Country Secrets

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Country Secrets Page 12

by Caz May

  The food had been utterly delicious and I hadn't noticed that Hunter had finished. He’s watching me as I finish eating before he reaches across the table to touch my cheek, grabbing a stray piece of food from my cheek.

  "That was delicious,” He says, giving me a wink.

  I know he isn't talking about the food, so as to tease him I lick my lips again.

  It works.

  "Fuck Savannah. Don't you dare tease me like that,” he swears, squeezing my thigh under the table. Naughtily I do it again as his gaze locks on mine.

  "Oh no you didn’t," he jeers, grabbing my hand and pulling me up to rush out the door.

  Squeak had come by to clear our table, clearly flustered about our exit. She has her hands on her hips when Hunter calls back as he pushes the door open, "Put it on my tab Squeak."

  Outside the door, breathless he grabs me around the waist, his face close to mine and teasingly he says, "You're fucking delicious Savannah and I’m..."

  I cut him off by hungrily pressing my lips on his. Clasping his hair between my fingers I deepen the kiss, wanting him as close as possible.

  He pulls back, breathless, ”Baby as much as I want more, we can't do that here."

  “Mmm," I muse in response, but he’s right.

  The gossip wheel is probably already in full swing about us and we don't need to fuel it with the fire burning between us.

  Hunter glances at his watch, realising the movie fundraiser is going to be starting any moment.

  "You still want to go to this?"he asks me.

  I hesitate. Yes, I still want to enjoy what the rest of the night has in store but there’s a small part of me that wants to run back to his Ute, speed back to his farmhouse and see where the fire inside my belly is going to take us. But that fire has me scared.

  This is too deep. Meeting his Mum was too deep, making out in the street. I’m in too deep. But when he looks at me like that?

  That look is a grin, with his dimples on full display like he’s deep in thought.

  "The movie baby, yeah?" he asks me again.

  Him calling me baby makes the fire burn harder, and I need to use some words this time.

  “Yes," I say, as he takes my hand to walk back to the football oval.

  The movie has just started to play when we arrived. Hunter excuses himself to go get some popcorn and drinks, telling me wait for him before finding a spot to sit.

  My eyes are scanning the grassy oval for the best spot when I hear voices behind me.

  'She's certainly pretty,' 'yes but not like dear Addison,' 'I hear she hasn't spoken a word' and 'yes strange choice for Hunter’.

  I turn to face the voices, to find three women in their sixties gawking at me and continuing their gossip session.

  Their words are making me feel sick in the pit of my stomach. Their eyes are on me, eyeing me as they point at me like I’m a piece of meat.

  Where the fuck is Hunter? I need to get out of here.

  Tears are stinging my eyes and without thinking I run straight towards the old biddies, to run away from their torture as the sobs come out, the tears then streaming down my cheeks.

  Not looking where I’m going I bump into someone. A tall muscular man in a police uniform.

  Looking up at him, my eyes scan his face and my recognition is immediate. It’s clearly Hunters brother.

  "Savannah?" he asks.

  Through my sobs I manage to let out a 'yep'.

  I’m really getting somewhere with my one word answers. Baby steps I guess.

  He looks over at the old biddies. “These lovely ladies bothering you?"

  I shake my head. They are bothering me, yes, but I don't want them to know how much they'd really gotten to me.

  Maybe he only said something because it was his job or maybe it was because he was Hunters brother but he raises a hand as if to say stop and firmly says, "How about we leave the young lady alone tonight."

  They all back down at his request.

  "Oh yes Quentin. We didn't mean any harm."

  So that’s his name.

  "Sure ladies. Go off and have a good night."

  I smile at him in thanks.

  "So we meet Savannah,” he says more as a statement than a question.

  He holds out his hand to me. “Quentin Mackenney. Little brother."

  Shaking his hand I laugh. I can see that Hunter is heading back towards us, arms full with popcorn and drinks.

  Quentin, seeing his brother nudges me and leans down to whisper in my ear, "I hear my brothers got it pretty bad for you."

  I gulp. I have it pretty bad too.

  Hunter is standing in front of us now and awkwardly hands me a drink before looking at his brother.

  “Quent you trying to steal her too?" he jeers.

  “No, she's all yours Bro. Just had to scare the old biddy gossip club away. They had her quite upset."

  Hunter frowns, kissing my forehead, mouthing ‘I'm sorry.’

  Balancing his popcorn against his chest he shakes his brothers hand. “Thanks little brother."

  "No worries. Just doing my job,” Quentin replies before he walks off.

  "So where are we sitting?" Hunter asks me. I don't have a free hand to point so start to walk to the edge of the oval, near the back.

  Hopefully sitting back from the main crowd will mean that not all the eyes of the town will be on us.

  Plonking myself on the grass is far from lady like in a dress. Clumsily I fall backwards spilling half my popcorn everywhere. Hunter laughs at me like a hyena, as he sits down beside me.

  "You seem to be falling head over heels a lot tonight baby."

  There he goes again , calling me baby. Cue fire in belly.

  I grunt at him.

  "Sorry baby,” he muses, pressing a soft kiss to my lips, "Let's watch the movie huh?"

  “Hmm," is all I manage, but it’s something.

  Soon I'll be able to talk to him, I’m sure of it.

  Concentrating on the movie when Hunter is sitting next me on the grass is damn difficult. I can feel his eyes burning into me and I want him so damn much.

  The fire in my belly has somehow intensified in the last few days, and even more so being out with him in the town.

  He’s letting me into his life, and as much as I want to let him into mine, I still have the anxious feeling plaguing me.

  Trying to tell myself to breathe isn't helping calm my nerves at all as scanning the crowd around us, I shiver feeling as though I’m being watched.

  "Are you cold baby?" Hunter asks.

  Shaking my head I mutter, 'no'

  "Are you sure baby?" he asks me again. I’m not cold. I’m on edge.

  Hunter's arm wraps around me, pulling me closer to him.

  "You're so tense baby."

  I’m beyond tense. I really want to let my guard down, just like I did at the restaurant, but the feeling of being watched just won't leave.

  Hunter presses a kiss to my forehead, touching my cheek before pulling me to his lips in a lingering kiss. "Ok, now baby?"

  I need to use words now. I don't need Hunter to see my unease, to think it’s to do with him, because it isn't.

  It’s all me.

  Softly I mutter, "I'm ok."

  That felt good, baby steps, small words. But untrue words. I’m not ok.

  The moment the words leave my mouth I’m not ok, because standing at the edge of the crowd I see ‘him.’ The reason for all my anxious feelings, the reason for not opening up to Hunter is here.

  Panic stricken, I gasp for air and pain crosses Hunter's face.

  "Savannah what's wrong?"

  I let out deep sharp breaths, focusing on the in and out, "Not ok,” I manage to say through my strained breathing.

  He pulls me close to his body in comfort.

  "Do you want to go home?"

  I pull back from his embrace, finding it hard to hide the fear in my face.

  Even though I haven't answered him, he helps me up from the gras

  I lean into his body as we stumble back to the ute.

  In his gentlemanly manner he helps me in, clicking my seatbelt and shutting the door, before going to his side.

  My breathing is still laboured, trying to focus on calming myself I notice that we are already out of the town and on the way back to the farm.

  Sensing my obvious still unease, Hunter glances over at me, brushing my cheek with his coarse hand. It sends the tingles coursing through me, but doesn't do much to calm me.

  I jump in my seat when Hunter speaks, "You need to talk to me Savannah."

  His voice is hard, hinted with anger and I can't help but break down into tears.

  Hunter is staring at me, wanting me to speak to him, but all I can say is, "Him."

  It came out so meekly I don't even think Hunter heard it, as again he cuts the silence in an angry tone, "Savannah, please fucking talk to me."

  I have to say it louder. I have to find my voice.

  "" I stutter, looking across at Hunter.

  His face is almost emotionless, but it gives me a sense of comfort and I stutter again, "I s..saw…h…him.”

  The car has stopped. We are at the farmhouse and like that first night I saw it the relief washes over me.

  Hunter hasn't jumped out to open the gate, instead he brushes a finger across my cheek.

  “Oh Savannah. Don't cry. You're safe with me."

  Am I really? Am I really safe?

  I want to be, but if I had truly seem 'him' I’m far from safe.

  (29) Quentin

  This is truly the worst part of my job. I absolutely fucking hate patrolling town events.I'd much rather have a beer in hand, and get blind drunk with my mates.

  Not all the time, but at least now thats what I need. Hunter hasn't said anything to me about my confession of being in love with Addison and I wasn't sure if that meant I had his blessing to pursue her or if he honestly didn't really care.

  Since I'd barged into the hospital to see her, she'd not left my mind.

  She had no idea what thoughts of her did to me.

  Speak of the fucking devil.

  "Hey Quentin,” she coos at me as I run my eyes up and down her, loving how her short sundress extenuates her legs, making them seem even longer and the neckline is just low enough to see her cleavage damn near ready to burst over the top.

  I can feel an uncomfortable strain in my pants.

  God Quentin, get a hold of yourself.

  “Hi," I say, running a hand through my hair flirtatiously.

  Quentin, what the fuck are you doing? Don't fucking flirt with her while you're on duty.

  But I can't help myself. I want her so fucking much.

  "Have you seen Hunter?" she asks, causing my insides to constrict in anger.

  I want to scream at her, 'yes I've seen my fucking brother. He doesn't fucking want you, like I do.'

  But of course I don't say that. I’m not that stupid.

  "Yeah I saw him with Savannah before, but they left about twenty minutes ago.”

  I almost tell her about the old biddies upsetting Savannah too, but Addison doesn't really need to know that.

  She’s clearly upset that Hunter had brought Savannah here as it was.

  I want to make her forget about my brother, take her back to my house and fuck some sense into her.

  It’s never going to happen but hey a guy can dream.

  Breaking my thoughts she speaks again, "Is he serious about her then?"

  Do I tell her? Will it make her maybe give into my advances?

  "Yeah I think he's in love with her. I've never seen him like he is with her."

  “Oh,” is all she manages to say, the pain of my words cutting her deep.

  She still loves my brother and I just want her to love me.

  It’s time to be nice Quentin, not horny I love you but want to get into your pants like right now Quentin.

  "I'm sorry Addison."

  She scoffs, "For what?"

  "I don't know. That he doesn't love you back,” I say wanting to finish the sentence with confessing to her how I feel about her.

  "It's ok," she muses, looking at me confused.

  Oh fuck she's on to me.

  "You can't help who you fall in love with."

  Damn right Addison, I love you

  "Yeah, true."

  She stands next to me for a moment in silence. Seeing her in pain, that my fucking brother has caused makes my heart constrict.

  If I wasn’t working, patrolling this fucking fundraiser I'd kiss her, damn hard.

  "Well, um, I gotta go, um catch up with Zane,” she stutters.

  Maybe she’s feeling the same as I am? Hot and damn bothered. Nah i'd have to be my brother for her to feel that way.

  "No worries Addison. Enjoy the rest of the night yeah?"

  "I will,” she says, a little happier and before she walks away she presses a kiss to my cheek. Instantly I feel the heat rise up my face.

  Only she could make me blush by just kissing my damn cheek.

  In an effort to try and calm myself down I start patrolling the oval, ready to make sure nothing goes down.

  Ridgehope is usually a quiet town, just humming along with everyday life, but things like the mystery of Savannah turning up always got the gossip wheels turning.

  I have no idea what the old biddies had been saying about Savannah but it really got her upset.

  She was clearly unsettled the whole night and they'd left only about twenty minutes into the movie, in a major hurry.

  It didn't seem as though they were leaving for dirty reasons at all.

  The food stands have started to close up, and the movie is nearing its end. I’ve stopped at the back of the oval to wait for the credits to roll, when I first see him.

  He’s wearing dark jeans, a white shirt and a brown leather jacket. He’s definitely not a local. His arms are folded and his stare is cold and calculating.

  He appears to be looking for someone, but at the same time it’s as though he’s trying to blend into the crowd instead of standing out like he does.

  Instantly the moment the credit start rolling, most of the town begins getting up and leaving the oval.

  A few give me nods, and 'heys' as they pass me, but my eyes are locked on him.

  He seems to wait until a few people have dispersed before he begins walking away from the oval to the far right, heading in the direction away from town.

  Slowly, keeping a safe distance, I follow him. He glances around before he gets into a car that has no registration plates.

  He spins the car tyres as he speeds off towards the next town.

  I know I should rush back to the patrol car and pursue him, but my head is spinning from my encounter with Addison still, as well as his foreboding presence in my quiet town.

  He doesn't seem like a nice guy and yeah, I should be used to dealing with not so nice people in my job but something about him has really gotten to me.

  It all seems a bit uncanny, first Savannah turning up, her possible car goes missing and another stranger turns up in town.

  These are definitely not any mere coincidences. Without a doubt that strange mystery man is connected to Savannah somehow and if my suspicions are right she’s in danger.

  That means that my brother is too and I have absolutely no idea what I’m going to do about it.

  (30) Savannah

  As usual Hunter had been his sweet caring, loving self. He hadn't pushed me to talk anymore after my breakdown at the fundraiser.

  I desperately wanted to talk him about it more, but I was just being silly, as there wasn't anything else to say about my crazy feelings.

  It’s stupid even thinking that Dante is here. There is no way Dante is here, in Ridgehope.

  It just isn't possible, but still I feel the anxiety though. I feel like I’m not being told everything about what happened to me and I had noticed my car had disappeared but as I was to scared to open my mouth so I'd not asked about
anyone about it.

  ~ ~

  The days have just seemed to flow into each other and even though I've had the uneasy feeling plaguing me I push it aside.

  I’m just happy to be spending more time with Hunter, like now sitting across from him to drive into town; he’s stealing glances at me and his dimpled smile is on his face.

  It makes the fire burn in me more. I hadn't been able to tame that fire since it started.

  Not even kissing Hunter is enough to quell it, instead kissing him fuels it.

  After our kiss that night outside the restaurant for the first time I'd wanted to give more of myself, all of myself to him but that was shattered when I thought I saw Dante.

  It’s that feeling again of not being deserving of happiness and only Dante made me feel that way.

  Hunter gives me the feeling that I do deserve happiness and I want it desperately, just like I want him, more than anything.

  "Penny for your thoughts, baby?" he asks me, breaking me away from my trance like state.

  "Um...I was just.." I stop talking, swallowing hard.

  Too many words. Breathe Savannah breathe.

  "Just thinking about me huh?" Hunter says in a seductive tone.

  Yes I was thinking about you

  He lightly touches the skin of my thigh and licks his lips as he gazes across at me.

  That has become our new thing, a naughty little signal to each other, hinting that I want to kiss you right now.

  I lick my lips back, right as he hurriedly parks in the Main Street. He'd noticed my tease and grabs my cheeks in his palms.

  “Oh really Savannah,” he murmurs before he crushes his lips to mine.

  Every time he kisses me it’s all consuming, like he can't get enough of me.


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