Rock Harder: A Heavy Metal Romance (Slava Pasha Series Book 2)

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Rock Harder: A Heavy Metal Romance (Slava Pasha Series Book 2) Page 5

by A. D. Herrick

  “Brilliant, that leaves me in charge. Take a right up here at this corner.” I shook my head convivially. I allowed her to lead us up and down the busy streets. We talked incessantly about trivial things, getting to know one another. Her hand still wrapped around my bicep. The more I got to know about her the more I liked her and that scared me. The ease at which we conversed and joshed back and forth came so naturally. I felt as though I had known her my whole life. My goal to go out and get drunk was quickly replaced with the desire to spend as much time as possible with Evie.

  “Here we are.” I looked around, trying to figure out where exactly ‘here’ was. I gave Evie a questioning look, arching my eyebrow. She looked up at me innocently, batting her lashes. She stepped forward cocking a hip out, and she swept her hand up in the air and waved the other across her chest, proudly displaying the building in front of us. She looked like a model off the price is right, proudly displaying her showcase. “Be a good sport and I will reward you handsomely.” She winked and cast a seductive glance my way. My ears perked up at the prospects of a handsome reward, so many dirty, raunchy thoughts flittered through my mind in rapid succession. I licked my lips at the thought. Evie raised an eyebrow giving me a queer look, as though she knew where my mind had gone and wasn’t sure if she liked its direction or not. I sobered quickly realizing that something dirty was most likely not what she was insinuating. “I will most definitely be a very good boy. I just don’t know where we are.” Evie shook her head and chuckled. She reached for my hand, taking it in hers, her hands tiny in comparison to mine, and led me toward a small cottage like building.

  “I still don’t know where we are.” Evie giggled and leaned into me. “We are going to get a massage and possibly pedicures and manicures. It looks like you could use a shave as well.” She winked at me. “I just shaved woman.” She rolled her eyes. “You missed a spot.” She leaned in and brushed a tentative finger along the underside of my chin, sending chills down my spine. I bit my lower lip to keep myself from sweeping her in my arms and kissing her. I removed my hand from hers and swept it around her shoulder, pulling her into my side; she fit perfectly, and led her toward the shop. “Let’s go woman, I could use a good massage.” I winked down at her encouragingly. She squealed in delight at my willingness, clapping her hands and jumped up and down. The delight on her face warmed my heart. I would do just about anything to keep that joy on her face. She wrapped her arm around my waist giving me a quick squeeze and walked with me into the shop, a spring in her step.

  Evie left my side, leaving me standing in the wide open reception area of the spa, and went up to the front desk and spoke with the receptionist in hushed tones as I took in the relaxing atmosphere of the reception area. The interior of the cottage was larger than it looked on the outside, it was crisp and relaxing, pale ice blue walls with plush white furniture dotting the room, large abstract art lined the walls, lit by hidden lighting. The soft tinkling sound of Enya played in the background. I never would have come here on my own. I was glad Evie had dragged me in. I was not a spa day kind of guy. I was more of a hole in the wall pub kind of guy. But I could use something new in my life, especially if that something new included the hot blonde by my side.

  Evie rushed over to me, mischief sparkled in her eyes. “What have you done?” I asked queerly. She shrugged and pulled me into a quick hug. Her displays of affection had my axis spinning. I had never had a woman so eagerly display affection publically without ulterior motives. Even Elena had refrained from public affection. Of course, she had a reason. Fans were always eager to grope and touch me. I was lionized in crowds far too often. Though, this did not feel that way. Every look and touch from Evie felt natural and genuine. With her job, I knew she was around many celebrities. Kevin didn’t mentioned her fawning all over him or being touchy feely. Releasing me, Evie stepped back and smiled up at me shyly. “I am so excited that you agreed to do this with me. I usually have to go alone. Plus I could tell that you could use some relaxing.” My eyebrow shot up questioningly. “How can you tell that?” I asked incredulously.

  She shrugged both of her shoulders as if my question was absurd. “Your shoulders are tense; you have an almost permanent scowl on your face, and you look like your about to bite off anyone’s head that so much as looks at you crossly.” I huffed out a breath of disbelief folding my arms across my chest defiantly. “I do not scowl.” She giggled. “You also pout like a petulant child.” I uncrossed my arms, slipping my hands into the front pockets of my jeans and snorted out a breath in disbelief, turning my face away from her. “See, you’re pouting.” I turned back to her and stuck out my tongue at her, causing her to giggle. I pulled my hands out of my pocket and reached out my arms, grabbing her by the shoulders I pulled her into a bear hug. “I. Am. Not. Pouting.” I enunciated every syllable as I rocked her side to side in my embrace. She let out a string of giggles and poked me in the ribs, her delicate fingers wiggling between the bones, causing me to giggle like a school girl. I released her swiftly and wrapped my arms around myself, holding my ribs as she laughed so hard she got a stitch in her side. She wrapped her arms around her waist as she giggled. Her cheeks flush with merriment. “You evil woman, tickling a helpless man.” I playfully chastised. Our laughter echoed off the walls in the almost silent room. Her tinkling laughter stirred my dick.

  A woman clearing her voice ended our ribbing, calling our attention to her. Evie and I straightened up and stood at attention like scolded children. She stood in white scrubs, her dark hair pulled back in a tight bun that must have given her a headache. “My name is Anna. I will be overseeing your visit to Rejuvenate Spa. If you need anything please let me know. Our goal here is to make sure you receive the most relaxing and rejuvenating experience. Giving you the utmost care and catering to all of your needs is our pleasure. If you should need anything at all during your visit, please let me or one of our staff know. If you would both follow me.” She briskly turned on her heels and walked away, expecting us to follow. We did so, obediently. I cast a quick glance at Evie. She caught my eye and giggled silently behind her hand, her shoulders shaking with laughter. I shook my head in amusement. Evie reached out and took my hand in hers, smiling up at me warmly. Her tiny palm pressed against my giant one. I stroked her thumb with the pad of mine in small circles absentmindedly and returned her smile.

  Anna stopped in front of a large wooden door and turned to face us. “When you enter the room, disrobe and put on the robes you will find hanging on the hook. Sasha will be in with you shortly for your couples relaxing and rejuvenating Hydrotherapy.” Evie and I exchanged quick glances and nodded our heads in understanding. Anna opened the door and ushered Evie and I in, shutting the door behind us. Evie and I both gasped at the large room. The pale ice blue walls had continued into the room, an oversized white fluffy couch sat against one wall and gauzy white drapes framed two changing areas. The room matched the reception area; the lights were dimmed giving to the ambiance one would expect from a romantic setting. Low music played from hidden speakers.

  “A couples package, huh?” I asked in amusement. Evie spun on her heels to face me, shrugged her shoulder and winked at me. She unbuckled the belt around her waist, letting it drop to the floor, then reached down to the hem of her dress and swiftly pulled it up over her head. My jaw dropped to the floor, my eyes nearly bulging out of the sockets. “Try not to drool.” She said flippantly before turning on her heels and walking toward the changing area, leaving her dress in a heap on the floor. My cock was stiff as a rod watching her hips sway as she walked away. My eyes glued to the white lacy boy shorts she wore, her fibblets hanging out the bottom. I ached to sink my teeth in to the tender flesh of her ass. The white lace bra she wore left little to the imagination. I wanted to wrap my lips around the tender dusky flesh of her nipples, cupping her breast in my hand. I was rooted to the floor, watching her walk away. Before she rounded the curtain she glanced back over her shoulder at me and my heart stopped beating in my ches
t. “Don’t just stand there. It’s time to get undressed.” She said blithely. Chewing at her bottom lip she walked out of view. This woman was going to be the death of me. I rushed to the other curtain ripping my clothes off as I went.

  I heard the door open as I was securing the belt of the robe around me. “Are you both ready?” Sasha called. “Yes.” Evie and I answered in unison. Walking out from behind the curtain I kept my hands crossed in front of me at the waist. My hard on had not gone down since Evie took off her dress and walked away, flashing me a glimpse of that amazing body she had. The little Vixen. “If you will follow me, we will start with Hydrotherapy, we have your Milk and Honey soak waiting.” Sasha said cheerfully. Evie came around and grabbed my hand, pulling me along with her.

  I was still too stunned to even think, I allowed her to lead me away. My minds soul focus was on Evie’s body, I watched her ass as she walked slightly ahead of me. We entered the room attached to the changing room. A large stone tub sat in the middle. “I will leave so that you may disrobe and enter the tub. Please remember to relax. Lean back and close your eyes. Honey is rich in antibacterial, antioxidant and antifungal properties and the milk is rich in minerals and vitamins. This soak will provide you with the combined properties along with soft supple skin. I will be in shortly to check on you. If you need any assistance feel free to call for me. I will be just outside the door.” Sasha provided clinically. Evie smiled up at Sasha. “We will be just fine, thank you.” Sasha nodded and walked away.

  “Let’s get you out of this robe.” Evie turned to face me and pulled the end of the sash, freeing the robe, her eyes raking over my body, her gaze stopping at my erect cock. Her cheeks flushed pink and she looked away as the robe fell open and I shrugged out of it. “Your turn.” I suggested, Evie looked up at me, her eyes burning into mine. Her cheeks brightened bashfully as I pulled the end of her sash freeing her robe as well. Evie winked at me as she shrugged out of her robe, allowing it to fall into a puddle at her feet. She then took my hand and led me to the waiting tub. I watched her ass as she climbed the steps to get in. I reached out and allowed my fingers to trace the curve of her luscious bum, electricity shot through my finger at the touch of her skin, the zinging sensation causing my dick to twitch in response.

  She stepped in the tub and held her hand out for me to take. I pulled the elastic band off my wrist and pulled my long hair into a man bun high on my head. I took Evie’s offered hand and held it as I stepped up and into the tub. Warm creamy white liquid caressed my skin as I stepped in. I lowered myself into the tub, hiding my erection. I wrapped my arm around her, pulling her into my side. Evie sank in against me. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes.

  Evie sighed in content against me. “You are one of few guys I have seen that can pull off the man bun.” I tilted my head down and places a chaste kiss on her crown. “Thanks.” I mumbled tilting my head back against the tub and closing my eyes. Her hand rested on my upper thigh. Her head tossed back, against my arm. “I couldn’t think of a better way to relax.” Evie whispered in a hushed, relaxed tone. I moaned my agreement. “Mmmm”. “What made you decide on a couple’s spa trip?” Evie snuggled in closer to me. “I told you, you looked like you could use the relaxation, and I didn’t want to go alone.” I couldn’t help the goofy grin that spread across my face. “No ulterior motives?” I teased. “Maybe. Perhaps, I wanted to see you naked.” I chuckled softly. ‘All you had to do was ask.” I said smugly. I felt her shake her head. “No, tried that. You said no.” she replied deadpan.

  I cracked an eye open and looked down at her. Her head was thrown back and her eyes closed. She looked so peaceful and content there against me. “When did you try?” Curiosity getting the better of me. She gave a slight shrug of the shoulder. “Last night, at the pub. I asked you to come back to my place and you declined. You said I wasn’t a good time girl, that I was a keeper.” I sat up abruptly, my back ram rod straight, pulling her into a seated position against me. I looked down at her. Taking in her angelic face, I saw sincerity in her eyes. “It’s the truth. You’re not the kind of girl I would want to use for a night.” All told her in earnest. She looked up at me, studying my face. “Are you against having more than a one night stand?” She asked tentatively. I knew I couldn’t feed her a line of bull shit. She deserved more than that. “I’m not against it. I just got out of a relationship. I don’t think I’m ready to jump right back into one.” I told her honestly.

  Understanding flickered across her face. “When did you guys break up?” I studied her face a moment, licking my lips before I answered. I watched as she studied my lips, watching my tongue sweep across them, her gaze made my dick twitch. “Oh about twenty four hours ago or so, give or take, considering the time difference.” I admitted. Her eyes widened as her lips formed in an O. I bit at my lower lip, watching hers. They formed a perfect circle. I shouldn’t be so aroused considering the topic of conversation but my lower appendage apparently didn’t receive the memo. He didn’t care how inappropriate an erection was for this conversation. He cared about burying himself deep inside Evie.

  ”Would you like to talk about it?” She asked nervously, her teeth worrying away at her lower lip. I sucked in a deep breath, inwardly begging my cock to settle down. “Not particularly.” She sucked in her lower lip, her eyes staring at the wall behind me in thought. “It would do you some good. Think of this as a way to expel all of the negative. You lay back, I’ll lay here beside you and we will close our eyes and you can tell me all about it. After you have, we won’t have to talk about it again. But I think it would do you some good to let it out.” I tilted my head in disbelief. “So if I lay here and spill out my wreck of a relationship we won’t have to talk about it again?” my brow quirked skeptically. “Scouts honor.” She said placing two fingers over her heart. I gave her a disbelieving look. “You were never a scout. How will I know this won’t be your next article that I will read all of the sordid details on some rag magazine?”

  She looked at me in horror, her face and neck turning scarlet, her eyes narrowed into slits as anger took her over. “I am not here in a professional manor. I told you, I don’t write TMZ smut. I actually have integrity!” Her voice raising an octave as she spoke. “Okay, Okay. I believe you. I will tell you.” I held my hands up in surrender. I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her in against me, her body was rigid with the anger that coursed through her. I leaned back with her in my arms and closed my eyes. Taking in a deep breath to calm my nerves, I felt her slowly begin to relax against me.

  I told her all about Elena, from meeting her for a consultation down to me leaving Phoenix in a rush after seeing her with her husband. As I told Evie the whole story I began to realize something. I never loved Elena. Sure I cared about her and her wellbeing. But I didn’t truly love her. I wasn’t in love with her. I was more in love with the idea of having someone with me, someone by myside, instead of a different woman every night. The realization both soothed my broken heart and terrified me. Would I always succumb to a woman out of need? How would I know that what I felt was true or just my desire to not be alone? Though my heart no longer ached with the crushing pain Elena had inflicted, my mind felt numb with confusion.

  “That is horrible Nik. I am so sorry you had to endure all of that.” Her voice laced with compassion. “I have to ask. Was Dark Tide’s benefit concert for you?” I shook my head. “No, I may have inspired it, but Kevin and the guys did it to bring awareness and help benefit the families that have suffered. They are really good guys. They’re like brothers to me.” Evie snuggled in against me, her anger wiped away. “You are so strong and brave.” The tenderness in her voice warmed my heart, causing it to swell. I leaned down and placed a kiss on her crown. This is the type of woman any man would be lucky to have. I hugged her into me, closing my eyes. I relaxed for the first time, Evie’s small frame hugged up against me felt just right.

  Chapter Seven

  No sooner had I fully relaxed and gotten comfortab
le with Evie by my side, Sasha came back in, setting a pile of towels down on a stool she placed beside the tub, she informed us that it was time for our body scrubs, then quickly spun on her heels and exited the room. I groaned at the loss of Evie’s body against mine as she got up, stepping out of the tub. I admired her backside as I watched creamy white droplets slid down her back and over the curve of her ass. Without thinking I palmed my cock and stroked it. I knew it was wrong to get off right in front of her. But I couldn’t help but sneak in a few tugs. A moan escaped my lips causing Evie to look over her shoulder at me. My cheeks flushed, knowing she had caught me. I watched as a blush of recognition bloomed across her cheeks. She winked and bent down, giving me a prefect view of her glorious ass, and picked up a towel. Her movements slow and sensuous, she knew what she was doing; teasing me with every delicious inch of her fully exposed body She slowly wrapped the towel around her body.


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