Peter Carrot-top

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Peter Carrot-top Page 19

by Yolanda Jackson

  Chapter 19

  More challenges

  On the other side were more challenges. The next one

  was to beat and defeat the three brothers; the air gods.

  They wore crowns of golden flowers, their hair was black

  and curly, and extended in the middle of their backs, and

  their clothing was made of the finest silk. These brothers

  were as large as mountains, they were triplets and they

  controlled everything in the air.

  Right now, as the children entered the magical door,

  they found themselves in a fighting arena. As the Air Gods

  looked down on the children, they laughed and teased the

  children that they would never pass through the golden

  gates. The children could see it from afar; it was made of

  pure gold with silver rods as its bars. On the other side

  awaited a beautiful land of dwarves, elves, and many


  "Let the games began!" shouted the air Gods.

  The three brothers stood and looked over the arena.

  Out of the air came a large giant. The three brothers had

  formed clouds to make giants, and it came racing down from

  the sky. It tried to stomp on the children. Peter and the

  others dodged and ducked to avoid being stomped on, but the

  cloud giant was not easing up. It was built as if it was

  made of stone.

  The clouds began to be packed up together to form a

  hard outer core. The children tried to run through it, but

  the clouds were too thick, none of them knew how to defeat

  such a creature. Then came roaring from the arena seats;

  suddenly there were onlookers. No one knew where they came

  from, they just seemed to appear out of thin air, and that

  was just about right; all the people in the arena seats

  were made from clouds. Many of them flew away as the wind

  blew, and many of them lost their body parts.

  As Peter watched, an arm came flying by his face, and

  it was nothing more than a puff of clouds. Apparently the

  gods did not take the time to make their people as well as

  they did their monsters. The cloud monster roared and blew

  out rolling balls of clouds that knocked the children over.

  The only thing left to do was to try and outrun the monster.

  The children had nothing to fight with. As they ran,

  Peter noticed that the monster was losing some of its

  clouds. So Peter huddled his friends together, and came up

  with a plan; they were to run in different directions to

  spread the clouds thinner. Once it was vulnerable, Peter

  informed his friends that they would make a dash for the

  golden gates.

  The idea seemed promising, and the children ran in

  different directions. The cloud giant ran after them as the

  crowds screamed and cheered for the gods and their monster.

  Peter and his friends had no one cheering for them, so they

  had to cheer for themselves. As the children ran, each one

  took off in a different and opposite direction, causing the

  cloud monster to lose patches of its cloud puffs. Once

  Peter and his friends saw this, they gave each other high


  "Great job!" said the children to each other.

  The cloud monster started making cloud rocks that it

  tried to smash the children with. One by one the cloud

  rocks came out of the air, falling at a fast rate of speed,

  and causing the children to run for their lives. The crowds

  cheered for the cloud monster, their roars were so loud

  that the children could hardly hear each other. Defeating

  the cloud monster was not as easy as it looked. The longer

  the children waited to run and spread the cloud monster

  thin, the more the cloud monster produced more cloud puffs

  to replace the chunks that it lost.

  The children felt their strength surge, and they ran

  their hearts out. The cloud monster did not know who to

  chase, and as it tried to chase all of the children, the

  more patches of cloud it lost. The children cheered for

  themselves, and they kept on running faster and faster.

  Soon the cloud monster became thin, and was dissipating

  right before their very eyes.

  "Run toward the gates!" shouted Peter to his friends.

  As they ran, and the gods saw they were getting away,

  they sent an army made of nothing more than cloud puffs.

  This army of fighters came out of the skies ready for

  battle; some had swords, some had arrows, while others had

  hammers and hatchets.

  The cloud army looked so real, the children were

  stunned for a minute and were in a daze, until Millie

  shouted, "Run!" as she deciphered the codes on the golden


  The cloud army came down in the thousands, chasing the

  children; Peter and his friends ran their hearts out as the

  crowds roared for their defeat. As they were running, Clara

  fell and stumbled. Steve came with his flying shoes and

  scooped her up while the other children ran and ran. The

  cloud army threw cloud bombs at the children. As they

  exploded near their heads, the cloud bombs were so loud and

  thunderous that they shook the entire stadium. The army

  shot arrows at the children, one passed by Peter, missing

  him by an inch.

  "Keep running!" said Peter.

  The children could see the golden gate ahead, and

  Millie standing there waiting for them, encouraging them to

  run faster, and faster. Peter and his friends did, even as

  the army of cloud fighters was catching up with them. The

  children ran and dove into the open area of the golden

  gate, where they were greeted by fairies and fresh energy


  Peter looked back at the cloud army and saw that it

  was disappointed that they'd lost, and the gods were very

  upset. They made the skies cry black rain; the monster

  cloud and the cloud army were washed away and evaporated as

  if they were never there. Peter and his friends were proud

  of themselves, and hugged each other in victory, but the

  hard part was just beginning. At the end of the golden

  gates was a land of fantasy; there were flowers that

  bloomed over and over again, and let off sweet smelling


  Small elves stood by the gates handing out energy

  water in a leaf-like cup. The children drank and drank

  until they could not drink any more. They were all tired;

  they had fought for hours in the Ambassador Forest. The

  children sat under a palm tree and rested for a while;

  there was so much peace on this side. The creatures on this

  side of the golden gate were nice and friendly.

  Peter and his friends made lots of new friends. Then

  Robert told everyone that it was time to go. They all

  shrugged their shoulders as if they did not want to leave

  this relaxing environment, but the other door was waiting,

  and no one knew what to expect. If the other temple was

  hard, then this one would be harder. The children said

  goodbye to their new friends, and got on their way.

  A silver door lay ahead. The children walked faster,

to get it over with, and then burst through the door.

  Waiting on the other side was a giant fat Buddha. It was

  adorned with golden anklets and bracelets; its skin was

  very pale, and it wore nothing more than a big diaper.

  "Oh, this is going to be fun!" said Peter


  The Buddha's face seemed to have the appearance of mud

  splatters. It stood at least ten or eleven feet, and it

  stomped its feet over and over again. Every time it did,

  the rocks from the mountainside came tumbling down.

  The symbols of Baja glowed all over the Buddha, it

  seemed to want to wrestle with the children; stomping its

  feet as if it was ready to attack. The children ran and

  split up, but the Buddha had other tricks up its sleeves.

  It touched its face and took its outline off! The outline

  turned into a mask of multi colors that spun through the

  air and shot out splatters of mud. The mud splatters turned

  into little mud warriors that came after the children.

  Mud and dirt were being flung from everywhere; the

  Buddha beat on its chest as the mud warriors formed and

  then attacked the children. The mud warriors were no more

  than two feet tall, and all had little weapons, whether it

  was a spear, bow and arrow, knife or club; they were all

  armed with a fighting tool.

  "This doesn't look good!" said Clara, as she ran

  alongside Peter.

  Steve used his magical shoes to fly into the air, and

  Michael used his wings, but the mud warriors attacked them

  with mud ball canons that hit Michael and sent him tumbling

  from the sky. The Buddha held his stomach and laughed out

  loud. Sam then used his fart bubbles to catch Michael as he


  "It's a nasty smell, but thank, pal," said Michael to


  Millie pulled out on her shades to find a secret

  passage, but there was none. Yet, there was something

  hidden under the flying disc the Buddha had. It was a small

  object that glowed, and every time Peter ran by, the object

  glowed brighter and flashed rapidly. Millie told Peter that

  there was something hidden under the Buddha's flying disc.

  But there was no way out; the children knew then that

  they had to fight this giant beast. Jamyra brought forth

  her gift of frost; she held out her hands and, as they

  turned icy cold and white, a burst of cold air came over

  the area, and then a shot of ice. The little mud warriors

  turned into chunks of ice, but this was not going to hold

  for long. Jamyra could see her ice melting right before her


  The Buddha saw what Jamyra was doing, and took off his

  mud face to make more mud warriors. To help Jamyra, Robert

  took his watch off, and turned the golden dials to make it

  snow. The mud warriors got cold and shivered, and with

  Jamyra making ice, the mud warriors stopped fighting and

  huddled together for warmth.

  The Buddha was not happy, and shot fire from its

  mouth, defrosting everything. To stop him, Peter opened

  some large holes. He held his hands tight, until they

  turned orange and magical dust flew out that, in turn,

  became a black hole. The Buddha jumped and jumped all over

  the place to avoid the black holes. Then it hopped onto its

  disc and flew away. It seemed there was nothing to stop

  this creature.

  Then Clara tried; she conjured up a huge glob of her

  green saliva bugs, and ordered them to attack the Buddha

  while he was flying on his disc. The green flies went into

  the air, attacking the Buddha. He fought, and then opened

  his mouth to spit mud at the flies. Many of Clara's flies

  fell to the ground and died; the mud was very toxic. But

  Clara could produce as many flies as she wanted.

  The Buddha opened its mouth and sent mud flying to his

  face where a mud mask formed to protect him from Clara's

  flies. The children were getting fed up; nothing they did

  seemed to work. The mud warriors defrosted and came after

  the children, sending them flying and running.

  Clara pulled out her fiery dragon sword and called

  upon it to attack. The sword let out a roar, and the dragon

  of fire flashed through the crowd of mud people, scorching

  and burning their little behinds. The mud warriors turned

  into clay that grew hard because of the fire. This was the

  only thing that seemed to slow the warriors down.

  Nicholas gave off a big roar, and from the loudness of

  it, the clay warriors cracked and broke. The children had

  found something that they could use to stop the mud

  warriors. The dragon of fire flew east to west and north to

  south, burning everything; while Nicholas roared aloud and

  broke all the clay warriors.

  The Buddha flew on his disc up high into the air, and

  saw what was happening. He swooped down and tried to catch

  one of the children, but they were diving and dodging him.

  Then he went after Clara's dragon of fire, but it was too

  fast. It swooped by the Buddha.

  Then Zack conjured up some snot buggers from his nose,

  and had them form into a wall of goo. The Buddha was flying

  so fast that he did not see the snot wall, and flew into

  it. He struggled to get out, but was stuck. The snot was

  sticky, and had the Buddha caught like flies on a sticky

  trap. The children cheered and realized that the Buddha was

  trying to get loose, so they hurried and ran over to the

  secret floor that was hidden by the Buddha's disc. They

  opened the passage, and as they opened the small box-like

  door, a glow burst out of the hole, sending the children

  flying to the ground.

  "What was that?" shouted Millie.

  Peter gazed upon the opening. In that small area laid

  a golden glove that glowed with the symbols of Baja. Yet,

  the glove seemed to be for something special and someone

  special. Every child tried to put the glove on, but it

  would not fit. Then the last was Peter, and the minute he

  touched the glove, it began moving and sliding across the

  floor, like a fish out of water. It jumped right onto

  Peter's hand; it was a perfect fit.

  "Peter, I told you that you are a special child," said

  Clara as Peter blushed.

  "We must leave, the Buddha is trying to break free,"

  said Robert.

  The children sent Michael to fly up and get the

  Buddha's disc so that they could ride back. He got on the

  disc, but did not know how to fly it; he went spinning and

  twirling through the air. Then Ben put on his magical cape

  and flew up with Millie so she could decipher how to

  control the disc. It took Ben a while to catch up with

  Michael. Once they did, Ben dropped Millie onto the disc to

  have her decode the symbols, and find out how to fly it.

  It took Millie less than a minute to do it, and then

  she swooped down to pick everyone up.

  "Oh, this is so cool!" said Peter.

  The disc had just enough room for all of them. Millie

  was in charge of flying t
he disc, and Robert was in charge

  of the directions. The disc had a nice comfy spot, and the

  children relaxed as they flew through the air.

  "What do you suppose the glove does?" said Clara to


  He had no idea; he just knew it was cool. Then Millie

  interrupted, and said that the glove held the answer to

  either getting the eighth key or it was the eighth key. No

  one knew for sure. Well, whatever it was for, Peter held

  onto it very tightly.

  The children then took a quick nap as Millie stood

  guard. Then, as the sun was setting on their first day, the

  children parked the disc in a tree and let it hover. The

  night went by fast; it seemed like the children just went

  to bed; but in the forest, time is of the essence. The

  children woke up to bright colorful little birds singing.

  "Oh, that is so cute," said Millie.

  The birds puffed up and turned into bigger birds. The

  children screamed and took off through the air, but the

  birds chased right behind them.

  "Faster!" said Clara to Millie.

  Millie made the disc go faster, and eventually the

  birds turned back around.

  "That was close," said Robert, as he looked over at

  his friends.

  Then from above, Peter noticed a temple below them. It

  had people working in the yards, and they seemed like they

  were moving somewhere.

  "Let's go down for a better looked," said Peter.

  Millie took the disc down lower, where there were men

  and women chained up; they were held as slaves, and making

  weapons and fighting gear.

  "This must be where my father is being held," said

  Peter as he peered through the crowd.

  He saw no sign of his father, but he did recognize the

  symbols of his father's army. Peter then noticed that the

  prisoners were being watched over by large rock dogs; so he

  tried to find another way into the temple, without being

  seen. As Peter searched around the temple grounds, he saw a

  shadow behind a tree; at the same time, Millie lowered the

  disc. There was a person lying in the shrubs, and one thing

  that made Peter's eyes pop was that the person had orange


  "Father!" Peter shouted.

  The person did not move. Peter lowered the disc and

  jumped off, calling to his father. Thinking the worst,

  Peter slowly turned the person over, and yes, it was his

  father, Sam Carrot-Top. He was still alive and breathing,

  but he was a little bit out of it.

  Peter and his friends lifted Sam onto the disc, which

  was harder than it looked, but the children pulled together

  and got the job done. Peter hurried and got the disc into

  the air, where he shook his father to try to wake him up.

  Clara tried to get Sam Carrot-Top to drink some water, but

  he was too busy mumbling in his unconsciousness. The only

  thing that was left was for Steve to pull off his shoes and

  let his toe jams wake Mr. Carrot-Top. So, Steve did it with

  pride. He snatched off his shoes, grew his feet and let the

  odor lose. At first, nothing happened, and then Mr. Carrot-

  Top choked and gasped for air.

  "Father, father!" Peter shouted.

  Sam Carrot-Top thought that he was dreaming, and

  closed his eyes again; until Peter called his name a few

  more time. When Sam finally caught his breath, he touched

  Peter as if he didn't think he was real. Then Mr. Carrot-

  Top rubbed his eyes to make sure that he was not seeing


  "Son, where am I?" said Mr. Carrot-Top.

  "In the Ambassador Forest!" shouted Millie.

  "Who are these children?" said Mr. Carrot-Top.

  "These are my friends, father, and we came to save

  you," said Peter.

  Mr. Carrot-Top eye's filled with tears; he was so

  proud of his son and gave him a big hug and kiss. "We must

  leave," said Mr. Carrot-Top to the children.

  Sam went on to introduce himself to the children and

  they did the same, as many of them showed off their powers

  to him. Sam was impressed by the children and their

  bravery, to come this far and get him.

  "Hi, Mr. Carrot-Top, I have the same name as you, my

  name is Sam Salmon," said Sam nervously.

  "That is a great first name," said Mr. Carrot-Top.

  He looked over the temple ground, warning the children

  to stay high in the air to avoid being seen by the seven

  wizards. But, it was too late, the wizard boy Cilus was out

  walking the grounds and he spotted the disc. He sent an

  army of black birds to attack the disc.

  Mr. Carrot-Top climbed into the controls as the black

  birds came out of nowhere. They were huge birds with a few

  feet of wing span, and their chests were covered with

  golden armor. Their bodies glowed with red symbols, and the

  birds flew violently at the disc, hitting and bumping it,

  causing it to tip and shake.

  The children held their heads low to avoid being

  pecked by the birds' beaks. The birds squawked louder and

  louder, as if they were calling for backup. Mr. Carrot-Top

  sent the disc weaving and flying through trees and over

  lakes and mountains, but the black birds were right behind

  them. Some of the black birds got under the disc and tried

  to over turn it. The children screamed as Mr. Carrot-Top

  did his best to control the rough ride.

  "Hang on tight, kids, it's gonna be a bumpy ride!"

  said Mr. Carrot-Top.

  The children clung together for dear life. Then

  thunder came from the skies, and behind that was Bella,

  riding her black bat-like creature.

  "I want you dead, Sam Carrot-Top!" said Bella as she

  looked Mr. Carrot-Top right in the eyes.

  "Over my dead body, I have a village to save!" said

  Mr. Carrot-Top.

  This made Bella furious. As she helped the black birds

  attack the disc even more, Jamyra got up and used her

  powers to freeze the birds in the air. They plummeted to

  the ground because the ice made them too heavy to stay in

  the air. Bella was not happy with this and sent lightning

  bolts that hit the disc. It went spinning out of control.

  Zack formed a soft landing pad with the buggers from

  his nose. It was so nasty, but it was the only thing to

  make the landing softer. The children and Mr. Carrot-Top

  jumped from the fallen disc to Zack's landing pad; they

  were all covered with green mucus.

  "I must wash myself very well, when this is over,"

  said Jamyra.

  Mr. Carrot-Top just laughed, and then ordered everyone

  to run. As they all ran, Mr. Carrot-Top made sure that

  everyone was together, because he could sense that the rock

  dogs were on there way. He heard rumbling in the ground,

  then feet thundering on the ground like wild horses.

  "Keep running!" shouted Mr. Carrot-Top.

  The children ran faster and faster, but Zack and

  Millie could not go any more; they had to stop, and as

  Millie stopped, there was a big rock dog breathing right

  over her h
ead. She could feel its hot breath on her neck;

  she trembled and was too afraid to turn around, so she


  That impressed Mr. Carrot-Top. "Good girl," he mumbled.

  Millie came closer to her friends, un-noticed by the

  rock dogs; the dogs became confused and looked around as if

  they were chasing their own tails.

  "Go, go!" said Mr. Carrot-Top quietly.

  Peter and his friends softly crept toward a hole in

  the rocks. Suddenly all of them seemed to disappear into

  thin air, but they were hiding in the cracks of a rock.

  They could hear the sound of Bella chastising her pet rocks

  for losing Sam Carrot-Top and the children. The rock dogs

  whimpered and begged for forgiveness, but Bella had had

  enough. She struck the dogs with lightning, turning them

  into nothing more than dust.

  Mr. Carrot-Top made the children remain quiet as they

  watched Bella pace back and forth by the opening of the

  rock. Bella was not pleased; what would she tell her master

  Cilus? Bella flew up onto her bat and took off.

  The children started to leave, but were held back by

  Mr. Carrot-Top; he told them that it was a trick to get

  them to come out into the opening. He knew what type of

  woman Bella had become, and he did not trust her one bit.

  Mr. Carrot-Top and the children stayed crouched in the

  opening for hours. Finally Bella got tired of trying to see

  if Mr. Carrot-Top and the others would appear. She flew

  back to the temple with an empty hand to show Cilus.

  Mr. Carrot-Top rushed the children out of the hole and

  headed toward home. It was a long way, and Peter told his

  father that they had a ship, but they had to hurry if they

  wanted to use it. Peter told his father that the ship was a

  spell that only lasted three days. After that, it would

  turn back into a trash can.

  Mr. Carrot-Top ordered the children to hurry; maybe

  they could find another way out of the forest and back to

  the mainland. As they were leaving, Sam Carrot-Top took one

  last peek, and noticed that Bella and the seven wizards

  were finished forming their army. He also noticed that some

  of his men were left behind. Many were so brainwashed that

  they truly believed Bella and the other wizards were their

  friends and on their side.

  Sam hated to leave the men that he'd fought side by

  side with. He wanted them to be free, but the only way to

  do that was to free Baja. Mr. Carrot-Top congratulated all

  the children on using their powers for good and not evil,

  and to always remember to be each other's support. Peter

  and his friends became closer after Mr. Carrot-Top gave

  them those words of advice. It was no time for special

  moments; blasts of fire balls came flying through the air

  as they were being attacked.

  "Run, children!" shouted Mr. Carrot-Top.

  The children hid behind Mr. Carrot-Top because there

  was nowhere else to go.

  "We know this forest by heart, we will always find

  you," said Mirus.

  "Mr. Stewart?" shouted Peter.

  "No, son, that's not Mr. Stewart," said Sam Carrot-Top.

  He explained to his son and his friends that Mirus was

  the twin brother of Mr. Stewart. The children were in shock

  and wondered why Mr. Stewart never mentioned it.

  "Oh, man you look just like my principal," said Jamyra.

  But Mirus was not the talkative type; all he wanted to

  do was fight and cause trouble. He attacked Sam Carrot-Top

  with his invisibility, punching him everywhere on his body.

  Millie got upset and turned on her invisibility powers and

  threw rocks and stones at Mirus. "You bully, leave him


  Mirus was very surprised he was not the only one who

  had invisibility. As Mirus was distracted, Sam Carrot-Top

  attacked him. The two men fought, until Jamyra turned Mirus

  into a block of ice.

  "Nice timing," said Sam Carrot-Top to Jamyra.

  Sam could still see Mirus' eyes moving, and with the

  help of the children, they pushed the block of ice into the

  river. Sam and the children ran toward the temple, hoping

  that maybe they could find a way home. But as they were

  leaving, there were dagger cards being thrown at them and

  bursting into rays of colors and gases.

  "Cover your mouth and nose," said Sam Carrot-Top to

  the children.

  Hoyle the card thrower kept throwing cards. He had

  grown into a big green slimy monster with his teeth as

  yellow as the sun, and an odor that would kill anything

  living. He ran after the children, sending them in many

  different directions; and at one place there were three

  more rock dogs waiting for the children. They had the

  entire forest surrounded; the rock dogs were determine to

  catch anyone to give to Bella.

  These dogs were huge, and no match for Peter and his

  friends. So they decided to try and catch the dogs instead

  of fighting them. While Mr. Carrot-Top and Hoyle fought,

  the children were capturing the three rock dogs. First

  Robert slimmed his body down to hide behind a very skinny

  tree. The dogs were confused and could not find him. Robert

  peeked out and pulled his head back in; teasing and

  taunting the huge animals. As the dogs became distracted,

  Sam Salmon chewed his wacky slime gum and let it ooze out

  of his mouth onto the floor. The ooze was slippery and


  Sam told Robert to run from behind the tree, and as

  the dogs gave chase, they slipped; the ooze made them crash

  into the rocky mountain so hard that their bodies shattered

  into tiny pieces. When Bella saw the commotion, she flew

  back down. This time the children were ready for her. Clara

  sent her green slime flies to swarm and attack Bella before

  she reached the ground; then Michael used his wings of

  flight to fly into the air and taunt Bella's bat. It became

  irritated, and twisted and turned, throwing Bella from its

  back. Like a cat, Bella landed on her feet, and wiped the

  slime Clara's flies had left on her face.

  "You little brat, I am going to get you!" said Bella

  to Clara.

  Clara ran, and Bella gave chase, and then she was

  suddenly stopped when she saw Peter hold his orange hand

  out, ready to make a hole.

  "You wouldn't dare to do it!" said Bella to Peter.

  "Oh, yes I would," said Peter.

  He formed a hole just big enough for Bella to slip in.

  As it formed, Bella tried to call her bat, but it was too

  busy being chased by Michael in the air. Bella went

  tumbling down the hole; and out of the blue, Marcus

  appeared, causing Peter to lose focus.

  "Uncle Marcus, why are you doing this?" said Peter.

  But Marcus did not respond; he just threw balls of

  fire at his nephew. When Sam Carrot-Top saw that his son

  was in trouble, he rushed to his side, scolding his brother

  for going to the side of evil. Sam pushed his son out of

  the way and fought with his brother. It was a sa
d sight to

  see; two brothers fighting it out, one for good and the

  other for evil.

  Peter forgot all about Bella as she crawled out of the

  hole, grabbing Peter by the legs and dragging him into the

  black hole. Peter screamed, and Ben came flying down with

  his magical cape to save him. With one swoop, he grabbed

  Peter from the grips of Bella. As they turned around and

  raced back up to the top, Bella was not far behind.

  "Don't you ever go away?" said Peter to Bella.

  She just gave off a wicked smile and laughed.

  Meanwhile, Clara and the rest of the children helped Mr.

  Carrot-Top fight the other wizards. Nicholas roared so hard

  that Hoyle's cards broke every time he tried to throw them.

  Clara filled Marcus' face with slime flies so Mr. Carrot-

  Top could get an advantage. The more Sam Carrot-Top fought,

  the more he changed into something. He became, green, then

  orange, and then the color went to his right hand and it

  grew the size of five men's fists. The fist was so strong

  it knocked the wizards out, one by one, with just one punch.

  It was the coolest thing the children had ever seen.

  Mr. Carrot-Top's hand was so huge that it could pick up one

  of the wizards with just its finger. Sam himself was

  surprise by his powers; seeing as his power of levitation

  seemed to have gone away. All the children could see were

  wizards, one by one flying through the air. Now that Sam

  Carrot-Top had his powers, there was no way of stopping

  him; he was kicking butt left and right. Wizards and anyone

  that stood in his way were being tossed aside like

  yesterday's trashed.

  Then came Louis, the wizard of elasticity. Louis came

  from behind a tree limb that was thinner that the width of

  a thread. His arms could stretch as long as he wanted them.

  Louis stretched his hands into the hole to grab Bella. Then

  he used his hands to wind and curve through the forest like

  a snake; he was searching for the children without moving

  from where he was standing. The children ran from the long

  hands; they were not only scary and spooky, but just plain

  weird. Robert let Louis chase him around a tree until his

  hands were tied up.

  "You fool," said Bella to Louis.

  His hands were now stuck and the children laughed.

  Jamyra froze Louis' hands together. He was in pain from the

  cold, and could not move his fingers because of the


  "Get me out of this!" shouted Louis to Bella.

  She completely ignored him and went after Peter; she

  wanted him. If Peter were caught, then Sam would surrender.

  Peter was too smart for Bella, every step she made, Peter

  had a hole ready for her to step in. She called her bat to

  come and scoop her up, but it did not respond; it was too

  busing being chased by Steve and Michael.

  Seeing that they were outnumbered and losing, Bella

  called upon Cilus to come and help. He came with Horitio,

  the wizard of face changes. He came down throwing fire

  balls from his hands; it seemed fire balls were the number

  one choice of weapons among the wizards. Horitio tried to

  take Sam Carrot-Top's face, but he didn't stay still long

  enough for Horitio to grab ahold of his. So he continued to

  fight with the fire balls, as Sam used his newfound

  strength to beat up the wizards. Cilus was not having this;

  he was embarrassed to see his wizards not able to beat a

  bunch of kids, and came down throwing a flying disc that

  changed into a huge giant with a large club.

  "Oh, no! Not another giant," said Peter.

  It was more than one giant; they came down in pairs of

  three, every time Cilus threw a disc into the air, it

  changed into some form of giant. Cilus himself looked like

  a little boy, like Peter and his friends. Peter tried to

  make friends, but Cilus was not having it. He did not want

  to be Peter's friend, and threw four discs into the air. As

  he did, Clara shot them out of the sky before they got a

  chance to form into whatever giants were going to come out

  of them.

  Clara took her golden sword and called upon the dragon

  to knock the disc out of the sky, but there were still

  three giants left to get rid of. The first was a huge white

  bear that beat on its chest and roared. It had a massive

  head, and super-sized paws. It attacked the children, and

  they ran through the forest, screaming and hollering.

  Millie disappeared, as always; Jamyra tried to freeze the

  bear, but it was too big and too strong. It broke loose

  from the ice Jamyra put around its legs. Sam Carrot-Top

  took on the giant bear, using his strong hands to lift and

  threw him to the floor. Back and forth Sam used his powers;

  finally Sam spun the bear by his feet, and then let go and

  sent the bear flying into the abyss.

  Next was a large dragon that was so yellow that it

  matched the sun. It had big blue eyes and a tail made of

  sharp spines. It flew down shooting fire from it jaw at the

  children, burning trees and anything in its way. On the

  dragon's back was Cilus, controlling where it went. At

  first, the dragon attacked Mr. Carrot-Top, but had no luck;

  he held on to its sharp spine tail and tried to bring it

  closer to the ground. The dragon was very powerful, and

  pulled away from Sam, but Mr. Carrot-Top kept a firm grip

  on its tails, even as his hands bled from the cuts of the

  spine. Nevertheless, Sam hung on until the pain was too

  much to bear, and then he let go.

  The dragon then went after Peter and his friends, who

  were already being chased by Bella and a few of the other

  wizards. Sam Salmon produced a few fart balls and burst

  them in the air, causing the dragon to squirm a bit. This

  gave Mr. Carrot-Top another chance to catch ahold of its

  tail; and he did just that. Sam Carrot-Top spun the dragon

  around faster and faster, causing it to throw Cilus off of

  its back and onto the floor, where he was now face to face

  with Peter.

  "So you are the boy king," said Cilus to Peter.

  "No, I am just a boy," said Peter.

  Cilus had an unsettling look of disgust toward Peter,

  but Peter was not backing down from him. "Maybe we can be


  Cilus laughed his wicked laugh, and then pushed Peter

  to the ground. Cilus started to cast another spell, when a

  slap in the face from Clara's green saliva bugs knocked him

  down. Peter quickly got up and moved toward Clara. Cilus

  had a hard time fight off Clara's green saliva bugs; he got

  so mad and created another monster. This one came from the

  clouds. At first, they rolled in and then there was nothing

  but silence. Cilus thought maybe his magic was not working;

  but oh, it was working very well.

  The clouds shook as if something was trying to get

  out; and what jumped out of the clouds was nothing more

  than some cute little mushroom people! They were soft as

  feathers, and the
ir bodies were in the form of mushrooms.

  They were white with red polka dots. These little critters

  giggled all the time as they hopped from cloud to cloud.

  Peter and his friends relaxed, thinking that these little

  mushroom people were nothing more than harmless critters of

  the forest. But they were not at all harmless; they were

  big trouble for Peter and his friends.

  At first, the mushroom people did nothing more than

  play around. Cilus got ticked off, and sent a lightning

  bolt to the clouds. It hit a few of the mushroom people,

  causing them to attack. Out of their little hands came

  balls of soft clouds that at first looks so innocent, but

  then they burst in the air and sent down flying daggers and

  electric sparks. Peter and his friends ran once the first

  cloud puffs went off.

  Cilus was happy and shouted, "More, more, you fools."

  The mushroom people threw more, but never moved. They

  just sat on the clouds and attacked. They were so delicate

  that they could not touch the ground or they would

  evaporate into thin air. They were more of a nuisance than

  a big threat. Nevertheless, Peter and his friends had to

  deal with them. Peter tried to hide from one of the

  electric bolts, but it caught him and gave him quite a

  shock. Peter's head was smoking and his hair was fried. His

  friends laughed, and then got right back to work trying to

  defeat the mushroom people. Jamyra tried to freeze them

  while trying to protect Mr. Carrot-Top from Bella, who was

  coming up behind him with her nails out and ready to poison

  him again. Jamyra froze Bella's nails, and then her

  freezing power was blocked by the mushroom people who put

  up some type of shield to protect them in the clouds.

  Cilus tried to fight with Peter; the two boys hit and

  punched each other until they fell into one of Peter's

  black holes. Screams came out of the holes as they fell,

  but most of the children were too busy battling to notice.

  Millie disappeared and flew up with Ben to try and capture

  one of the mushroom people to hold as ransom. Even though

  Millie was invisible, for some reason the mushroom people

  could still see her. They could detect body heat through

  their big blue saucer eyes; they knocked Millie to the

  floor with one of their bolts, and then sent down a hail of

  electric sparks upon Mr. Carrot-Top and the others.

  The children, and even some of the wizards, ran for

  their lives; sparks were flying everywhere, the ground was

  becoming so electrified that no one could stand on it

  without getting shocked. Bella was still trying to defrost

  her nails, and the other wizards flew off into the hole

  where Peter and Cilus were. That's when everyone noticed

  that Peter was not around.

  "Oh no, they must have taken him!" said Clara.

  Sam Carrot-Top turned around quickly and dove into the

  hole, when he found out that his son was missing.

  Meanwhile, the remaining children were left to fight with

  the mushroom people and Bella. Ben used his ability to

  change into anyone, and pretended to be Cilus. He commanded

  the mushroom people to go into the darkest corner of the

  forest and give light with their electricity. At first the

  mushroom people did not leave; they were a little

  suspicious, and one flew down and circled around Ben. He

  tried to keep a straight face and hold the appearance of

  Cilus together, but those who knew Ben knew that he had

  issues with getting a look-alike face to stay. But this

  time, Ben held it until the mushroom people jumped back

  onto their clouds and went away.

  "You fools, that is not Cilus!" said Bella as she came

  running after Ben.

  It was too late; the mushroom people had taken off so

  quickly that when Bella turned around they were gone. She

  was furious and chased after Ben with her bat. He used his

  magical cape to fly through the air, up and over clouds, in

  and out of tree trunks, and up and over trees. Bella was

  not having a good time; not only was she wasting time with

  a bunch of spoiled brats, a war awaited. Bella quickly

  turned around and headed into the temple. She summoned a

  flock of black birds to go after the children. There were

  so many black birds that they covered the skies and made

  the sun go down; there was nothing but darkness.

  Clara used her magical sword to give light to the area.

  "We must get out of here!" said Zack.

  All the children decided to jump down the black hole

  to find Peter and his father.

  "They'll need our help," said Robert.

  As the black birds came flying through the air, one by

  one the children jumped into the black hole. It was so deep

  that there were huge worms and tree roots growing

  everywhere. Clara used her magic sword to draw light into

  the hole. She led the pack as they began their endless

  fall. Soon, from deep down, Clara spotted the remaining

  wizards also falling. Ben used his cape to fly by Clara to

  see where the wizards were going.

  As they saw Ben, the wizards threw balls of fire back

  at him and the other children. The fire went flying by the

  children's heads causing them to feel the heat across their

  faces. This did not stop Clara or the other children from

  wanting to save their friend. Clara fought back with her

  magical sword, turning it into a dragon and sending it

  after the wizards as they threw their fire balls.

  The fire dragon ate the fireballs, gobbling them down.

  The wizards pulled out all the magical powers they had,

  from fire balls to laser blasts, and Hoyle threw his cards

  at the children. When the cards hit the sides of the hole,

  they burst into clouds of smoke. This slowed the children

  down because they could not see. The smoke was thick and

  grey; there was no way of seeing anything ahead, so the

  children stopped and waited for the smoke to clear.

  "Oh great, while we sit here, Peter could be hurt,"

  said Zack.

  "Be a little more patient," said Clara.

  The smoke cleared, but there was nothing in sight. It

  seemed like the wizards had found a place to hide. As the

  children continued to fall, the wizards came out of nowhere

  and were now in back of the children. The wizards had

  managed to find a ledge, and stayed on it until the

  children went by. Jamyra used her ice freezing, while Clara

  sent her green saliva bugs flying at the wizards. They

  dodged Jamyra's freeze power, and only a few of them were

  caught by Clara's flies.

  Jamyra and Clara decided to put their powers together

  to see what would happen. Clara spit out her green bug

  flies, and then Jamyra lightly froze them. It was a great

  idea; now Clara's flies were hard and strong from the

  freezing. They flew around the wizards, now looking like

  white snowflakes, but when they touched any part of the

  body, everything froze immediately. Mirus was the first

  wizard to
fall victim to the concoction. The two girls

  laughed and giggled together for the first time; they were

  now becoming friends.

  Mirus was falling faster; the weight from the ice

  seemed to weigh him down. When the other wizards saw this,

  they decided to move out of the way. Many of them used the

  fire balls to melt the flies, but they were too fast for

  the wizards' dumb fire balls. The other wizards were not

  happy, and used their powers to block the children with a

  wall of fire. Jamyra turned it into ice water, and the

  children floated through, laughing at the wizards, and that

  made them even angrier.

  Jamyra stretched out her hands to form a wall of ice

  to block the wizards that were behind them. As it formed,

  Hoyle was trying to run through and made it halfway. His

  body got frozen within the ice, and he let out a loud

  scream. The other wizards tried to stop, but they too ended

  up hitting the ice wall.

  "That will keep them out for a while," said Robert as

  he congratulated Jamyra on a job well done.

  Finally the children could see a bottom, and down

  there was Peter; they could tell by his orange hair.

  Standing over Peter was Cilus, holding a magical stick with

  two golden horns at the end of it. The horns from the staff

  seemed to have a tight grip around Peter's neck. Next to

  Peter was his father, who was not moving due to a hit on

  the head from a rock. Blood was everywhere, but Peter was

  not going to let his father die; he fought with Cilus.

  Peter mustered up enough strength to push Cilus away, and

  then Peter took his two hands and pried the staff with the

  horns away from his neck. Cilus saw that Peter had grown

  powerful and took off; he jumped on his magical staff, it

  turned into a flying broom, and up the hole he went.

  Meanwhile, Clara and the others chased Cilus all the

  way to the top, where they lost sight of him. Then they

  went back down to assist Peter. He lay on the floor, still

  trying to catch his breath. He managed to crawl over to his

  father and kissed him on the forehead.

  "Stay with me!" Peter cried. Tears fell from his face

  onto his father's head. The cold touch of the tears seemed

  to wake Mr. Carrot-Top. "Oh, father, you gave me a scare."

  All Mr. Carrot-Top could do was lie there and smile,

  until he got his strength back.

  "We must get out of here," said Peter to his friends.

  He told them that the holes he made led to different

  worlds, and he did not want to be sucked into a time warp.

  At that moment a bright light came through the walls of the

  hole; that process was starting!

  "Go, go, go," said Peter, as he pushed his friends

  toward the top of the hole.

  Ben and Michael used their flying powers to fly with

  Mr. Carrot-Top to the land above. Jamyra was in charge of

  forming an ice bridge to the top, so that the rest of the

  children could make it out. She quickly formed the bridge

  and the remaining children ran to the top, even as the hole

  got bigger and started to open up to another world.

  "Faster!" said Peter.

  The children ran and ran until they could not run any

  more. So, they walked at a quick pace. Meanwhile, as the

  children looked back, they could see the hole opening up to

  another world. When the hole got bigger, everyone took a

  peek; the world was so beautiful, one that no one had ever

  laid eyes on. From what they could see, the land had

  mystical creatures, huge dragons with crowns as large as

  their heads, silver oceans and waterfalls, and the people

  seemed to live in huge stone homes. The beaches had sand

  that glittered in the sun. Peter and the other children

  could hear the soothing sounds of the ocean waves; they

  were in a daze.

  Millie shouted, "Snap out of it, the hole is growing!"

  The children realized that they were being hypnotized

  by the hole so it could swallow them up. The hole had

  almost caught up with them; the children ran faster, and to

  make matters worse, Jamyra's ice bridge was melting. The

  more she tried to produce more frost; the sunlight coming

  from the other world was so hot that it melted the bridge.

  The children sped up; passing all the wizards they had

  frozen on the way down. Clara noticed that a few of the

  wizards were missing, along with Hoyle. But they did not

  have time to study the wizards; they had to get out of the

  hole before it ate them alive and transported them to

  another world.

  When the children made it to the top, they were

  greeted by Ben, Michael, and Mr. Carrot-Top. Also, the

  black birds that were chasing them when they first went

  down into the hole were still there.

  "Keep still, don't move," said Peter, as the birds

  were now sleeping.

  They had waited so long for the children to come back

  out; they formed a nest and slept on the edge of the hole.

  Little did these black birds know that there was a surprise

  coming; the hole was about to swallow them up and take them

  to another world. The children tip-toed softly out of the

  hole, one by one, as the opening to the other world barely

  missed them. Suddenly, the hole gulped up the birds like a

  last meal; all that was left on the ground were a few


  "That was close," said Peter.

  Now that night was falling and the remaining wizards

  were back at the temple, the children could get a rest.

  Peter's father started to really come around and collect

  his senses. Once again, the children had made it through

  another test, but they were going on the third day. Robert

  knew that they only had hours to get back to the vessel to

  make it back home to Baja safely. He gently shook his

  friends to wake them up and back on schedule. Most of them

  did not want to wake up, they were tired and exhausted, but

  they knew that either they got up and started moving or

  became the wizards' prisoners.

  Mr. Carrot-Top was still a little woozy, but he was

  able to stand on his own two feet and walk. Suddenly they

  heard a hovering above.

  "Behind the trees!" shouted Peter to his friends.

  Up above in the sky was none other than their vessel.

  Merseft was looking out the window, and Peter jumped out

  and signaled to him. He flew it down to his family and

  friends. Merseft blabbered on about how the spell was going

  to wear off, and that they would be stuck in this scary

  place forever. But, he was glad to see Peter and the

  others. Yet, he had some bad new.

  "What bad news?" said Peter.

  Merseft told how a woman all in black found the vessel

  and thawed Larry out. He told her that he'd found out that

  Mirus the wizard was his father, and he wanted to be with

  him and become a wizard.

  "Who is Larry?" asked Mr. Carrot-Top.

  Peter explained to his father that Larry was a student

  at his school, his uncle is Mr. Patric Stew
art, and he

  treated Larry more as his son than his nephew. Peter told

  his father that Larry had no special powers, and was only

  accepted at Waldorf Academy because of his uncle. It made

  sense to Peter and his father that maybe Mr. Stewart was in

  with his twin brother to take over Baja.

  "But in the meantime, we must leave," said Merseft.

  The children were glad to be on board, where there was

  food, water, and a nice place to take a nap. Everyone piled

  on board, and the 3D pilot took off his cap and introduced

  himself. He reminded the children that they were running

  out of time, as this nice flying vessel would soon be

  nothing more than a trash can again.

  "Oh hush, we know, now start the vessel," said Jamyra.

  Peter could not help but feel hurt knowing that they

  had left Larry behind. He would become nothing more than an

  evil seed like his father. As the vessel took off, the

  children looked from above and saw all the destruction that

  was done to the forest, the supporter of life in Baja.

  Mr. Carrot-Top saw how his son was looking so sad, and

  said, "Don't you worry, when the elders arrive this will be


  Peter just nodded to please his father, but in his

  heart he was very worried about what was going on, and he

  was the one who was supposed to stop it. Peter felt like a

  failure, and went to the back of the vessel and moped.

  "Oh, stop putting so much pressure on yourself; we did

  our best," said Clara, as she sat next to Peter eating her

  cotton candy worms.

  Peter laughed as Clara had a worm hanging from her

  mouth. "You little pig," said Peter.

  Clara smiled and said, "I did my job I, got you to


  She went off to be with the other children as Peter

  stared out the window. He could see men of his father's who

  were once fighters turned into slaves cutting down the

  trees of the forest to make weapons and tools for the war.

  Sam Carrot-Top wanted to save them, but knew it was too

  dangerous. Still, he promised in his heart that he would be

  back, and he would save all who would come with him.

  One by one, the trees of the forest fell, and animals

  were scampering to find a way out; their home as they knew

  it was being destroyed, burned to the ground. All Peter and

  his friends could do was just watch as their men destroyed

  the entire forest, causing animals that had lived there for

  centuries to find another home. The wizards were being

  careless, and did not care about what they were doing to

  their own world.

  Meanwhile, the children fixed Mr. Carrot-Top plenty to

  eat and drink, as they too ate and drank and took quick

  naps. Many of the children had nightmares with wizards and

  ghosts, and just like the perfect father, Sam Carrot-Top

  was there to comfort them. Although he was badly beaten and

  bruised, he kept watch over the children until they were

  out of harm's way.

  As Sam Carrot-Top looked past the forest and onto the

  Azul Sea, he saw large fleets of ships filled with giants

  and monsters. They were starting to gather for war, and in

  the center of it all was his brother Marcus. There must

  have been at least a thousand ships, with creatures that

  were only created for war; many were wearing the red glow

  codes. None of them were made of the Baja symbols, so the

  red codes meant they were made of wizard's blood. These

  creatures were savages; they ate fish right out of the

  water raw and unclean. Many of them looked like mystical

  beasts; some were half-beast half-stone, while some had

  heads as big as the moon and tiny bodies.

  Whatever scary things the wizards could conjure up,

  they most certainly did. They wanted the people of Baja to

  be afraid of them; they wanted them to be so afraid that

  they would not fight, just give up and become slaves of the

  forest. Tied to the back of the fleet of ships were huge

  land monsters, like the sand octopus that buried itself and

  lived under the sand. There were at least fifty of them;

  they were huge, weighing at least a ton, with their furlike

  bodies that came in many different colors.

  Then there were elves that stood two feet tall, all

  locked in cages; they seemed to be under a spell of some

  sort. Then there were huge giants and large tigers,

  elephants and dragons, and many more. It was as if one was

  seated and watching a circus pass by.

  Sam Carrot-Top was a smart man; he took mental note of

  what he'd seen as the vessel past over the seas and on to

  land. There was a parade on the roads leading to Baja, a

  parade of nothing more than war. The roads were filled with

  dark Ryders, and leading the way, on a huge throne up on a

  giant elephant, was Bella. Her throne was decked out in the

  finest gems, her seat was made out of jade and silver, and

  a golden saddle was made to fit the huge elephant to place

  her throne on its back. She had maidens fanning her as the

  elephant carried her through the hot roadways. Behind her

  was a long line of ground vessels; there were canon

  throwers that were so huge that they had to be operated by

  a giant.

  The giants came in many colors and shapes; some were

  fat, some were skinny, and some were hairy, but they were

  all fit to be called a giant. A group of a thousand men

  were armed and fitted with the most advanced swords, bows

  and arrows, and sharp knives. They were all dressed alike,

  and marched to a silent tune; no one could hear it but them.

  Then there were another set of fighters, but they were

  skeletons, there had to be at least five thousand of them;

  all adorned with golden breastplates to protect the fake

  beating hearts that Bella had made for them. They were

  dancing and jumping into the air, showing off their skills.

  Behind them were Bella's rock dogs that she'd made

  stronger, faster and bigger.

  Baby dragon pups were way at the end of the line,

  chained down and mistreated. All Bella wanted them for was

  their firepower. Bella's army was the longest; there were

  so many creatures and monsters that she'd formed that there

  were no names for. There was an elephant-type with long

  wooly green fur and ten ivory horns sticking out from its

  face. Then there was a creature with ten eyes that spun

  around and around; it had nothing more than a balloon-type

  body and eight legs. What this creature did was nothing

  less than amazing; it would jump into the dirt and suck up

  the trees and vegetation with one gulp. There were trees

  all around, and then suddenly they were gone; nothing but a

  small hole as a reminder as to where they'd once stood.

  There were also red, black, green, and multi colored

  lizards that Bella had her men feed to the other animals.

  Like the cute bunnies in their nesting holes, Bella was

  cruel and heartless; she truly was a witch.

  As the children woke up from their naps,
they saw Mr.

  Carrot-Top staring out of the window. So they joined him

  and saw a sight that was so scary they hid their faces.

  Then they came back to the window and gazed upon how

  powerful the wizards seemed; they had built an army from

  stones, and raised the dead to make their bones fight for

  them. The wizards had split into several groups, making

  them so much more powerful, but Mr. Carrot-Top reminded the

  children not to worry, that the elders would awaken and

  fight for the citizens of Baja.

  That's when Peter reminded his father that he still

  did not have the key to unlock the elders. Peter told his

  father of the secret glove he'd found in the temple. Mr.

  Carrot-Top wanted to see this treasure his son had found;

  and when Peter brought the bag carrying the glove forward,

  it glowed just as it did before. Mr. Carrot-Top quickly

  dumped the contents of the bag out, and he gazed upon a

  true find. The golden glove was in pristine shape; it was

  so beautiful, just like the last time he'd seen it. Peter

  and the children were amazed to know that Mr. Carrot-Top

  had seen the glove before. He explained to the children

  that when he was guarding the key, he had to wear this

  special glove that allowed the carrier to hold the key. Not

  everyone could wear the glove, it was blessed and made by

  the elders for a certain individual, and that individual

  was Peter.

  "I told you so," said Millie as she wiped the sleep

  out of her eyes.

  "Have you tried on the glove?" said Mr. Carrot-Top to

  his son.

  "Yes, father, I tried it on, and it only fit me, not

  my friends."

  As the children listened, Mr. Carrot-Top told of how

  once in the special square in Baja, the boy who the glove

  fit would call upon the key, and it would come from out of

  the depths of the earth; searching and flying, until it was

  reunited with the glove. Then the wearer of the glove had

  to open the doors to the elders with the eighth key.

  All this time, Peter had felt as if he had failed his

  father, his friends, and most importantly, the people of

  Baja. But all this time, he had the key right in front of

  him. Peter jumped up and down as his friends cheered him on.

  However, Mr. Carrot-Top knew that having the key could

  become a burden more than a joy. For now, he did not want

  to tell his son about the bad part, until it was time; he

  just wanted his son to enjoy being with his friends and

  know that he was not a failure. He was the one the prophets

  spoke of.

  Even though Peter was very happy, the thought of

  actually being the savior of Baja had not taken effect yet.

  After a few more cheers of happiness, the captain came out

  in his 3D form and notified them that they would be

  reaching the mainland of Baja soon. The children were so

  happy, they cheered again, but then suddenly the captain

  said that they would have to hide behind the clouds because

  something big and unknown was heading their way.

  The children and Mr. Carrot-Top rushed to the window,

  where they saw the wizards Mirus, Hoyle, Louis, and Cilus

  leading an army of the sky that was headed toward the

  mainland. Cilus was riding an eighty foot long orange

  dragon that had three tails; its eyes were so huge and

  round. Cilus sat on the back of the dragon on a golden

  saddle, and the dragon had a wingspan of at least thirty

  feet. Next to Cilus was Hoyle, riding a large bird with a

  tail that had fangs at the end. Then there were Mirus and

  Louis on some type of flying disc; Peter and his friends

  remembered the disc from when they went to the golden


  Somehow the wizards got ahold of the technology and

  made their own. Then there was Larry riding his own

  floating manta-ray with a sharpened spike tail and jet

  black in color. Larry sat on his golden saddle and held a

  magical staff. This was not the same Larry the children

  knew; he seemed to be more evil. The thought of having all

  that power had gotten to him; Larry had a wide smile on his

  face, he was now with his father, and was consider a

  wizard. That's when Peter noticed that one of the wizards

  was missing.

  "Where is the wizard Horitio?" said Peter.

  The children looked through the huge crowd, but no

  Horitio was found.

  "He must have been eaten by the hole," said Clara.

  Peter nodded in agreement. Behind the wizards was an

  army of the air. Cilus had created a wide range of

  creatures to attack Baja by air. There were birds by the

  thousands that were fitted and equipped with fire balls and

  smoke bombs. Then there were huge bats that were in groups

  of a thousand, carrying fighters on their backs; there were

  also huge cloud giants made of nothing more than clouds.

  There were porcupine people, their skin dark in color and

  protruding from their skin were needle-like spines that

  were not only sharp but poisonous.

  Cilus also had a huge army of armadillo men; their

  outer shells were so tough that they could withstand

  anything, and according to Cilus would be the first line of

  defense for the wizards. On the backs of a thousand birds

  were scarecrows that had come alive through the spells of

  the wizards. The scarecrows were made of nothing more than

  hay, but were in the form of men. They were given life by

  Cilus to seek and destroy anyone who would not bow down to

  him and his ruling. Then there were a group of a million

  critters that were know as the fuzzys. They were fur ball

  creatures that shook off their fur, and once the fur was

  off, it turned into needle-sharp pins. With a million of

  them being shaken at one time, they would make a great

  weapon to stop the army of Baja.

  Peter and his friends were amazed to see all the power

  formed by the wizards; they seemed more powerful than the

  citizens of Baja. Mr. Carrot-Top thought the same thing

  too, but he did not want to let the children see that he

  was also afraid and surprised by the wizards' army. Deep

  down inside, Mr. Carrot-Top was hoping that his father, a

  master of inventing, had come up with something that could

  withstand the armies of the wizards.

  Mr. Carrot-Top made the children believe that he had

  seen this all before, and that there was nothing to worry

  about. Once the children heard that, they became more

  relaxed and were confident that they would be able to

  defeat the wizards and all of their monsters.

  Once the children had settled down and were less

  afraid, Mr. Carrot-Top pulled his son aside and told him

  that once he called upon the eighth key, there was no

  turning back. The eighth key held special powers, and that

  was how he'd lost his brother to the wizards. Mr. Carrot-

  Top told Peter that his brother was jealous of being born

  with no magical powers, and not being the one the elders

  wanted. When Marc
us saw that he was not getting the

  attention his brother got, he decided to turn on his own

  flesh and blood. Marcus was very upset that he was not the

  chosen child, and became very jealous, and hated Sam all

  his life.

  It was the elders who made the choice of having a

  person in charge while they hibernated. Sam Carrot-Top told

  Peter this so that he would be aware that there were many

  people out there who would be very jealous of him. Peter

  needed to be very careful who he called his friends. Peter

  graciously took his father's advice and wondered what the

  elders would look like. Suddenly the red light in the

  vessel went off, and an alarm sounded.

  "What is going on, Merseft?" said Peter.

  "We are running out of time; we have to move from

  under these clouds," said Merseft.

  He explained to everyone that the spell was wearing

  off, and that they had to move before they no longer had a

  vessel to ride. The captain quickly moved the vessel from

  beneath the clouds, and put it into top speed. It went

  flying through the air, passing unnoticed by Cilus. Then on

  to the mainland of Baja it went. Peter and his friends were

  glad to be going home; after all, they had snuck away from

  home. The children waited with anticipation as they could

  see the town square.

  "We're almost there," said Peter, as he pointed out

  the window.

  No one was expecting the town square to be empty.

  There was no one in sight; all the stores and houses were

  boarded up, the roadways were bare, and there was not even

  a stray dog in the streets. Now Sam Carrot-Top panicked,

  and wondered if Cilus had somehow done this. As the vessel

  got closer to the town square, he noticed that there were

  many missing trees and vegetation; he explained to everyone

  that the town was getting ready for war and that they were

  in hiding.

  "We must place you in the town square, so you can call

  upon the elders," said Clara, as she gently turned Peter's

  face in her direction.

  Peter was in a daze looking out the window.

  "No time to be afraid now," said Robert.

  "We are all in this together," said Mr. Carrot-Top.

  Finally the vessel was over the square. The children

  couldn't wait to land. As soon as the vessel landed, the

  spell was up and the vessel turned back into nothing more

  than an empty large garbage bin.

  "Oh, that was a close call," said Ben, as he licked

  his fur.

  "Oh, you are so gross," said Jamyra to Ben.

  There was no time for pity as Mr. Carrot-Top grabbed

  Peter by the hand and led him to the town square. Sam

  shouted, "Everyone, come outside and watch Peter call on

  the elders!"

  At first no one came; the roads and pathways were very

  quiet. Then out of nowhere men women and children rose out

  of the ground. They were hidden underground by special

  holes. When Jane saw her husband and son she ran toward

  them, not believing that it was really them. She poked and

  probed both Sam and Peter, and when she found that they

  were real, she broke down in tears.

  "I thought I'd lost you both," said Jane, as tears

  fell from her face.

  Jane was not the only one happy, but the other

  children's parents came running to give their kids the

  biggest hugs. The other citizens cheered the children for

  saving Sam Carrot-Top. The children felt as if they were

  royalty, but there was no time for fun. Sam Carrot-Top

  announced that Cilus and the other wizards were on their

  way, and that Baja must prepare for the worst. He explained

  all the evil forces that were coming, and that the citizens

  must not be afraid. If they were afraid, they would be

  easily defeated. The crowd moved aside for David Carrot-Top

  to come and shake his son's hand and give him a big hug.

  "I did not want to leave you," said David.

  "I know," said Sam, as he gave his father a big hug.

  This was followed by Samantha and Dorothy. But Sam

  Carrot-Top had a surprise for the townspeople; Peter had

  found the glove to call upon the eighth key. When they

  heard this, their hearts became brave again, hoping that

  this time it was for real, that the elders would come out

  of their hibernation.


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