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The Villain

Page 2

by Jordan Silver

  My cock was over this shit already, he knew when pussy was on the menu and he wasn’t one for waiting, unruly fuck. Her skin had this scent to it, it wasn’t perfume or any other kind of chemical enhancement, I think it was all her and it was doing something to my insides. Just what in the blue fuck was going on here anyway?

  I had the strong desire to pull away, like I was on the verge of some fuck, or something was about to happen, but what? What danger could she pose to me, a little thing like her? I looked down at her. Her chest was heaving up and down in her pique, her hair was wild, and those cat eyes were spitting fire. I think I’m in love. Fuck me.

  Chapter 3

  “You ever been fucked raw little girl?” She blushed at that one but it didn’t stop her mouth though, and I was enjoying this little sparring thing we had going on way too much.

  “Not by a pig.” She smirked at me even as I saw death threats in her eyes. That shit only made my cock want to come out and play even more, and I was actually looking forward to getting inside her.

  “I’m going to enjoy riding the fuck outta you.” I guess she doesn’t take too kindly to sexy talk, or a take-charge guy. Who knows what the fuck she was into with that douche wad for an old man?

  “Get the hell off of me asshole, and go ride your mo...”

  “Hey, that mouth of yours is gonna get you fucked hard. Leave my poor mama out of this and another thing, I don’t like my women to swear like stevedores, you’re gonna have to do something about that.” I guess she didn’t like being told what to do either because no sooner were the words out of my mouth than she was up to her shit again.

  I wrestled her beneath me, in between tearing at her clothes to get her naked. I got a little sidetracked by the pink beauty of her nipples, and my hand loosened around hers. She used that to get one of them free and sock me in the mouth.

  The fuck! She wasn’t expecting the grin that spread across my lips and I wasn’t expecting the rush I got from it; and for the first time since she’d come through the door, I saw real apprehension and uncertainty written all over her face.

  I started to lick the blood away with my tongue, but changed my mind. Instead I wiped it away with my finger and swiped it across her lip. Fisting my hand in her hair, I pulled her mouth up to mine and took her lips in an almost brutal kiss. She tried keeping her tongue from me; so I teased her nipple between my fingers until she softened.

  It was like sticking my dick in a wall socket instant fucking electric shock. I pulled my mouth away and looked down at her again, I couldn’t help it. All jokes aside, something strange was going on with this girl. There was some fuck in her that called to the beast in me. That might be good for me, and my mom, who had grandkids on the fucking brain twenty-four seven. But not so much for the girl that was lying under me, breathing like she’d just ran the five K.

  I actually had flashes of me fucking my kid into her, and that right there is how I knew for sure that I was fucked. The attraction thing was normal enough I guess. I like women and make no bones about it. But that other shit was all new.

  The way she made me feel for one was new, and the fact that she wasn’t even trying was just scary. I ran my mouth along her neck, leaving a trail of my blood. “You shed my blood, you know what that means? It means you’re mine to do with as I please. So what’s it gonna be, death or this?” I cupped her pussy through her jeans as my mouth came down on hers again.

  This time I changed my tactics and went in slow. Instead of mauling her like my beast wanted to, I calmed her with my touch until she melted beneath me. Fuck if that shit wasn’t worst. I tried holding back but something told me it was no use, whatever was going on here was out of my control.

  I dove into her; there was no other word for it. She fucking took me under the way she gave into my touch, and soon it was I who needed to come up for air. She was all soft and cuddly under me but that shit lasted all of five seconds. I thought I had found the way to calm her the fuck down, for a minute or two at least, or so it seemed, I shoulda known better. “I want to call my dad, he’s going to worry if I don’t come home soon.”

  What the fuck did she think this was, an afterschool play-date? “That’s not how it works babe, you won’t be talking to dad for quite some time, if ever.” I lifted my body away from hers a little not sure if I should risk getting up as yet, then I sat up and pulled her onto my lap again, while I thought of my next move.

  I know it’s customary to let the kidnapped talk to the ransom holder, but I say why the fuck should I put his mind at ease? Let the fucker sweat. I’m sure what I’m going to do to his kid is way worse than anything he could come up with anyway. He shoulda thought of that before he fucked with me.

  “Damn did your daddy buy you these tits or are they real?” Since she refused to answer I decided to give them the litmus test myself. “Fuck, your mother must be one put together broad, because there’s no way Felix the fuck could’ve made you without a lot of help.”

  She really was a thing of beauty, and it was almost a shame that she was so young, but like I said, she was legal that’s all that matters to me. I’m not exactly into snatching girls off the streets...who the fuck am I kidding? I do whatever it takes to fuck the other guy; I’d snatch a fucking cocker spaniel if it’d get me what the fuck I wanted.

  As much as I would like to fuck her in the next second though, I still had a shit load of fuckery to do before I could even think of playing with my new pussy, and this one was going to take all my concentration, to make sure I don’t lose my dick in the bargain.

  Shit, what was I supposed to do with her for the next couple of hours? I pushed her off my lap and she scrambled to fix herself. It was a damn shame she had to cover those babies, but the way my cock was spitting and trying to get out the gate, it was better if she did. I didn’t want our first time to be on the couch in my office. And since the fuck when do you care about that girly shit?

  I needed to get away from her, put some space between us so I could come to my fucking senses. I eased away from her just a little bit, and already I felt the lost of her warmth and closeness. This was all kinds of fucked and I had nothing to compare the shit that was going on inside of me with.

  I got myself together and stood up to give my cock a break as much as anything else. I didn’t like the way my chest felt when I looked down at her little face. I suddenly realized that I didn’t want her to be afraid of me; that before too long I wanted to see the same longing I was beginning to feel, reflected in her eyes. I’d lost my fucking mind.

  Chapter 4

  “Now sit there like a good little girl while I finish up here. I already owe you a deep hard fuck for busting my lip. Anything you do now, will just be gravy on top of that, so keep that shit in mind.”

  I walked back over to my desk and shook my head to clear it. My day wasn’t going anyway like I thought it would that’s for sure. For one, I didn’t know I was going to meet someone like her, who actually made me take a second look; it wasn’t often that that shit happened these days.

  I’ve spent the last few years building my reputation and keeping the shit I’d inherited together. It wasn’t easy for a Yale grad to be taken seriously on the streets. Add the fact that most people took one look at me and mistook me for a pretty boy with a silver spoon in his mouth and fuckers were always trying to test me. A few gunshots later though, and everyone was a believer.

  I’d been kept out of the limelight so to speak for the better part of my teen years, dad’s way of letting me have a life I guess, so most people didn’t know what I was capable of. I didn’t run with the sons of the other families, and was even thought of in some circles as the prince, but not in a good way. Fuckers thought I was soft.

  I wasn’t expecting to take over for a while anyway, I thought I had at least another twenty years, but then mom caught a cold or some fuck and scared the shit out of dad, who then decided that it was time for him to retire. He was all of forty-seven at the time.

  I don�
��t know if I was ready at the time, I was just beginning to spread my wings. Though I’d always known my destiny, I’d got caught up in other things, things that had nothing to do with the family business or our history. I don’t know how either of us knew that I would be able to carry on from where he left off; I’d been trained in something else after all.

  I do know that from the age of three, dad had taught me the ins and outs of the business, both sides. I could shoot the hat off a motherfucker by the time I was six, and most importantly, learned our way of life. I guess you can say I was groomed for this shit, but as it turns out, not in the same way as the others around me.

  In fact, it was mom’s idea that I go to college, something both dad and I had fought tooth and nail at the time, but that lady is the only thing with a heartbeat that could get over on us. I wasn’t about to fuck with her even if dad was on my side, because more often than not she’d get him to see her side of things, so why bother? It was two against one.

  In the end I was packed the fuck off even though we all knew that I wasn’t necessarily going to use shit that I learned. On that score I was wrong. I had met some of the biggest up and coming criminals there, men and women that I could now call on in a pinch. It was good to have the offspring of senators and governors in your back pocket.

  I’d spent most of my time at school cultivating relationships, while gathering information that I could use for years to come. Some day I was going to own the fuck in the Whitehouse, I had no doubt. So in the end, ma had made the right call. I was a whole new breed, not only could I run the streets with the best of them, I had a fucking brain. Now they call me the prince for a whole other reason.

  There were some who thought I was too young, and even more who thought that because of my age and the fact that I hadn’t been as deeply involved in the streets as maybe their off-spring had been, that the chair should’ve gone to someone else. What they didn’t know could hurt them.

  This Felix fuck was an old throwback from my dad’s days, who didn’t want to let go. They thought I was soft because my dad and gramps had done all the hard work before I came along, and him being a murdering fuck figured he could take me. The fuck outta here!

  He was trying to strong-arm me and using his past relationship with my dad to get over on me. That’s not the way I operate though, dad knows that I run shit my way with no interference and he respects that shit.


  I ignored her as I went about my business, though I was aware of every breath she took. Ten minutes in I looked up to see her staring at something in front of my desk, and her face had turned white. I glanced over my desk to see what the fuck and saw the bloodstains.

  Fuck, I’d been so caught up in her, I’d forgotten that I’d just offed a guy. “You okay, you’re not gonna pass out or anything are you?” she gave me the meanest look I’d ever seen on a little girl; that shit was just pure amusement for my dick.

  “Who are you?”

  “Didn’t you see the name on the door?” I turned the nameplate on my desk around so that she could see it. “I’m an attorney.”

  “’re an attorney and you snatch people off the street?”

  “I don’t remember doing any such thing, did you see me there when you were taken? What I remember is me being here in my office minding my own business and you coming in kicking and screaming.”

  “Why is there blood on the floor?”

  “Someone had an accident nothing for you to worry about.” That would have to be enough to satisfy her because I wasn’t about to discuss my shit with a woman; especially not one that I was sure was going to be under me in the near future. That shit’s just not done.

  I ignored her for the next hour or so and got back to work. When I picked my head up again she was sitting where I’d left her, deep in thought. No doubt she was dreaming up ways to fuck with yours truly.

  I closed the ledgers and got up from my seat. “I’m all yours, let’s go eat.”

  “I can’t go anywhere looking like this.” She looked down at her torn shirt and gave me shit. “Do you know how much this shit cost?”

  “We’ll get you a new shirt, can we go? I’m hungry as fuck.” I shrugged out of my jacket and wrapped it around her before I called down for the car and then struggled to get her ass out the door and into the private elevator.

  “Where are you taking me?” She struggled harder as the doors closed behind us. I’m sure my guys in the security room were getting an eyeful of this shit. I have to get her ass settled before she fucks around and gives them a shot of my tits. I’d hate to have to kill the fucks for the honor, and how would that be fair?

  “To eat, now stop stressing me before I fuck you right here. In case you haven’t noticed, my dick is hard and all that moving around is just fucking with him. He doesn’t know that you’re not trying to tease him, and if you keep that shit up, I’ll let him have you.”

  She stopped moving and gave me a wide-eyed stare. “A virgin huh, that’s good to know it’ll save me from tearing your little pussy by being too rough the first time.” I laughed when she squeaked and tried to pull away. “Stay.”

  She behaved for the rest of the ride down but I could tell from the looks on my men’s faces that the gossip rag in the security room had already shared the theatrics with them. I sat her in the back before turning to them. I eyeballed their asses until they lost the smirks and then told them we were on a run to get her new clothes, which started a fucking debate about size and shit.

  In the back of the car I kept her close while she fumed and asked me a million questions not the least of which was what I planned to do with her. Good fucking question, I had lots of ideas on that score, none of which she was ready to hear I’m sure, but still...

  “Well, when I woke up this morning, I was only going to fuck with your old man in a way that he would remember, but since the chicken shit motherfucker went into hiding and my guys can’t find him, I decided to take you instead.

  I had no idea at the time that you were going to be you though. You must admit your old man looks like a gutted trout, so who would’ve thought his daughter would rival Cleopatra for beauty? So to answer your question, I think I’ll keep you.”

  “Are you demented? You can’t just keep me, this isn’t the stone ages.”

  “I don’t know what the fuck age it is, but I do know you’re staying put. Now the boys wanna know what size top you wear. I told them an extra large but Chase thinks you’re too little for that. Obviously he hadn’t seen those things you’re carrying around, which is good for him. I’d hate to have to cap a friend for looking at my shit.”

  “I can pick out my own shirt.”

  “The fuck you are, you’re not going anywhere like that.” She had tied the ripped ends of her shirt together under her tits. Although I’d given her my jacket as cover, I could still see her cleavage; fuck if she was walking around a store like that.

  “What’s wrong with the way I look? You did this you idiot.” She’s one of those argumentative types. “A word to the wise, I’m not much for arguing so you might wanna save your breath. While you’re with me, it would be wise to just do whatever the fuck I say and leave all the rest of that shit alone.”

  “I’m not an airheaded puppet, I can think and speak for myself. And just so you know, the first chance I get, I’ll get away, then what’re you gonna do when my dad comes after you?”

  “Do you really think I’m afraid of that dumb fuck?” Just like a fucking woman, I have to prove to her who has the biggest dick. Pulling my phone I dialed his number. I wonder if he knew she was gone. I’m not hip to his family life. I only knew that he had a daughter from his first marriage or some fuck.

  Chapter 5

  I’d never seen her before today because I didn’t move in the same circles as him. He answered on the second ring. “Felix, Draco Santorini, I have something of yours you fuck, say hello to your daughter.” I put the phone on speaker.



  “That’s enough.” I turned the speaker off and put the phone back to my ear.

  “Santorini you bastard what’re you doing? What do you want? I’ll give you anything just don’t hurt her, she’s innocent...”

  “Not for long.” I grinned into the phone while his daughter glared at me. Where was the fucking fear? “Tonight while I’m buried balls deep in her sweet young body you can light a candle for her lost cherry and remember this was all your doing. I warned you not to fuck with me you fuck.” I hung up just in time to block the swing she threw at me.

  I grinned at her before pulling her into my chest and biting into her neck. I only relaxed my jaw when she stopped fighting, then I marked her. Her hand went to her neck as soon as I released her.

  “Why do you keep doing that? Stop it I don’t like it.”

  “Queen Anastasia has spoken. That shit might work with your fuck of a dad; doesn’t hold much sway with me. As for that,” I pointed at the mark that was forming on her neck, “it’s a good way to let all the males you come into contact with know that your pussy’s been bagged and tagged.” I grinned at her again because that shit seems to get her going.

  “Now we’re here and I don’t want my guys buying your shit so you stay here while I go get you some shit to wear.” Don’t ask me why the fuck the thought of one of my guys having his hands on something that was going to be next to her skin was suddenly not to my liking. This territorial shit was new to me too.

  I had to fucking tussle with Chase and Alec to let me go into the store alone while they stayed back with her. They’re worse than a pair of fucking old women. I’d rather gnaw my arm off at the shoulder than live my life in a bubble. If today was the day some fuck was gonna end me, then so be it. But fuck if I was gonna let that shit happen anytime soon.

  I was in and out in less than twenty and came back to fucking drama. “What the fuck is going on here?” Chase was in back holding her while she was trying to kick a hole in the side of my fucking ride.


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