A Dark Truth

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A Dark Truth Page 2

by Amelia Wilson

  “I’m going.” He got up and dropped his tray by the counter before walking out.


  Gavin’s hands were trembling. It was a miracle that he managed not to choke on the sandwich he was eating earlier.

  He knew of Madison. He had listened to Easton tell stories about her and each time he did, his eyes lighted up and his actions became animated. He practically knew her just through his brother’s stories.

  Gavin had never approved of Easton’s relationship with Madison. It was not a wise thing for vampires like them to be in a relationship with mortals. Easton would only be devastated when the time comes for them to part ways, particularly when Madison meets her death. It was part of the human nature they will never get to experience when they got turned.

  She seemed to be a nice person. But Easton’s praises did not count as reliable assessment with how smitten he was.

  Despite everything, Gavin could not help but be cold toward her, who was the cause why Easton had to be nursed back into health for a week. He saw her as a danger. Her family being connected to existing families of vampire hunters was more than alarming.

  However, when he met with Easton and Madison earlier, there was a lurch in his stomach that made him uncomfortable. He felt nauseous and he had to force his throat to swallow the food.

  He averted his eyes from looking at Madison but her voice as she tried to address him ignited his nerves. He thought it was anger or annoyance but it was not. When he chanced a glance to her direction, his throat felt constricted and tingles ran down his body.

  With how uncontrollable he was becoming with every second spent with Madison, he decided to finish first and leave them. It would be unsafe to stay with how something inside him was aching to reach out and touch Madison’s face.


  “Don’t worry, he’s just a quiet person.” Easton held her hands and consoled her. It was hard for Madison to conceal her disappointment. Easton had only one family member and it turned out that he disapproved of them though he never said it out loud.

  She sighed dejectedly. “He doesn’t like me, I’m sure. He didn’t look at me even once earlier!”

  Easton smiled at her whiny tone. “He’ll warm up to you soon, believe me. He just takes time before he gets used to new people.”

  She continued eating instead of answering, pondering Easton’s words.

  She genuinely hoped to get along well with Gavin. She could wait and try, even if that meant more awkward moments and failed conversations.


  “I think this one’s better.” Madison pointed at the image on the right. Kelvin, her partner for a report, selected the image and copied it in their presentation.

  Kelvin clicked for the next slide. “These were the pictures I saw last night.” He scrolled through his files and showed her each one. She leaned closer to see them better when a hand blocked her from getting any closer.

  Startled, they both looked back and Madison was surprised to see Gavin. He was standing behind them, a hand on her shoulder, his eyes sharp while his lips were pursed. He seemed to be pissed. His hold tightened and Madison winced at the pain.

  Her reaction seemed to have snapped him out of his thoughts and he released her. “Easton’s been looking for you.” Gavin said before storming out of the room.

  Madison found it odd. Gavin was not the type to seek out for her. Judging by how he treated her as invisible, she is surprised that he was reminded of her existence and that he talked to her in his own accord.

  The encounter puzzled her even more. Easton knew where to find them; she was certain she told him earlier. It was weird that he would be looking for her as Gavin said, or even odder, that he would ask for Gavin’s help to find her. She was sure he could manage on his own if it came to that.

  “Should we continue this tomorrow? We’re halfway done right?” She began packing up her things and Kelvin did the same.

  “Okay, same time. See you.” He hurried out, pausing before going through the door. Madison followed him and her eyes widened upon spotting Gavin at the door, staring at it like it had committed a crime against him.

  “Is everything alright?”

  He only glanced at her then turned around and left her alone. Madison was dumbfounded by the undisguised hostility.


  The shelves loomed over her and she was beginning to feel jittery. She strode through the library and hurried to return the books she got.

  It felt like déjà vu. There was that nagging feeling that she was being watched, being followed. She checked her back a few times but saw no one, to her relief. But as soon as she faced front again, the uneasiness returned immediately. Madison could not wait to get out and meet Easton.

  She tiptoed and slid a book in when a hand touched her lower back and she gasped loudly in shock, facing whoever it was.

  “Easton!” Her head was reeling but she was beyond relieved that it was Easton and not anyone else.

  “What happened?”

  “Nothing. I was just surprised.” She looked at both ends of the shelves to check if there were other people. She could still feel the weight of someone’s stare but she could not pinpoint its source, not when she was practically surrounded by hundreds of books where someone could easily hide.

  Could it be Richmond?

  She dreaded the answer to her question but she knew she had to keep alert. If it was really Richmond, she had to be prepared. She was probably already marked as an ally of the vampires with how she tried to protect Easton. It would not be surprising if Richmond launches an attack against her too.

  “Are you sure?” He held her cold hands. The tension was starting to seep out of her.

  Whoever it was, they had probably gone off.

  “Yeah. I wasn’t expecting to see you here.” She averted her eyes. Easton had his way of extracting the truth out of her but she did not want to alarm him of her suspicions when she had no clear proof. It would not be wise that the two of them would be on edge for no reason.

  “You were taking too long so I came to check on you.”

  “Well that was the last of it.” She gestured at her empty hands. “Let’s go.” She held his hand and led him out, searching for any suspicious person but found none.

  Get yourself together. You’re just imagining things!


  Gavin watched as they went out of the library with their hands clasped. The sight made him boil in anger. Seeing them together did not sit well with him. Not any more of his disapproval over Madison but because he wanted her for himself.

  He walked out of the shelf he was hiding and ignored the librarian who looked at him curiously.

  His control was starting to loosen. He was restless and shaken by the mere thought of Madison spending time with other people, even if it was Easton. The other day he nearly attacked the guy who was close with Madison and he had to walk away to cool himself down.

  He desired for Madison. He craved for her attention and her touch. Gavin often found himself biting his tongue around her because his body was going crazy. His mouth watered because he wanted a taste of her. Madison was making him ballistic with want and need. He did not know until when he could stop himself from pouncing her. Gavin was near his limits. He needed to taste Madison if he wanted to salvage what little sanity he has left.


  I’m Caught in the Midst of Emotional Turbulence

  The sound from the television served as the white noise as they ate their dinner. Courtney had been cold to her since the fight between Richmond and Easton. At first, Madison understood why her aunt would be angry.

  She had every reason to she suddenly found out that Madison befriended a vampire who nearly killed the child of one of her old friends. She also knew that knowing that vampires exist must be too unbelievable that she was yet to get over the shock.

  Madison gave her the space she needed but as weeks went on and she got the same cold treatment, she tried to make amends but t
o no avail. Courtney was adamant on ignoring her.

  Steel scraped against the plates and Madison was feeling tired of their ongoing feud. She had no one left but her aunt and now, Courtney seemed to hate her to the core.

  “Are we really never going back to how we were before?” These were the words she repeated multiple times in her head and tried to revise and rephrase to sound more amiable. She braced herself for the reaction.

  Courtney stopped chewing and dropped her fork. Madison thought she would be up and leave her hanging but she stayed seated, eyes fixated on the food in her plate.

  “We can.”

  Madison perked at the response.

  “But only if you stop seeing him.” Courtney fiddled with her fork as she waited for her niece’s response.

  “I don’t understand what is wrong with Easton.” Her defenses were on high-alert, especially when it concerned Easton. She was not aware when she started caring so much for him.

  Courtney stood up so fast that her chair came tumbling down. She banged her hands on the table making Madison jump.

  “He’s a bloodsucker Madison. Isn’t that enough reason for you to stay away from him?” She shouted. Her eyes were blazing and she was fuming. Madison had never seen her so livid before.

  “I’ve known him for months and he has never hurt me. Not once.” She lied through her teeth. She had long forgiven Easton for his mistakes so for her, she was telling the truth. After the last time he sucked her blood, he never did anything to deliberately hurt her.

  Courtney scoffed and started pacing around with her arms crossed. “You think I’d believe in that?”

  “You should because it’s the truth.” Madison’s hands were trembling. She had enough of her aunt accusing Easton.

  “You’re making a huge mistake, Madison. Being with a vampire doesn’t mean you’re a character in some sort of a fairytale. If you don’t want things to get worst, it would be best if you separate ways.” Courtney contained her anger and tried to appeal.

  The statement made Madison more furious and confused. From how her aunt said it, she seemed to know something that she was not telling Madison. She kept going on about how it was a bad idea being with Easton but she never told her the real reason why she should not. Her aunt only sputtered pathetic excuses which she refused to believe. There was something she was hiding. She felt her anger but there was something more. Something akin to fear.

  “What do you mean by that?” By now, she also stood up and faced her aunt head on. This was the confrontation she was waiting for ever since that day. Her aunt tried to divert the topic whenever she tried to bring it up and this was the only time she was showing signs that she still remembered what happened and Madison was determined to keep her talking.

  Courtney was the only family she had and she would do anything to convince her that she is safe with Easton. Her acceptance would mean so much to them.

  Her aunt was taken aback by her question and she turned and tried to walk out, if not for Madison’s grip on her arm.

  “You know something. Please, let me know what’s bothering you so we can work this out.” A choke escaped Madison and she did not realize that tears started to form in her eyes.

  Courtney’s expression softened and Madison could see her struggle with the fleeting emotions flashing through her eyes. She wanted to say something. Madison was aware that her aunt had been hiding a secret that seemed to burden her more than anything. She wanted to know because she did not want her to suffer alone. She was willing to carry part of the burden if it means Courtney opening up to her.

  “I don’t know what you’re saying.”

  “No. You definitely know what I’m talking about Aunt Courtney. What is it? Tell me! What is it about Easton that you want me to stay away from him? I know it’s not just because he’s a vampire.” She was certain that she hit a nerve when her aunt gulped visibly and pulled her arm away.

  “I don’t know anything.” She hissed.

  Madison gave up and watched her back as she stomped her way up the stairs. She felt exhausted with their confrontation. Nothing was adding up and she had no clue to her aunt’s secret. Whatever it is, she had to make sure to make her confess because it obviously concerned her relationship with Easton.


  It was faint but she heard it in the dead silence of the night. Instead of panicking, she laid calmly and remained in her half-asleep state, knowing that it was Easton again who was sneaking inside her room.

  It was a habit she was not able to stop. Easton came from time to time and used her window to get in. She protested at first but soon let him be as he promised and he only wished to accompany her while sleeping.

  Admittedly, she loved the nights they spent together, cuddled beneath the warmth of her blankets. During those times, it felt like everything about them was normal. It was an alternate world where they were just a couple who enjoyed being together.

  The footsteps neared and she anticipated him lying down behind her and spooning her. What she did not expect was for a heavy weight to settle on her and large, cold hands gripping her wrists tightly.

  In shock, she was not able to struggle, still believing that it was Easton and he was just playing around. When the hold got tighter, she finally opened her eyes and was met with Gavin’s pair, which were dark and dilated.

  He looked furious and he panted heavily while staring at her, straddling her waist to cage her down. Madison was lost. The better part of her was telling her to scream and ask for help but she had to know why Gavin came barging in her room and why he looked like he was about to murder someone.

  She gulped at the unpleasant thought and forced herself to not panic. This is Gavin, Easton’s brother. He meant no harm. He had a good reason why he’s here and that’s what she should ask.

  “What,” her voice came out as a squeak. The fear was overpowering her senses. “What are you doing here?”

  Instead of answering, Gavin went straight to her neck and flicked his tongue on her skin, emitting an audible gasp from her. She started to thrash and tried to throw him off her body but he was bigger and stronger. He locked her jaw in a tight hold and forced her to meet his gaze.

  “Look at me.” He growled. Madison whimpered and she felt how he started to take over the control of her body, how numbness crawled across her torso and down to her limbs.

  The only thought running on her mind was Easton. What would he feel if he knew that his brother killed her? How would he react? Will he know about it or will Gavin make it look like somebody else did it?

  When she laid limp and she had no means to struggle, Gavin released her wrists and dipped down again her neck, licking hungrily in one area. He bared his fangs and poised it against her flesh. She could feel the start of a bite. The wound was still small and barely noticeable but there was blood seeping out.

  Gavin flicked his tongue against the wounds and moaned at the taste of Madison’s blood.

  “I knew you’d taste heavenly. No wonder Easton never seem to get enough of you.”

  Madison wanted to scream at him. To tell him that Easton was not with her just because of the taste of her blood. But she only managed to let out small yelps that did nothing to affect her assaulter.

  Gavin returned to his position and swept the remaining blood with his tongue, then he bit her again on the same spot, this time he went deeper and Madison could feel him sucking slowly, as if he was relishing the feeling.

  His hands roamed on her body, caressing her torso down to her waist. Tears prickled the edges of her eyes and they fell down in droplets, cascading down her temple.

  Gavin was moaning as he alternately licked the wound and drained blood from it. She felt him move his hips against hers and she felt horrified, thinking of the worst situation this could lead to.

  She willed herself to move, trying to remember how she managed to push Easton back then when he attacked her. He started to grind against her just when she was able to move her fingers and toes. She
was practically pleading her body to move and escape whatever magic he used against her.

  He stopped sucking and gazed at her, desire and lust reflected in his eyes. He licked the blood off his lips and lowered his head. At this point, Madison raised her hips, twisting her body to the side as much as she could, catching him off guard. He stumbled down the bed but he was quick to return and hold her down.

  Having no other way, she screamed and prayed that her aunt would hear her. Gavin covered her mouth with a hand and slapped her with the other. She could feel how sore her cheek was with the impact of the blow.

  She thrashed against him, lifting her body and hitting him with her fists but he did not budge. His nostrils flared and he ignored her hits. He was torn between leaving and killing her for good. It would not be hard for him to snap her neck but he was being held back.


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