deep time of 15–16, 77–8, 353, 377
doorways to 3–4, 14, 29, 35, 45, 132, 134, 162, 184, 247, 308 see also
manholes; sinkholes
fictional accounts of falling through ice and resurfacing 380–81
fictional hollow-Earth texts 257, 306–8, 309–10, 311–12
and flat perspectives 13
and gender 191–2
katabasis 16, 17, 177
language see language
man-made spaces and structures see
barrows; bunkers; catacombs; cities,
underground; doomsday vault,
Arctic; laboratories, deep-sunk;
mines/mining; quarries/quarrying;
septic tanks; sewers; storm drains;
surge pipe network, Canada; tunnels
of Mexico see Mexico underland
myth see myth: underworld
natural spaces, structures and
phenomena see aquifers; caves/
caving; labyrinths; mycorrhizal
fungi/networks; rivers,
underground; seas, buried in
Earth’s mantle; sinkholes
nekyia 16
occult forces (batin) of 247
Saami vision of 18
storage see storing, underground
surfacings 14–15, 49–50, 380–81, 423–5
symbolism 12
universal uses for shelter, yield and
disposal 8, 11–12 see also disposal;
undersight 45
uranium 399
235 half-life 409
mining 337, 399
oxide 400
spent 66, 401, 402–3 see also
nuclear/radioactive waste
urban exploration 153–7, 158–66
Crack the Surface 161
subcultures 153–6
burial/funerary 31, 33, 51
collared 33, 51
cremation 149
Utuaq, Geo 333–4, 341, 342, 354, 361, 394
Uzbekistan, Dark Star expeditions 192
Valvasor, Johann von 178
Venezia Giulia 224
Verne, Jules: Journey to the Centre of the Earth 309
Vesterålen archipelago
Andøya see Andøya, Norway and oil 296, 297–8
Vico, Giambattista 30
Virgil 28
Aeneid 177
votive objects 26
Voyria 108, 110
Waitomo, New Zealand 179
Aggy cave system 159–60
mountain quarry vault for valuable paintings 120–21
slate mines 166
wall paintings 4, 17, 18, 119–20, 245–6, 254–7
Bohuslän, Sweden 265–6
Chauvet 255, 279–82, 418
Lascaux 255, 282, 283
and limestone 255, 280
Neanderthal 17
Norway 255–7, 258–9, 264–7, 274–6, 278–9
red dancers of Kollhellaren Cave 274–6, 278–9, 418
and rites of passage 266
speculative study of 264–5
spray-can 171, 418
see also graffiti
waste disposal 8
at Camp Century, Greenland 14, 329–30
nuclear see nuclear/radioactive waste Waste Isolation Pilot Plant, New Mexico desert 74–5, 400–401, 410–14
of ancient seas 32
aquifers 178, 239
buried seas of water in the Earth’s
mantle 44–5
falls 35, 37, 38, 39, 155, 232, 241, 376
flood waters 7–8, 71–2
freshwater lakes under Antarctic ice cap 340
frozen see ice
gorges hollowed by 35–6
levels 14, 26
meltwater see meltwater minerally saturated 38
spill-pools 232
springs 135, 178, 208–10, 423–5
thermal 29
turloughs 216
underground rivers see rivers,
whirlpools see whirlpools
wealth, verticalization of 150
weaponry tests 76
Wehrmacht officers, under Paris 141, 170
Weizman, Eyal: Hollow Land 238–9
Wells, H. G.: The Time Machine 150
West Bank 231, 238–9
whalebone 19, 37, 115, 201, 270
whales 307, 360–61, 362
killer 293, 322
minke 19
sei 342
and seismic surveying 302, 305
sperm whales 305
whirlpools 134
Moskstraumen 257, 266, 271, 277, 279, 306–8, 309–10, 311–12
White Guard 223
White Peak 179
White War 209–10, 215, 237–8, 239
Williams, William Carlos 18
willow, dwarf 345, 365, 374
WIMPs (weakly interacting massive
particles) 58, 60, 65, 66, 81
Wind Cave system, South Dakota 68, 192
WIPP see Waste Isolation Pilot Plant,
New Mexico desert
Wittgenstein, Ludwig 122
wood wide web 87–91, 93, 96, 97–8, 99–101, 103–5, 107–8, 109–10, 113, 116
world wars 216
WWI see First World War
WWII see Second World War
Wren, Christopher 149
Wyndham, John: The Chrysalids 321
xenon 59–60, 403
Xibalba 162
Yakutian people 14
Yamal peninsula 329
Yeadon, Geoff 196
Yorkshire Dales 179, 196
Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico 179
Yucca Mountain 401, 410
foibe massacres during and after Second World War 185, 222–9, 417
Forty Days administration of Trieste 223
‘good-neighbour’ policy with Italy 224
Yunnan, China 179
Yusoff, Kathryn 283
zirconium 66, 399, 403
Zola, Emile 74
Zwicky, Fritz 56
By the same author
Mountains of the Mind
The Wild Places
The Old Ways
The Gifts of Reading
The Lost Words (with Jackie Morris)
Copyright © 2019 by Robert Macfarlane
First American Edition 2019
All rights reserved
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The Library of Congress has cataloged the printed edition as follows:
Names: Macfarlane, Robert, 1976–author.
Title: Underland : a deep time journey / Robert Macfarlane.
Description: First American edition. | New York : W.W. Norton & Company,
2019. | Includes bibliographical references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2019000216 | ISBN 9780393242140 (hardcover)
Subjects: LCSH: Civilization, Subterranean. | Underground areas—History. |
Voyages and travels. | Geology.
Classification: LCC GN755 .M295 2019 | DDC 551.44/7—dc23
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ISBN 9780393242157 (eBook)
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his book with friends
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