Country Secrets

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Country Secrets Page 6

by Caz May


  "With a completely different surname."

  "That doesn't mean anything Quent."

  "Yes, thats true, but I also searched the mystery woman's name,” I pause, taking in a deep breath, as I hear his breathing increasing in panic.

  "And what Quent? Just tell me."

  "Look Hunter I shouldn't say anything but you're my brother and..." Again I pause.

  This is a lot harder to say than I thought it was going to be.

  "Quent please just tell me,” he begs.

  "Um, Hunter there is no record at all of a Savannah Galison."

  "What?" he spits back, as if he didn't hear me.

  "Yeah I searched on Births, Deaths and marriages. She doesn't exist."

  He doesn't reply. He’s clearly shocked.

  The last sound I hear before he hangs up is an exasperated sigh.

  To say I’m incredibly worried about my big brother is an understatement.

  I have to do something, starting with taking a drive out tomorrow to look at the car myself.

  Sometimes if you needed a job done you have to do it yourself.


  First thing the next day I sign out a patrol car. I know I should tell someone where I’m going but the station is overly quiet and I don't want to waste any time.

  The V6 engine of the patrol car rumbles contentedly when I start it. It’s tempting to put the sirens and lights on and book it down the dirt road out of town but if I’m caught using the patrol car inappropriately I'd be suspended for sure.

  And I love my job.

  So instead I leisurely cruise through the town and out to dirt road that leads out of town and towards our family farm.

  It’s a cool day but sunny and the sun damn near blinds me. It makes the road blurry at times, as the heat hits it and dissipates.

  I’m sure Hunter mentioned the car being about two kilometres from the farm on the left side, parked in the direction of driving out of town, but as I reach the farm gates I've not seen any cars along the side of the road.

  Pulling up at the farm gates I tap out a text to Hunter,

  Quentin: Bro are you home?

  Hunter: Nah out checking the horse paddocks

  Quentin: Oh i've just come by to check out the car

  Hunter: Anything?

  Quentin: It was about 2 kms from the farm yeah? On the fence side?

  Hunter: Yeah definitely

  Quentin: It's gone

  Hunter: What?

  Quentin: Yeah my thoughts exactly bro

  Hunter: i'll keep my eyes out

  Quentin: Thanks bro

  That was certainly not what I wanted to hear.

  This mystery is turning out to be a lot more in depth than we'd first thought.

  It makes me think for a moment, as I spin the wheel to turn the patrol car back to head back to the station.

  Is my brother going crazy from being out on the farm alone? Or had there really been a car there?

  The appearance of the mystery woman in his farmhouse has to be connected.

  There is no way she could have gotten that far out of town without a car in the middle of the night.

  Back at the station I'll have to speak to the Sergeant to see if he'd managed to find out anything more about her or maybe I’ll just head to the hospital to see Addison and suss things out myself.

  Sussing out a good mystery is my favourite part of my job after all and I've certainly missed interacting with females lately, so visiting the hospital with the excuse of it being for work but also getting to see the ever beautiful Addison would make for a perfect day.

  (14) Addison

  Getting lost in work is my only escape from my stupidity, still not believing that I’d thrown myself at Hunter again.

  To be honest I can’t believe he'd actually played along, kissing me, teasing me and then rejecting me.

  I should have driven off straight away, but a part of me wanted him to come out, to say he was wrong and to invite me back inside, but all did he instead was say sorry for rejecting me and said he wanted to take getting back together slow.

  Knowing Hunter as well as I do though, that was a nice way of rejecting me without actually saying it and my heart is literally breaking because it means I have to let go but I don't want anyone else.

  I only want Hunter Mackenney.

  My phone buzzes in my pocket with a message and thankfully being on my break means I have a chance to read the message.

  It’s from Jett, my older brother, checking in on me as usual.

  Jett: Hey hot shot doc

  I laugh at this new nickname for me and quickly tap a reply,

  Addison: hey yourself farmer Jett

  Jett: lol what’s cracking sis?

  Addison: Not much

  No reply comes after that and I know that means he’s going to call instead.

  He never was much of a text person as he likes talking and the sound of his own voice a little too much.

  His picture flashes on my screen and I slide my finger on across the screen to accept his call.

  "Hi Jett,” I say trying to sound a little more excited about talking to him than how I actually feel.

  "Hey sis. Is something up?” he asks, sensing the off tone in my voice.

  "No, why do you say that?"

  "Your reply to my text seemed off."

  "I'm fine Jett. Just stressed at work,” I complain.

  "Addi don't lie to me,” he says patronisingly.

  I let out a sigh, knowing he isn’t going to be happy if I tell him I’m trying to get Hunter back.

  He'd never really approved of us being together, not liking his impressionable younger sister being with someone so much older than her, but it’s not like they are best friends anymore and we are both adults capable of making our own decisions.


  “Addison," he says my name like my Mum calling me when I’ve done something wrong.

  "I did something stupid,” I blurt out.

  "You're not pregnant are you?"

  "No! What would give you that idea?” I say hastily and a little angry, as his tone suggests that he wouldn’t be happy if I was pregnant, which kind of hurts a little coming from my brother.

  "That would be something you'd think was stupid to do."

  "Well, I'm not but I um..." I pause, thinking that there really is no easy way to say what I need to say to anyone, especially my brother, "I um tried to seduce Hunter to get back with him."

  He’s silent on the phone line, only the sound of his breathing coming through.

  I know I shouldn't have told him.

  He hates me.

  I’m the worst sister ever for going against what he wants for me.

  "You did what?” he asks suddenly breaking the silence.

  "I threw myself at him and he rejected me Jett ok? Happy?"

  "Addison, come on, thats crazy,” he shrieks.

  "What do you mean?"

  "Hunter would take you back any day."

  “Yeah, well not now."

  Again he’s silent and I’m confused at his reaction. He’d reacted as a protective brother and not with anger at me like I thought he would.

  It makes me realise how much I've missed him.

  "Jett, look I gotta go. Could you maybe come visit soon?"

  "Yeah Addi, I'll try. Bye,” he says.

  After he hangs up I slide my phone back in my pocket and try to fight the tears that are stinging my eyes.

  There is part of me that is wondering why I'd even come back to Ridgehope now.

  My family had long left, heading back to Adelaide to be closer to medical facilities for my Dad and Jett is a three hour drive away in the opposite direction.

  It doesn't seem like much of a drive when you think about it, but since moving back and working at the hospital I barely have a day off and when I do I’m so tired I stay in my pyjamas all day binge watching Netflix shows.

  But honestly I can't kid myself, the
re is only one reason I came back to Ridgehope and that reason is for Hunter Mackenney.

  And that isn't turning out like I'd hoped. It never occurred to me at all that he wouldn’t want me back or that someone else would be in his life.

  I can't completely blame Savannah for that though.

  I want it to be all her fault, but it isn't.

  Leaving for the city to study medicine, I knew I'd broken Hunter's heart, but there was so much I never got to say as he didn't even say goodbye to me the day I left and it made the bus trip to Adelaide the longest six hour bus trip ever.

  I don't think I'd honestly stopped crying the whole time.

  Most people think that I’m heartless, and there was gossip on the town grapevine about why me, why would 'Addison Yorke' be studying medicine.

  But not many people knew the real me or the real reasons I’d left.

  I’d wanted to show Hunter the real me, to know everything and share everything with him but I let him go instead.

  It really pained me to think of how things went downhill for him whilst I was gone.

  He never told me anything about his Dad's death or his Mum being in the rest home.

  It wasn't that I didn't want to know, but Hunter kept things close, never letting anyone in enough to see how he was really feeling.

  He locks things that hurt and upset him deep inside and it sometimes makes me wonder what other secrets he keeps.

  Since throwing myself at him, even though he'd been in the hospital everyday to see her, I'd not had the chance to speak to him about what happened between us.

  Today he’s absent from her room and I kind of wish he was there, just so I could see him.

  It honestly doesn't make any sense to me about why he seems to be spending every waking minute here in the hospital with her.

  She never says a word and he doesn't know her from a bar of soap, as far as I know.

  I check her charts and her wound, noting that her stitches are ready to come out and leave without saying anything to her.

  There is no point speaking to her when she isn’t going to say anything back, but I have to be nice to her, as one of her doctors though.

  It doesn't mean I have to like her and I most definitely don’t like her, because anyone could see that even though she’s not spoken a word there is something between her and Hunter.

  And I can see my chances of being with Hunter slipping away.

  Again my phone buzzes in my pocket.

  I shouldn't check it whilst on duty, but I can't help myself.

  I’m happy to find the message is from Hunter.

  Hunter: Hi Addison. Didn't see you today. How's Savannah?

  Scoffing I think, ‘No how are you Addison? Let's talk about the other night?’

  He wants to know about her, and I know it’s now or never to try and set the rest of my plan to get him back into action.

  Hopefully he'll think I’m being sincere in telling him about what happened to her and maybe he’ll not see me as heartless anymore.

  Addison: Sorry Hunter. Different shift. Savannah is doing a lot better. And I know I shouldn't but I'm going to tell you what happened and what we suspect.

  No reply comes so I continue typing another message.

  It isn't really making me feel any better though.

  Addison: She had a miscarriage. We believe she was about 7 weeks. She also cut her leg in getting to your house. The bruises may have been related to that, but we believe they may be from physical abuse of some kind. Police trying to find out but doesn't help that she doesn't say anything.

  He doesn't reply at all, so I leave it at that , slipping my phone back into my pocket to check on other patients and trying not to think about him as I walk around the hospital.

  Being back in Ridgehope and not being with him or even just talking to him is torture.

  I can’t help but think that maybe I’ve made the wrong choice in coming back as it sure feels like it now when he’s rejecting me.

  My heart knows though it isn't wrong but right.

  Ridgehope is home.

  (15) Hunter

  Addison's text message about Savannah had been eye-opening, giving me some interesting insight into Savannah’s past. It hadn't helped my guilt about the gash on her leg though.

  I still felt responsible for that, because I am, as I’d not kept up with maintaining the fence.

  But what gets to me the most about the message, is the mention of the possibility that she's been physically abused.

  It made my heart ache for her and I know it means that maybe she is running away from someone.

  It also means that she could be still in danger, and I’m scared for her as well.

  I just can't imagine why anyone would want to hurt her.

  It’s making my protector instinct kick in and all I want is to care for her, to take all pain of her past away.

  The only thing I can do now though is go to hospital and try to make her feel safe.

  It’s practically imperative that she speaks to someone as well. She needs to tell someone the truth about how and why she’s ended up in Ridgehope.

  Being six hours from the city and not really on the way to anywhere it isn't the place you come to out of the blue.

  Despite my text message to Addison the day before making it seem as though I want to see her, I really don’t.

  She is actually the last person I want to see and entering the hospital I try to be inconspicuous, to hopefully not make it known I’m here again.

  The wide hallways and bright lighting feel overbearing today as I practically sprint to Savannah's room, waving a quick hello to the nurses on desk.

  I've been in so much lately they don't even get me to sign in anymore. They know I’m coming in to see Savannah and thankfully haven’t asked any questions.

  Rounding the hallway near Savannah's room a hand grabs mine causing my body to tense up at the touch.

  When looking up I find myself facing Addison and the look in her eyes is foreign.

  It makes me feel even more tense.

  Trying to snatch my hand away is futile as she has a serious grip on it that makes me feel like a wimp.

  Opening a built in door nearby, she giggles as she pulls my arm, dragging me into the room.

  Flicking the latch locked, she pushes me against some shelving, and pleadingly says, "Hunter, please.”

  The way she says my name makes me want to cringe and I want to say please for what, or something along that line but words freeze on my tongue.

  I’m not even given a chance to speak actually before she fiercely presses her lips on mine.

  Her kiss is demanding and quite frankly weird.

  It’s an odd way to describe a kiss, but I'd kissed Addison many times before and it had never felt like this kiss.

  Initially I respond to the kiss, like any hot blooded male, but when she tries to undress me by placing her hands on the waistband of my jeans, I pull back, pushing my hands against her hips.

  "What the actual fuck Addison?" I question.

  "I...I missed you,” she stammers.

  "Well ambushing me in the hospital hallway isn't the best way to show me that."

  "I'm sorry Hunter. But you've barely spoken to me since you know."

  "Yeah, things have been a little crazy. But seriously Addison, I don't know if I..."

  I stop mid sentence knowing she doesn't want to hear what I have to say.

  I don't want her back and playing along pretending I do is too hard.

  It makes me feel immoral and I was raised to be better than that.

  She’s still staring at me, as though pleading me to do something or say something and I have to continue what I was going to say or I know I’ll regret it.

  "I can't do this Addison. I can't get back together,” I declare, feeling a rush of relief, but as soon as the words have left my mouth I feel a pang of guilt, seeing the tears stinging her eyes.

  How dare she make me feel guilty?

>   "Please don't cry Addison. I'm sorry but I don't love you anymore,” I inform her, feeling like such an arse when she replies, even though her reply is far from the truth.

  "But Hunter, please, we're meant to be together."

  "No Addison, we're not. Please just let us go,” I demand as I step away from her, reaching to unlock the door.

  Again she grabs my hand, pleading, ”Hunter please wait."

  "What for Addison? Please just let me go. I only came to see Savannah."

  Shocking me she smiles and says, "I know."

  I don't know what to say to her now, feeling completely tongue tied.

  The silence between us is suffocating and being in the medicine storage room surrounded by shelving doesn't exactly help any claustrophobic feelings from surfacing.

  Opening the door to leave, I breathe in deeply, inhaling the bleach smell of the hospital and trying not to cough.

  Stepping out I head down the hallway to Savannah's room, hearing Addison’s voice follow me, "Hunter, please I need to tell you something first."

  Turning back towards her I can see a sense of worry cross Addison’s face.

  Outside Savannah's door peering in I can see she’s asleep.

  The thought crosses my mind that maybe Addison hasn't told me everything about Savannah's injuries in her text and I have to know.

  Addison has stopped in front of me at that point placing her hand reassuringly on my arm.

  "You know in my text how I said about the physical abuse?"

  "Yeah, is it true?” I ask worriedly.

  "We don't know Hunter, but that car was registered to a male so maybe a partner or husband of hers."

  Nodding I reply, "I know about the car. Quentin told me. Can we do anything Addison?"

  She shakes her head, "You need to talk to the chief Hunter. The partner might be an emergency contact but you know if the patient is conscious we need permission to contact them."

  The only response I can manage is an, "ok."

  I don't want Savannah to have a partner, or be married.

  I want her to be mine and even though I know nothing about her, I desperately want to.

  Her arrival has taken me by surprise and I’m completely captivated by her.

  Before Addison walks away she speaks again, "And Hunter, when you speak to the chief please don't tell him I told you anything."


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