Amelia's Deception (Deception Series Book 1)

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Amelia's Deception (Deception Series Book 1) Page 14

by GG Shalton

  The older man looked at Amelia and stroked his beard. “It will be rough traveling. You best get some rest. Just make sure I get paid.”

  Billy nodded and left the room. He showed her the storage room with blankets on the floor. Amelia hesitated as she watched Billy spread the blankets out for her. Adam knocked on the door and handed him a sack of food. “I will go ask Travis for some extra clothes for her.” Billy thanked his friend, closing the door so they could be alone. He sat on the floor and patted the blanket beside him. Amelia sat down, unsure of how to act around him.

  “Relax, don’t you trust me?” He rubbed her hands taking them to his mouth to kiss. “I have waited a long time for you, Amelia.”

  Amelia’s heart beat faster thinking of his intentions. “When did your friend see my mother last?”

  He ignored her question and kissed her neck rubbing her arm. “Kiss me.”

  She tensed her body. “Do you think he really saw her?”

  He sighed in frustration and looked in her eyes. “Yes, I do. He said Dorothy Tress was using a stage name and working in France at a small theatre company. She was connected to your father at one time and fits the description.” He pulled her against his chest. “Now, relax.”

  Another knock on the door interrupted them. Billy groaned annoyed at the distractions. He stood and answered the door seeing Adam again. “What?”

  Adam stepped inside. “There are some rough men downstairs asking for a Mrs. Baird. Amelia Baird.” He looked pass Billy to Amelia and his face grew pale. “Please tell me your husband is not Andrew Baird.”

  She looked down at the floor. “Yes, my husband is Andrew Baird.”

  His eyes widened. “Are you mad, Billy? You told me her name was Miss Abbott! You never told me the chit was married to Andrew Baird. Do you know what he will do to you? Do you know what he will do to me for helping you? We are dead men.”

  “I am not afraid of anyone,” Billy growled at Adam.

  Adam put up his hands. “I want no part in this. I am out of here.” Adam looked down at Amelia. “You have no idea what you have done. You can get people killed. Is that what you want?”

  Amelia’s mouth fell open, not meaning anyone harm. Billy shoved Adam out the door and slammed it. He reached for Amelia. “We don’t need him. Let’s get out of here before he tells anyone where we are. I will find another way for us out of Scotland.”

  Amelia was shaking as she took his hand. They snuck down the back staircase and Amelia followed Billy out the door around the side of the building. He turned around. “I need to get us a horse and supplies. My business deal did not come through here, so we will need some money. Give me your wedding ring. I will find a way to sell it and come back for you.”

  She enlarged her eyes. “Where am I to stay to wait for you?”

  He looked around the buildings and walked her down the street staying near the shadows. They came across some stables and there were a few carriages inside. He lifted her up to hide in one of the carriages and touched her face. “Don’t fret, I will be back soon. You will be fine for a few hours. Now give me your ring, Love.”

  Amelia’s shook her head “I can’t. He would kill me.” Her heart hurt to part with her wedding ring.

  Billy took her hand. “Amelia, we have no choice. Trust me, you won’t need it.” He slid the ring off her finger cupping the ring in his hand.

  A twinge of sadness overcame her. Andrew had given her a beautiful ring. Reluctantly, she looked at her bare finger, rubbing where the ring had been. She looked up at Billy. “Please hurry.”

  Billy nodded and took off down the street. She sat back down in the carriage covering her nose. It smelled of dirty clothes and the cushions were torn. She hoped that no one saw her come inside.

  Time went by slowly as she waited for Billy’s return. The quietness gave her time to reflect on her impulsive choices. Her thoughts turned to Andrew. Admittedly, he was not exactly the blackguard she had once thought. But what will happen when he finds out? Coming to terms with her decision, she drifted off to sleep and awoke to complete darkness. It took her a minute of panic to realize where she was. How long had she been asleep? Quickly, she opened the carriage door and climbed out thinking it must have been over a few hours by now. Where was Billy? She walked near the stable door and peeked outside. She saw no one. The dryness of the air made her thirsty. After a few moments debating with herself, she walked outside and snuck around the corner. A couple of people were walking by and she hid next to the stable. No one saw her.

  After a few moments of silence, she ventured out near the tavern. Hoping there might be some water to drink, she walked to the back door peeking inside. Perhaps she could sneak into the back and look for something to drink. She had no money to buy anything. The tavern had patrons standing by the kitchen. Amelia took a step back into the shadows outside the door waiting for the opportunity to get some water.

  Andrew seethed inside as his heart shattered. His hand was swollen from hitting things, but the hurt fed his anger. Thoughts of his childhood crept through his mind. Rejection was not new to him. Pushing the thoughts deep down inside, he remembered his mother disappearing days at a time and him looking for her in every broken-down establishment he came across. Finally finding her in a compromising position or with unsavory characters. He would beg her to come home. She had tried to be a good mother. But her addictions made it difficult. Her actions taught him to numb his heart and have no emotion toward anyone, especially women. Affection in his opinion was for weak-minded people.

  His thoughts turned to Amelia. Remembering the first day he saw her and her laughing with the children playing games. Her natural beauty tore a hole in the ice he had built around himself. He earned the name Black Baird—but with her—he wanted to be a husband. To feel something he never experienced. He was in love with her. Now all he felt was anger at her betrayal. A rage inside him that he could not control.

  Brian entered his study anxious to speak about his findings. “Andrew, we have some news. Her lady’s maid came back to the house with Alfred. Apparently, they were together tonight and Mrs. Baird gave her the night off. She claims to know nothing. But we will send her in to speak with you. The men did find another man who may know of her whereabouts. Apparently, the man she ran away with had an accomplice only he didn’t know she was your wife. Once he found out, he dumped the two of them and came to tell us everything. He is a petty criminal that hangs out at the docks. An Adam Reynolds. He wishes to speak to you.”

  Andrew’s jaw flexed as he clamped down to grind his teeth. “Send him in.”

  Brian nodded. “As you wish.” He motioned to the guards and they walked behind him. Andrew dismissed them all except for Bull and Brian. They stayed as a sign of force.

  Adam entered with his head down. Andrew spoke through his teeth. “Take a seat, Mr. Reynolds.”

  Adam nervously sat down in the chair unsure of his surroundings. Andrew’s stoic expression was hard to read. He stared at him for a few moments before speaking. “You assisted a man to take my wife away from me? Tell me, Mr. Reynolds—why I should allow you to leave here in one piece.”

  Adam’s eyes showed fear. “Mr. Baird, please you have got to believe me. I didn’t know she was your wife. I met this guy Billy a few years ago in London. We did some dirt together and both received a good payday. We kept in touch and he wrote me to say he was coming to Scotland. He had a lady friend here that he found out was a baron’s daughter and married some rich guy. He wanted to get some money from her and take her to France. He said she was real pretty and could help him with some con job he was running. Billy didn’t say her name was Baird, he said her name was Abbott.”

  Andrew looked at Brian and then back to Adam. “What do you know about Billy?”

  Adam’s hand fidgeted with his hat. “He act’s tough, but a bit squirrely. He is mar
ried but doesn’t see his wife much. She lives in Bath last, I heard. A few other women claim they have his babies in different cities. He runs a small gang in London and that’s where he met Amelia about a year ago. He said she was friends with his cousin’s girlfriend. A country girl named Sally. Not sure how a baron’s daughter hung out with the likes of his group.”

  Andrew narrowed his eyes seething inside. “Where did you leave my wife?”

  Adam shifted in his chair running his fingers through his hair. “At my friend Charlie’s place. He owns a tavern by the docks and Billy made a deal with a couple of merchants to take him and Amelia to France. He was going to stay in their storage room for the night and take the ship in the morning.”

  A commotion outside the door interrupted them. Three guards ran inside the study. “We have Mrs. Baird contained in the carriage.”

  Andrew wrinkled his forehead questioning their response. “Contained?”

  The guard took in a deep breath with resignation on his face. “Forgive me, Mr. Baird she tried to escape, and we had to restrain her.”

  Bull acknowledged the guards with a faint nod trying to intervene. “Where is the man she was with?”

  One of the guards shrugged. “We left a group of men down by the docks to look for him.”

  Adam looked stunned and relieved at the same time. Andrew stood up intimidating the men around him. He cocked his brow and whispered with a low growl. “Bring her inside. I will meet her in my study in ten minutes.”

  Andrew stomped to the door of his study and whispered into Brian’s ear. “Get rid of this nuisance.”

  Brian obeyed his orders and escorted Adam out of the house. Andrew straightened his cravat while walking upstairs to his chamber. He needed to calm himself and wash up. It had been a trying day.

  Andrew entered his study eyeing Amelia sitting on a chair slumped over with her hands tied. Her long beautiful hair covered her face hiding her beauty. She was breathing heavily as she waited for her fate. Brian and Bull stood behind her waiting for instructions along with a few other guards near the door.

  Andrew looked at all of them without expression. “Cut the ropes and untie her.”

  Bull hesitated. “Are you sure?”

  Andrew gave him an annoyed look. “I am not afraid of my wife. Untie her at once.”

  Bull took out a knife and cut the ropes. She reached for her hands rubbing her wrists as she hid her expression under her unruly hair.

  He took in a deep breath watching her shifting in her chair. “Leave us.”

  Brian hesitated. “I will stay in case you need assistance.”

  Andrew creased his brow. “I can handle my own wife. Leave us at once and close the door.” The men obeyed leaving him alone with Amelia.

  Andrew paced the floors absorbing the silence. Her deception cut him like a knife. He wanted to throttle her but kept his temper in check. He took a chair and dragged it across the floor in front of her taking a seat. The veins in his temple rose against his head as he tried to control his anger.

  After a few moments of staring at her, he finally broke the silence. “Were you going somewhere?” He lifted his brow waiting for her to respond. After a moment he leaned over close to her face. He whispered, “You didn’t think it proper to say goodbye?”

  She made no movement or sound. He waited a few seconds.

  In a mocking tone, he took an exaggerated breath. “Oh, Amelia. Tsk, tsk. Do you even know what you have done?” He taunted her sarcastically spitting out a laugh. “Was your life so bad? Did I beat you or hurt you? Did I not provide for you?”

  She refused to look at him.

  He stood up and walked to the bar making himself a drink. He took a hard swallow and wiped his mouth. Looking over his shoulder, he observed her head still down and her silence infuriated him. Unable to control his emotions, he threw the glass across the room hitting the wall watching it splinter into hundreds of pieces. Her body jerked at the sound of the glass breaking, and he finally felt some satisfaction. The satisfaction turned to fury and a ferocious sound came out of his mouth as his rage continued. “I was good to you! I cared about you. You tainted yourself and our marriage with a petty criminal who has a death wish.”

  He closed his eyes trying to take control of his temper. Her lack of reaction frustrated him even more. She gave no response to his tirade, so he tried a different approach. Composing himself, he sat back down in the chair leaning close to her. Taking in her faint rose smell, he whispered loudly. “Did you know he is married and has bastard children throughout England? Oh yes, my dear. He planned to use you for financial gain, Amelia. Are you so naïve? You are pathetic!”

  She snapped her head up in shock shaking her head, disagreeing with his accusation. Her defense of her lover enraged him further. He leaned back in the chair and crossed his arms. In a condensing tone, he continued his assessment. “Sweets, your lover lied to you and your few hours of fun at my expense have cost you everything. You will pay for your deception.”

  She looked away from him and refused to make eye contact.

  He let out a fake laugh and reached for her chin forcing her to look at him. “I own you Amelia, and you will live only as long as I see fit. I have legal rights to do to you whatever I choose. You will know that the Black Baird reputation was not earned by my generosity.” He threatened her squeezing her chin.

  Amelia jerked her chin out of his grip and mumbled something while looking away from him.

  Andrew clenched his fist. “What did you say?”

  She lifted her head and stared at him refusing to cower at his strong words. “Do what you will. I hate you!”

  He narrowed his eyes. “Don’t test me. I think you will find me most accommodating.”

  She lifted her chin as her voice began to shake. “My father sold me to a ruthless man like I was nothing.” She wiped a tear looking away from him. “Perhaps, I am not the bargain that you paid for? The truth is that you never even knew me.” She sobbed letting out a breath as he stared at her with disbelief.

  She snorted finding the courage to strike back with a feigned smile. “I cringed every time you touched me. Don’t you understand? I have loathed you since I met you.”

  Her spiteful words affected him more than he could ever imagine. She was right, he never knew her at all. He hated her. Andrew stood up. “Enough! You will not speak so freely, madam. I will punish your insolence if you repeat such vile words again. For now, you will be locked in a room of my choosing and not let out until I say so. You are dismissed.”

  He went to the door and told Brian and Bull to escort her to the green room upstairs. She gave him no reaction and stood up when the guards grabbed her arms. Andrew yelled at Bull. “Bring me her maid and Alfred.” He nodded and obeyed Andrew’s order.

  Beatrice had tears in her eyes as she watched them pull Amelia up the stairs. She was shaking as Brian escorted her into the study. Alfred followed behind them. Andrew had a sober expression and did not stand when she entered. “Have a seat. Both of you.”

  Andrew’s jaw ticked with anger. “I will only ask you this question once. You will not lie to me.” Beatrice nodded slowly trying to hold back tears.

  “What did she tell you about her leaving? Did you help her plan?” He waited and watched her body language.

  She looked at Alfred and back at Andrew. “I knew nothing, Mr. Baird. I promise you. I didn’t know.”

  He looked at Alfred. “Alfred? What did Beatrice tell you?”

  Alfred widened his eyes. “Nothing at all, Mr. Baird.”

  Andrew lost his patience. “I trust no one. You will both gather your belongings and leave my home.”

  Alfred put his head down and got out of his chair.

  Beatrice cried. “Please, Mr. Baird. I will do a better job. I promise.”

p; He shook his head. “My wife has lost the privilege of having a personal maid. She will no longer require your services. If you go quietly, I will provide you a reference and a month’s salary.”

  Beatrice stared at him biting her bottom lip. “Yes, sir.” She slowly walked away not looking back.

  A few guards walked in. “We just returned from the docks. There is no sign of him. Rumor is that he sold your wedding ring and fled away from Scotland. We recovered the ring.” They handed the ring to Andrew.

  He held it in his hand trying to mask his anger. “Put the word out that when he is found, I want him brought to me alive.”

  They nodded. “As you wish, Mr. Baird.”

  Andrew held the ring on the tip of his finger swirling it around. Thoughts of Amelia plagued his mind as his hand squeezed the ring into his fist and he pounded the desk in his anger.

  Chapter 17

  Amelia entered the green room and the door promptly slammed behind her. She heard a lock and knew the reason why Andrew chose this room for her. She was locked in with only a small window that was high enough off the ground to give her no option of escape.

  The bed was made with greenish and cream coverings, and there was a table and chair on the other side of the room. Exhaustion forced her to lie down on the bed as she fought not to sleep. Her mind would not stop thinking about the events that brought her to this place. Supposedly Billy was married? Could Andrew be lying? That would make her an adulterer or at least close to it. When did this happen? Why didn’t Sally tell her? She shivered, but was too tired to start a fire.

  She bent her legs holding them to her chest trying to keep warm. She was too numb to cry anymore. How her life would have been different if she had skipped Rachel’s ball. Although she would probably be married to Edward, it was better than being a prisoner. Her husband was no longer her protector but her punisher. Her thoughts turned back to Billy. Truthfully, she was skeptical of Billy’s motives. Perhaps Andrew was right? He had disappeared and left her there to fend for herself. The ring was a treasure and would have brought him a small fortune.


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