A Magical Highland Solstice

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A Magical Highland Solstice Page 12

by Mary Morgan

  Finally breaking free, Cormac found he was the one trembling.

  “Is your arm getting tired?” she asked, breathing heavily as her hand slipped across his shoulder.


  She gave him a gentle push back and stepped away from his embrace. “Good. I’ll relieve you of the trencher, though I’ll make sure to place it near you.”

  Obliging, Cormac handed her the trencher of food. As he strolled away, he said, “Ye may inform Moira and the others I approve of the meat.”

  Eve glanced over her shoulder at him. “Now why would I lie? You haven’t tasted the food?”

  “Och, but I have, fair Eve. From your lips.”

  “You’re incorrigible.”

  Cormac roared with laughter. “I shall leave it to ye to help me make amends for my bad habits, Lady Eve.”

  She snorted and walked into the Great Hall.

  “By the hounds…what have ye done to me, sweet lass?”


  Cormac’s eyes never veered far from Eve. Each time she arrived with some food or drink, he followed her movements. It took all his control not to order her to stay and let another help, so he did his best to remain patient. He wanted Eve all to himself, and he found his patience ebbing away. A quality that did not bode well with him.

  And the evening turned late and sour.

  Soon, she approached the table asking if he had enjoyed his meal. Cursing, he grasped her hand in front of his men and drew her to a nearby chair. He had expected an outburst, but she only narrowed her eyes at him before taking her place beside him.

  Of course, she chatted agreeably with Gordon and Wallace, asking questions about their duties here, and ignoring him completely. Moreover, he did his best to be civil, but when Gordon leaned close and whispered something into her ear, Cormac rose abruptly, spilling wine everywhere, including on Eve.

  Her gasp could be heard throughout the Great Hall. And he was the fool.

  She quickly made her apologies to the men, but dismissed him with a look that would frighten even the most hardened warrior.

  Cormac waited until she left and then retreated to his chambers.

  Leaning against the arched window, he gazed out at the night sky. He cast a glance at his cold bed, cursing his inner demons.

  He never lost control. Ever. Control was a skill he honed many years ago. His good friend, Dragon Knight, Angus MacKay, had helped him temper the anger. They were both the eldest sons—strong, leaders, and managing restraint was important for them to lead their clans.

  “Sweet Mother Danu, how I miss ye, my friend. Did ye have this much trouble with the lass, Deirdre? Aye, I believe ye did, but how did ye survive?”

  He rubbed a hand over his eyes and wandered over to the furs by the fire. Cormac knew sleep would not come in his own bed without Eve in his arms. Even his dog, Fergus had left him, no doubt for her chambers.

  As he stretched out along the furs, he tucked his hands under his head. “’Tis why I didn’t want to give my heart to a lass. They only twist it within and spit it back out.”

  Grumbling a curse, he rolled onto his side and closed his eyes.

  No sooner did he start to drift off than he heard someone approach from behind him. As always, Cormac kept a dirk within the furs, so he waited. As the soft whispers of feet came closer, he smiled and relaxed his body.

  He did not have to turn around to ken it was Eve. Her smell invaded the chamber. She knelt behind, her fingers brushing across his shoulder.

  “Cormac?” she uttered softly.

  Turning over, he frowned, seeing sadness within her eyes. Cormac abruptly sat up. “What is wrong, leannan? Are ye hurt? Did someone hurt ye?”

  Eve shook her head. “Could you explain what happened this evening? Because I can’t sleep and I keep thinking I’ve done something wrong.” She twisted the ribbons on her gown. “I was furious with you. Never before have I wanted to scream at another. Well, there was the time with these two women at my work…” She tucked her legs under her and then added, “It seems a thousand years ago. I don’t like playing the part of a bitch, but I came close to stabbing your eyes out.”

  He groaned. “I am the fool, Eve. Ye did naught wrong. ’Twas all my doing.” Raking a hand through his hair, he looked into the flames. “Ye kept coming and going, when all I wanted was to have ye near me. Aye, selfish reasons. And then I went mad seeing ye with my men.”

  She angled her head at him. “Do you want to know what Gordon whispered to me?”

  “Aye,” he replied brusquely, glancing back at her.

  Smiling, she replied, “He told me to watch your reaction as he whispered near my ear.”

  His hands clenched the furs. “I shall hang the bastard by his balls.”

  “Good grief! You’re wicked,” she said laughingly.

  “He deserves a slow punishment.” Yet, Cormac could not help but smile along with Eve.

  As silence settled between them, he wanted desperately to reach out and gather her into his arms. “I am…sorry, Eve.”

  The lass scooted toward him and placed both hands on his bent knees. Gazing into her eyes, he remained unmoving. Her touch scorched a path to his weary soul. “All is forgiven. But please don’t humiliate me again.”

  “I dinnae ken—”

  “Shh…I’ll tell you the meaning of the word later. You still owe me some kisses, my laird.”

  Cormac wrapped his arms around her and drew her down to the furs. Leaning on his elbow, he trailed a path with his fingers over the flimsy material until he found her warm breast. “It may take all night, my leannan,” he uttered softly, watching as her eyes took on a sensual haze.

  “Ahh…” she moaned in pleasure. “Then you shouldn’t waste any more time talking, should you?” She rose to meet him in a moment of uncontrolled passion and drew his head down to meet her lips.

  Her boldness undid him, stripping bare the man for only her. Eve roused not only the lustful beast, but also another part of himself. Love. The two, a powerful combination.

  With each touch…each kiss…his heart swelled. Yielding to her needs, Cormac’s hands explored, skimmed, teased, and delighted Eve. He had never known another to fascinate him thusly. As he roused her passion, his own grew stronger.

  Stripping her free from her gown, her skin glowed by the light of the fire as his eyes roamed over her. “Your beauty takes my breath away, my love.” His hand caressed the skin of her thigh, inching closer to her soft curls. Cormac dipped one finger inside her. She throbbed beneath his touch, writhing against him.

  “Kiss me, Cormac,” she growled.

  His lips continued to explore her soft ivory flesh, finding new places of desire. Cormac fought the mounting wave of his own release, until her hand swept down over his swollen cock.

  Eve nibbled along his neck, driving him mad. “Remove your clothing,” she ordered.

  Cormac struggled not to shatter as she continued to stroke him. His lips brushed against hers as he spoke, “I thought ye wished for more kisses?”

  Reclaiming her mouth, he silenced any further words from her. His tongue sought, demanded, and she gave completely to the passion of the kiss. The coiled tension built within him, and he could nae longer hold back.

  Breaking free, he moved away from her, eliciting another protest from those sweet lips. Quickly removing his trews, he knelt over her, nudging her thighs open with his hands. “I cannae hold back,” he rasped.

  “Then don’t.”

  Cormac thrust deeply into her, his cry echoing her own. Fierce and passionate, their lovemaking became an urgent need to please the other. When he took her breast into his mouth, she succumbed to the abyss of pleasure, screaming his name. He loved her with reckless abandon, opening all he had within his body. When he shattered completely, Cormac’s heart lurched—his release so powerful.

  It was a long while before either could speak or move. Gently moving off her soft body, he brought Eve against his chest. Stroking his fingers down her bac
k, Cormac stiffened. Lifting her chin with his finger, he gazed into eyes filled with tears. Had he hurt the lass?

  “Why do ye weep, leannan?”

  She sniffed, trying to wipe away the tears trailing down her cheeks. “I have never known such happiness.”

  “Because I give ye pleasure? Ye are beautiful, Eve.”

  Her brow furrowed slightly. “Is this all it is for you, Cormac? Our lovemaking is nothing more?”

  “Nae,” he said gruffly. Ye have no idea how much I love ye, Eve. The words lodged in his throat, so he said, “Ye give me pleasure, too…and I like ye verra much.”

  Eve lowered her head onto his chest. “Hmm…like is a good thing, I guess.”

  Cormac twisted one of her curls around his finger. “I did state verra, leannan.” He swallowed. “Do ye like me?”

  A smile started to form around the edges of her mouth. “Like is such a vague word. No, Cormac, I don’t like you…”

  He froze, stunned by her words.

  Eve sat and cupped his face with her hands. “I love you.”

  Shocked into silence, Cormac gathered her back into his arms, and kissed her soundly.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Winter Solstice—Yule 1207

  “Light all the candles, so love can guide those who are lost on their path to true happiness.”

  Twirling a spoon by the fire, Eve fixed her gaze on the oven. She was lost in emotions and prayed the breads would rise well. Sleep never came in the arms of Laird Cormac. The man had made sure he fulfilled his quest of bestowing her with kisses over most of her skin—places that still hummed with pleasure.

  When she’d woke in his bed the next morning, the man was gone. He had left with a few of his guards and went hunting. She didn’t fume. In fact, Eve was relieved. It gave her time to focus on the baking and helping the others in the kitchen that day. Busy hands kept her mind from replaying the events from their time together. And when the night meal came and still no Cormac and his men, she tried in vain to push aside her doubts.

  However, her mind kept playing the scene of when she blurted out her love for the man. Eve realized it was a risk, but her heart was full with happiness and contentment, and she longed to share her feelings with Cormac.

  “And blast the man for not saying anything. Must have shocked him into stunned silence,” she muttered, smacking the spoon on her palm. “Ouch!”

  “Whatever are ye doing, Lady Eve?” asked Ina, hobbling into the kitchens.

  Eve pointed the spoon at the girl. “Please, call me Eve. I was lost in my own silly thoughts. And you’re being foolish by attempting to walk so fast. Here, let me help you sit down.”

  Ina smacked her hand away playfully. “I am doing much better. John…” The girl blushed. “Sir John would like to dance with me at the feast, so I must make an effort to be able to walk.”

  “How can the man expect you to dance when you can barely walk?”

  The girl’s eyes went wide. “Then if I am nae there, he might find another.”

  Eve was so tempted to tell the girl the man wasn’t worth it if she was afraid he had a roaming eye. “Gotcha. Is there anything I can do?”

  Ina smiled. “Ye could help me put together the last few kissing boughs for the entry. John will be here soon to help me hang them.”

  Eve laughed. “You are quite the schemer.”

  She frowned in concentration. “I beg—”

  “My apologies.” Eve tapped a finger to her mouth. “Hmm…you’re making a plan to trap the man under the kissing bough, so he can give you a kiss?”

  “Ahh…” The girl nodded and smiled.

  Following Ina to the table, Eve picked up a round ball of twigs and evergreens and watched as Ina stuck apples, rosemary branches, and cinnamon sticks into the bough. Digging through another basket, the girl pulled out some ribbons to weave through it all.

  Ina’s eyes sparkled with delight. “My own special ribbon.”

  Eve hugged the girl. “For extra providence.” When she pulled back, she added, “Though, I believe he has bestowed you with kisses already, right?”

  “I like him,” she whispered.

  Like? Eve wanted to scream at the girl. She was coming close to despising the word. Did everyone in the thirteenth century forget about the most important word of all? Love? Keeping silent, she bent to the task of making several more boughs.

  Ina glanced over her shoulder. “John approaches.”

  When the guard entered, Eve realized how much he cared for the girl. His face softened. He never even bothered to glance her way as he made his way to Ina’s side.

  Ina stood slowly and took his offered arm.

  “Lady Eve,” he finally acknowledged.

  Eve nodded. “Sir John.” She handed him the basket of kissing boughs and watched the lovers depart from the kitchens.

  Brushing her hands off, she grabbed her spoon and went to stand in front of the ovens again.

  “Ye are needed in your chambers,” stated Glenna as she entered the kitchens with baskets of fresh herbs.

  Relieving the woman of one of the baskets, she replied, “Why?”

  The woman grabbed her wrist and removed the spoon from her hand. “Ye are done in here. I can remove the breads. Go take yourself to your chambers. Katie is waiting for ye.”

  Eve narrowed her eyes at Glenna. “There’s more work for me in here.”

  Glenna fisted her hands on her hips. “The venison is cooking, along with the lamb and wild boar. Onions are chopped, along with the cabbage. Mushrooms have been cleaned. The feathers have been removed from the quail—fat, spices, and bread are being mixed in the other kitchen to stuff the birds. One of the lads is tending to the salmon. Moira finished the pear sauce for your buns, and the vegetables have all been scrubbed. Furthermore, ye are taking up my time by standing here.”

  “Good grief, Glenna. I was only trying to help.”

  The woman smirked and smacked Eve playfully on her bottom. “I shall only tell ye once, but we have been blessed to have ye in these kitchens. Now leave.”

  Eve’s mouth gaped open. “Why…thank you,” she said and hugged the woman.

  Quickly leaving the kitchens, Eve dashed up the stairs. Opening the door, she paused at the entrance. The wooden tub was set near a blazing fire, filled with steaming hot water. Katie stood in front of her bed with a smile that spoke of secrets.

  Closing the door, Eve made her way to the girl. “What are you hiding?”

  Katie stepped aside to reveal a stunning emerald gown, trimmed with silver brocade along the edges of the sleeves and neckline. Eve fingered the soft velvet material. “It’s too beautiful.” She glanced up at Katie. “No undergarments? Shifts?”

  “Nae,” answered the girl, grinning and moved to a table by the tub. “I have a fresh soap made with roses from the summer. And combs to wear, if ye so wish.”

  “Why all the fuss?” asked Eve, picking up the soap and inhaling the scent.

  “’Tis Yule.”

  “But what about you—the others?”

  Katie pointed a finger at her. “I have already taken my bath days ago. The laird ordered everyone that ye were to be banished from the kitchens after the noon meal, so ye could prepare for the feast.”

  Eve arched a brow. “Did he?” Glancing away, her heart swelled to think Cormac had a hand in all of this. “Can you help me?”

  “Och, aye.”

  As Katie helped her out of her clothing, Eve sank her body into the heavenly water. Uttering a contented sigh, she plunged her head under. Heavenly warmth filled her body as she surfaced. “I will never take a bath for granted again. Give me a hot bath each evening, and I’m a happy woman,” she muttered. Seeing Katie wince in horror, she laughed. “What?”

  “Ye could risk fever.”

  Eve bit her cheek to keep from laughing at the silly comment. They all believed Eve crazy with her requests for bathing, even if most days it was hot water in a basin and a bar of soap.

  After her
body was scrubbed, Eve leaned forward. Katie worked on lathering her hair, and Eve’s spirits soared. So wrapped up in Cormac and the feast, she didn’t consider this was a beautiful season of joy and light. Her favorite time of year.

  “Close your eyes,” ordered Katie.

  Complying, Eve waited as the girl poured warm water over her head with several pitchers.

  Katie ran her fingers over her long locks. “’Tis clean.”

  Opening her eyes, Eve wiped away the water. “Thanks.” Eager to see Cormac, she stood abruptly, splashing water everywhere.

  Katie burst out laughing. “I can see the bath agrees with ye, Eve.”

  “Definitely.” Stepping out of the tub, she took the offered cloth and dried off. Katie helped her into a long smock, and then led her to a chair by the fire and proceeded to dry her hair. “You do understand my hair takes forever to dry?”

  “Have nae fear, Eve. There is time.”

  Settling back into Katie’s care, Eve closed her eyes and smiled.


  When Cormac entered the Great Hall, he scanned the area, seeking only one—Eve. He tried not to think of her while on his hunt, but she traveled with him the entire time. Before he left, he gave orders to all and then went to his locked trunk and retrieved the one item he would present to her on this night. An emerald suspended on a silver chain. The heirloom had been passed down to each woman within the Murray clan for centuries.

  Tonight, Cormac would bestow the stone on Eve.

  Straightening his tunic, he made his way to the table by the hearth. Nodding to Wallace and Gordon, he reached for a pitcher of wine and poured some into a mug. He took a sip, savoring the special wine he had prepared for the feast. Glancing around the room, he noticed the tables were filled with trenchers of meats, fowl, fish, breads, and many other tempting dishes. Greenery adorned the tables, and he spied several kissing boughs tucked above the alcoves. Inhaling deeply, he smiled, pleased with everything.

  Families started to make their way inside the Great Hall. Children scampered around, snatching nuts from the tables in glee. Many of the lads and lasses had lost fathers and mothers during the battles of the past few years, and Cormac made sure that Creag would always be their home. He became their guardian and protector.


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