Academic Magic

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Academic Magic Page 15

by Becky R Jones

  George and Simon were staring at each other with identical shocked expressions. That made Zoe feel better. So, they didn’t know everything about magic after all. Seeing the shocked expressions, Declan glanced nervously between the two men, waiting for one of them to say something.

  “Um, George? Simon? What exactly are you thinking? You’re gonna have to fill me and Declan in on it.” She wanted them to return to the reassuring professor mode for both her sake and especially for Declan’s sake. If she thought things were weird before, they had definitely just taken a turn for the even weirder. She vaguely knew about djinns, but she had always assumed that they were something mythological and they weren’t present in Europe anyway, so she had ignored them in her research. Well, hell. Up until a few weeks ago you thought magic was just a story too.

  Both men started. George shook his head like a man coming out of a trance. Simon took off his glasses and absently cleaned the lenses with a handkerchief he pulled out of a pocket, staring into space. After he shook his head a couple of times, George turned to Declan.

  “A djinn? Are you sure? How did you arrive at that conclusion?” As Declan’s ears started to turn red again, George hastily added “I’m not questioning your research, I’m just curious as to what he did or what your mother said he did that led you in that direction.”

  Simon put his glasses back on and smiled at Declan before turning to George. “It almost doesn’t matter what he knows about his father, does it? We know Declan can vanish at will. Djinn possess that ability. Also, they can appear human and there are stories of djinn living as humans and taking human lovers. Having a djinn as a father and a mother with the Sight explains the muddled response I got when I tried to determine the type and power level of Declan’s magic. It fits.”

  Zoe wondered how exactly Simon determined the type and power level of magic in somebody who wasn’t a mage. She made a mental note to talk to George about that later.

  “That is true. But…” George hesitated. “I don’t believe I’ve ever heard stories of djinn on this continent.” It was his turn to gaze at Declan. “Where were you born? Do you know how your parents met?”

  Declan swallowed. “I-I think they met somewhere in Ireland when my mom was visiting family. I was born in C-Connecticut, but me and my mom moved here after my d-dad left. She said it was easier to get home from Philadelphia. W-we go back to Ireland for Christmas every year and sometimes in the summertime.” The last was said in a great rush, the words tumbling out as Declan tried to tell all the information he had.

  George looked thoughtful. “I think that we’re going to have to look for any stories of djinn on the North American continent.” He gazed at Simon. “You have to admit that with all the other magical creatures here, the presence of a djinn is unusual, even for beings with their power.” Simon nodded, tapping a finger against his chin. His eyes took on a faraway look as if he was already mapping out this new research project.

  “How much power are we talking about here?” Zoe’s own hands were starting to shake at what George was implying with his comment about other magical beings and the power of djinn. She twisted her fingers together.

  “Almost unlimited, I’m afraid.” Simon was still tapping his finger against his chin. He shifted his gaze to Declan. “That means, young man, that you and I will be spending a considerable amount of time teaching you how to control and direct your power. We can’t have you cutting loose with a lightning bolt in class, now can we?” He gave a slightly unnerving giggle at his own joke.

  Declan’s mouth dropped open and he simply stared at Simon.

  “Of course, you also in all likelihood possess a portion of your mother’s gift of the Sight. This could be an interesting combination.” Simon was looking at Declan in much the same way Zoe had once seen a research scientist gaze at a lab rat.

  “Simon. Declan is not just a magical experiment. He’s also a student and we need to keep that in mind.” Zoe felt like she had to stand up for Declan. George and Simon were talking about him like he was a strange magical phenomenon, rather than a currently very scared and nervous nineteen-year old student.

  Simon shot her an irritated glare which he immediately softened with a smile. “Of course. You are correct, Zoe. First things first, at any rate. Declan, we will file the paperwork for your change of major to political science…unless you’d like to change to history with Dr. O’Brien?” He gave Zoe an amused glance out of the corner of his eye.

  “N-no sir. Um…I’d like to be a poli sci major.” He gave Zoe a hesitant smile. “Maybe I can minor in history?”

  Zoe grinned at him. “Of course. You can concentrate in medieval magic and witchcraft.” Declan actually grinned in return.

  George clapped his hands together. “Okay. I think we have what we need to know. Simon, you will take this young man under your wing and make sure he not only changes majors but begins to safely learn how to use his powers. Zoe and I will dig into the history of djinn in North America. I have a feeling that Declan’s father is still around somewhere. I don’t think he’d really let you out of his sight.”

  Declan looked slightly stunned at the implication that his father was still around. He didn’t say anything though, as he got up to leave. Poor kid. He’s probably got information overload. I know I do. Zoe gave Declan what she hoped was an encouraging smile as he stood up.

  Simon also stood and made a beckoning gesture to Declan as he left the office. Declan followed the little man, turning to give Zoe a small wave good-bye.

  After Simon and Declan had left the office, Zoe turned to George. “Okay. I’m even more confused. I had no idea that djinn actually existed! And, now there’s one in my class! This is just getting stranger.”

  “I agree. All right. I have to get to class right now, though. I will be in touch later and we can compare notes on anything we dig up on djinn in North America.” He stood up and reached for his briefcase.

  Taking the hint, Zoe headed out the door. “Okay. I’ll talk to you later.”

  Once outside the building she paused, gazing around at the buildings. Reaching a decision, she turned and walked across to Davis Hall. Hopefully, Mark was in his office and she could talk over all of this with him. Even better would be to talk with both Mark and David this weekend. She would just have to invite herself over for dinner.

  Halfway up the stairs to Mark’s office, she rounded the landing and found herself face-to-face with Melanie Porter, the provost.

  “Oh! Hi, Melanie,” Zoe hoped her voice hadn’t given away the anxiety that an unexpected meeting with the provost tended to produce.

  “Hello, Zoe,” Melanie’s greeting and smile were polite, but slightly frosty and detached. She must have had a full report from Susan Barker about the confrontation between Susan and Meredith and the faculty and student mages and Zoe contained a start as she realized that by now Melanie knew she was a mage.

  Zoe automatically raised a small wall of air in front of herself and was rewarded with a slight recoil from Melanie. Somehow, Melanie had tested her defenses and was surprised to find anything there. Standing in the stairwell surrounded by students moving between classes, Zoe knew there was nothing that Melanie could do right now, but that didn’t mean she wouldn’t try at a more opportune time. It was Melanie after all, who had shown up right after the bricks had fallen and almost hit Zoe. Had she been responsible for that? Zoe resolved to remain alert for any more strange phenomenon around campus. Especially if it seemed to be directed at her.

  Giving Melanie a thin smile, Zoe continued up the stairs. Too bad you weren’t supposed to drink on campus. She could really use something to steady her nerves right about now. Reaching the top of the stairs, she saw light spilling from Mark’s doorway, a sure indication that he was in his office.

  He was grading when she knocked on the doorframe.


  He looked up from the stack of blue books in front of him. “Hey yourself. What’s up? You look a little shell-shocked.

  Zoe carefully closed the door and sat down. Mark gave her an inquiring look.

  “I just had a couple of very interesting…um…encounters. One with George, Simon, and that student, Declan. And, the other, just now, on the stairs, with Melanie. Damn, I need a drink.” She sighed and stopped herself from twisting her hands together.

  Mark reached down, opened his bottom drawer, and pulled out a small bottle of whiskey. He took off the cap and handed it to her.

  “I keep it for “medicinal” purposes. This certainly sounds like that.”

  Zoe laughed in surprise. “And, yet another reason why I like you!”

  She took a swig and wiped off the top of the bottle before handing it back to him. Mark replaced the cap and tucked the bottle back into the back reaches of the drawer.

  Her eyes watered slightly from the whiskey and she could feel it working its way down her throat. She shook her head.

  “Declan Jin is a djinn, and Melanie just tested me to see if I was defending myself.” Somehow, saying Declan was a djinn didn’t sound so strange anymore.

  Mark’s eyes widened and his brows shot up. “He’s a djinn?? I didn’t think there were any djinn on this continent. I assume his father is a djinn? Where was Declan born?”

  “That’s what George and Simon said. He was born in Connecticut, but he thinks his parents met in Ireland. That’s not all. He said his mother has the Sight. So, Declan is half djinn and half gifted with Sight. Poor kid. No wonder he’s so nervous all the time.”

  “Where is he now? That’s a lot of power to be running around without control.” Mark’s tone was concerned.

  “He went with Simon. He’s changing majors to Poli Sci and Simon is going to be his faculty advisor and work with him to help him learn to control his power. And George says he and I have to dig into the history of djinns in North America because he thinks Declan’s father is still around keeping a general eye on Declan. I guess djinn don’t have a lot of children, so they’re important when they do have any. And, then, Melanie gave me a death stare on the landing just now and tried to magically come at me. I don’t know why or how, but I managed to put up a sort of wall between me and her and stop it. But, damn!” Shell shock was moving in and Zoe’s hands started to shake again.

  “No wonder you needed a drink!” Mark laughed making her feel a little better.

  The laughter died and he gazed thoughtfully at her. “I think you should come over this weekend for dinner. You clearly need company and maybe the three of us can find some answers. Or at least, relieve some of your stress.”

  Zoe gave him a relieved smile. “Thank you. I was going to invite myself over. I really don’t want to be alone. Can I bring the cats? Maybe they know something.” Things must be getting strange if she was inviting her cats along for dinner so they could all talk.

  “Of course. That’s a good idea. They can check in with the other Watchers in our area for information about djinn.”

  “Where the hell do I start researching the history of djinn in North America?” Zoe wondered out loud. “And why would the cats know about that?”

  “They’re Watchers, it’s what they do, ” Mark explained with a note of patience. “Watchers look for magic users and depending on who or what they are attached to, the Watchers that is, and they exchange information with their mages, witches, and other Watchers.”

  Zoe stopped worrying about research sources and stared at Mark, zeroing in on what he had just said. “What do you mean ‘who or what they are attached to’?”

  “Well, your cats found you. So, they’re attached to you. By their own choice. Rowantree and Alder and the other squirrels are attached to Summerfield College. I don’t know what brought them here to begin with, but they watch for all things magical on campus.”

  “So…if there’s a djinn in the neighborhood, other cats or squirrels or raccoons would know? But wouldn’t he know that they’re watching him?”

  “Possibly. But then, he’s not a mage; he’s something different and he may not appreciate or know about the abilities of smaller magical beings. Remember, djinns have almost unlimited power. There’s not much they have to worry about.”

  Zoe stared into space. Clearly, she needed to do a TON of research. On top of everything else. She didn’t really like the feeling of not knowing how this all worked. It was worse than being a first-year grad student.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Thanksgiving Day dawned clear and bright, but cold. Zoe was thankful she had taken a neighbor’s advice and had her heating system checked over before it got too cold. She lay in bed for a while enjoying the rare feeling of a lazy morning where she didn’t have to jump out of bed. Her enjoyment was soon interrupted by a thump on the bed followed by a plaintive voice.

  “We’re hungry! Are you going to let us starve while you laze in bed?” Flash appeared on her pillow staring at her with his most soulful expression. A second thump heralded the arrival of Moose who stalked up to the head of the bed to add his stare to that of Flash.

  “He’s right. We could die and you wouldn’t know.” The big grey fuzzy cat sat down and started cleaning his back feet.

  “Remind me again guys, why it’s so great to live with talking cats?” Zoe sighed.

  “Because it’s better than talking to yourself,” Flash responded, twisting so he could reach the base of his tail.

  “Okay, okay. I’m getting up. Quit cleaning your butt in my face!” Zoe groaned and sat up. “It’s only eight o’clock. That’s criminally early on a holiday.”

  “It’s criminal to starve innocent cats to death, too,” Moose commented not even looking up from his own cleaning routine. “Besides, didn’t you tell the Air mage that you’d bring some food? Are you bringing food for us?”

  “Yes and yes. Shove over so I can actually get out of bed. Unless of course, you enjoy starving?” she glared at Flash who was pinning down the blankets. The orange cat jumped to the floor.

  Damn, it was cold outside of her blankets. Zoe grabbed her sweatpants and a big sweater and scrabbled under the bed for her slippers. After a stop in the bathroom (monitored by the cats, of course), she shuffled down to the kitchen to end the feline famine and make herself some coffee.

  Coffee in hand she wandered out into the living room and sat down on the sofa, staring out her front window. The neighborhood was quiet with only one or two dog-walkers out. Her mind automatically started reviewing everything that had happened in the last few weeks. This was the first opportunity she’d had to really contemplate the bizarre turn her life had taken since the beginning of the semester. She still had not made that important phone call to her mother. She recognized her procrastination as a deep-seated reluctance to tackle a topic that they had had so many arguments over. This time would not be any different and in fact it could possibly be worse when her mother discovered that Zoe was not just a mage, but a powerful one at that.

  Zoe sighed and took a long sip of coffee. That call was going to have to wait. Moose was right, she had promised to bring a side dish to Mark and David’s Thanksgiving feast and she needed to deal with that. She was going to make her from-scratch green bean casserole. It was a childhood favorite and Thanksgiving just wasn’t the same without it. After a few more minutes of quiet contemplation on the sofa, she got up to get another cup of coffee and find some breakfast.

  After eating breakfast, she pulled out the ingredients for the green bean casserole and got to work. There was a calm in cooking, even if it was something as simple as this dish. The anticipation of sharing it with good friends (and, she had to admit, with Kieran in particular) contributed to the overall happy feeling. The cats were curled up in the patches of sunlight coming in the front windows and she could almost – almost – convince herself that the strange turns life had very recently taken were a figment of her stressed and overactive imagination.

  Zoe enjoyed the feeling of normalcy brought about by the busy-ness of cooking and the surrounding quiet of the holiday. She r
emembered to be grateful for her friends and spending time in their company. Moose strolled into the kitchen and promptly burst the bubble she had just worked so hard to create.

  “You are planning on taking us with you when to you to visit the Air mage, right?” He did what Zoe called the cat yoga pose, stretching his front legs out and lowering his shoulders toward the ground, butt high in the air. Oh, right. The cats can talk. Yep, it’s magic.

  “Yes, I am. Why?”

  “We need to talk with the other Watchers in that neighborhood. Besides, all the good food will be there,” Flash wandered in behind Moose and performed his own cat yoga routine.

  “Okay…good grief on the food begging and good luck with the other Watchers. Now, let me finish this.” Zoe had to smile at the single-minded nature of cats when it came to food.

  * * *

  Later that afternoon, Zoe packed up the green bean casserole, put leashes on the cats (who protested loudly until given the option of traveling in their crates), and headed out the door to find her car.

  She pulled into Mark and David’s driveway twenty minutes later noticing she was the first one to arrive. That was good. She didn’t really want to walk into a conversation between Mark, David, and Kieran. The cats jumped out of the back seat and led the way to the front door trailing their leashes. Zoe hid a smile when their attempts at offended dignity were hampered by the trailing leashes. She knocked on the door and looked down at the cats.

  “As soon as we get inside, I’ll take the harnesses off. I promise.” The cats refused to look at her.

  “Hi, everybody! Moose, Flash come on in…” Mark laughed as the cats pushed past him as soon as he opened the door. He gave Zoe a hug and took the casserole dish from her. “Stay out of the kitchen. David’s in the middle of his usual Thanksgiving Tasmanian Devil routine. You don’t want to go in there!”

  Zoe laughed and followed Mark into the warm house. A lively fire was burning in the living room and mouth-watering smells drifted out of the kitchen. She was taking the harnesses off the cats as Mark returned from the kitchen where he had dropped off the casserole and picked up a glass of wine for Zoe. She sat down on the sofa and he handed her the wine. Picking up his own glass from the dining table, Mark settled himself in the chair across from the sofa. Moose and Flash jumped up on the sofa next to Zoe and curled up.


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