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Entice Page 24

by Lexi Buchanan

  RAMON. Lying on our bed, I watch Noah approach while I stroke my cock knowing he’s going to send me to heaven with his hot mouth. Pre-cum leaks out of my cock, more than usual and it drips down along my length.

  “Hands off. That’s mine,” Noah states.

  I don’t have time to think before I’m moaning and thrashing on the bed. Noah leans over me and licks the pre-cum up before his tongue slides over my length and back to the head of my cock.

  “You always taste so fucking good.” Noah sucks as much of my shaft into his mouth that can fit. He uses his tongue to swirl around the head knowing it will drive me wild.

  Without removing his mouth, Noah spreads and bends my legs so he has free access to my balls and ass. His eyes shine as he sits back and admires the feast in front of him.

  “I can’t decide whether to suck you off or fuck your ass. I want to do both,” Noah tells me, a wicked look in his eyes.

  I gulp, and gulp again. “Both.” My hips arch, and my dick jerks, leaking even more with the thoughts going around-and-around my head. Thoughts of Noah’s talented tongue and what he can do with my thick cock.

  NOAH. Breaking out into a sweat, I grab the lube and a condom. Smoothing the condom down my shaft, I just pray I don’t come before I’ve gotten inside Ramon. Coating my hands with the oily liquid, I meet Ramon’s lust filled gaze. He always affects me like this. Like I’m an uncontrollable horny teenager.

  I wrap my hand around Ramon’s cock and feel my own expand at the shudder that racks his body as his cock slides through my fingers. Unable to prolong this anymore, I slide my other hand between his legs and start a gentle rubbing motion around his ass.

  Leaning over, I take his cock back into my hot mouth while inserting one finger through the tight ring of muscle, which makes him arch up from the bed when my finger hits him right on the good spot.

  Ramon’s cock is leaking and twitching in my mouth, which tells me to get a move on before he comes too soon.

  When I’m sure I’ve prepared him enough, I take hold of my cock and push the bulbous head through the muscle and stop. I need to catch my breath because I’m so close. I always am with Ramon. Being inside him is like nothing I’ve experienced before.

  “I want all of you.” Ramon moves his hips and takes more of my cock inside him. “Now…before I come.”

  “Fuck,” I cuss, slamming all the way inside, my balls smacking him on the ass.

  Ramon clenches his fists in the bedding as every muscle in his body tenses, squeezing the fuck out of I’m cock. “Move…Christ, Noah...Fuck…So fucking good.”

  Ramon arches up into me, sending my eyes into the back of my head in pleasure.

  I catch my breath before leaning over and sealing my lips to Ramon’s. I love the rough texture of kissing him. The spice cologne he wears always fills my nostrils when I’m this close to him. As we kiss, and kiss, I start to slide out of him, and back inside just as slowly, rubbing against his prostrate.

  Ramon catches his breath.

  Using my arms to hold me up, I hover over him and start a fast paced back and forth motion. Causing us both to break out in a sweat. With one hand, I take hold of Ramon’s dripping cock and start jacking him off.

  “Ahhh…fuck…I’m going to come,” Ramon moans continuing to twist the bed covers in his hands.

  “Me too.” I can hardly speak with the pleasure that’s running through my body from the tip of my dick to the tip of my toes.

  As I watch Ramon writhe under me, I witness his beautiful cock enlarge even more in my hand. The visual causes my dick to swell and leak into the condom as I carry on fucking his ass.

  Looking up, I meet his gaze before dropping my head to the tip of his long cock. I suck Ramon’s shaft between my lips and I’m more than satisfied when the man under me moans and gasps in pleasure as his orgasm tears out of him.

  I swallow everything Ramon gives me, and have just finished when he leans up and starts nibbling along my jaw. He nips along to my lobe as he presses his hands against my ass.

  I orgasm. Cum shooting out of me into the condom as Ramon’s ass tightens around me, prolonging my pleasure.

  RAMON. After we’re done and we’ve cleaned up, we find ourselves lying in each other’s arms watching a replay of an earlier hockey game. The left over birthday cake sits on the bedside table along with the tickets to a game—Noah’s gift for my birthday.

  Life can’t get any happier, unless of course my family ruins it. I don’t think they would, but I can’t help wonder how my family will react to me being gay, or bisexual. Although, since I’ve met Noah and we’ve been living together in Lexington close to my family I’ve only been with Noah. I don’t want anyone else.

  “What are you thinking about?” Noah asks. “You were happy and relaxed and now you’ve tensed.”

  Sighing, I turn and lie on my side so I’m facing Noah. “I’m thinking about my family, and how they’d take the news about us.” It’s pointless lying to the man. Noah knows my mind as well as he knows my body.

  “So that means you’re thinking about telling them.”

  “I constantly think about telling them. I’m not ashamed to be with you and I want you to be with me at family meals and other family stuff, but every time I intend on telling them…I always pussy out.”

  Noah moves in closer so we’re lying skin to skin, and says, “Knowing you want to tell them about me, and that you aren’t ashamed to be with me is all I need right now. You’ll tell them when you’re ready and I’m good with that.” Noah grins. “So, tell me. Did you have a good birthday?”

  I laugh before tackling Noah and loom over him. “I had the perfect birthday, and that was all thanks to you.” The kiss I place on Noah’s lips is as slow as my smile. “Thank you.”

  I hope you’ve enjoyed your look into Ramon McKenzie, and that you’ll be back for more when CHERISHED is released.

  Cherished #5, Ramon McKenzie’s story

  Model – Bobby Momenteller

  Image Copyright – Fotographer Eric Battershell

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  About the Author

  I was born in Bolton, Lancashire within the United Kingdom, where I lived, and worked at the University of Bolton. In 2010, I moved to Ireland with my husband, four kids and pack of animals.

  I’m a NY Times and USA Today Bestselling Author of Devour, and International Bestselling Author of Seduce and Sizzle.

  My time is spent writing when I can get away from Facebook, and chasing after the kids and animals.

  One of my all time ambitions is to visit Mount Everest base camp in the Himalayas.

  Thank you to each and every one of you for your continued support.



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