Claiming His Human (Rogues)

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Claiming His Human (Rogues) Page 4

by Jenika Snow

  He was a warrior, an Enforcer, after all, and he had energy, steam and power to burn off. He wanted Greta to help him rid himself of that need, to sate him in all things, and in return he’d care for her and protect her.

  The sound of an incoming video message alerted him, drawing him out of his thoughts. Tolcan turned toward the screen in the living room, watched as it turned on, and stared at one of the Royal’s council members that dealt with controlling the breeding stock of humans, and the concubines given out to warriors. They wouldn’t deny Tolcan what he wanted, wouldn’t dare deny him what he desired. He knew that.

  “Warrior Tolcan,” Head Councilmember Henner said.

  “Yes, Head Council Henner?” Tolcan said and stood straighter, the warrior in him coming out, the trained male that was taught to be on alert, to show no fear, and to always be apathetic because emotion equaled weakness.

  “You’ve put in a request to take a human female as your concubine,” Henner said while looking down at Tolcan. “This is most unusual, Warrior Tolcan, as you’ve never shown an interest in the lesser species. There are many Rogue females that would be very eager to have you claim them, but not many would accept having such a highly trained and powerful male as a mate that also keeps a human pet.”

  Tolcan didn’t respond, although he knew this was coming. Putting in the request just hours ago to keep Greta here as his would have raised attention. He’d never shown interest in claiming a woman, not when his life had been about his people, war, and protecting them.

  “I saw her, and I want her,” was all he said.

  Henner didn’t respond right away, but then nodded.

  “I will indulge you in this request, but know when you’re finished lying with the human she is to be brought to the breeding compound.”

  “I may keep her for far longer than she stays fertile,” Tolcan said. Many Rogues kept females as sexual pets until the age of their breeding had passed. And then they were shipped to female labor camps. Barbaric, yes, but they were alive, and most of the time they were reunited with family after the fact.

  “Warrior Tolcan, you realize that you are of prime procreation age. If you wish to help the cause and our people, you can use a breeder to strengthen the army, or take on a Rogue female as a mate, and prolong your lineage.” There was a moment of silence. “Keeping a pet without any indication that you are to use her as a breeder, or take on a mate, worries me.”

  “I have never been a worry to the Rogues, and have given my most for our people. If I choose to have a human female for an undetermined about of time, then I don’t see what the issue is.” Inside Tolcan was sweating, his heart beating, his lungs burning. He was trying to act like this was nothing of concern, that she meant nothing more than something for him to stick his dick in, but the truth was there was something in him that didn’t want to think about another female. It was a strange sensation to have these feelings for a fragile human that he’d known less than a day, but it was there, and he wouldn’t let it go.

  “You have temporary possession of the human, but your file and request still have to be reviewed by the Royals before a permanent decision is made.”

  “Thank you, sir,” Tolcan said, knowing they wouldn’t deny his request, but that they may put stipulations on the case as he was a high ranking warrior. They’d want him to breed, to produce more warriors, and he didn’t even want to think about bedding with another female, not when he hadn’t even been with the one he wanted.


  Greta stood in the hallway, listened to the rest of Tolcan’s conversation, and swore her heart was going to beat right out of her chest. She knew he wanted her here, and although she wasn’t such a fool to think he wouldn’t use her body, she prayed that maybe she’d be used for labor in his home. But of course that was dumb and naïve to think. She knew better, knew he’d take from her because he could, use her body to pleasure himself, and she wouldn’t be able to stop him.

  Leaning over the edge slightly she stared at him. His back was to her, broad, strong, powerful. He was easily over three hundred pounds of raw muscle, his seven-foot height dwarfing her five-foot-seven stature. He wore dark pants, dark boots, and a matching black short-sleeved shirt. God, he was dark from head to toe, even his hair the color of night.

  She glanced around the room, taking in anything that could be used as a weapon when the time came, but to her disappointment there wasn’t anything she noticed right away. He had furniture, had a small table beside the long bench, and a screen through which he’d been speaking, but there weren’t any smaller objects she could use in defense.

  She may have lived from cave to cave her whole life, not able to have the comforts these aliens did, but she’d seen pictures in old books and magazines they’d found that showed a time before. There had been smiling families, ones sitting around a table with a large, delicious meal in front of them. Or they played outside, the mother and father grinning as their children kicked a ball around. It looked peaceful, happy, but even though she knew the world hadn’t been perfect back then either, it was a far cry better than what it was like today.

  Staring at the cooking area again, she saw there were no items that could be used as a weapon, none she could see right off anyway.

  “There are no weapons, female,” Tolcan said in a deep voice.

  She snapped her head his way, saw his back was still to her, and reminded herself these creatures were far superior to her kind. She didn’t know all their powers, just what they chose to show everyone. Could they read her mind, see through walls, hear, smell, feel her fear?

  He turned around then, his light blue-white eyes watching her like a predator about to pounce. “I made sure there is nothing within reach you could use to hurt yourself with.”

  Hurt myself with?

  “I wouldn’t use it to harm myself,” she said, telling herself portraying strength was what she needed right now. She moved out from behind the wall and held her head up.

  When he lowered his gaze to her chest, she felt compelled to cover up, but what stopped her was the way he lifted a dark brow and smirked as if she appeared funny in what he gave her to wear. “You did not think to question why I’d give you clothing to wear that was cut in the middle, showing your assets to any who walked by?” He sounded hard now, annoyed almost.

  She looked down to her chest, could see the rise of her breasts through the V cut of the material, and covered herself. “How am I supposed to know what your barbaric kind wants humans to wear? I’ve heard the stories, of humans being breeders, or worse.”

  He moved closer and stopped when he was a foot from her. She didn’t want to move, and didn’t want to show fear. He reached out, and going against what she’d just told herself she took a step back, afraid he’d hit her. But when he cupped the side of her face she froze. He stared down at her, and she had to crane her neck back just to look at him. Greta swore she felt like he could see into her, and take every little piece of her body and soul away until she was nothing.

  When he started rubbing his thumb along her cheek, she felt dizzy, like his touch was causing this war inside of her and she couldn’t wrap her head around it.

  “What are you doing?” she asked softly, fearing what he’d say.

  “Human skin is much softer than a Rogue’s, more delicate, fragile. It is like very fine paper, easily able to be torn if not taken care of.”

  Oh God. Was he going to skin her or something?

  “What do you really plan on doing with me?” She was afraid of what he’d say, afraid she might like what he said. Yes, she felt like a sick person for seeing anything arousing about him. But there was no denying he was so strong, so virile and masculine, that she felt her body heat on its own. She hated it, hated that her body was at war with her mind, that she couldn’t stop the way she tingled in places that should be cold for this male.

  He took his hand away, and Greta felt her stomach jump in her throat. “I told you…”

  “No, you didn’
t. You just said I’m yours.” She swallowed, afraid to proceed. “I want to know what you plan to do with me. Why didn’t you turn me over to have them breed me like some kind of baby factory?” God, just thinking about that had Greta’s stomach twisting and her entire body rebelling. Yes, she’d heard part of the conversation he’d had, but she wanted to know why this Rogue warrior that could crush her in his hands, would want anything to do with her. As it was he’d brought her back to his home, and treated her as an … equal. Surely he had ulterior motives.

  “Why have I brought you here?” he asked, but there was this feeling inside of her that told Greta he wasn’t really asking. “I’ve brought you here because I want you for my own.” He took a step closer, and she took one back. “I brought you here because if you’re going to be anyone’s breeder you’re going to be mine.”

  Oh. My. God.


  If she wanted blunt and right to the point, Tolcan would give her that, would be himself. He wasn’t afraid to tell her what he wanted. He wasn’t afraid of anything. He killed with his bare hands, took what he wanted, and females threw themselves at him, wanted to be in his bed for the night.

  This woman, this female was afraid of him, was not willing, and although he should feel some kind of emotion for her situation, empathy was not a trait the Rogues possessed.

  He looked down at her shirt again, and for the second time in his life, and both happening because of one small human, he smiled. “You’ve put the shirt on backward, female.” He watched the play of emotions on her face, saw her cheeks turn red, and couldn’t help himself. He lifted his hand and touched her cheek, marveled at the feel of her warm flesh.

  His kind had lower body temperatures, and flushing was not something they experienced. To feel her warm skin because of the blood rushing to the surface, and to wonder if the same thing would happen when she was under him, when he was taking her, making her feel pleasure, had his cock growing hard.

  He removed his hand, wanting her fucking badly, like a beast was going to take control if he didn’t calm himself, and forcibly took a step back. She lowered her gaze to his cock, her eyes widening and the scent of her fear intensifying. “I won’t take you against your will, female.”

  “You already have,” she said, took a step back, and clasped her hands in front of her. “I want to know where my family is, where the other members of my camp have been taken.”

  He didn’t respond right away, just moved toward the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of June Juice, a potent alcoholic drink. He’d offer her some to relax, but he knew humans’ fragile bodies couldn’t metabolize his species’ liquor.

  Opening the bottle he chugged some of it, wanting to be with her, knowing it was his right as she was considered his property, but not able to do that. Yes, she was right about him taking her against her will, but she also needed to realize that if he were any other male he would have already fucked her.

  “Why haven’t you?” she asked softly.

  He snapped his head away from the bottle and stared at her.

  “You spoke out loud. I don’t have any weird mind reading abilities,” she said without emotion, clearly seeing his surprise on his face.

  He took another drink, set the bottle down, and looked back at her. “I won’t fuck you when you fear me.” He stared at her, and let that sink in before he continued. “When I have my cock in you it’s because you’ll want it, Greta.”

  She didn’t respond for a long while. The sight of her pulse beating at the base of her throat was in time to his dick throbbing behind his pants. Compatibility wise they were perfect, but it wasn’t about his sexual appetite for her, but this connection, this electricity running through his body every time he stared at her.

  “Are you hungry again?” he asked.

  “I just want to be with my family.” She sounded timid, and he hated the fact that he was the cause of her fear, but it was natural, reasonable. And Tolcan would just have to prove he wouldn’t harm her, because that was the last thing he wanted to do.

  “I can’t help you with your family.”

  “You and your kind have no right taking us, keeping us prisoner like this. I am here against my will. This is wrong, don’t you see that?” Her voice shook, and she started to cry. Tolcan walked up to her again, not able to help himself. He lifted his hand and wiped a tear away, but she smacked his hand away from her face. He felt his anger rise, but then couldn’t help the shock that this small human had struck him. No one, male or female, human or Rogue, had ever dared touch him in a way.

  “You have no right to touch me,” she said with a strong voice.

  He moved on her so fast she gasped. He pressed her up against the wall, inhaled deeply, and looked at her face. “You fear me, and rightly so, but I have no intentions of hurting you.” He inhaled again, loved she smelled like citrus fruit. “Your human emotions are what make you a weaker species, a target.”

  “No, emotions are what make me human. You act like a robot, like you have no desires, hopes, needs.”

  “I have needs, female.” He looked down at her body, loved that she wasn’t pushing him away, even if she was trying to mask her fear with strength. He liked that she was strong, wasn’t going to just bow because he desired it. Although truth was he wanted her to surrender, a part of him also liked she wasn’t this weakling. A mate needed to be able to hold her own, but also be smart enough to know when to back down. Only then would survival be guaranteed.

  He’d never hurt her, never even dream of it. This part of him he hadn’t even known existed rose up for this human. He wanted her to be happy, desperately, and he’d make sure he did that, make sure she grew to care for him, trust him.

  He could worry about everything else later.


  Greta was on her back in the bed, her gaze on the ceiling, and the sound of silence all around her. Since leaving the dining area where Tolcan had held her up against the wall, she’d not been able to think about anything else. She wanted to leave, or at least she should want to leave more than she felt right now.

  She’d been here for such a short time, and she missed her family and Jayce, and didn’t know what was in store for her. The only thing she did know was Tolcan, the Rogue male that terrified her on so many levels, could have taken her against her will sexually more than once. But he hadn’t.

  Yes, he’d taken her from her home, from her family, kept her captive here, but he hadn’t hurt her. He wasn’t even in the same room as she was, but she also knew a Rogue didn’t sleep more than a few hours a night. Greta didn’t know if he’d keep his word about not raping her, but for some strange reason she believed him. He didn’t have to tell her, promise her anything.

  But he had, and for some reason she was grateful to him for that. She shouldn’t feel anything but hatred for the Rogue, but God, he seemed so different from the Rogue males she’d witnessed in her life.

  She stared at the door, knew he was out there, maybe contemplating what he’d do with her, and she wished she were stronger, could defend herself more. He fed her, clothed her, even let her bathe in privacy. He gave her this room, and so far didn’t force her to do anything. A part of her wondered if this was a trick, of course, but she had this feeling it wasn’t. What point would he have to try to convince her of anything? Tolcan could easily overpower her, didn’t need to lie to placate her, and that was why everything was so confusing.

  What am I going to do?

  She breathed out and closed her eyes, rubbing her hands along her face. Greta would just have to play everything by ear, and take one day at a time. Who knew, Tolcan might actually be different from all the other Rogues she’d heard about and experienced, and if he was maybe he could help her find her family, even help her get Jayce back?


  Two days later

  Two days had passed since Greta was taken back to Tolcan’s home, and although it was strange even knowing how much time had gone by because there were devices on his wall tellin
g her the day of the week, the hour, minute, even second, she felt this sense of great loss. Technology had never been part of her life. There were humans in her underground world that worked on things, items that were, to them, technologically advanced.

  There were gadgets that could sometimes pick up on a Rogue’s transmission, and an electrical charge that was sent off from the wrist devices they used. But in her camp they didn’t have such things, or someone clever enough to create one. It didn’t matter anyway, because it wouldn’t have stopped the chain of events.

  Greta thought about Jayce, about where he was, and told herself she’d ask Tolcan, see if maybe things could be different. She loved everyone in her camp, but Jayce had always been there for her, been like a big brother. If she could save just one person from a horrible fate she’d want to at least try.

  She stared at Tolcan from across the table, feeling uncomfortable at the fact that she saw him as more of a man and not so much as this awful beast intent on corrupting her. Since her time here he’d never once tried to touch her inappropriately, never demanded she degrade herself, and a guilty part of her hated the fact that she felt comfortable at times around him.

  He was still this brooding, menacing alien male that watched her like he was about to lose it, just pounce right on her. But he controlled himself, was almost sweet to her, in a rough, hard kind of way. Greta also hated herself for not trying to leave, but searching the house, having freedom to check out what she liked, proved she really was stuck here.

  The doors, windows, even the drawers in the kitchen were also touch sensitive. They’d only open when Tolcan placed his hand on this metal pad, and then it lit up and unlocked the device.

  But looking out the window proved she was in some kind of community, walled in, with other metal-like pods scattered a good distance away. Even if she managed to get out of the house she’d have difficulty not being noticed, and then have to figure out how to get over the wall. Again, it was an impossible feat because that wall was high enough she couldn’t even see over it.


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