flowstone 38
calcium carbonate 29, 32, 255
calcite see calcite
see also limestone
Calvino, Italo: Invisible Cities 148
Camp Century, Greenland 329–30, 348
Camus, Albert 381
Canada, surge pipe network 154–5
Canin 235, 240, 241
carbide lamps 136
carbon dioxide 42, 320
carbonic acid 28
Carroll, Lewis: Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland 309
Carslake, Bill 332, 345, 354, 358, 377, 387–8, 390, 391, 392
Carso, Italy 179–93, 200–210
Carter, Howard 411
casket, bronze, for deep disposal 19
Casteret, Norbert 193, 194
Castleton, Peak Cavern 40–43
catacombs 171
Odessa 158–9
Paris 136–7, 138, 140–43, 148–9, 151, 158, 166–9, 418
police (‘cataflics’/‘catacops’) 137, 142, 143
cataphilia 141–3
abseiling into 11, 195
Aggy cave system, Wales 159–60
Ario System, Spain 195–6
Aveline’s Hole 25–6, 37, 417
Bukkhammar Cave 264
of the Canin 235, 240
in the Carso 184–5, 188–9, 201–8
cave diving 196–200
cave art see petroglyphs; rock art; wall paintings caving suits 27
China 11
Dark Star, Uzbekistan 192
difficulties/casualties 38–9, 41–3, 193–5, 196–8
expedition-style caving 195–6
and experiences of serenity/transcendence 198–200
extreme cavers 196–8
female cavers 192
with flood waters 7–8
Kollhellaren 257, 258–9, 264, 266–7, 269, 271, 273–9, 284
labyrinths see labyrinths in Mendips 25–6, 35–40
natural-gas cavern, Karakum Desert 246–7
Nidderdale system 121–2
Peak Cavern, Derbyshire 40–43
Pierre Saint-Martin chasm 193–5
proving through-flow and join-up 196
in Pyrenees 193–5
rescue missions 7–8, 41–3
Rising Star, South Africa 30–31, 192
Roman cave temples 184
Slovenian glacier-cave system 215, 218–21
Solsem Cave 264
spelea of Mithraism 191
submerged systems 196–7, 199–200
Thai football team in cave 7–8, 17
Wind Cave system, South Dakota 68, 192
cemeteries 25–7, 30, 80, 139–40, 265
Chambliss, Wayne 149
Charon (mythical ferryman) 177, 178
Chauvet, Jean-Marie 281–2
Chauvet Cave 255, 279–82, 418
Cherenkov radiation 59
Chernobyl radiation, fungi in 102–3
cave network, Chongqing province 11
karst landscapes 179
Chinese-box structures 65–6
Christina (Kulusuk schoolteacher) 335–6
cities, underground 124, 129–71
Brisbane 154
and Calvino’s Eusapia 148
Derinkuyu 123–4
Las Vegas 150
London 149
Madrid 155
Minneapolis 155
Naples 149
Odessa 158–9
Paris see Paris, invisible city of subterranean town planning 139
urban exploration 154–7
and the verticality of cities 148–50, 160
Clare, John 317
clathrate 339–40
claustrophobia 12, 167
climate change 103, 336
global warming 336, 352, 379–80
coal mining 30
Cocytus, river 177
cod 254, 271, 291–2, 297, 301, 303, 313–14, 315, 321
coins 5
Communism 222
‘anti-Communist’ militia among ethnic Slovenes 223
foibe massacres by Communist partisans, alleged 224–9, 417
Comoy, Lucian 180–81, 182–5, 189–90, 192–3, 201, 208–10, 214, 215, 216–18, 219–22, 226–7, 228–9, 231, 233–6, 240–41
Comoy, Maria Carmen 180, 181–3, 210, 216
conger eels 122
Connemara, Ireland 122
Crack the Surface 161
Creon 191–2
Cruikshank, Julie 380
Crutzen, Paul 75
cryo-hydrologic warming 357
cryosphere 329, 362
Cygnus constellation, the Swan 55, 66, 81
Czech Republic 14
D’Agata, John 401
Dambrosi, Sergio 200–208
Dante Alighieri 28, 30
dark matter 55–60
detection experiment, DRIFT 55, 60, 63–7, 73
halo 57
and WIMPs 58, 60, 65, 66, 81
Dark Star expeditions, Uzbekistan 192
‘Darmon’ 165–6
de Bernières, Louis 99
death camps 282–3
Debord, Guy 155
Décure, Beauséjour 148–9
deep-mapping 17–18, 195
see also seismic mapping
deep time 15–16, 77–8, 341–2, 353, 362, 377
Deepwater Horizon catastrophe 310–11
deforestation 76
Delhi 171
DeLillo, Don 154
Underworld 320
Demeter 28, 192
Denmark, ‘Northern Danes’ project 333
Derbyshire, Peak Cavern 40–43
Derinkuyu 123–4
Detroit 154
diesel 330
disposal 6, 8
casket for 19
and the ‘empire of things’ 320
of waste see nuclear/radioactive waste; waste disposal
diver, red-throated 341
Doberdò, lake 216
Dolomites 185, 234
doomsday vault, Arctic 122–3
Douglas, Mary 380
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan 28
Dreyer, Deon 197–8
drift 61–2, 78
DRIFT (directional recoil identification from tracks) 55, 60, 63–7
Dsankt 154
Duino castle 181
Earle, John 222
Eemian 349–50
burial practice 5, 65–6
mummification 5
Einstein, Albert 57
Onkalo model of 404, 419
Ekofisk oilfield 295
electrons 57, 59, 60, 65
Elson, Rebecca 58
Enceladus 340
Enki 16
Eocene epoch 137–8
Epping Forest 91–6, 99–101, 104–6, 109, 114–16
Eurydice 16, 28, 191
Farr, Martyn: The Darkness Beckons 196
Fascism 225
anti-Fascist activities of ‘heroes of Bazovica’ 226
‘woodchopper’ anti-Fascist resistance groups 222
and Yugoslavia and the foibe massacres 185, 222–9, 417
see also Nazism fertilizers, nitrogen-rich 76
Fingal’s Cave, Norway 264
folk epic, Kalevala 404–7, 416, 417
Olkiluoto Island see Olkiluoto Island, Finland Finstad, Roy 258, 259
firn 338
First World War 184–5, 217
conflict infrastructure 236
White War 209–10, 215, 237–8, 239
fishing in Andøya 291–2, 300–301, 303, 305, 306, 312–16
Norway’s industry of 291–2, 297, 300–301, 305
Fleet, river 164
flood waters 7–8, 71–2
Florida 179
flowstone 38
fluorspar 80, 82
foibe massacres 185, 222–9, 417
Forest of Dean 179
fossil-fuel burning 76
br /> fossils 26, 30–31, 76, 192, 210
future fossils 78, 79, 401
trace fossils 79
Chauvet cave art 255, 279–82, 418
French Resistance, Second World War 141, 170
Lascaux cave art 255, 282, 283
Paris see Paris, invisible city of Frederick (Greenlander) 335–6
Freud, Sigmund 188
The Interpretation of Dreams 178
Friedrich, Caspar David: Wanderer above a Sea of Fog 156
Frost, Robert: ‘Birches’ 87
diesel 330
fossil-fuel burning 76
nuclear see nuclear fuel fungi 94, 95, 96, 103, 106, 110–11, 115
Armillaria solidipes (honey fungus) 102
fungal networks 11, 89–91, 93, 96, 97–8, 99–101, 103–5, 107–8, 109–10, 113, 116, 381
global biomass proportion 100
mushroom farming 141
radiation-resistant 102–3
as superheroes 94
tree–fungi mutualism 89–91, 97–8, 109–10
galaxy rotation 56–7
galena 81–2
Garner, Alan: The Weirdstone of Brisingamen 12 –13
Garrett, Bradley 160–66
Gautier, Théophile 193
Gaza 238
gender, and the underland 191–2
Germany Blautopf system 197
Nazi 222 see also Nazism
Ghost Dance fault 7, 401
‘ghost particles’ 58–60
Gilgamesh 16
glaciers/glaciation 26, 234, 255, 265, 316, 339, 352, 355–6, 380–81, 383
and alluvium 353
Alpine 14
Antarctica 357
Apusiajik glacier 341, 342–3, 346, 353, 355–62, 365–6, 393, 394
blue light in glaciers 356, 358, 385
calving 327, 331, 338, 342–3, 346, 357, 361, 373–5, 376–7, 381, 382, 383, 384–5, 416
fictional accounts of falling through ice and resurfacing 380–81
fracturing of compressed ice 339
Greenland 327, 330–31, 338, 341, 342–3, 344, 346, 353, 355–63, 365–6, 370–78, 382–91, 393, 394
Helheim glacier 375
Himalayan 14, 379
indigenous stories about 380
Karale glacier 372, 383
Knud Rasmussen 366, 370–78, 382–91
of malign reputation 374
meltwater see meltwater
moulins 356–8, 366, 369, 375, 386–7, 388–91
Siachen glacier 329
Slovenian glacier-cave system 215, 218–21
sounds 339, 343, 346, 358, 366, 370, 373, 376–7, 386
speleo-glaciology 357–8
subglacial reservoirs 340
zones, ‘dry’ and ‘wet’ 355–6
Global Seed Vault, Spitsbergen 314, 409
global warming 336, 352, 379–80
see also climate change
glow-worms 179
gneiss chamber, Japan 59
gold mining 5–6
Golden Bough 16
graffiti 143, 144, 147, 180
Graham, Stephen: Vertical 13, 149
Grail 180
graveyards see cemeteries gravity 63
and dark matter 56–7
gravitational lensing 57
Greenland 327–66, 369–94
Camp Century 14, 329–30, 348
glaciers 327, 330–31, 338, 341, 342–3, 344, 346, 353, 355–63, 365–6, 370–78, 382–91, 393, 394
ice cap 14, 328, 329–30, 332, 337, 338, 341, 350, 360, 362, 366, 375
icebergs see icebergs: Greenland
Kulusuk 327–9, 331–7, 343, 393–4
mineral wealth 336
mining 336–7
NEEM project 349–50
grief 12, 31, 197, 364
grottisti 187
gruffy ground 46
Guadarrama mountains 230–31
Guillaumot, Charles-Axel 139
Guizhou, China 179
Gulf of Mexico, Deepwater Horizon catastrophe 310–11
Gulf Stream 256, 296, 317
Hades 16, 178, 184, 192
HADES facility, Belgium 401
halite 55, 60, 61, 63, 65, 70, 71, 74–5, 78, 79, 80, 403
Hamas 238
Hardy, Thomas: Under the Greenwood Tree 104–5
Harrison, Robert Pogue: The Dominion of the Dead 30, 44
heatwaves 3, 14
Arctic (2016) 330–31
Helheim glacier 375
hell 178, 375
‘Door to Hell’/‘Hell’s Gate’ 247
see also Hades Henderson Island 320
Henry II 95
Heracles 191
hermit crabs 320
hiding 7, 100, 119, 120–22, 124, 184, 238
hidden cities see cities, underground Onkalo, the ‘hiding place’ for nuclear waste 398–404, 407–10, 415–19
Himalayas 6, 309
glaciers 14, 379
Hinkley Point nuclear power station 46
Hiroshima radiation, fungi in 102
Hitler, Adolf 309
‘holobionts’ (Margulis) 104
Holocene epoch see Anthropocene/Holocene epoch
Homo naledi 30–31
honey fungus, Armillaria solidipes 102
Horticultural Society of Paris, subterranean 141
Hugo, Victor: Les Misérables 139
hunger stones 14
hunter-gatherers 26–7
hyphae 89–91, 93, 97, 99, 100, 101, 106, 116
ice 337–40, 378–9
air bubbles in 338, 339–40, 351, 378, 379
ambiguous indigenous attitudes towards 380
Antarctic ice cap 340
bergs see icebergs black pyramid of 377–8, 381
blue colour of 338–9, 356, 358, 370, 373, 377, 385
compressed air in 339–40
core-drilling into 348–51, 352, 362–3
cryo-hydrologic warming 357
cryosphere 329, 362
crystals 298, 338, 370, 379, 385, 386
fictional accounts of falling through ice and resurfacing 380–81
glacial see glaciers/glaciation Greenland ice cap see Greenland: ice cap houses 352
ice-core science 348–51, 352, 362–3
language beached by 381
memory of 337–40
search for oldest ice 352
icebergs 327, 331, 355, 378, 379, 392, 393
Greenland 328, 329, 338, 344, 345, 346, 353, 360, 361, 362, 363, 365, 371, 372, 373, 374, 376, 378, 383, 392, 393
ilira (sense of fear and awe) 362
India 150
see also Himalayas inertia 15
inosculation 92
Internet 142
Inuit 335, 361
Inuktitut people 335
Isonzo, river 180, 217, 234, 241–2
Israel 32–3
Palestinian conflict 238–9
Istria 224
Italy 11, 222
the Carso 179–93, 200–210
‘good-neighbour’ policy with Yugoslavia 224
Naples underland 149
Second World War 222–4
Japan, gneiss chamber 59
Java, mud volcano 247
‘Jay’ (caver in Parisian catacombs) 136, 144, 145, 153, 157, 159–60, 170
Julian Alps 185, 215, 217–24, 229, 230–42
Kalevala (Finnish folk epic) 404–7, 416, 417
Kamilo Beach, Hawaii 320
Karakoram, Siachen glacier 329
Karakum Desert, Turkmenistan 246–7
Karale glacier 372, 383
Karoon 310
karst 178–9, 180, 182, 195
as an ‘occulting’ landscape 230
Slovenian 215, 217, 222–4, 230, 241
katabasis 16, 17, 177
kayaking 393–4
Keld Head 196
Kiefer, Anselm 229
Kimmerer, Robin Wall 103, 104–5, 111,
112, 380
Kingsdale Master Cave 196
Kircher, Athanasius 306
kists 19, 33, 51, 52
Knud Rasmussen 366, 370–78, 382–91
Kollhellaren 257, 258–9, 264, 266–7, 269, 271, 273–9, 284
Koop, Wera 181
Koyukon people 104
Kulusuk 327–9, 331–7, 343, 393–4
Kuusi, Matti 405
laboratories, deep-sunk 58–60
Boulby, Yorkshire 55, 60, 63–7, 68–9, 403
Camp Century, Greenland 330
Japan 59
South Dakota 59–60
labyrinths 4–5, 119–20, 178, 191, 245, 386
under Budapest 199–200
flooded 196–7, 199–200
Odessa 158–9
of Paris see Paris, invisible city of Lakota Sioux people 68
language and animacy of natural world
110 –12, 380
as an Anthropocene force 113
aversion to underland reflected in 13
decay chain of 414–15
ice’s beaching of 381
and karst topography 179
‘mammal language’ (Prynne) 112
need for new underland language 111–13
and nominalism 113
nuclear semiotics 410–15
Potawatomi 111–12
speaking the Anthropocene 363–4
‘thick speech’ 364
Larkin, Philip 77
Las Vegas underland 150
Lascaux, cave art 255, 282, 283
Le Guin, Ursula 105
lead 207 isotope 77
mining 30, 80
Leél-Őssy, Szabolcs 199–200
Leigh, Egbert Giles Jr 106
Lethe, river 177
lichen 94, 95, 277, 345, 359, 371, 408
limestone 5, 11, 25, 28–9, 31–3, 35–6, 80–81, 121–2, 158, 162
of the Carso 179, 180, 181, 184–5, 186, 208
and earth tides 185
and karst landscape 179, 181, 184, 186, 208, 215, 217, 224, 232, 234
Lutetian/Parisian 137–8, 143–4, 148–9, 152
pebbles 180
Slovenian 215, 217, 224, 232, 234
of southern central Europe during Second World War 222
and wall paintings 255, 280
West Bank 239
‘Lina’ (explorer in Parisian catacombs) 136–7, 144–5, 146, 147, 151–2, 153, 157, 158, 159, 160, 167, 168, 170, 171–2
Lofoten islands 253–86
and oil 296, 297–8, 317
Lofoten Wall 257, 258
City of London Corporation 95, 114
exploration 156–7, 160–61, 163–5
Mithraism 190
underland 149, 150, 156–7, 158, 163–4
London Bridge 160–61
London Consolidation Crew 163
Lönnrot, Elias 404–5
Lopez, Barry 354–5
Loubens, Marcel 193–5
Louis XVI 139
Lovelock, James 193
lumpfish 315–16
Macaulay, Thomas, ‘New Zealander’ 78
McBurney, Simon 281
McCarthy, Cormac 12
Maclean, Fitzroy 222
Madrid underland 155
Mallory, George 196
manholes 137, 142, 150, 153, 160, 163–4, 171
Underland Page 42