For Love of Grace [Werewolves Wanting Love 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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For Love of Grace [Werewolves Wanting Love 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 7

by Cara Adams

  Mark turned his body carefully, looking for the prickly pear. It’d be too bad if he couldn’t reach it but damn, a mouthful of juicy prickly pear was just what he needed. There it was, about three feet to his right. There was even a narrow ledge for him to stand on. Mark bunched his muscles and leaped, landing exactly where he wanted to, on a rock ledge maybe four inches wide. He walked to the end of the ledge and extended his paw, using his claws to drag the tiny bush out of the ground. He rubbed it against the rock, knocking the sharp spines off it and then bit and chewed. Not as good as a drink but a hell of a lot better than anything else right now.

  Refreshed he looked for a way up. Getting out of the canyon was a matter of planning far enough ahead that he didn’t land up in a dead end and have to come back down to try again. But in his mind right now he could plot eight moves ahead and four of them took him upward, which was a hell of a lot better than his average progress so far today.

  An hour later the effect of the prickly pear had long since worn off and Mark knew the moment he switched back into human form he’d have a hell of a headache from dehydration. But as a wolf he was almost at the top and would be out of the damn canyon as soon as he could work out whether to move right or left here. Right took him sideways to a rock, then down a little into a rock chimney. But from there he could scramble up the sides to the top of the chimney and he’d be within a handful of moves of getting out.

  Left he’d be making a lot more moves and a traveling a lot farther sideways but there were no tricky jumps to make. He was getting too tired and risked falling so left it needed to be.

  Mark lay on the edge of the canyon his head on his paws his body heaving. That last half hour had really leached all his strength from him, but he was out. He turned his head and looked down but couldn’t see Grace. He looked left and then right realizing that from up here directions were reversed and he’d drifted a long way from where he’d left her. Slowly he walked along the rim back toward Grace. His paws were hellishly sore and his entire body ached. And that was without the desperate thirst that filled his mind. He hoped Jarin thought to bring water with him. He couldn’t bring much on the dirt bike. And he’d have to bring clothing, but surely he’d remember water.

  Slowly Mark padded back to where Grace was. When he finally spotted her she was sitting on a boulder, the backpacks supporting her spine, her eyes closed. He yipped to tell her he was safe, and then wondered if perhaps he’d woken her up. But she stood up and waved to him. He yipped again and then began running back to the truck. He didn’t run for long. His feet were too damn sore. And when he saw the dust cloud that indicated the truck was coming toward him, he stopped and waited for it. There was no need to be a he-man. All he wanted was a couple gallons of water and he’d be good to go again.

  * * * *

  At his house, Jarin had really wanted to check his e-mails and find out about the flood, but he needed to pick up Mark first. Maybe Mark could load the truck while he checked them in a little while. He slugged down some water and stuck his head under the cold tap, thoroughly dousing his black curls. Then he pulled his old backpack out of the closet. He dressed himself and packed jeans and a T-shirt for Mark. They were much of a size in clothing so they’d fit. Mark’s feet were smaller than his though, so boots wouldn’t work. He grabbed a pair of soft moccasins and shoved three pairs of socks in them. Hopefully that’d make them stay on.

  He filled the rest of the pack with bottled water and then headed back to where they’d left the truck on his dirt bike. He wasn’t really surprised that Mark wasn’t there. It’d be quite some climb out of the canyon for the wolf. It was going to be damn hard to get Grace out even with the two of them. And the backpacks as well. She couldn’t carry all three of them. They’d have to lower a rope to her and then she’d need to tie on the backpacks so they could haul them up before she came up herself.

  Damn. The day was passing much too fast. This was going to take a hellishly long time.

  Jarin was beginning to wonder if Mark hadn’t even made it out of the canyon yet, when he finally saw the wolf walking slowly. Damn, the man must be exhausted. When Mark just sat down and waited for him Jarin knew his friend was beyond tired. Usually he bounded along in wolf form, full of energy. Or maybe he was just thirsty. It’d been several hours since he’d had a drink and climbing was thirsty work. Yes, that’d be it. Mark was dehydrated.

  He stopped the truck and raced around to open the passenger door. “Jump up and I’ll get you some water.”

  Jarin hauled his backpack out of the back of the trunk and handed a bottle of water to the now human Mark. His body was damp with sweat and he chugged the entire bottle of water without stopping.

  Jarin handed him the jeans and said, “Put your pants on and then I’ll give you another bottle of water.”

  “Thanks. I needed that and another one will be good, too.”

  Jarin left Mark to get dressed, dumping the old backpack on his friend’s knee and went back to the driver’s seat.

  “I want to keep moving. I put everything out ready but it’ll still take us a while to get to her. I’ve got out my longest canyon rescue rope but it’s fucking heavy to lift that reel. It’ll be good to have your help. I’ll do everything else while you rest though.

  “I’ll be fine. I’ve got a hell of a headache but a couple of Tylenol will fix that along with the water, thanks. I was hoping you’d bring some with you.”

  “I assume it wasn’t that easy a climb?”

  “Hell no. It’s perfectly doable, but demanding. The kind of thing enthusiast climbers would likely love to do, but without crampons and a safety rope, I’d rather not try it again in a hurry.”

  “And Grace was all right?” Jarin tried to hide the fear in his voice. He knew she was quiet capable of caring for herself, but he wanted, no needed, to protect and serve her.

  “I called to her and she waved. She was sitting on a boulder just like she did in Red Canyon.”

  Jarin laughed. “I’m glad one of us is having fun. I ought to see what’s causing the flood. I feel sure the Land Board will want to know. They might have already asked me to check on it. But first I need to be sure Grace’s safe.”

  Beside him Mark winced as he pulled on a second pair of socks.

  “Sore feet?”

  “Just bruises and cuts. I’ll tend to them properly after we’ve brought Grace up.”

  Jarin concentrated on getting back to his house fast, and then tossed the pile of things he’d sorted already into the back of the truck. Mark helped him lift in the massive reel of rescue rope and then they drove back to the canyon. Jarin noticed Mark was sipping his third bottle of water. He hoped the Tylenol he’d given him was starting to work. He’d had the easy job. Mark had done the hard work so far.

  He parked by the canyon rim, moving the truck a few times until he was exactly opposite a nice straight section of the cliff which would be good for using the rope. He chained the reel holding the rope to the tow point on his truck, and tied three short pieces of ordinary rope to the beginning of the rescue rope.

  Jarin carried the end across to the side of the canyon. He called out and waved to Grace. He moved away from the rim and pointed to the end of the rope, showing her the small pieces, then mimed attaching a backpack to them. She waved back. So far, so good.

  It was possible to yell messages into the canyon, but she was right by the rushing water and might not hear. Also noises got distorted at this distance. It was a hell of a long way down, even here, where there was a straight cliff. The only reason he knew the rope would be long enough was because it had been used for such things in the past. These reels of rope were especially made for canyon rescues. It was very thin but extra strong.

  Jarin went back to the truck and began turning the handle to uncoil the rope while Mark fed it down the cliff. The reel was almost empty and Jarin was starting to worry, when Mark called, “It’s there.”

  Jarin raced back to the cliff and watched as Grace tied th
e three backpacks to the short pieces of rope then waved at them. Back he went to turn the handle while Mark guided the rope up the cliff. This part was easy. Getting Grace up would be more difficult. There was no way he wanted his woman banged into the wall of the cliff on the way up.

  While Mark loaded the backpacks into the truck, Jarin attached a couple of carabiners to the line and a pair of thick gloves for her. He didn’t even know if she was experienced in rope climbing. He supposed it was possible she was, but it was also possible this was her first experience ever and he couldn’t be beside her, instructing her, and making sure she was safe.

  He put his own gloves back on and handed a spare pair to Mark, and then let the rope out again. As soon as Mark told him to stop he raced to the rim to watch Grace. She slid her hands into the gloves and wrapped the rope around her body confidently threading it through the carabiners. Jarin heaved a sigh of relief. It would have been quite difficult to explain how to use them from this distance.

  Now, as long as she doesn’t fall. Oh please, god, don’t let her fall.

  * * * *

  Grace hadn’t minded the long wait. She’d watched Mark in his wolf form climb the canyon wall until he’d disappeared out of view. It’d taken him longer to reach the top than she’d expected but he’d had to go a long way sideways to find a path up at times which was why she’d lost sight of him.

  She’d walked down to the river every half hour or so, but the pebbles she’d left to mark the splashes were still there, not covered with water, so the river didn’t seem to be getting any wider. Of course, it wasn’t drying up yet either, but that was okay.

  Grace eyed the rope in front of her. She’d had to climb ropes in school. It’d never been her favorite thing to do, but she anticipated she’d still be able to do it. This wasn’t how she’d planned to spend her day, but it was a whole lot better than staying down here until the river went back to its usual level.

  She checked the rope moved smoothly through the carabiners. It was a lot thinner than the rope they’d used at school, but the basic theory was exactly the same. Face the wall, brace with her feet, and start climbing. It was a hell of a long way. She was about to find out whether her upper arm strength was as good as she thought it was.

  Once Grace got in the rhythm, climbing the canyon was just like climbing any other wall. Grace thought about the men. Jarin hadn’t been nearly as bossy these last few days as he’d been in the past. Perhaps he really did understand her need to be her own person. Of course, in the bedroom, maybe she would let him test out his flogger on her ass.

  She knew he was a Dom. His entire body and mind exuded his need to be in charge. She’d thought about BDSM occasionally, especially at the DADISP. Apparently many werewolves were Doms and one of the small stores there catered to a Dom’s needs. Also, quite a few of the women had talked about BDSM and she’d learned more about it as she listened. She thought maybe in the bedroom it might be fun, but she refused to be ordered around in her everyday life.

  And what about Mark? He was a werewolf, so maybe he was a Dom as well, although he was far more reasonable and gentle than Jarin.

  Mark and Jarin together though, were a devastating team. She’d had three orgasms the previous night. Three. That was definitely her personal record. Even two had been rare. But three? Never before. As well as that, the men had only come once. The first two orgasms had been their gift to her. Now okay, maybe that was just to reel her in and make her think life would always be like that. But nonetheless it was pretty amazing. Two men like them must have women flocking to them wanting to jump into their beds. Yet they’d concentrated purely on her pleasure. And mighty fine pleasure it had been indeed.

  Grace’s mind drifted to possible future pleasures with Mark and Jarin as her body kept its steady rhythm climbing the rope. Of course, the men were pulling on it as well. It wasn’t solely her work, but she had to keep her boots marching up the wall and her hands tugging her up the rope otherwise she risked it starting to swing and potentially get out of control. The last thing she needed was to land on her ass on the rocks below and to have to begin all over again.

  Grace had no idea how long she’d been climbing. Her shoulders and upper arm muscles were burning though, and even her thighs were starting to ache. But she was moving more easily up the canyon now. She supposed it was the men helping her, or maybe the endless rhythm flowing through her was hypnotizing her. Even so, by the time her head rose to the canyon rim, her body was locked into position and she wasn’t sure she’d be able to open her hands and let go of the rope any time soon.

  Mark wrapped the rope around his waist and stepped forward, catching her body under the arms and dragging her over the rim. He unclipped the carabiners, and rolled her free onto her back on the dirt. He was busy doing something or other to the line, but her mind was fully occupied with gradually unlocking her own body. Stretching her toes, her feet, her knees. Gradually working her way up her spine, down her arms to her elbows, and finally her hands.

  Damn that hurt. She was one big long ache from top to toe. But she was out of the canyon so it was worthwhile. Staying there hadn’t been an option. Even if the men dropped food and supplies down to her there was still the risk of more flooding. It might still be raining wherever all this water had come from.

  “Thank you. I love the canyon but not in a flood.”

  “Come home with us, Grace. Let us massage all the aches and stiffness out of your muscles.”

  Grace sat up and looked at them. They both looked as exhausted as she felt. Yet she knew if she spent the night with them they’d fuck like bunnies and she’d really enjoy that. But no. The sensible thing to do would be for all of them to rest. This situation in the canyon ought to be dealt with now and they all needed some time to recover from their adventure. Their romance, if that’s what it was, could wait a day or two.

  “I’ve truly enjoyed my time with you both, and thank you most sincerely for getting me out of the canyon. But right now I want to soak in a hot bath and sleep for eight hours. After that I need to spend time with Grandpa and then talk to my clients. The day after tomorrow you can come visit Grandpa if you want to. If it takes you longer than that to recover and do your own chores, that’s fine. There’s no need to rush.”

  She could see that Jarin wanted to argue, but he closed his mouth and bent his head before saying, “I’d better finish putting this line away.”

  “I’ll help you,” said Mark.

  Jarin really is struggling to behave, but he’s doing very well. Maybe he is going to be the right man for me along with Mark. But a single date does not a romance make. Likely he’s just too tired to argue right now.

  Chapter Seven

  Mark was exhausted. He still had damn sore feet and a niggling headache. If Grace had agreed to spend time with him he would have been blissfully happy. However, a long hot bath, ointment on his aching paws, and a good night’s sleep made a hell of a lot of sense right now.

  After they’d taken Grace home, Jarin dropped him off. Jarin parked right by his house door and Mark stripped out of Jarin’s clothing in the cab of the truck and raced across to his door naked, his backpack covering him like a fig leaf and his door key held out in one hand ready to let himself in.

  The door open, he waved his thanks at Jarin and stepped inside, locking the door behind him. Mark went straight to the bathroom without turning any lights on, turned the hot faucet full on and as soon as steam started rising he climbed into the tub.

  His feet strung like a bitch, but he didn’t add cold water until his skin was bright pink. He needed the heat on his muscles and to act as a disinfectant for his feet. His theory had always been that it wasn’t necessary to kill every bacteria, just to frighten them away from him. So far, it seemed to work just fine.

  As the water rose higher in the tub he lay back until his shoulders were under water. His knees were bent up and out of the water, but it was more important to continue to soak his feet. Finally he sat up, open
ed the drain and stood up to take a shower.

  He dried himself, wrapped a towel around his waist, and put a frozen meal into his microwave oven to cook while he changed into boxers and a T-shirt and massaged ointment into the soles of his feet. Eating only took him a few minutes, and he drank another entire bottle of water, and then he was in bed where he could think about Grace as much as he wanted to.

  Apart from the whole flood thing and having to climb out of the canyon, the hike had gone really well. He’d loved spending time with Grace, and Jarin had behaved well. Mark had seen how hard it was for the vulture to allow Grace to make all her own decisions, but he’d managed to keep his mouth shut and not prevent her. Mark was sure Grace hadn’t minded the things Jarin had said. She understood his need to care for her. But now Jarin appeared to understand her need for independence. That was enormous progress he’d made.

  Mark found himself wanting to be more involved with her life as well, but he respected her desire to be alone. That was strange. He’d been alone now for five years and although it didn’t make him unhappy, he was glad to meet with the townspeople each day and to spend time with the other werewolves in the neighborhood.

  He lived alone and worked from home, just as Grace did, but for him, spending time at the general store and in Vulture Valley’s only diner were an important part of his day. There wasn’t much employment here, and the few people who lived in the valley either worked on their own land, in the few stores, or from home, like he and Jarin. It seemed that Grace could spend weeks, even months alone, without craving company. He hoped she’d listen to the solution he planned, of her working from her apartment at her grandfather’s, but maybe that wouldn’t be enough silence for her. Perhaps they would have to consider all living in their own houses, but just agreeing to sleep together sometimes. He didn’t think that would suit Jarin and he’d find it damn hard himself. He wanted to be with her all the time. Being apart during the working day was normal. But if she needed whole days or even weeks alone, that was going to be really hard for Jarin to accept, and not easy for himself either.


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