Rock Harder: A Heavy Metal Romance (Slava Pasha Series Book 2)

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Rock Harder: A Heavy Metal Romance (Slava Pasha Series Book 2) Page 7

by A. D. Herrick

  My body froze as I felt the blade in Anne’s hand touch my cheek. “Now, that’s much better.” Anne said in a calm voice. I exhaled slowly as she pulled the blade along my skin. Anne began to hum again as she worked, I could swear it was a song from Sweeny Todd. I opened my eyes and looked over at her. The mischief in her eyes twinkled and she winked at me. She freakin’ winked at me!

  Anne finished with my shave and wiped my face with a warm wet cloth and then applied some aftershave balm to my freshly shaven skin. The slight tingle felt good. “I like that Anne.” She beamed at me. “Good, I will add it to your bag as well.” I winked at her. “Okay, are you ready for the new Nikolia Von?” She asked, her eyes shone with delight at her handiwork. I arched an eyebrow. “You know who I am?” She rolled her eyes at me, cocking out a hip and resting her hand on it. “Of course I know who you are. I have all of your albums.” I smiled brightly. “You closet rocker. Here you were giving me a hard time.” She laughed and looked slightly embarrassed. “Well, yes, I knew who you were and I am a closet rocker. However, you my friend were desperately in need of a new look. I have been following you since I was a teenager. Your hair and image fit you then, but you and your music have matured and I thought you could use a look that would show exactly that. Something less homeless looking.” She looked down embarrassed by her outburst, a smile playing on her lips.

  “Hey.” I reached out and placed my hand over hers. “You’re right. I have been stuck in the past. Thank you for pulling me into the twenty-first century.” She looked up bashfully and gave me a small smile. “Even though I don’t know how I look. I trust your judgement.” She smiled proudly. “Do you have tickets to our show tomorrow night?” She shook her head. “No, they were sold out.” I nodded in understanding. “I will have a few tickets sent over if you promise to come backstage and say hey after the show.” She jumped up and down and clapped her hands together, excitement written all over her face. “Are you serious?” I laughed at her child like excitement. “Yes, I’m serious. I can’t have you miss out on my big debut of my new look which you happen to give me.” She beamed and she swayed side to side. “Thank you so very much Nik!” I tilted my head at her. “You’re welcome Anne. Now show me my new look.” Anne snapped to attention and practically skipped to the table to grab a hand mirror.

  She came back with the mirror and a small black jar. “Hold still so I can apply the finishing touches. I am also adding one of these to your bag. Be sure to use it, Nik.” She placed the mirror face down in my lap and dipped her finger into the jar. She pulled out a sticky substance and rubbed it around the palms of her hands. Once satisfied, she ran her fingers through my hair starting at the front. She dragged them along to the base of my hair line. Repeating the process several times, she worked as she explained what she was doing and instructing me how to apply it on my own. Apparently my new cut required texturing.

  She finished and wiped her hands on a towel on the back of the chair. Lifting the mirror out of my lap she thrust it out toward me in a hurried rush, eager to see my reaction. I hesitantly raised the mirror to my face. My breath caught in my chest as I stared at my reflection. She had textured and layered the top giving me enough to style tapering it down as she went, she had cleaned the lines up along the back and sides making it look messy yet intentional. She shaved off my sideburns and gave me a smooth clean shave all around. I looked ten years younger. I truly felt like a whole new man, but I still felt like me. I was surprised that I actually loved it. I felt more me, if that makes any sense. I looked up at her, my eyes bright with shock and amazement.

  “Do you hate it?” Anne asked nervously, her hands covering her mouth. I shook my head slowly. “Anne, you did an amazing job.” I reached out and yanked her in to a brief hug. She laughed nervously before stepping away. I stood and looked at myself in the mirror across the room. “Seriously Anne, you are a miracle worker.” Anne blushed at my praise. “Don’t go getting all sentimental, Nik. I can’t wait to see your girlfriend’s reaction.” I froze at the mention of Evie being my girlfriend. The thought warmed me more than it should. I would have loved to call Evie mine. Maybe there wasn’t a time limit on getting into a new relationship. I turned to Anne beaming. “I think she will love it.”

  I followed Anne back to the changing room we had first started in. “You get dressed. Evie has already finished and is waiting for you in the reception room.” I nodded my head at her. Anne shut the door behind her as I turned to get dressed. I slipped my clothes on and checked my jeans pocket for my phone. I felt it there, Tiffany had returned it. I breathed out a sigh of relief. When I finished tying my shoes I stood and pulled my phone out of my pocket. I had twenty-seven missed calls and eighty-five text messages. I scanned trough the text, they were from Katinka and the guys and a few from Elena. I skipped past the text from Elena, deleting them without reading them. I read through the other messages, they were all wondering where I was and asking if I was okay. I sent a group text to them letting them know I was fine and had been at the spa with Evie.

  Glancing through my missed calls I saw they were all from the same people. I locked my phone screen and slipped it back in my pocket as Nathan opened the door. He gave a low whistle at my new haircut. “Anne worked wonders on you bro.” I chuckled. “Yeah, she is a Nazi when it comes to hair man.” Nathan chuckled. “Come on, your lady awaits.” I slipped Nathan my card. “I want to take care of the day. Even though I know Evie will protest.” Nathan nodded in understanding. “I’ll be right back.”

  Nathan returned with my card and I was sure to leave everyone a very generous tip. This day with Evie had been absolutely wonderful and it was in thanks to them that it went off the way it did. I left Anne a special tip for the wonders she did on my hair. I gave the payment book back to Nathan. He slipped it in his back pocket and motioned for me to follow him. As I stepped into the reception area my eyes found Evie. She looked absolutely stunning. Her hair had been cut to frame her fame, the soft waves spilling down her shoulders. Her eyes lit up in shock as she took me in. Her pink glossy lips formed an ‘O’. I did a quick spin and winked at her.

  “Oh Nicky! You look great. I almost didn’t recognize you.” Her eyes raked over my body. I saw the shock on her face give way to desire. I cocked my head and gave her a lopsided grin. “Is that a good thing or…” Before I could finish Evie flung herself into my arms and crushed her lips to mine. “A very good thing” she said against my lips. I wrapped my arms around her and deepened the kiss. Someone clearing their throat behind us reminded us that we were in a public place. Evie pulled away, I reluctantly released her. I turned to see Anne leaned against the door frame. Her eye brow cocked in amusement. “I think she likes it.” I told her cockily. “It appears so. Now take your woman somewhere more romantic than the Spa.” She said with a knowing smirk. I tipped an imaginary cap in her direction and then pointed a knowing finger at her. She nodded her head at me then spun on her heels and walked away. The clacking of her heels fading with her retreat.

  Evie looked up at me quizzically. I just shook my head. I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her into me. “I think that I may be ready for more than just a good time.” Evie’s eyebrows shot up into her hairline. “Is that so?” I nodded my head and bent to bury it in the crook of her neck as I pulled her flush against me. “She that a bad thing?” I asked into her hair. Her arms wrapped around me, one hand grasping the back of my neck, the other hand fisting the back of my head. Her nails against my scalp felt like heaven. “Nik, I want nothing more than to be yours.” She whispered in my ear. A shiver of desire ran down my spine. I growled against her ear. “How about we go back to your place, order some takeout and check out our spa day pictures?” I heard her sigh against my ear. Her hot breath against my ear and her breast pressed against my chest causing my cock to stir. “That sounds like a perfect plan. But first, let’s take a selfie.” I chuckled. I pulled away and pulled my phone out of my pocket. Punching in my passcode I activated the camera. I pul
led Evie in front of me and held out my arm to get us both in the picture. I snapped a few shots of us. Posing together, kissing, and making silly faces. I hadn’t felt this happy in as long as I could remember. “You ready to go babe?” I asked Evie. “Yeah, let’s get out of here. I can’t wait to get you naked.” My cock jerked in my pants at her bluntness. I grabbed Evie’s hand and lead her out of the Spa.

  Chapter Nine

  Stepping out on to the street Evie and I were swarmed by paparazzi, cameras flashed as questions were shouted at us. “Who is your girlfriend?” “When are you getting married?” “Is it true Kiev is leaving the band?” “Why the makeover?” “Is it true the band is breaking up?” “Is your sister the Yoko Ono of the band?” “Why did you cut your hair?”

  I grabbed Evie’s hand in a tight grip and ran with her across the street. I felt her pull against my hand, her legs unable to keep up with my stride. I looked back to see if the paparazzi were following and ran right into someone. My free hand shot out to grab the arm of the person I ran into. Evie clung to my arm. Her eyes wild with fright as her head wiped back and forth between me and the encroaching mob of paparazzi. “I’m so sorry.” I said as the woman righted herself. I turned my head to look at her, and makes sure she was alright, my eyes locking on to hers. “Nik?” Stunned I stepped back, knocking into Evie. I felt her free hand wrap around my bicep to steady us both. “Elena? What are you doing here?” My heart stood still in my chest. Paled, my eyebrows shot straight to my hairline. I was shocked beyond reason, my throat dry, I tried to swallow. “Nicky, we have to go.” Evie begged as she tugged on my arm. I glanced back at her frightened face. The fear in her eyes seized my heart. I looked back to find Elena staring at my hand locked around Evie’s. Gripping Evie’s hand more firmly, I pushed past Elena, pulling Evie along. I turned my head to look back at Evie, gaging her reaction to running into Elena. “I’m so sorry Evie. I didn’t know they would be out there.” I called back to her. “Just get me out of here Nik.” She cried her voice timid and frightened.

  We ran several blocks before I was able to hail a cab. I opened the door and ushered Evie in, climbing in behind her. Evie gave the driver her address. I pulled her against my chest, wrapping my arms around her. “I’m so sorry.” I whispered against her hair. “Nicky, how did they find us?” She asked, her voice quivering. I rested my head against hers. “I don’t know baby. I hate to think that someone from the spa tipped them off.” Maybe someone saw us go in. “Is that what it’s always like for you?” Evie asked in horror. I sighed. “In bigger cities, when they know we are up to something, yes. When we are in smaller towns or far enough from the big city, it’s like we are regular people. Most people don’t recognize us when they see us. It’s the paparazzi that give us away. It’s their mission in life to scrounge up any gossip they can get on us. With London being the first stop on our UK tour and with us opening with Dark Tide, they are on the lookout for any of us to show up in public.” Evie sighed against my chest, her body still shaking from being chased.

  Evie had calmed by the time we reached her flat. I climbed out and held out a hand for her. I let out a breath of relief when she took my hand. I was so worried she would tell me to hit the bricks. “Do you still want me to come up?” I asked hesitantly. Evie turned her bright blue eyes on me and gave me a nervous smile, her eyes unable to read. “Of course. I refuse to let those leeches ruin our evening.” I smiled grateful that she wasn’t giving up on us before we had a chance to start. I pulled her into a tight embrace. Evie pulled away and grabbed me by the hand, dragging me to the entrance of the building. “We better get inside before we are mobbed again.” I puffed out my cheeks and let out an exaggerated breath. “Your right.” I followed her into the building and up the two flights of stairs to her flat.

  “Your elevator broken?” I asked curiously as we reached the landing to her floor. She shook her head. “No, I just like to get in some exercise so I avoid the elevator every chance I get.” I dipped my head, nodding my understanding and shoved my hands into my pockets. We reached her flat door and I rocked back on my heels as I waited for her to unlock the door. She slid the key in the lock and it gave with an audible click. She swung the door open and stepped through flicking the light switch as she entered. She motioned with her hand for me to follow over her shoulder. I walked in and closed the door behind me, locking it out of habit. Evie tossed her purse on a table in foyer and kicked off her shoes. I followed suit. “Would you like a drink?” she asked over her shoulder as she walked into the small kitchen off the foyer. “Sure.” I replied nervously.

  Evie wasn’t being cold, but she was acting different since we got into the building. Evie came out of the kitchen with two beers in her hands. “Let’s have a seat.” She motioned with her head toward the couch sitting in the middle of the living room. Her apartment was modest, I had expected it to be girly and reflect her personality, however, it was very modern and sparsely decorated. I sat on the edge of the plush couch. ”Have you lived here long.” She nodded her head handing me a beer before sitting on the opposite end of the couch. “Two years.” The space between us bothered me more than it should. We had just spent six hours together at the spa and could barely keep our hands off one another. Now that we were alone it felt as though there was an ocean of space between us. I missed the warmth of her body, the sweet smell of her skin.

  “Who was that woman?” There it was the reason for the coolness. The biggest mistake of my adult life. I dropped my head in defeat. Thank you, Elena for completely ruining my life. “That was Elena, the woman I told you about.” Evie turned to face me, pulling her knees underneath her. “The one that you found with her husband in Phoenix?” Her brows furrowed in confusion. I turned to face her, my beer cradled in both of my hands. “Yup, the very one.” Evie cocked her head to the side, her eyes squinting, as she tried to connect the dots, but failing. “What was she doing here?” I let out a deep breath and shrugged my shoulders, just as perplexed. “Beats me. I haven’t spoken to her in a week.” Evie’s face scrunched up. “But I thought you broke up the other day.” I set my beer on the table and turned my body to face Evie, my back against the arm of the couch.

  “I didn’t talk to her before I took off to Phoenix. Just a few text messages here and there. I went to Phoenix a day early to surprise her. When I saw her with her husband I stayed and watched. I couldn’t wrap my mind around what my eyes were seeing. Before I Left she looked out and saw me there. I got in my car and drove straight to the airport. She has called and text more times than I can count. I don’t read the text or answer the calls, since that night. I ignore the calls and I delete the text. I was planning on blocking her but I hadn’t gotten that far yet, my mind had kind of been preoccupied with someone else.”

  Evie jerked back and looked at me like I had slapped her. “Who has your mind been on?” Evie asked indignantly, her eyes shooting daggers into me. I Smirked and shook my head in disbelief. “You woman, my mind had been running rampant with thoughts of you since I first laid eyes on you.” Evie’s face softened and her lip trembled; a sweet innocence took over her face. She crawled across the couch and into my lap, straddling me. I wrapped my arms around her pulling her into me.

  Resting her head against my chest, Evie balled her hand in my shirt. “Do you want her back?” She asked her nerves betraying her as her voice broke. I gave her a slight squeeze. “No, I have all I want right here. It took being with you today for me to realize I was never in love with Elena and it would have never worked with her.” I rested my chin on her crown. “How did being with me help?” I smiled against her hair. “Well, let’s see. When I’m around you, my heart beats a mile a minute. It never did that with her. You make me smile and laugh where as she never took me to the heights of joy as you have. You will go out in public and be seen with me. She wanted to hide away in a hotel every time we saw one another.” Evie rose up and arched a skeptical eyebrow. I gave a low chuckle. “No, not like that. She never wanted to be seen
in public with me. She would rather hang out in the hotel room, order room service. She didn’t want any link between the two of us. I was blind to the matter. I just believed her when she told me she had a fondness for hotels.”

  Evie pressed her lips to mine in a soft chaste kiss. “While I love spending time with you and I don’t mind being in public with you, tonight was a bit intense with the mob.” I nodded in understanding. “I know, it happens sometimes, but it’s rare. We may be a somewhat big deal, but very few people pay attention to heavy metal music, so we don’t get as much fan fair. We have a following, of course, but unless you are doing something crazy to draw attention to yourself, we are mostly left alone.” Her head bobbed in understanding. Her hands cupped the sides of my face as she drew my face to hers. She rested her forehead against mine and looked deep into my eyes. “It will take a lot more than some annoying paparazzi and a stalker ex-girlfriend to scare me away.” I crushed my lips to hers in relief. I was so afraid she would run. I wouldn’t have blamed her. This life is a lot to take in for someone who has never experienced it, and then you add in a stalking ex-girlfriend. I groaned inwardly. I would have to do something about her.

  I wrapped my arms around Evie, lifting her up and laying her down on the couch, my body covering hers. Her legs wrapped around instinctively around my waist. I deepened our kiss. My hand fisting her hair. She moaned against my lips. Her hips thrust up to meet mine. I groaned. Leaning on my elbow, caressing the side of her breast with my free hand, testing the waters. She wrapped one arm around my neck, running her nails along my scalp, sending shivers of delight down my spine and straight to my cock. Her other hand she ran up the back of my shirt, dragging her nails down my spine. The sensation went straight to my balls, causing them to tighten, electric pulses zinged straight to my cock. My jeans tightened against my growing appendage.


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