76 As quoted in Martin, Wilhelm Reich and the Cold War. Martin sources the quote as coming from “Documents dating from early FBI assessments of Reich as a national security risk [, which] contained Otto Fenichel’s privately spoken slander” (419).
77 Ibid., 415, 416.
78 As an example, see the video Man’s Right to Know: The Wilhelm Reich Story, 2002, the Wilhelm Reich Infant Trust.
While this has been a profoundly interesting book to write, I have been fraught with emotional ambivalence about its subject matter. Fortunately a number of people have rendered assistance to me along the way and have helped to enhance my narrative on the evolution of Reich’s life and thought. While there have been some sharp disagreements, my interlocutors have always been gracious and thoughtful in rendering comments. First, I should like to thank Mary Boyd Higgins, director of the Wilhelm Reich Infant Trust and editor of the English translations of Reich’s books, for her careful reading of the manuscript. She has always been willing to make hard-to-find material available to me and to discuss relevant biographical data.
Among Reichians I should like to thank Amaro Reyes, M.D., for his clinical perspectives on Reich; our discussions have proved to be quite valuable. Patricia J. Middleton, M.D., helped me refine my psychobiographical reflections and has been a good friend. James Strick, professor of the history of science, helped me to see the implications of Reich’s scientific research for both biology and physics and correct some of my early misconceptions. He also made suggestions as to specific wordings. Andrew Kahn read the manuscript carefully and made some tart, focused comments.
The work of my friend Carl Fulwiler, M.D., Ph.D., combines psychiatry and neuroscience in such a way that he still remains friendly to depth psychology. Our innumerable conversations over several decades have shaped the background of my thinking. My friend Kathryn Kimball, a professor of creative writing and literature as well as a gifted poet, has helped me to find more judicious and creative ways of rendering my thoughts. To my editor at Farrar, Straus and Giroux, Paul Elie, I am especially grateful for showing me many ways to make my text and my ideas clearer and richer. And finally, I must thank my wife, Sara Henry-Corrington, professor of art history, for her comments on the manuscript, for our many conversations on the relationship between psychopathology and the arts, and above all for pursuing her own work and thereby providing a goad to my efforts.
The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages of your eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.
abandonment, feelings of
Abraham, Karl
Adler, Alfred
aggressive drive
Annuncaation, The (Rossetti)
anthropology; of Malinowski; of Marx; philosophical
anxiety; contact; in neurotic character types; orgone and; in phobias; sexual stasis and; see also castration anxiety
Aquinas, Thomas
archetypes, Jungian
armoring; in authoritarian society; body; cancer and; emotional; emotional plague and; neurotic character types and; patriarchy and; religion and; in schizophrenia
Atwood, George E.
Beethoven, Ludwig van
Bergson, Henri
Beyond the Pleasure Principle (Freud)
Bibring, Grete
Binswanger, Ludwig
bioenergy, see orgone
Bloch, Ernst
borderline personality disorder
Boulanger, Ghislaine
Brady, Mildred Edie
Breuer, Josef
Bruno, Giordano
Bultmann, Rudolph
Cancer Biopathy, The (Reich)
capitalism; gender issues and
“Case of Pubertal Breaching of the Incest Taboo, A” (Reich)
Cassirer, Ernst
castration anxiety; armoring and; emotional plague and; masturbation and; narcissistic defense against; premature ejaculation and; transference and
Cattier, Michel
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
Character Analysis (Reich)
Charcot, Jean-Martin
Chesser, Eustace
Christian Democrats
Christology; in Nazism; of Reich
Civilization and Its Discontents (Freud)
class consciousness; sexuality and
Clifford, John D.
clitoral sexuality; repressed
“Coition and the Sexes” (Reich)
compulsion neurosis
compulsive character
“Concerning Specific Forms of Masturbation” (Reich)
“Concerning the Energy of the Drives” (Reich)
conversion hysteria
Cosmic Superimposition (Reich)
Council of Conservative Citizens
Darwin, Charles
death drive
depression, psychotic
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV)
Discovery of the Orgone, The (Reich)
Dissociative Identity Disorder
Don Juanism
dreams; in “palimnestic method,” symbolic semiotic structure of
“Drive and Libido Concepts from Forel to Jung” (Reich)
drives; partial; secondary
Early Writings (Reich)
eating disorders
Ecce Ancilla Domini (Rossetti)
Eckhart, Meister
ecstasies, myth of
ego; armoring and; consciousness and; of hysterical character; of masochistic character
ego drives
ego ideal
Einstein, Albert
Eissler, Kurt
emotional plague
enforced monogamy
Engels, Friedrich
epistemology, existential
Ether, God and Devil (Reich)
existential epistemology
fantasies: aggressive; masturbation; sadistic
Faust (Goethe)
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Federn, Paul
Fenichel, Otto
firstness (Peirce)
Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
free association
Freud, Anna
Freud, Sigmund; ambivalence concept of; anxiety theory of; cancer of; on castration complex; described by Reich; dream theory of; drive theory of and gender issues; heroic myth of; hypnosis technique of; id concept of; on incest taboo; Judaism and; Jung’s break with; libido theory of; on masochism; on narcissism; and psychosis; Reich’s Oedipal struggle against; Reich’s synthesis of Marx and; rejection of Reich as analysand by; on religious ritual; on repressed memory; studies in Paris of; sublimation concept of; therapeutic technique of; on transference
Führer principle
Function of the Orgasm, The (Reich); first edition of, see Genitality in the Theory and Therapy of Neurosis
“Further Remarks on the Therapeutic Significance of Genital Libido” (Reich)
Fury on Earth (Sharaf)
Gaasland, Gertrud
gender issues; castration anxiety and; in masturbatory practices; see also patriarchy
genital character
genitality; see also orgasm; poten
cy, genital
Genitality in the Theory and Therapy of Neurosis (Reich)
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
Greeks, ancient
guilt; about masturbation Oedipal and post-Oedipal; sexual; of taboo violation
Harvard University
Hegel, G.W.F.
Heidegger, Martin
hero myth
Higgins, Mary Boyd
Hitler, Adolf; autobiography of; Catholics opposed to; emergence of phenomenon of; swastika symbol of
Hölderlin, Friedrich
Huxley, Thomas
hysterical character
“Hysterical Psychosis in Statu Nascendi, A” (Reich)
Ibsen, Henrik
id; of hysterical character; orgone and
impotence; facultative
impulsive character
“Impulsive Character, The” (Reich)
incest taboo
infantile sexuality
inferiority feelings; narcissism and
Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse
International Psychoanalytic Association
International Psychoanalytic Congresses
Interpretation of Dreams (Freud)
Invasion of Compulsory Sex Morality, The (Reich)
irony, defensive
James, William
Janet, Pierre
Jesus; see also Christology
Jews, see Judaism
Judaism; Christ and; of Freud; millennial tradition of; Nazism and; Spinoza’s view of; theology of history in; see also anti-Semitism
Jung, Carl; break with Freud; and castration complex; categorical framework of; devil concept of; dream theory of; hero myth of; on neurosis; and psychosis; sexual transgressions of; shadow concept of; on social persona; teleological model of; on unconscious
Kahn, Lore
Kant, Immanuel
Kepler, Johannes
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
Kristeva, Julia
Lacovara, Dominick J.
Lange, August
Laszky, Lia
Lenin, V. I.
Leningrad Red Times
Lewisburg Federal Penitentiary
libido; in character analysis; Freud’s theory of; genital Jungian concept of; sublimation and; in transference; see also orgone; sexuality
Lindenberg, Elsa, see Reich, Elsa Lindenberg
Listen, Little Man! (Reich)
Lott, Trent
Luther, Martin
Malinowski, Bronislaw
Mann, Thomas
Martin, Jim
Marx, Karl
masochism; emotional; masturbation and; narcissism and; patriarchy and
masochistic character
Mass Psychology of Fascism, The (Reich)
masturbation; in childhood; narcissism and; tics as equivalent of
matriarchy; reality principle in; work-democracy and
Mein Kampf (Hitler)
memory, repressed
Michelson-Morley experiments
Miller, Alice
Mills, Peter
monogamy; enforced
multiple personality disorder
Murder of Christ, The (Reich)
Mussolini, Benito
mysticism, fascist
Napoleon I, Emperor of the French
narcissism; see also phallic-narcissistic character
Nazism; Christology of; deconstruction of mythos of; endorsed by German churches; Jews and; patriarchy in; propaganda of; religious mysticism in
neuroses; compulsion; partial drives and; psychoses versus; sexual repression in; sexual stasis and
neurotic character; contactlessness and; schizophrenia versus; stages of therapy for; types of
New Republic, The
New School for Social Research
Newton, Isaac
Nietzsche, Friedrich
Nuremberg Laws
Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder
oceanic experience
Oedipal conflicts; castration anxiety and; displacement of; emotional plague and; fascism and; of Hitler; masturbation and; neurotic character types and; of Newton; patriarchy and; in Reich’s challenge to Freud; topical model of; transference and; Trobriand Islanders and; unresolved, from Reich’s childhood
Ollendorff, Ilse, see Reich, Ilse Ollendorff
“On Genitality” (Reich)
orgasm; fear of; life energy and; time differential between male and female; see also potency, genital
orgone; Christology and; cosmic; Einstein and; existential epistemology and; in schizophrenia; semiotics and
orgone accumulator
Orgone Therapy (Reich)
Orgonomic Functionalism (journal)
“Orgonomic Pulsation” (Reich)
Orgonon research colony (Rangeley, Maine)
paganism, Nazi
“palimnestic method,”
pan nature myth
Parsons, William B.
Passion of Youth (Reich)
patriarchy; armoring and; biopathologies in; capitalism and; emotional plague under; fascism and id under; incest taboo and; psychoanalysis and; religion and (see also Christianity; Judaism); sexuality and; war and; see also Oedipal conflicts
Peer Gynt (Ibsen)
Peirce, C. S.; evolution of science theory of; ontological categories of; and semiotics
penis envy
Phaedrus (Plato)
phallic-narcissistic character
Philip II, King of Spain
Pink, Annie, see Reich, Annie Pink
pleasure premium
pleasure principle
Pluralistic Universe, A (James)
potency, genital; of analyst anxiety versus; character analysis and; fascism and absence of; immune system and; in matriarchy; religious rage against
premarital asceticism
premature ejaculation
primal scene
Princeton University
psychoanalysis; Annie Reich’s professional involvement in; biology versus; biophysics and; conceptual structures in; drive theory in; energetic system and; gender issues in; masochism in; politics and; psychosis and; religion and; resistance to; rules for analyst/analysand behavior in; semiotic, see psychosemiotics; social transformation of
“Psychogenic Tic as a Masturbation Equivalent” (Reich)
Psychology of the Unconscious (Jung)
psychosis; hysterical; social, see emotional plague; see also schizophrenia
Raknes, Ola
Rank, Otto
reaction formations
reality principle
Reich, Annie Pink (first wife); analyzed by Anna Freud; divorce of; professional involvement in psychoanalysis by; Reich’s marriage to; slaughter of Viennese socialists witnessed by; in United States
Reich, Cecilie Roniger (mother)
Reich, Elsa Lindenberg (second wife)
Reich, Eva (daughter)
Reich, Ilse Ollendorff (third wife)
Reich, Leon (father)
Reich, Lore (daughter)
Reich, Peter (son)
Reich, Robert (brother)
Reich, Wilhelm: adolescence of; arrival in America of; autobiography of; birth of; brothel visits of; childhood of; children of; Christology of; in Davos sanatorium; death of; dream
s of; Einstein and; FDA persecution of; imprisonment of; interview by Eissler of; journals of; Judaism of; Malinowski and; marriages of; medical studies of; Orgonon research colony of; politics of(see also Sexpol movement); psychic inflation of; Scandinavian exile of; sexuality of; slaughter of Viennese socialists witnessed by; trial of; in Vienna Psychoanalytic Society; works of, see titles of specific books and papers; during World War I,
Reik, Theodor
repetition compulsion
repression; impulsivity and; sexual
Republican Party
resistance; in character analysis
Robertson, Ritchie
Rolland, Romain
Roman Catholicism
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel
Russell, Bertrand
Russian Revolution
Sadger, Isidor
sadism; in emotional plague; fascist; narcissism and; neurotic character types and
Salpetrière (Paris)
Sartre, Jean-Paul
Saussure, Ferdinand de
Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von
Schiller, Friedrich von
Schleiermacher, Friedrich
Schopenhauer, Arthur
Schweitzer, Albert
Scopes monkey trial
secondness (Peirce)
Seminar for Sexuality (Vienna, 1921)
semiotics; of conversion hysteria; of dreams; phenomenology and; psychoanalysis and, see psychosemiotics
Sex and Character (Weininger)
Sexpol movement; Elsa and; Malinowski and; Nazism opposed by; Soviet Union and
sexuality; aggression and; in ancient Greece; anthropological studies of; anxiety and; capitalism and; childhood, suppression of; emotional plague and restriction of; fascist control of; fear of; forms of, in psychoanalysis; genital, see genitality; of hysterical character; impulsive character and; of Jesus; nongenital, armoring and; orgone and; psychosemiotics and; of Reich; religion and; work-democracy and; see also genitality; orgasm
Sexual Life of Savages, The (Malinowski)
Sexual Reuolution, The (Reich)
sexual stasis
Sexual Struggle of Youth, The (Reich)
shadow, Jungian concept of
Sharaf, Myron
Silvert, Michael
Social Democrats
Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy
Wilhelm Reich Page 38