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For Love of Grace [Werewolves Wanting Love 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 5

by Cara Adams

  She was certain Mark would obey her wishes. About Jarin, she was a whole lot less sure, but she thought, for the old man’s sake, likely he’d cooperate. Well, if he didn’t she’d leave. She’d really like to see Hanson Mall. She’d go there and visit with Heather while she decided where to live.

  With her plan in place, Grace was ready to open her mind and her body to Mark and Jarin. Mark was so powerfully enticing, but so sweet and gentle as well. And Jarin. Jarin was so fucking fascinating that ignoring him was incredibly difficult. Besides, he’d promised her the best orgasm ever. She wanted to see if he could deliver on that promise.

  “You kissed me once before, Jarin. Mark’s never kissed me. I wouldn’t mind if you kissed me, Mark.”

  “You rubbed my kiss off your lips the moment we broke apart. After Mark kisses you, maybe you should let me try again, to see if I can do better this time,” said Jarin.

  Wow. He’d remembered that. She hadn’t done it to hurt him. She’d done it to try to erase his powerful touch from her mind and her body.

  “Mark first.”

  Mark came closer to her almost shyly. He touched her hair with the gentlest of fingers and said, “Can I take your hair out of this thing? I want to touch it. I remember how you used to wear your hair out and I always loved it like that.”

  “It was always getting tangled. I got tired of constantly having to comb it. This way I can forget all about it.”

  “Yet you didn’t cut it,” said Mark, taking the pins out.

  “No. I like it long. Just long and neat, not long and knotted.”

  His strong fingers combed through her hair, stroking against her scalp, sending shivers down her spine. “Damn, you do that well.”

  “Thank you. I’m happy to practice on you as much as you wish.”

  She giggled and then his hands cupped her chin, and held her face tilted up to his. Mark’s dark brown eyes were filled with a mixture of lust and worry as he bent his head lower and gently kissed her lips. His touch was firm and demanding, yet still very gentle. She could easily have pulled away from him if she’d wanted to. But she didn’t want to. She gripped his shoulders and moved her head slightly so their lips were pressed together. When his tongue touched the seam of her mouth she willingly opened to him ready to experience whatever he attempted next.

  He pulled her body against his lifting her onto his lap and tongue fucking her in earnest. His cock was a thick ridge between their bodies even through two pairs of jeans. When they finally broke apart he whispered, “I love you, Grace. I’ve loved you for a long time. Please let me show you how I’ll cherish you, if you’d just let me.”

  He must have expected her to answer but she was only halfway through the program. It was Jarin’s turn to kiss her now.

  Jarin urged her to her feet. He wasn’t as gentle as Mark, but she could tell he was moderating his usual behavior. She could have pulled away if she’d wanted to. He made no attempt to exert all his strength as he’d done sometimes in the past.

  He slid one leg between both of hers, placing both his palms flat against her back. Then he leaned down and captured her lips, pouring his heart and soul into the kiss. Jarin was always an intense person, but right now Grace had to keep her feet firmly planted on the ground not to be blown away by the passion that was surging into her. She knew he wanted her. He’d made that abundantly plain. But she hadn’t realized before how potent his kisses could be. Either that, or else he’d learned a hell of a lot since last he attempted to kiss her. By the time he lifted his mouth from hers, her knees were wobbling.

  “You’ve definitely improved,” she whispered.

  “I’m glad you didn’t let the team down,” said Mark.

  Jarin coughed. “Please, Grace, we’d like to share so much more with you than just kisses.”

  “We’ll stop at any time you want us to. I give you my word on that,” said Mark, staring at Jarin. Jarin nodded. “I won’t take advantage of you, I promise.”

  Right now Grace was rather hoping they would take advantage of her. After their kisses she was close to combusting from need. Besides, spending the night here alone with them was almost asking for them to try something, and her grandpa had approved the ménage. But then he’d suggested she go to the mating party as well. A sudden thought lit up her brain.

  “Do you think Grandpa encouraged me to go to the werewolf mating party, and to stay here tonight with both of you, because he thinks if someone had been there to support him, his marriage to Grandma Julie might have worked?”

  “I don’t know. I’ve never thought of that,” said Jarin.

  “Everyone says you’re a lot like your grandma. Maybe he sees that in you, and wants you to have the marriage that he couldn’t hold together,” said Mark.

  “I always thought I was a loner because of being an only child. But Grandma Julie and I were similar in our liking for silence and stillness. I suspect Grandpa might have been quite like you, Jarin, in his youth.”

  “I agree. He’s an ornery old buzzard now, but he takes Jarin’s cheekiness very well.”

  “Is this translating into yes?” asked Jarin.

  Grace laughed. “Yes, I’ll go to bed with you, but you both need to understand this is a test. I’m not making any statements about the future. This is strictly for tonight only.”

  “A one-night stand. All right. I can cope with that.” Mark pulled her into his arms again and carried her to the overhang, sitting her on the ledge on a pile of bedding rolls.

  Chapter Five

  No pressure—much! Jarin was as nervous as if he’d been called up by his Alpha and asked to explain himself. Only this was even more important. His entire future, and Mark’s, were hanging on the thread of how he handled himself now. She’d liked his kisses so that was a positive, but she’d told him categorically months ago that she knew how to give herself perfect orgasms. He and Mark had no clue what she liked and didn’t like in bed and yet they had only this one night to prove to her how much they loved her and wanted her.

  Jarin’s dick was as hard as the rock walls all around them, and aching like a bitch as well. He wanted Grace so desperately, yet knew he had to go slowly and ensure that she was happy about every tiny step he took. He’d much rather tie her up and flog her until she was begging for his cock. And maybe one day he would. But right now he needed to go slowly and drive her wild with lust for them both.

  Hands and mouths. Hands and mouths. My dick can have its turn later.

  Mark had pushed her T-shirt up and was kissing and licking her belly. Jarin took a moment to think, and then grabbed a bottle of water and pulled his T-shirt off. He placed them by her feet and unlaced her boots laying them beside the rock wall and stuffing her socks inside them. He picked up the bottle of water and tipped a small amount onto one foot and gently washed her foot, using his shirt both as a washcloth and as a towel. He painstakingly washed and dried each toe, her sole and heel, the top of her foot and the arch, finishing with a gentle wipe of her ankle. Then he did the same with the second foot.

  A person who walks all days needs to take good care of her feet. The feet are a hiker’s most important piece of equipment. So he lavished love and attention on her feet, making sure they were clean and dry with no signs of blisters or scrapes.

  Only when he was sure they were in perfect condition, did he unzip her jeans and gently tug them down her legs. Now he could begin kissing her properly.

  He sat on the end of the ledge and lifted one of her legs high, kissing and sucking her toes, then kissing his way around the back of her knee, nibbling on the sensitive skin there. By the time he reached her cunt, her panties were soaking wet and her chest was heaving. Jarin thought that was mostly because of the way Mark was touching her breasts and kissing her. Nevertheless he pulled her panties off and buried his face in her cunt, licking her cream and then sucking her clit.

  Damn she tasted amazing. So sweet, and so very hot and wet. Jarin didn’t know which part of her to taste first. Every i
nch of her was so divine. He nibbled on her pussy lips and then sucked her clit. Then he tongue fucked her some more, savoring her rich aroma. Next he was back to sucking her clit.

  Grace’s hips were lifting up to his mouth on every stroke of his tongue so he slid one hand under her ass and petted her butt. She wiggled madly and he knew what she wanted. He inserted just the tip of his finger into her ass as he continued teasing her, but she was pushing back on his finger, clearly wanting more. Gradually he began fucking her ass with just the one digit as he tried to suck her clit and lick her slit all at the same time.

  Just before his brain seized from trying to do so many things at once, her cream gushed out onto his tongue as she came. He licked and kissed and sucked her some more, gradually bring her down from the high, wanting her to know he loved her body.

  Her skin was flushed pink, instead of its normal creamy color, and her eyes were tightly closed. He wasn’t at all surprised that she made only the quietest of squeaks as she came. Grace was a quiet, private sort of person. But the color of her skin and the smile on her face told him as clearly as if she’d screamed her response that she’d had a most satisfactory climax.

  Her skin was as smooth as silk. It was so much softer than his, yet the muscles were clearly defined. He already knew how fit she was. She’d walked here with a heavy backpack and no complaints.

  All he wanted to do was fuck her, but since Mark had been the inspiration behind their success in getting this close to her, honor demanded Mark go first. But if they kept doing this right, he’d have all the time in the world to love her in future.

  * * * *

  Mark stared at Grace. She was so damn beautiful, her eyes glazed with the results of her orgasm, her body naked and gleaming in the dying light from the day. Her breasts were full round globes that fit in his hands so perfectly and her nipples were deep pink berries that tasted even better than the strawberries and chocolate they eaten just that morning.

  She opened her eyes wide and smiled at him. “You’re going to have to prepare my ass better than that if you’re both going to fuck me.”


  “I told Jarin I had vibrators. Surely he passed that information on to you?”

  Mark’s mind was whirring. Not even in his wildest dreams had he imagined double fucking her tonight. His brightest hope had been that maybe both of them would be able to have a turn, maybe one tonight and the other tomorrow morning. But ass fucking hadn’t entered into any of his thoughts.

  “Er. Yes. Um. Perhaps you ought to roll over about now.”

  Jarin was throwing items out of his backpack onto the ground so Mark guessed he had lube and condoms. Mark had brought condoms but not lube.

  In an instant Jarin handed him the small tube and he squeezed some of the slippery gel onto the rim of her anus, and then began massaging it into the tight muscles. She thrust back on his fingers, moving much faster than he would ever have expected until he had two fingers inside her rubbing the walls of her dark channel spreading the gel and massaging it deep into her skin.

  “More,” she begged.

  Jarin kneeled beside him, sliding his hand under Grace’s body to play with her cunt and her clit. Mark smiled. Damn, their woman was hot. He added more gel to his hand and gently pressed a third finger into her hole. His heart was pounding fast and his dick was as hard as a spike. His balls were aching with need and he knew if he wasn’t still fully dressed he’d be unable to prevent himself from slamming his cock into her. Her cunt or her ass, it didn’t matter which, he just needed her so much right now. She was hotter than fire and driving him wild with her sexy demands for his fingers.

  “More, dammit, give me more. I want to come.”

  Mark had never dreamed of fitting the fourth finger into her ass, but she pressed back hard on his hand demanding it. He wondered how many fingers Jarin had in her cunt, and then gave up attempting to think. He had to prove he was so much better than her damn vibrator. He pumped his fingers in and out of her hard and fast, driving deep on each stroke. But while he did that he leaned over one side of her body, on an angle, to leave space for Jarin, and began licking, sucking, and biting lightly on her ass as well. His attempts weren’t smooth. It was hard to make his hands and mouth work independently of each other, but he finally got some kind of a rhythm going and as she thrust back on his fingers and then forward onto Jarin’s.

  “Oh yes,” she said softly and collapsed on the bedding.

  Mark slid his fingers out of her, but kept kissing her ass cheeks. It was a beautiful ass, round and soft, and so sexy, but she had muscles hidden under her flesh there as well. When she’d come she’d gripped his fingers very effectively.

  He kept kissing her and stroking her skin until she rolled onto her back and looked up at them both.

  “That was good. Thanks.”

  He bent to kiss her lips, then moved aside for Jarin to kiss her as well. He’d have really liked to fuck her, but she’d be much too tired now. Anyway, touching her so intimately had been amazing. Surely she had to agree they were better than a plastic toy.

  Jarin handed him a bottle of hand sanitizer and he cleaned his fingers, shaking them to encourage them to dry.

  “Now you can fuck me.”

  Mark nearly fell over. Of all the things he’d thought she might say, that hadn’t been on the list. He bent to take his boots off and get undressed.

  “Get ready for your third orgasm. It’ll be the best one yet,” said Jarin.

  Mark really hoped that was an accurate forecast. His dick was certainly up for it but that was a part of the problem. He’d need to wait for her to be ready, not just slam into her or he’d come but maybe she wouldn’t.

  * * * *

  Grace felt limp and replete, but she knew she’d never sleep and never forgive herself if she didn’t experience a ménage tonight. This might be her only chance ever, and she really wanted it to be with these men. So far they’d been awesome lovers, but the true test was still to come.

  Jarin’s naked chest was a delicious temptation only inches from her body. As soon as he unzipped his jeans she stroked her hand over the hard-muscled wall and then trailed her fingers lower, following the black hair to the top of his waistband.

  “Lower,” he said huskily.

  “There seems to be something in the way,” she replied, watching him closely.

  He swallowed convulsively then muttered, “Not for long.”

  Mark seemed to be just as desperate to get his clothing off as well. That was the problem with hiking boots. They took such a long time to unlace. Not like sandals which could be kicked right off. Not that she was an advocate for wearing sandals in the desert. There were too many things that bite which a walker might step on accidently.

  Both men had very long thick cocks, much bigger than her vibrators. She licked her lips, suddenly hot and needy again. Their bodies were amazing. Toned and hard, solid muscles set off by broad shoulders which tapered to narrow waists. They were truly delicious and even more tempting naked than they’d been fully clothed.

  Jarin picked her up and moved her closer to the wall so he could climb on the bedding. When he was comfortable he rolled her on top of him. “Are you ready, Grace?”

  “Hell yes,” was in her mind but suddenly her tongue was stuck to the roof of her mouth. Now she was astride his hips he seemed larger than ever and the thought of taking both him and Mark together was suddenly a bigger task than she’d foreseen.

  “Yes. I’m ready. I want you both.”

  Jarin held his cock upright. “Well, take him into your cunt then.”

  “Him? You name your body parts?”

  “Me, then.”

  She held Jarin’s cock at her pussy entry and fed him inside her, sliding down over him until he was all the way in and her cunt was pressed tight to his pelvis.

  “Rest on me now, little one, so Mark can enter you as well.”

  Jarin’s hands on her lower back were firm, but not bossy as he so often
was. His touch guided her, rather than telling her. Grace liked that. Of course, whether or not he could continue to avoid turning into a bully remained to be seen, but for now he was treating her just how she needed to managed. Shown what to do, but not pushed in any way.

  She rested on his chest petting his muscles and teasing his nipples. Her ear was pressed to his skin and she could hear the throbbing beat of his heart. His hands spread her ass apart and she waited for Mark to put his cock in there. She’d taken a vibrator there a few times, when she’d wanted to experiment, but now she wanted a man. She hadn’t stopped to think which one would take her pussy and which one her ass, but it didn’t matter. She wanted both of them so either way was fine by her.

  Mark pushed his cock at the muscled entry to her ass, but it didn’t take much to let him enter her. He’d done an excellent job of preparing her, and while he was undoubtedly bigger than her vibrator and than his own fingers, he slid in without much trouble. Once in past the ring of muscle, he needed to wiggle and rock to continue driving inside her. Her body was stretched with Jarin in her cunt, and the tissues had to learn to move themselves and shape themselves around the cocks. But it was amazing how fast her body adjusted to the second cock.

  Both men wiggled and rocked, fidgeting this way and that, but after each movement Mark was a little deeper inside her, and before long he was balls deep and pressed hard against her ass. Damn that felt good. Her body was stretched tight and full of men. She was surrounded by the men, their arms holding her pressed to them, and their bodies completely encompassing her. But she didn’t feel threatened or overwhelmed, rather she felt cherished and cared for.

  They both pulled out of her and she gripped Jarin’s shoulders tightly, waiting for them to press back in. This time they entered her much faster, only to pull out again. In and out they drove, gradually moving faster and harder. Her cunt was dripping with her cream and her nerves were all on edge. The two orgasms she’d already experienced were distant memories and her body craved another climax. One she’d never had before. One made by two men at once.


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