Never to Love

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Never to Love Page 22

by Aimie Grey

  Narrowing my eyes at him, I replied, “Fine. If your dad’s okay with me coming over so many days in a row, I’ll help. But I’ll only direct; you have to do all of the hands-on work.”

  “Dad likes it when you’re here.” Colton looked past me to Thomas. “It’s okay if Juli comes over every night like she used to, isn’t it?”

  “Yes, she can come over whenever she wants.”

  “See. You might as well move in. There’s an extra room—”

  Somehow, I managed to choke on absolutely nothing.

  Stepping forward to rub my back, Thomas replied for me. “As much as you and I would love that, I don’t think Juli wants to move in with a couple of boys. Especially when one of them can’t keep his room clean.” The thick ball of nothing was still stuck in my throat and was now being held firmly in place by panic. “We’ll have to be on our best behavior if we want to get her to agree to it, which includes cleaning your room and doing your homework.”

  “I’ll start right now.” Colton jumped out of bed and grabbed a handful of Legos from the floor in front of the window.

  “Not tonight. It’s bedtime,” Thomas gently scolded.

  “Night, kid,” I was able to croak out after he was tucked back into bed. I kissed the top of his head and then ran for the kitchen. Thomas’s laughter carried down the hall. Asshole.

  After chugging a bottle of water, I was able to breathe freely again, but my head was still spinning. My face throbbed as I leaned over the counter, and the events of the day were almost too much to process.

  Since Marina had forbidden me from working, I’d expected to spend another day on the down-low with my computer. I was unexpectedly grateful to have the whole day off when I got the message from Colton. Now, I had no fucking clue what was going on.

  I should have been startled when a pair of warm arms wrapped around me from behind, but it was almost as if my body knew when he was near. “You okay?”

  “Yeah, just tired.”

  “I meant what I said,” he murmured. “Think of how convenient it would be to fuck if you lived here.”

  To any other woman, that might have been offensive, but to me, he was speaking my language. Things had changed so much, and I’d nearly lost sight of the woman who’d only wanted an anonymous fuck, but I wasn’t the only one having a sexual identity crisis—Thomas was right there with me.

  “You’d get sick of me. I’m too bossy.”

  “I love the way you tell me what to do,” he said, grinding his hardening cock against my ass.

  “You know what I mean. I tend to insert myself into every situation and take over. Like today when I was making plans for everyone.”

  “But your plans took everyone into consideration. You weren’t suggesting doing things only you wanted to do. Don’t forget Colton and I are Ramsays. We have no problem speaking up if we don’t like something.”

  “You mean whining?” I asked, holding back a smile.

  “Something like that. Now, do you want your present?”

  “What present?” It wasn’t my birthday or Christmas.

  “While you and Colton were in stealth mode, I did some covert shopping of my own.”

  “You didn’t need to get me anything.”

  “I didn’t get these things for you, I got them for us. I just couldn’t show you until Colton fell asleep.”

  That sounded like my favorite kind of gift.

  Reaching behind him, Thomas retrieved a shiny red bag from the kitchen island and placed it on the counter beside me.

  Unable to turn away from the heat in his eyes, I blindly reached into the bag and slowly felt around inside it.

  “You bought me a dildo?” I asked, not having looked away from him yet.

  “Not exactly. Take a look and see.”

  Forcing my attention to the bag, I pulled out a relatively stiff, slender cock, complete with a set of rubber balls. “It’s a dildo. Did you get a small one to make your dick seem bigger in comparison?”

  “You, of all people, know my cock doesn’t need any assistance in that arena.”

  “I still don’t get it.”

  Thomas took the fake cock and turned it around in my hands. “See this knob?” I nodded. “That’s the part that goes inside of you. It rubs against your G-spot.”

  “But if I do that, it will look like I have—”

  Thomas shot me a look that said, “You can’t possibly be that naïve,” and then continued. “This part rubs against your clit. I spoke with the chick at the store and she assured me it feels amazing with a piercing.”

  “You talked to a random slut about her clit?” Where did that little jolt of anger come from?

  Thomas laughed. “No, I talked to a random slut about your clit. I wanted to know if you should remove the jewelry before you fuck me.”

  Oh. My. God. “It’s a strap-on?”

  “For all intents and purposes. There aren’t any straps, per se, but it serves the same function.”

  “You want me to ram this up your ass?” That’s the reason he picked a small one.

  “No, I want you to fuck me with it. There’s a difference.”

  “What happened to ‘why would anyone want something shoved up their ass’?”

  “I want your ass, and you said this is what I need to do to have it.”

  “You really want it that badly?”

  “It’s all I can think about. That’s the only part of you I have yet to claim, and it will be mine before the night is over.”

  “I invented that policy because guys always wanted it, and I didn’t want to give it to a one-nighter. If I was going to let a guy fuck me, I didn’t want it to be awkward or painful.” I couldn’t help but smirk. “I’ve occasionally enjoyed some finger play, but it was always my fingers. You’re right, though, who would want something the size of your dick shoved up their ass?”

  Thomas actually blushed. “While I was talking to the chick about your clit, this guy came up to us and told me all about the miracle that is the prostate. He offered to give me an in-store demonstration, but I declined because I hoped I’d have a better offer on the table.” Staring down into my eyes, he licked his lips before awareness snapped to attention across his face. “Wait a minute. Are you an anal virgin?”

  “It’s been a very long time since anyone thought I was a virgin of any kind,” I said, avoiding his question. Why I felt the need to maintain a semblance of street cred, I didn’t know.

  “There’s no shame in it. I am. I mean, I’ve never been on the receiving end.”

  “I’m still not going to answer.”

  “Which means you are.” He pulled me into his arms and kissed me soundly. “Let’s go exchange our final V cards.”

  “Once we do this, there’s no taking it back.”

  “Wouldn’t want to if I could.”

  The fear I’d experienced a few minutes before was all but gone. Pulling the bag closer to me, I looked inside as I tossed the cock back in—the last thing we needed was for Colton to wake up and see me walking around with a disembodied dick in my hand—and found a large bottle of lube and the biggest box of condoms I’d ever seen.

  “Pretty sure of yourself, huh?” I asked as I grabbed the box and tossed it back and forth between my hands.

  “Very. That box won’t last a week.”

  “That’s an ambitious prediction.”

  “Would be easier to achieve if you were here all the time.”

  “Do you want to argue, or do you want to fuck?”

  “Fuck, please.”

  “Good answer.” Tired of waiting, I grabbed the bag with one hand and his arm with the other. “Let’s go.”

  With Colton in the house, I didn’t bother trying to think of a new and exciting place to do it. Since this was a night of firsts for both of us, perhaps a bed was the safest place anyway.

  “Who’s going first?” I asked as I closed and locked the bedroom door behind us. Tossing the bag on the floor near the bed, I reached for Thomas�
��s shirt, trying to tug it over his head, but failing miserably until he bent over.

  “What do you mean? First fucker or fuckee?”

  “Either.” We moved backward until the back of his legs hit the side of the bed.

  “You can do me first,” he said, panting.

  “Sure?” I asked as I sank to my knees and helped him pull his jeans over his bare feet.

  “Yes, I’m—oh, God.” Thomas moaned when I sucked him deep into the back of my throat. I quickly realized I couldn’t keep him there long since I could barely breathe through my injured nose. Switching tactics, I focused on the head, swirling my tongue around it when I needed to take a breath. While distracting him with my mouth, I blindly reached for the bag beside me and dumped the contents on the floor.

  “God, that’s good.” His hands tangled in my hair but didn’t try to control my movements.

  Trying not to draw attention away from my mouth, I grabbed both of his thighs and used them for support as I sucked. At the same time, I gently guided his legs a little farther apart.

  When he was in the position I wanted, I released one of his thighs and patted the floor around us. With the second sweep of my hand, I found the bottle of lube a little less than a foot away from where I knelt. After squirting some on my right index finger, I rubbed it against my thumb to warm it up a little.

  Looking up, I watched Thomas’s throat pull taught as his head rolled back on his shoulders. If I hadn’t been on a mission, it would have been much harder to resist getting to my feet and lifting up on my toes to lick it. Later.

  Doubling down on the dick in my mouth, I reached behind him, using one hand to make room for the other. Thomas sucked in a sharp breath as my slick finger traced the rim of his tight hole, getting him used to the sensation, but not pushing for entrance yet.

  It wasn’t long before he began rocking his hips, alternately sliding his cock a little farther into my mouth and grinding back against my hand. Deciding he was ready, I pressed forward against his backward thrust, pushing half of my finger into him.

  My fingers had been inside several pussies and a few asses over the years, but something about being inside of Thomas had me so wet I could barely stand it. Sliding my finger a little deeper, I pressed against his inner wall until I hit my target.

  “Holy motherfucking shit!”

  That part never got old.

  Breathing was no longer a priority as I sucked him down, swallowed around the head of his cock, and rubbed the spot inside of him that made his legs shake.

  “St—stop,” Thomas said. He tried to pull out of my mouth, which caused him to impale himself farther onto my finger. After a short game of tug of war with his dick, I took mercy on him and backed away.

  “Why do you want to stop?”

  His hand went to the base of his cock and squeezed. “Was gonna come.” After several heaving breaths, he continued, “Too soon.”

  “Bend over the bed,” I said as I leaned down to pick up the fake cock, condoms, and lube.

  Before I could straighten up, strong arms wrapped around my bent hips and spun me around until my tits were pressed into the mattress.

  “Hey, I thought I told you to bend over.”

  “Next time. Can’t wait.”

  The base of Thomas’s rock-hard dick rubbed against the top of my ass. “Don’t move,” he ordered. A split-second later, I heard him banging around in the closet.

  Behind me once again, his fingers dragged down my left leg, then lifted my foot and slid one of my stilettos in place. After repeating his motions on the other side, he stood and rocked against me again.

  “Much better.” Thomas rolled a condom on in record time and then slammed into my pussy.

  “Thought—you wanted—my ass,” I said between thrusts, not really complaining.

  “We’ll try again tomorrow,” he said. Grabbing my hips, he pulled me back against him every time he rammed into me. “Touch yourself.”

  Snaking my arm beneath me, I found the little golden hoop I’d worn in case I found myself in this situation and gave it a little twist.

  “If you’re gonna come, you need to do it now.” Thomas’s voice strained as he tried to give me enough time to finish.

  Flicking the little golden ring with the same finger I’d had in Thomas’s ass, I came so hard I thought my pussy would crush the dick pulsing inside of it.

  When the last of my muscles unclenched, I turned my head to the side and fell flat onto the bed, causing Thomas to slip out of me. I heard him pull off the condom, but he must have just tossed it somewhere, because instead of stepping away, he collapsed on top of me.

  “That was…insane,” he decided as he tucked his semi against my ass.

  “Yeah. Just wait until we get to more than one finger.”

  “If it keeps feeling like that, it’ll be a while before I can control myself.”

  “Don’t worry; I’ll help you manage it better next time.”





  I wasn’t sure when we’d moved from hanging off of the side of the bed, but when I woke the next morning, we were under the covers and half of Juli’s body was draped over mine.

  Waking up the past couple of mornings without her had made me realize how much I’d gotten used to having her around the past few weeks.

  Wanting to wake her gently, I ran my fingers through her hair. When that didn’t seem to work, I stroked her clit instead.

  “Morning,” I said, still lazily rubbing between her legs.

  “Mmm,” she replied, barely awake.

  “Time to get up.” I pulled my hand away and shifted out from beneath her.

  “No, don’t stop.” Only Juli could make pouting sound sexy as sin.

  I turned to look at her and froze.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked. “You’ve seen me without makeup before…Oh.” Her face fell as her fingers reached up and gently grazed her cheekbones. “I forgot.” Overnight, her expert paint job had worn away, revealing the damage Natalie had inflicted.

  Juli began to turn away, but stopped abruptly and, as if daring me to be an asshole, stared me down.

  “You look beautiful this morning,” I said honestly, reaching over to touch her cheek, carefully avoiding the discolored spots. “I just wish you weren’t in pain.” Her guarded expression made it clear she wasn’t sure if she should believe me or not.

  “Shit,” she cursed.


  “I didn’t think this through.”

  “What?” I repeated, genuinely confused.

  “I can’t walk out of this house with these massive bruises showing, and the makeup I left here won’t be able to cover it all the way.”

  “I realize you don’t want anyone to see you when you aren’t looking your best, but I think you’ll be okay. You have sunglasses with you.”

  “Do you really think I’m that vain? If I walk out of that door and anyone, even the fucking paperboy, sees me with a mark on my face, by the time you get to the office, everyone will think you beat me.”

  “That’s ridiculous. No one would believe that.”

  “After the show you put on at the restaurant, which I was only barely able to cover up, that’s exactly what everyone will believe. What do you think will happen to Colton if you look like an abusive asshole?”

  My stomach fell through the floor. “Okay, so what do we do?”

  “You take Colton to school and then go to work. I’ll call Chase and have him come over to fix my face again.”

  “Chase is gay, right?” I questioned, suddenly in need of definitive confirmation.

  “Do you think every male makeup artist is gay?” she challenged.

  Occasionally, I’d been known to fall for a stereotype. Who hasn’t? However, I made a point not to catalog people when it came to things such as ethnicity, religion, gender, and sexual orientation. “No, I just don’t like the idea of
you being alone in my house with a non-gay man.” Was it stereotyping to believe all straight and bi men wanted to fuck her? If so, guilty as charged.

  “Would it be okay for me to be here alone with a gay woman?”

  Would I have a problem with it? If I were okay with it, would she sleep with the hypothetical lesbian in my house? On one hand, I was a man, and having seen her in action before, I knew it was fucking hot. On the other hand, I wouldn’t be around to watch.

  What if she liked fucking the chick more than she liked fucking me? Seeing as how my dick was insanely talented and being the sexiest man alive, even if the magazine had yet to notice, the notion was ridiculous, but stranger shit had happened. It would be easy for me to find someone else to bang, so did it matter if she found someone she’d rather fuck?

  Shit, I was screwed. Before I could figure out what to say, if I wanted to say anything at all, the feisty woman continued the interrogation.

  “Do you not trust me in your house?”

  “You know I do. You’ve been alone here many times.”

  “Do you not trust my judgment? I wouldn’t suggest having Chase come here if I didn’t have complete faith in him.”

  “I know, and I do trust your judgment.”

  “Then what is it?” The slight twitch in the corner of her mouth gave her away.

  “You just want me to say it, don’t you?”

  “Say what?”

  “You want me to admit I’m jealous.”

  “Are you?” she asked, raising a snarky brow.

  “Maybe.” Dropping onto the bed, I gathered as much courage as I could before I turned to face her. “Nothing is stopping either of us from fucking as many people as we want. Even though it’s impossible, because, well, look at me, I’m worried you’ll get bored with me or find someone you like fucking more. Somewhere along the way, you’ve become an important part of my life. Our lives. I wish I didn’t need you, and I fucking hate that I do, but I do. We do.”

  “I fucking hate that I need you, too,” she admitted. “I’ve gotten used to being around you guys. The house was too quiet when I was home the past few days. The on-demand fucking has also spoiled me, not to mention you keep my feet warm at night.” Juli’s sexy, evil grin made Thomas Junior take notice. “I’d have to leave the TV on, buy a fancy dildo, and invest in an electric blanket to replace you. If that isn’t need, I don’t know what is.” As she moved to get out of bed, she added, “I don’t mind needing the kid, though. He’s pretty awesome.”


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