been much more left for Tanya. Her belly ground against the air and her flexing internal muscles assisted her toward climax as her mind coursed with possibilities. Her love of bondage and submission, in being owned completely and disciplined relentlessly was locking to every word of the Queen.

  "Yes, I shall make you a prized pet, one that I can use for my own purposes. One I can display as a symbol of my invincibility. Imagine your Order when they see you--broken, humble, lapping at my heels as a faithful beast. Is such a sight not worth suffering for?" she stated.

  The Queen laughed aloud at Tanya's sudden chagrin expression and stroked her features before moving aside. Having stolen her fill, she left Tanya on the edge of release. The sudden change in the scenario stalled Tanya in her libidinous trance and froze her before orgasm arrived.

  The form of the Queen seemed to waver, as though an intense wash of heat was falling between them and distorting her vision. The veil intensified and black wisps began to emerge from the flickering sight to smother the Queen and then fade as quickly as they had come. The magics took the diabolic ruler with them and left nothing save for the continuing echo of her laughter.

  Tanya felt her stomach and heart tighten and fall away. The realisation of what her fate was to be now, began to tax her sanity. There was to be no escape. The Queen wanted her as an object to be exhibited, a lesson in the futility of revolt, and she knew that the process of breaking her would be as intense as it would be guaranteed
of success. Already she had tasted complete pleasure in her defeat, in being humbled by a powerful woman, and she realised that the process would continue and strengthen under the Queen's guidance until all notion of revolt was gone. She was doomed to become a slavering pet to the ruler and was eager to become it. The threat of display to her former Order was just as intoxicating because word would spread and eventually shame the parents she still despised. Her enslavement to the Witch Queen was bringing her everything she had ever truly wanted.

  The magical restraints vanished and Tanya dropped onto the bed. She embraced her torso and dreamed of the Master, the Mistress, and the Queen. With diligent fantasies of confinement, punishment, worship, and submission coursing through her mind, Tanya's hand snaked between her legs to continue where the Queen had left off. She flashed to attention at the first brush to her clit and then with a long mewl of bliss she relaxed into the sheets. Finally, in slavery, she had found her freedom.

  Chapter Eleven

  The Kings stood as one. They watched the fields before them while the wind whipped their cloaks. Their steeds whinnied softly as if disturbed by a prescient sense of doom.

  The open realm was already starting to wither and rot. The grass was turning brown and parting like tides to expose dark soil drained of life by the encroaching dread of the enemy. A light mist skulked over the scene. Its slithering tendrils wove across it like ethereal serpents.

  The evil of the Witch Queen seemed to spoil the land itself as her forces crested the hill and caused phantom clutches of terror to rise in even the most stalwart heart. Veterans of a hundred wars were filled with this fear, and the squires, foot soldiers, peasantry, and common people were almost sent fleeing or brought to their knees by it. However, there was to be no more retreating. This day was their chance to break their foe.


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